HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1983.06.01 - 38743OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING June 1, 1983 The meeting was called to order at 9:42 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks and Recreation Commission's conference room. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Carol Stanley, Secretary Jean Fox, John Gnau, George Kuhn, Pecky Lewis, Jr., Dr. Joseph Montante, Richard Wilcox. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Harold Cousins, Daniel T. Murphy ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Department of Public Works Easter -Sea] Society Veterans Affairs Motorcyclists Daily Tribune APPROVALOF MINUTES: R. Eric Reickel, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Joseph P. Figa, Chief, Design & Development Charles Ross, Chief, Administrative Services Michael Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Sheila Cox, Accountant Monica Walch, Therapeutic Recreation Supervisor Daniel Stencil, Recreation Supervisor JoAnne Accorsi, Intern, CMU Kari Agloski, Intern, CMU Milton Handorf, Director Mary Griffin, Program Director Carl ` Pardon Steve Drinnon, Bob Wilson John Basch, Reporter Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 4, 1983, as written. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Dr. Montante to approve payment of Vouchers 5-1 through 5-31.2. Dr. Montante requested that Therapeutic Recreation be recognized as a separate division .in next year's budget. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, Montante, Stanley, Wint, Fox (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. 3-1 (Commission Meeting, June 1, 1983) STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mrs. Stanley to approve the Operating Statements as of April 30, 1983. Mr. Reickel said that the park revenues were showing a decrease so far this year due to the rainy spring. Motion carried. ACTIVITIES REPORT: Moved by Mrs. Stanley, supported by Dr. Montante to accept the Activities Report as of April 30, 1983. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE: ---The Commission reviewed a letter from Frederick H. Beedle, President of the Waterford Horseshoe Club. Mr. Beedle asked that consideration be given to finishing the lighting at the court complex to enable clubs to play during the evening hours. He also asked that consideration be given to adding two new courts to the present ten. To host State sanctioned tournaments, it is necessary to have a minimum of 12 courts. Mr. Stencil, Recreation Supervisor, told the Commission of the activity generated by the Horseshoe Clubs and that he was exploring the possibility of bringing in a couple units to provide additional lighting. GIRL SCOUTS - WAIVER OF FEE: Received letter from Lawrie Burnett, executive director of the Northern Oakland County Girl Scout Council, requesting a waiver of fee for the volunteers who aid staff for their summer camps in the Oakland County Parks. Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. Wilcox to waive the fee for volunteers who participate in the Girl Scouts camps for the 1983 season. Mr. Reickel explained that the Girl Scouts had established their budget for the year prior to the Commission setting its rates for the year. Motion carried. FENCING - RED OAKS AND SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSES: The following bids were received by Purchasing for fencing projects at Red Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Courses: Red Oaks Springfield Oaks Total Zappie Fence $ 933.00 $11,414.00 $12,347.00 Durable, Inc. 667.15 6,347.11 7,014.25 New Hudson Fence 1,275.00 6,750.00 8,025.00 Anchor Fence 2,001.00 8,621.00 10,622.00 Cyclone Fence 1,455.00 6,463.00 7,918.00 Mark Fence 582.00 4,062.00 4,642.00 3-2 (Commission Meeting, June 1, 1983) Mr. Thibodeau explained that the fencing at Red Oaks was for a cart corral and the fencing at Springfield Oaks was for a protective screen on the #14 tee. Staff concurred with Purchasing to award the bid to the low bidder, Mark Fence, for $4,642.00. Funds for the projects were included in the Capital Improvement Budget. Moved by Mr. Gnau, supported by Mrs. Stanley to approve the low bid of $4,642.00 from Mark Fence for fencing the cart corral at Red Oaks and fencing the #14 tee at the Springfield Oaks Golf Course. