October 31, 1985
The meeting was called to order at 9:38 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks
and Recreation Commission's conference Room.
Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., John
Gnau, Lillian Moffitt, Carol Stanley
George Kuhn, Walter Moore, Daniel Murphy, Richard Wilcox
Parks and Recreation Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager
C. L. Ross, Chief, Administrative Services
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Ralph Richard said the proposed revenue budget for 1986 is $7,162,550, an increase
of 9 percent over last year. Of this amount, $3,091,050 will come from fees and
charges (including a proposed revenue amount of $218,500 from the Red Oaks Water -
park), and the balance of $4,071,500 from the millage and investment interest.
The proposed operating budget for 1986 is $5,801,800, an increase of $697,615
over the 1985 adjusted budget. Of this increase, 46 percent, or approximately
$320,190, is for the new Red Oaks Waterpark, Orion Oaks and contingency. The
other major areas of increase are: Full-time salaries, $75,000, and fringes,
$13,000 both up 4.5 percent in accordance with the County Executive's recommenda-
tion; insurance, $118,500, up 283 percent; utilities, $78,000, up 25 percent;
depreciation, $29,350, up 10 percent; special events, $33,500, up 50 percent;
grounds maintenance, $17,000, up 10 percent; and building maintenance, $22,800,
up 30 percent. Major areas of decrease are: Security, $41,000, down 15 percent;
part-time salaries, $16,000, down 2 percent, and operating equipment, $45,000,
down 13 percent.
The remaining balance of the $7,162,550 revenue budget, after the $5,801,800 for
operations, is for new operating equipment and capital development. $295,000
has been reserved for operating equipment; estimated new funds available for
capital development are $1,390,650.
Two full-time non -funded positions will be filled; one at Red Oaks Waterpark,
who will also work at the golf course and driving range; and the second position
at Orion Oaks, who will take care of maintenance and security. These positions
are being transferred from other parks.
(Budget Review, October 31, 1985)
The number of part-time positions has been reduced after a detailed examination
of positions and staff time needed for jobs in the golf courses and parks, and
because of the hour limitation change in some positions from 520 to 1,000 hours.
There is an increase in that line item, however, because of the new employees
required at the Red Oaks Waterpark.
To alleviate the problems of trash dumping, tree cutting, and hunting at Orion
Oaks, staff is recommending moving an employee onto the park site. Arnold Johnston
will be responsible for the operations at the park.
All of the changes in the fees and charges recommended by staff were approved,
with the following additional changes: Increase the 9-hole rate for power carts
at the golf courses to $8 for regular players and to $6 for retirees; increase
of $10 for rental of Mobile Recreation's puppet -mobile and an increase of $50
for use of the buses; and an increase of the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool season pass
to $150 per family and $75 per individual, which will include the use of the Water -
slide. The Commission also recommended the pass be eliminated, with a grandfather
clause for three years being extended to those people who purchased them in 1985.
This pass will not be valid for use at the Red Oaks Waterpark.
A letter will be sent to the absent commissioners under Chairman Wint's signature,
informing them of the progress made and the recommended changes in the fees, asking
them to contact staff before the regular Commission meeting of November 6 with
their questions, as it is hoped to give tentative approval of the proposed budget
at that time.
Meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Pecky D. Lewis, Jr.
Karen Smith
Recording Secretary