November 18, 1981
The meeting was called to order at 9:45 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks
and Recreation Commission Room.
Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Marjorie Walker, Secretary Don Deni, Fred
Houghten, George Kuhn, Pecky Lewis, Jr., Dr. Joseph Montante, Richard Wilcox.
Carol Stanley
Parks and Recreation
Orion Township
Oakland Township Park
Anthony M. Franco, Inc.
R. Eric Reickel, Manager
Jon J. Kipke, Assistant Manager
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer
Joseph Figa, Chief, Design and Development
C. L. Ross, Chief, Administrative Services
Hope Tyrrell, Treasurer
Alice Tomboulian, Staff Assistant
Dorothy Langan, Account Executive
Moved by Dr. Montante, supported by Mr. Deni to approve
the minutes of the regular meeting of November 4 and the
budget hearings of November 4, 6, and 10 with the following
Regular meeting, November 4, page 3-2: Under Groveland Oaks -
Proposed acquisition, add "Due to lack of availability of funds,
staff recommended not acquiring any of the property.
Moved by Dr. Montante, supported by Mrs. Stanley to
deny the proposal to acquire 191+ acres on the north
border of Groveland Oaks."
Budget Review of November 6, page 5-2: Under Fees and Charges:
Delete "Motion carried" and insert "Motion failed."
Budget Review, November 10, page 6-2, following the request by
the Chairman to close debate: Add "A two-thirds majority vote
is required to close debate."
Motion carried.
3 - 1
(Commission Meeting, November 18, 1981)
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve
payment of Vouchers 11-1 through 11-108.
AYES: Houghten, Lewis, Kuhn, Montante, Walker, Wint, Deni (7)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Mrs. Walker, supported by Mr. Houghten to receive
Activities Report as of October, 1981.
Mr. Ross presented a breakdown of attendance figures for the Waterford Oaks Park.
The BMX track had 7,000 participants in 1980 and 20,500 in 1981. The Activities
Center had 24,000 participants in 1980 and 26,200 in 1981.
It was requested that next year the Waterford Oaks BMX track attendance figures
be listed separately from the Activities Building.
Mr. Reickel stated that a media reception was planned for the Golf Dome on
November 19, 12 o'clock noon.
Motion carried.
Mr. Figa reported that bids were received on November 9, 1981, for the heating/
cooling project at Glen Oaks. This was the third time it went out for bid and
each time only one bid was received. The last bid, from Great Lakes Heating and
Cooling of Dearborn was:
Base bid $21,754. (to install air-conditioning)
Alternate bid: $34,680. (heating system which includes 5 furnaces)
Staff concurred with the architect, Hoyem/Basso, to award the air-conditioning
to Great Lakes Steel for $21,754 and add a contingency of $2246 for a total
approved amount of $24,000.
The prior bids for the air conditioning that were rejected by the Commission
were for $48,625 and $28,488.
Moved by Mr. Houghten, supported by Dr. Montante, to accept the
low bid of Great Lakes Heating and Cooling, in the amount of
$21,754 to install air conditioning units at Glen Oaks and add
a contingency of $2246 for a total project cost of $24,000.
AYES: Kuhn, Montante, Walker, Wint, Deni, Houghten, Lewis (7)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
(Commission Meeting, November 18, 1981)
Mr. Figa met at Glen Oaks with a representative of Great Lakes to discuss
the heating project. Great Lakes made a few suggestions that would lower
the cost some $5000 to $7000 and still not change the scope of the project.
It involved insulation on some ductwork and new heating grills.
Moved by Mr. Houghten, supported by Dr. Montante that staff be
authorized to negotiate with Great Lakes Heating and Cooling
relative to the heating system for Glen Oaks at a not to exceed
figure of $28,000.
AYES: Kuhn, Montante, Walker, Wint, Deni, Houghten, Lewis (7)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Mr. Wint explained that a request had been received from Edward C. Swanson of
the Madison Heights Exchange Club to use for one day, the Red Oaks property
north of 13 Mile Road and west of Dequindre, for a flea market and antique
auto show "to raise money for charity."
Staff felt the request should be referred to the Drain Commission as it did
not fall under the jurisdiction of the Parks and Recreation Commission to
authorize the request.
Moved by Dr. Montante, supported by Mr. Deni to direct staff to
refer the request to the Drain Commission and so notify Mr. Swanson.
Motion carried.
