HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1978.06.02 - 38634OAKLAND COUNTY
June 2, 1978
The meeting was called to order at 9:44 a.m. by Chairman Lewis E. Wint in
the Parks and Recreation Commission Room.
Chairman Lewis E. Wint, Vice -Chairman Marjorie M. Walker, Secretary Betty
Fortino, Don Deni, George Kuhn, Dr. Joseph Montante, Richard Vogt, Richard
John R. Gnau, Jr.
R. Eric Reickel, Jon J. Kipke; Chuck Ross; Joe Figa; Mike Thibodeau; Kathleen
Dougherty; Arnold Johnston; Sheila Cox; Cindy Moon; Sandra Bunnell, Anthony M.
Franco, Inc.; Bill Willoughby, The Daily Tribune.
Moved by Mrs. Fortino, supported by Mrs. Walker to approve
payment of Vouchers 5-147 through 5-268.
Discussion followed.
AYES: Deni, Fortino, Montante, Walker, Wilcox, Wint (6)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion
Mrs. Walker suggested we have information to pass out to our park patrons
regarding the illegal use of fireworks in the County Parks.
Mr. Wint introduced our new Intern, Cindy Moon, to the Parks and Recreation
Joe Figa presented the proposal -for possible funding of the Environmental
Awareness Center at Independence -Oaks which is to be submitted to the Mott
Foundation. The proposal includes the use of approximately 300 acres on the
west side of Crooked Lake. Total estimated cost of the program is projected
at $464,000.
Moved by Dr. Montante, supported by Mrs. Fortino to proceed
with the application to the Mott Foundationfor a grant for the
Independence -Oaks Environmental Awareness Center.
Motion carried.
(Commission Meeting, June 2, 1978)
Messrs. Hendrickson and Rubyan -from StarPak Solar Systems gave a presentation
on solar heating proposals available to -the Commission for the Waterford -Oaks
Wave Pool. A report was distributed which included project costs -for three
different alternatives, and a summary of the economics involved.
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. Walker to receive the
report from StarPak Solar Systems on solar heating feasibility
at the Waterford -Oaks Wave Pool.
Motion carried.
---Annual park tour for the Parks and Recreation Commissioners is scheduled
for June 16, 1978, after the regularly scheduled Commission meeting at 9:00 a.m.
The Planning and Building Committee and past Parks and Recreation Commissioners
will be invited on the tour.
---Celebrity White Water Wipe -Out at the Wave Pool, May 25, was written up in
The Clarkston News. The reporter from The Clarkston News won the "event" and
donated the prize of 100 Wave Pool passes to the Scamp Program in Independence.
---Mr. Reickel received a Mountain Ash tree on behalf of the Commission -from
the Campfire Girls on May 22 at Independence -Oaks.
---Revenues were up 40% this Memorial Day weekend over last year's totals. The
parks grossed $33,562 this year -for the holiday weekend.
---Red-Oaks Driving Range construction to be started next week.
---Received approval from DNR to award the contract for the Waterford -Oaks
Court complex. Should be ready to be awarded by the next Commission meeting.
Construction should be started soon.
---Red-Oaks Dedication scheduled for June 29, 1978, 1:30 p.m. Greens are still
rough , but the course should be in good shape by September 1. Mrs. Walker
suggested we pass out a flyer stating we opened the course sooner so it could be
played, and that it will be in better shape by September 1.
---Joe Figa showed the Commission two problem areas at Red -Oaks -to be remedied
before the course opens. Trucks driving through have created ruts and mud,
and the catch basin is not draining properly, thereby causing a lake.
Staff asked Commission permission to proceed with the repairs while the con-
tractor is still working at the park.
Moved by Dr. Montante, supported by Mr. Kuhn to allow staff
to have the contractor make the necessary repairs at Red -Oaks
in order for the park to open on time.
AYES: Fortino, Kuhn, Montante, Vogt, Walker, Wilcox, Deni, Wint (8)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion
-, n
(Commission Meeting, June 2, 1978)
---Glen-Oaks luncheon on June 8, 1978, 12 o'clock noon.
---A public hearing for Glen -Oaks will be scheduled for the end of June or
the first part of July.
---MRPA Conference, July 23-28, Sugar Loaf, Cedar, Michigan. Inform staff if
you plan to attend.
---NRPA Conference, October 15-19, Miami, Florida. Please inform staff if you
plan to attend.
---AAA Motor News carried a feature on the Waterford -Oaks Wave Pool.
---West Bloomfield sent a brochure to residents which included a full -page
feature on the County Park's summer events. The brochure was sent to approxi-
mately 12,500 people.
---Oakland County Recycling Center representatives will be at the next meeting
to present to the Commission a $1000 donation for the Environmental Center
at Independence -Oaks.
---Mrs. Walker attended the NRPA Board and Commission Meeting at Springfield,
Illinois. She is in charge of the newsletter which will be sent to the Board
and Commission members -in all states.
Meeting adjourned at 11:16 a.m.
Betty Fortino
Karen Smith
Recording Secretary
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