HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1989.06.12 - 3861ANNUAL GENERAL SPECIAL ELECTION XX AT THE WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT CANVASS OF VOTES CAST HELD ON June 12, 1989 (DATE OF ELE(TION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CAVVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY VNELE120 ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN • r : DONNA THOMAS PREC/NCT NUMBER C7D LL-1 7-) I ' - • , • (J). j .......1 n.:C h : . . , , I-. !. ! . . . . . . : I- I i i . . 1 1 -7 .1 y / • . „,(: I - • I • . . . • f:;! • I ; I -6°- I • I. . .,•°: 1 i'Ct) I I • • r--- 7 h 8 9 L 10 TOTALS 7- ..) '":"? ,.• , ,, : 1 --.:'•:- ,4' • • : . . ..:. -a. : : I •1Ir ! , • Li ! . _ .! I . 'I I. ! . I 1 . . : : , 1 ' 7 1 , 1 , i • 1 : - 1 • , :. , _ "rT 7 ! 1 :r•-• 1 .1 ..hi • 1.P, G WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF VOTES, Annual Election, June 12, 1989 Vote for One MEMBER OF BOARD OF EbucAft6 4 Year Term Expiring 6/30/93 I. 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DONNA —HOMAS , 1,1A4 TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the fo!lovving named persons: received race red mceived TOTAL The whole_ number of votes given for the office of was 11 and they were gven for the foltov,..iing named persenr7 roc:: ).,•,,h7i received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the o!lowing named persons: 2-0 4 . 11 Put i.urf4s in this. coEurnrs. „ I [ I I 1; ; votes I: ! ' I : ; Votes votes votes • • votes , I : , votes votes votes :=1 [- reCeived race ed received, received received li , ' I ' I ; 1 I STATEMENT OF VOTES The :A.:hotp num oer of votes given for the office of ar4:1 they were given for the foiltiA:ving narned persons: received received received TOTAL The ei.oe iumber of votes givenifor the office of vv as :3; ei 'they vvere given for the fcliowing named persons: received received • • I received received received votes ! 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COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the havinn Aseertia:nod and Conv.sseiel the Votes of said COUNTY of OAKLAND WATERFORD SCHOOL DI STRICT VIL ANNUAL Frtction . held on the 12th day of JUNE one the, hv•hil nine hunild .-zssi EIGHTY.7NINE. Do -..1::.:!'eby:Cortfy ..(M \D ate rm ire X.,2eThat is-J , - .0.1:14ta„,..—:,?.. „21-14.1.!.721-ii-k—gl. hping seceived a sufficient numhstr of votesiscleotad MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - 4. 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G I 11 K OF a ,..7;•;-,R0 at coevAsseRs. • 5 ,03 \ • OF BOARD OF: CP',VASS"E RS. COUNTY of COUNTY, Vkl...LAGMi OAKLAND I000N7v, CITY, f.. 5 OR WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT Annual Election, June 12, 1989 That r€:.c.:-.1 .vd a suffica,:t num L4::: of voths is electc ,-1 Hereby ThaiUs foilovving Prdp-eys-ifteris. or e;!...ass.:::3FS 04,,,sed ..dcfeateul as ,Idie.dted belovv: NAME CA. NONE AIVIEOFF I ON vilt votes was cOst was Sur Ircient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficieut votes as Su f ficient votes was