HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1983.06.13 - 3865WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT CANVASS OF VOTES CAST X ANNUAL •••::;./ AT THE Li GENERAL ELECTION •HELD ON • ••• JUNE 13, 1983 -(DATE OF ELECTION)' AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY 0@iflOLEffiklf 12113t‘. (f@, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS $1411:1)14;:0S.AND PRiNTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Vote for Not More Than Two PRECINCT NUMBER '. • • Mr: • : • • • ..• '..• • • •••• a. 0. b3.:. 5:37 1 77 .2t.P.j4.P 10: e) • . . STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole 90Mber:of:Votes:given:for the Office of waS: and they were for the :following riarned:Persons: Put fjOuteS::: in this column received : : " :.VOteS: retved : : : : :votes :received : : : : : :votes TOTAL : : : : : : : votes : The whole number of votes given for the office o was and they were given for the following named persons: received : : ":::: votes: received:: " : ::" : votes received:.: : : ": : : : : : : votes TOTAL: : : :" : :vOtes: The whole nu iber::a.f:voteS :giVen::for.:the Offioe::o .VitaS.• :66d:they::Vvere given fOr:the:following named persons: received received votes votes •••••:re.Cely.E.:.d ••••••:........• • :.•••••••••••• :::.•votes OTAL. The whole number of votes given for the :office of MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUCATION 7.•4 11 1 • • : : and :they Were:given:for the following namedly.lersons: .......::::.:(Va.i.0..:...iftit:.:.2:).::.:.:::::.......:::....::: ..... ...,..:. -1:..t........:::.............. ....: .......:.•.. ................:....z...................,..-...-.'Hi..................':............... ...............C57)...32,.......:::::::••.....:.Y.:0:tpi.•• ..,?" ,-:.:•.... ::•. 7.7".1t ......'..)-::......... : .....vbie .::. • ... • :..........."..!:..1;41.-i../....:::::::........ ..:........:: . -::.::............:.::::......./&:,•.: ......:::•.....:....::::::.:...liviotes::..::. ..p••••i......:. • • : : • :••.: '......• votes........•••:•:•• : ."/•>6...i...,;(.;: ..:.;...:....•••••...i...:...v.pI(;,s..... .... .. 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R.:II:L.:THURMAN • 1' i 1 is_ j /tk),....L.r. ;...{..4,Jtc,..X c• ..2.... , ireceived re•ceivect : p . . . ••,A-_-.1)..:4Z..,,:_.•A.X4.„:14±t). received : : I I '5)! ::• received teceiVed: reCeiVed "" • : :received : :received TOTAL CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION COUNTY OF OAKLAND : The :Board Of CariVaSSers: Of the : OUNfl r.vry..dOWNN,411, : : (COURfl V TV Tpyrewigip OH yILLAF. :havirig:AScortainad and Canvassed the Votes:of:Said: ts trict . . . . ... . . . (Coy:nryy.,CITY TOWNSHIP OR P/LLAS at the Annual Schoo l _ Election, held on the e I ghty- thr-ea one thousand nine hundred and Do Hereby C . er 1 j _ j . fy an, i .d t .D.e . term,.i t - e / ) That ) -, Li having received a sufficient number of votes is elected MEMB OF BOARD OF EDUCATION . ... . r That .. .!...-- -/ (1-4.- ..-1.‘ ,..( ' . -- -i.-- .,-..- having received a sufficient number of ' ‘' __A„_tit . ) Ca_____/_ i .i. . e votes is elected hi EtIfiER .0F___110A REY 4F EDUCATAlf,A_ __ :E That :vot:eS'iSelected having received a sufficient number of That _ having received a sufficient number of That !if.4 votfis iis elected : HE'That votes is elected . having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That . . . . . . . . . . . . ......, having received a sufficient number of votes is elected having received a sufficient number of vcites is elected : That :votes IS elected That : is:elec ted : That : : votes is elected having received a sufficient number of received a sufficient number of sufficient number . . 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That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION: l.Sufficient ybtris .:Was: Passed .._____ ._..... Defeated NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE • ..NAME:OP'en.crps.ITION ,. .NAMk.OF:.PROPOSITION: NON E. Received Passed.. Having Sufficient votes was Not Re.ceived De.fe.ate.d . Received Passed Having - • Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated NAME.:OF::PROpOSITION: NAME OF PROPOSITIO NONE : • ", ReCeived , : • Passed Having SOfficitin't votes was :Nat Received : : : : : Defeated: Received : : : : ::Passed Having : Not Received : : " : : Defea ted In Witness Whereof, : We have hereunto set :can' hands:: and affixed the Seal : of the :: CO001:Y : : :of Oa kh nd CITY; TOWN EP OR VULLAGM) " ": (COUNTY, :CITY"; TOWNSHIP OR VILLA6C1 this v of : " 411.0 : ••• : yn thear :one:thOusand:nihe hundred arid ....s.e CH .,4114MAI`C BOARD OF ••CANVASSERS.; ATTE .'" • • ••••• 41..E.49K of :i3o/Or.5 or pANN./J768- • • .• • • : ....• ..••• •• ..•: •:•.. •... PHAMM 0+- BOARD CANNAS'S'Eika:.:'