October 21, 1981
The meeting was called to order at 9:45 a.m. by Chairman Lewis E. Wint in the Parks
and Recreation Commission Room.
Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Marjorie Walker, Secretary Don Deni, Fred
Houghten, George Kuhn, Pecky Lewis, Jr., Dr. Joseph Montante, Richard Wilcox.
Carol Stanley
Parks and Recreation
Springfield Township
Anthony M. Franco, Inc.
Daily Tribune
R. Eric Reickel, Manager
Jon J. Kipke, Assistant Manager
Charles Ross, Chief, Administrative Services
Arnold Johnston, Chief of Parks
Michael Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Joseph Figa, Chief, Design & Development
Janet Pung, Public Information Officer
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Collin Walls, Supervisor
Dorothy Langan, Account Executive
John Basch, Reporter
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Deni to approve the
minutes of the meeting of September 16, 1981, as written.
Motion carried.
Moved by Dr. Montante, supported by Mr. Kuhn to approve
payment of Vouchers 9-113 through 9-286, and 10-1 through
AYES: Wint, Deni, Houghten, Lewis, Kuhn, Montante, Walker (7)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Mr. Figa stated that the Springfield Oaks Life Enrichment Center (SOLEC), sponsored
by the League for the Handicapped/Goodwill Industries, had expressed a desire to
renovate the 5000 sq. foot Springfield Oaks Mill Pond structure.
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(Commission Meeting, October 21, 1981)
The building is located in Davisburg and owned by the Parks and Recreation Com-
mission. If renovated, it would be used by SOLEC and the Davisburg Parks and
Recreation Department as an office and community facility.
Facilities and Operations estimated renovation costs to be $200,000. The cement
block building, a former maintenance garage, requires a new roof and all new
electrical and mechanical work.
Collin Walls, Springfield Township Supervisor, stated they would have to forget
the renovation due to the cost and said he would like to review the estimates.
Commissioner Houghten suggested the possibility of the community using volunteers
to do the renovation work and perhaps the Commission could aid them by sharing in
the cost of the materials.
Mr. Walls said there had been some discussion on a joint effort of the two
Davisburg service clubs to do exactly what Mr. Houghten had proposed.
Commissioner Kuhn suggested a donation of $15,000 toward renovation of the building.
Mr. Reickel said it was never staff's recommendation to put any money toward the
Chairman Wint complimented the Davisburg Parks and Recreation Department on the
development of ball fields for the area.
Moved by Mrs. Walker, supported by Dr. Montante that in
accordance with the provisions of Public Act 621 of 1978,
the Uniform Local Budgeting Act, and with Section 15 of the
1981 General Appropriations Act of the Oakland County Parks
and Recreation Commission as adopted 12/3/80, we hereby amend
the Operating Revenue Budget from $4,887,800 to $5,099,258
and further amend the Operating Park Unit Expenditure Budget
from $3,887,800 to $4,099,258. Schedules A and B, annexed,
give the individual changes for each Park Unit and are made a
part of this motion.
Mr. Ross explained that no additional funding was required since park revenues
would exceed the increase in operating expenditures.
AYES: Deni, Houghten, Lewis, Kuhn, Montante, Walker, Wilcox, Wint (8)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Wilcox, supported by Mrs. Walker to receive
the Operating Statements through August, 1981.
Motion carried.
(Commission Meeting, October 21, 1981)
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Lewis to receive the
Activities Report as of September, 1981.
Mr. Reickel noted that we exceeded the one -million mark in attendance during
August this year as opposed to November last year.
Motion carried.
Mr. Figa explained that only one bid was received on October 19 for the heating/
cooling project at Glen Oaks. This was the second time the project had been bid
and revisions had been made to the specs prior to the rebidding.
Danic, a general contractor, bid $28,488 for the air and $39,000 for the heating
alternate. In a follow-up telephone conversation, Danic stated it would do both
the heating and cooling for $52,000 which was $10,000 above the estimated cost.
Mr. Figa recommended rejecting the bid and rebidding the project.
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Dr. Montante to reject
the bid from Danic and rebid the Glen Oaks heating and
cooling project.
AYES: Houghten, Lewis, Kuhn, Montante, Walker, Wilcox, Wint, Deni (8)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
The following quotations were received to make emergency repairs on the boilers at
the Addison Oaks Conference Center in order to satisfy the State Safety Boiler
Automatic Stoker Service $10,600
Monarch Welding & Engineering 8,975
Purvis and Foster 9,890
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Wilcox to approve
payment of $8,975 to Monarch Welding and Engineering
for emergency boiler repairs at the Addison Oaks Con-
ference Center; funds to come from the Contingency Account.