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lewis, Montante, Stanley, Wilcox, Wint, Fox, Gnau, Kuhn (8) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. PAVING - SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE: The followina bids were received from Purchasing for re -asphalting the walkway and drive around the clubhouse at Springfield Oaks. The existing concrete is 11 years old and in need of repair. Walkway Drive Total Allied Construction $2,836.00 $4,125.00 $6,961.00 Harabedian Paving 2,500.00 3,400.00 5,900.00 Bush Brothers 1,903.00 2,692.00 4,595.00 Detroit Concrete Products 2,140.00 3,220.00 5,360.00 Lind Coubrough 3,481.00 2,860.00 6,341.00 Staff concurred with Purchasing to award the bid to.the low bidder, Bush Brothers, for $4,595.00. Funds for the project were included in Springfield's Grounds Maintenance Budget. Moved by Mr. Wilcox, supported by Mr. Kuhn, to award the bid to the low bidder,.Bush Brothers, for $4,595.00 to re -asphalt the walkway and drive around the clubhouse at Springfield Oaks Golf Course. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Montante, Stanley, Wilcox, Wint, Fox, Gnau, Kuhn, Lewis (8) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor', the motion carried. 3-3 (Commission Meeting, June 1, 1983) WELL - ADDISON OAKS: Mr. Kipke explained that the 4" well at Addison Oaks which supplies water to the concession and bathroom building had failed several times. In evaluating the situation with our Technical Support staff and Layman Well Drilling Company, it was felt that there was damage to the casing and the only sure solution was to drill a new well. In order to be assured of having water for the Memorial Day weekend, the Layman Well Drilling Company was contracted, through Purchasing, to proceed with a new 5" well. Staff requested approval for the emergency installation of a 5" well by Layman Well Drilling Company for approximately $4,300. Funds would come from the Operating Budget contingency fund. Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve the expenditure of $4,300 for the replacement well at Addison Oaks. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Stanley, Wilcox, Wint, Fox, Gnau, Kuhn, Lewis, Montante (8) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. MOBILE RECREATION - GRANT PROGRAM: Mr. Dan Stencil, Recreation Supervisor, recommended the Commission continueits mobile recreation grant program as established in 1982. At that time, due to cuts in the federal funding for the program, the Commission allocated $15,000 for grant visits to communities who were unable to pay the rental fees. Mr. Stencil told of the success of the 1982 program and urged that it be renewed. Discussion followed on the communities that took advantage of the program. Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Wilcox to approve an expenditure of $15,000 for a mobile recreation grant program. Mr'. Reickel stated that once the expenditures commence, staff would go back to the Commission for a transfer of funds. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Stanley, Wilcox, Wint, Fox, Gnau, Kuhn, Lewis, Montante (8) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Stencil distributed a statement of policy regarding requests.for waivers of fee for the mobile recreation units. 3-4 (Commission Meeting, June 1, 1983) BMX RACE: Dan Stencil invited the Commission to attend the national BMX races on June 17 and 18. It is expected that some 1,500 riders from all over the country will participate. Respond to Dan by June 1 if you plan on attending the V.I.P. picnic following the June 17 race. MOTORCYCLE POLICY: Chairman Wint said that Mr. Steve Drinan had asked to speak to the Commission about its policy of requiring motorcyclists to park their vehicles at the entrance of the day use parks and walk to their destination in the park. Mr. Drinan and Mr. Bob Wilson, also a cyclist, said that: (1) it was a dis- criminatory policy, (2) the Parks and Recreation Commission was losing money from the 21,250 motorcyclists registered in Oakland County, (3) the bikes were too expensive to leave unattended near the entrance, (4) 4-wheel drive vehicles which are allowed in the park are harder to control than motorcycles, (5) the type person riding a motorcycle has changed and (6) they represent family people who use parks. Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mrs. Stanley, to refer the subject to staff, bring back a recommendation to the Commission and invite Mr. Wilson and Mr. Drinan back to the meeting after all the different aspects are evaluated from an administrative standpoint. Mr. Reickel invited Mr. Drinan to meet with staff to discuss the policy. Chairman'Wint thanked them for taking the time to appear before the Commission. Motion carried. PROPOSED LEVY GRAVEL MINE INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP: Mr. James B. Smith, Supervisor -of Independence Township, asked that the Parks and Recreation Commission work in a unified manner with the Township and Village of Clarkston pertaining to any negotiations with the'Levy Company about the proposed gravel mining operation adjacent to Independence Oaks County Park. Mr. Smith said the Township was considering the potential for possible condemnation proceedings, along with the purchase of an additional 80 acres, which would enable the Township to build a Civic Center to include replacement of a fire station, a new Township Hall and a recreation center. Mr. Smith emphasized that no Board discussions had occurred on the subject. Referring to the potential mining operation, Commissioner Fox felt the Commission should do everything it could "to avert this potential disaster.." Discussion followed on ecological concerns, traffic safety, noise pollution, etc. 3-5 (Commission Meeting, June 1, 1983) Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. Fox that the Parks - and Recreation Commission work jointly with Independence Township and the Village of Clarkston to accomplish a mutual goal. .Motion carried. Chairman Wint directed staff to prepare a resolution to this effect. Commissioner Montante pointed out that if the mining operation did proceed, it would destroy the headwaters of the Clinton River. THERAPEUTIC RECREATION: Ms. Walch explained some of the upcoming activities planned for "Life. Be in it." weekend. Special events are planned for each facility. Recreation Discount -Card for Handicapped --Ms. Walch explained that the Recreation Committee from the Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency Handicap Task Force had.been meeting monthly in an effort to develop a discount recreation card program for handicapped residents in Oakland County: The committee was formed after a letter was sent to`the Commission regarding the need for fee reduction to park facilities for the handicapped. Ms. Mary Griffin, Oakland County. Easter Seal Society.,-and.Carl-Pardon of Veterans Affairs, who were part of the study committee, offered their comments in favor of the program. < Modeled after the Golden Access. Passport, a discount I. D. card issued through the Federal Recreation Fee Program, the discount card would be available to those individuals 18 years and older who are medically determined permanently disabled through an application form and doctor's certification. Ms. Walch further explained the procedure to be followed for the person applying for a card. The Recreation Committee requested that the Parks and Recreation Commission act as a clearinghouse for applications and consider a means of honoring the card at our parks. Ms. Griffin said they were talking about a card that would be recognized by other facilities around the County. Discussion conducted on what constitutes a handicapped person. Moved by Mr. Wilcox that the Commission approve the concept and ask for further information. The motion failed for lack of support. Moved by Dr. Montante, supported by Mr. Gnau, to table until a platform is presented to the Commission. Motion carried. 3-6 (Commission Meeting, June 1, 1983) ---Recommended dedication of new campsites at Addison Oaks be scheduled for Saturday, June 25, 11.00 a.m. The Commission approved the date. —The meeting of July 6 has been cancelled. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 9:00 a.m. After a short business meeting, the Annual Park Tour will follow. Trustees of the Oakland Parks Foundation will be invited to join the Commission on the tour. ---Chairman Wint and Mr. Reickel appearedgbefore the General.Government.Committee to discuss the Commission's activities in the south end of.the County- ---Arnold Johnston is progressing remarkably well following his recent heart surgery and hopes to return to work soon. ---Ms. Pung circulated a sample of the Summer Fun Passbook which is available for sale. Its .price is .$20 and includes a variety of activities in the park system. The value of the book, if each item were sold individually, is $80. ---Interviewed-by-John Delmoneche for 22 minutes on WWJ, May 18. ---Interviewed by_Amyre Makupson on Memorial Day, Channe1*50: ---Monica Walch will be on WJMC this week to promote the "Life..Be in it." program. Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Dr.. Montante to adjourn to Executive Session -to discuss an offer made on property owned.by the Commission. Motion carried. The meeting moved into Executive Session at 11:27 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 11:42 a.m. Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Gnau to adjourn the meeting: Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:43 a.m. Jean Fox Secretary Betty Guest Recording Secretary 3-7