HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1978.07.07 - 38632OAKLAND COUNTY
July 7, 1978
The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by Chairman Lewis E. Wint in the
Parks and Recreation Commission Room.
Chairman Lewis E. Wint, Vice Chairman Marjorie M. Walker, Secretary Betty J.
Fortino, George W. Kuhn, Dr. Joseph R. Montante, Richard R. Wilcox.
Don Deni, John R. Gnau, Jr., Richard V. Vogt.
R. Eric Reickel; Jon J. Kipke; Arnold Johnston; Joseph Figa; Chuck Ross; Sheila
Cox; Rod Whaley; Cindy Moon; Carolyn Place, Oakland County Recycling Center;
Robert J. Salogar, Anthony M. Franco, Inc.; Frank and Theresa Niemiec, residents
of Farmington.
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Dr. Montante to approve
the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of June 16,
1978, and the minutes of the Public Hearing on Glen Oaks
Golf Course, June 27, 1978.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mrs. Fortino, supported by Mr. Kuhn to approve
payment of Vouchers 6-93 through 6-238.
AYES: Wint, Fortino, Kuhn, Montante, Walker, Wilcox (6)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion
Mrs. Carolyn Place, President of the Oakland County Recycling Center, presented
a $1,000 check to the Commission for use in the environmental program at
Independence -Oaks.
Mrs. Place suggested that perhaps a program might be worked out whereby the
Recycling Center could establish regular pick-up stations within the parks.
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(Commission Meeting, July 7, 1978)
Chairman Wint read a Mailgram received from Brian T. Sprague, Co -Chairperson,
Adults for Kids, Farmington Hills, Michigan, supporting the purchase of the
Glen Oaks Golf Course.
Discussion conducted on the Public Hearing held on June 27 at Glen Oaks 'in
Farmington. Approximately 112 residents were in attendance at the hearing.
Many of them placed favorable emphasis on the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission maintaining the property as open space versus private
developers subdividing and building on the land,
Frank and Theresa Nierniec, residents of Westgate Subdivision adjacent to the
Glen Oaks property, were present at the Commission meeting to express their
views opposing the possible acquisition of the 20 acres adjacent to Glen Oaks
Golf Course. Mrs. Niemiec stated her husband had canvassed residents of
Westgate who were in agreement with their viewpoint and were willing to docu-
ment the fact they were opposed to any development on the acreage.
Commissioner Fortino said that County Commissioner McDonald introduced a
resolution to the Board of County Commissioners in support of the purchase
of Glen Oaks.
Chairman Wint reassured Mr. and Mrs. Niemiec that a public hearing would be
held prior to any future development on the additional acreage and the residents
or their representatives would be welcome to participate in any planning
Mr. Niemiec wished to go on record as being -to-tally against the purchase of
the 20 acres for any recreational development.
--- Moved by Dr. Montante, supported by Mrs. Fortino to
accept a grant in the amount of $53,700 From the Michigan
_Department of Natural Resources Land & Water Conservation
Fund -for the acquisition of 50 acres in Springfield Township,
adjacent to the Springfield -Oaks Youth Activities Center;
total project cost, $107,400. Grant to be sent to Planning
and Building Committee for referral to County Commissioners
and to also accept $50,000 from the Department of Natural
Resources toward the overrun on the Waterford -Oaks Tennis
AYES: Fortino, Montante, Walker, Wilcox, Wint (5)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion
---Discussed whether or not to write a letter in answer to an editorial that
appeared in the Spinal Column.
---Chairman Wint stated it might be appropriate -to write a letter to all
legislators in the Michigan House of Representatives regarding H. B. 6411.
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(Commission Meeting, July 7, 1978)
---Chairman Wint commended Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf, and his crew for
the excellent job they did in preparing Red -Oaks for its opening.
Chairman Wint was excused at 10:25 a.m. and Vice Chairman Walker assumed the
---Introduced Anne Clinton, new Supervisor of Springfield -Oaks Youth Activi-
-ties Center.
----Grove*land-Oaks Phase II: Commission directed staff to reanalyze the
original design for Areas C, D and E because bids came in $60,000 over estimate.
The consultant reevaluated the situation and he recommended the proposed
restroom facilities in Area C be eliminated due to the soil condition (lack of
perk) and the proposed shower/restroom in Area D be shifted closer to Area C,
thus allowing both Areas D and E to share these facilities. The existing pit
toilets in Area C will remain for use.
Staff will advertise for bids on this project.
---Romeo Road Improvements: The Road Commission's original design for improving
Romeo Road called for removing the trees on both sides of -the road along the
park boundary. The suggestion has since been made to move the road six feet
to the north, thus preserving the trees on one side of the road. This would
entail going six feet into the park property. The Commission concurred with
this plan.
---Received request for waiver of fee for the Oakland County Youth Advisory's
Council picnic at Independence -Oaks on September 23, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Action will be taken at next meeting.
---Approved waiver of fee for Springfield Summerfest Committee to use Springfield -
Oaks the day before the 4-H Fair.
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
D-4,4 .. C--4 ;
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