AYES: Lewis, Kuhn, Montante, Walker, Wilcox, Wint, Deni, Houghten (8)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
(Commission Meeting, October 21, 1981)
The Commission receiveda report on public information activities and programs
from Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer.
Mr. Figa stated that the Addison and Groveland campsites and restroom/shower
facilities projects were proceeding as planned and would be ready by June, 1982.
However, they would probably not be used until late fall, 1982, or spring of 1983
to allow the grass to become established.
The Waterford Oaks Water Slide will be in operation by Memorial Day, 1982.
---Received copy of letter from Jim Lanni, County Commissioner, to Detroit City
Councilman Hood, supporting Mr. Hood's views on the transfer of the Detroit Zoo
to the suburban community. Staff did not feel the Commission was in a position
to discuss it or make recommendations.
---Discussed the amendments to HB 4821 in which it is suggested that a designee
could sit in place of an appointed member to the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Staff felt it was inappropriate and recommended the Commission not support the
Moved by Mr. Wilcox, supported by Mrs. Walker that the Oakland
County Parks and Recreation Commission go on record in support
of the Oakland County Board of Commissioner's resolution regarding
HB 4821 which would allow a county, under Act 139, to appoint the
county executive to sit on the Parks Commission in place of a
planning member and strongly oppose any amendment that would allow
a designee to sit in place of any appointed board member.
Commissioner Walker requested the motion be sent to legislators.
Motion carried.
---The November issue of Total BMX Magazine ran a three -page story on the Waterford
Oaks BMX track.
---Will appear on Channel 50, November 11, 10:00 a.m., to talk about cuts in
the Land and Water Fund.
---Chairman Wint read the following letter, to be sent to the Editor of the Horn,
the official Michigan Recreation and Park Association's publication:
"Dear Sir:
It was much to the dismay of the members of the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission that the Michigan Recreation and Park Association's pro-
fessional newsletter would deal in personalities when confronting an issue so
highly sensitive to the future of parks and recreation.
(We are referring specifically to the editorial satirizing Secretary of the
Interior James Watt on the cover of the July -August issue of the 'Horn').
(Commission Meeting, October 21, 1981)
"We agree that the threat of losing land and water funds for parks and
recreation in the State of Michigan is of major concern and that we should
work toward seeing that it doesn't happen.
We do, however, believe that ridiculing the individual responsible for
administering that fund is in poor taste.
Members of MRPA should be reminded that they, as representatives of a
professional group or as individuals, may be required to work with Mr. Watt
or his agency on other issues or projects in the future.
We may be better served by having his cooperation than by becoming involved
in a personality conflict which accomplishes nothing.
If a criticism of a political figure is to be made, it should be done within
the portion of the publication so designated for opinion.
To publish such an editorial statement on the cover of a statewide publication
implies that the association is united in this criticism.
We in Oakland County do not feel this way even though we remain highly
loyal to and strong supporters of the MRPA and what it stands for.
Please keep personalities in the editorial column and let MRPA continue
to work positively in the pursuit of issues that could affect it.
(signed) Lewis E. Wint
cc: Donald Sparpana, President, MRPA"
---The next regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, November 4, 9:00 a.m. After
a short agenda, the proposed 1982 budget will be reviewed.
---Another budget review meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 6, 9:00 a.m.
---Public Hearing on budget, December 2, 9:00 a.m., prior to regularly scheduled
---Collin Walls, Supervisor, Springfield Township, expressed his concern that the
Oaks Corporation has been mandated by the State that non-profit entities have to
be charged sales tax when using banquet facilities. He suggested the Commission
look into this requirement.
---Commissioner Kuhn requested that the following remarks by Commissioner Walker
be made a part of the minutes:
"...During the past two years, i have gone to many, many public and
commercial facilities up and down the east coast and all the way
across the country ... I have never encountered in any place at all,
the level of services that we demand of our people, the class with
which we conduct our operations, and the attitudes that our people
always use with treating the public. I mention this because if you
(Commission Meeting, October 21, 1981)
visit a community ... the attitude and feeling you have about that
community is the way you were treated in that community and facilities
you were required to use in that community.
We do a better public relations job for Oakland County and the Parks
Commission than you can possibly do in the Chamber of Commerce or
through the media or any other way. We really, from what I know of
our own park service, put on a good face for Oakland County ...
We are not just serving recreation per se to the people who live in
Oakland County. We're also part of the face of Oakland County and a
very big part of it."
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Don Deni
betty Guest
Reco ing Secretary
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