Ms. Alice Tomboulian, staff assistant to the Oakland Township Parks and Recreation
Commission, presented an update on what progress had been made with regard to
the proposed acquisition of the Penn Central Right -of -Way for 10.5 miles of
recreation trails. The trails would start at Yates Cider Mill in Shelby Township
and extend through the Village of Lake Orion, and through Orion, Oakland and
Avon Townships.
Ms. Tomboulian received resolutions from Orion, Oakland, and Avon Townships,
the City of Rochester and the Village of Lake Orion supporting the proposed
She stated that on behalf of all the commununities concerned, the Oakland
Township Park Commission in March, 1981, submitted a funding request for this
project to the Michigan Land Trust Fund. The request was for $200,000 to be
matched by $200,000 in local money and $400,000 from the Land and Water Fund.
(Commission Meeting, November 18, 1981)
A Commission, which will be known as the Intergovernmental Trailways Commission,
would be empowered to own, develop, maintain and operate the trails.
Ms. Tomboulian reviewed the draft contract "Agreement to Establish Trailways
The requested extent of County participation was listed in the following
paragraph from Page 6, "B" of the draft document:
"COMMISSION unit Dissolution
If two (2) or more MEMBER UNITS terminate their membership, the
COMMISSION shall be considered dissolved. Any and all assets
of the COMMISSION shall be transferred to the County of Oakland
upon dissolution. The use of Commission land and any improvements
thereon for public trails shall be maintained."
Ms. Tomboulian noted that the State did not want the property to revert to
them should the Commission dissolve.
Commissioner Montante stated that if the property were to revert to the county,
it should be free of indebtedness and the land should be maintained by local
units of government.
It was noted that this project was an opportunity for the County to help some
of the local units of government.
The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission amended the Draft Contract,
page 6, "B" by changing "If two (2) or more member units terminate their
membership," to "If only one member remains, the Commission shall be considered
dissolved" and strike the last sentence -- "The use of Commission land and any
improvements thereon for public trails shall be maintained." Also, the County
shall not be represented on the Intergovernmental Trailways Commission.
Chairman Wint stated he would like written into the by-laws that a representa-
tive of the Parks and Recreation staff would be present at the Commission
meetings to maintain communications with the Trailways Commission.
Moved by Mr. Wilcox, supported by Mr. Kuhn to recommend acceptance
of the contract, with the proposed changes, and refer to the
Oakland County Board of Commissioners through the Planning and
Building Committee.
Civil Counsel will be asked to review the proposed contract.
AYES: Montante, Walker, Wilcox, Wint, Deni, Houghten, Lewis, Kuhn (8)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
(Commission Meeting, November 18, 1981)
---Public Hearing on Budget scheduled for December 2, 1981, 9:00 a.m. The
regular meeting will follow at 9:30 a.m.
---Chairman Wint stated that he testified at the Senate Municipalities and
Elections Committee hearing that he and Mr. Reickel attended in Lansing.
The Committee did drop wording in the bill that would have allowed a designee
to sit in place of an appointed member to a parks and recreation commission.
The Committee supported the following amendment introduced by Senator Kerry
"In a county which does not have a county Planning Commission, the
Chairperson of the Regional Planning Commission shall serve on the
County Parks and Recreation Commission when that person is a resident
of said County. When Chairperson of Regional Planning Commission is
not resident of said county the the Board shall, by a 2/3 vote,
appoint a member of the Regional Planning Commission who is a
resident of said county to serve on the County Parks and Recreation
The resolution by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to allow the County
Executive to sit on a parks and recreation commission in place of a regional
planning member was not accepted by the Committee.
---Chuck Ross and Joe Figa met with the Planning and Building Committee on
November 12, giving them an update on the expenses at the Springfield Oaks
Youth Activities Center and certain improvement cost estimates. The committee
released the $75,000 subsidy for the YAC and requested further information
as to who will be responsible for the capital improvement costs.
---Wrote letter to Bev Lebow, Times Realty, that the Commission would not be
interested in acquiring property for sale adjacent to Groveland Oaks.
---Red Oaks Golf Dome officially open for the season. A new dome, made of
improved fabric, has been erected and the new module completed. A media
reception is planned for noon on Thursday, November 19.
--- Commissioner Walker reported that Massachusetts passed a bottle bill in
the legislature over the governor's veto. The bill was patterned after
Michigan's bottle bill.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m, to review the 1982 proposed budget.
Don Deni
Bet Gbest
Rec rding Secretary
b 3-5