HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1986.01.22 - 38795ITEM #3
We could not raise a quorum at the regularly scheduled meeting of Wednesday,
January 15. The meeting was rescheduled to January 22, in response to a telephoned
tentative quorum. As of the morning of the 22nd, we had only five members attend-
ing, which again gave us no quorum. Staff was required to make an embarrassing
last-minute cancellation of an agenda guest speaker for the Springfield Oaks YAC
because of the lack of quorum. Ralph Nelson attended the meeting; however, since
his appointment would not be official until the following day when approved by
the County Board of Commissioners at their meeting, he was not able to vote as
a Parks Commissioner.
At the meeting on January 22, Commission members present reviewed all of the
agenda items, making recommendations for approval subject to ratification at a
meeting scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on January 29, at the Parks and Recreation Commis-
sion office.
Coincidentally, Jack Hays from Corporation Counsel appeared at this meeting
to discuss questions relating to the By -Laws and the Constitution on a quorum for
the Commission. This information lead to further discussion by the Commission
members present, who felt it important to address this problem, since no action
was able to be taken on any of the current agenda items. During the discussion,
the following possibilities were considered:
1) Consider changing the meeting days in the By -Laws to better accommodate
Commissioners' schedules.
2) Have another County Road Commissioner appointed as delegate, as per the
law going before the Senate.
3) Any Parks and Recreation Commissioner who misses a significant number
of meetings, unless health -related or excused, should be requested to resign.
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4) Consider forming a three -person "Finance" or "Executive" committee to
overview the vouchers and operating equipment purchases, for final approval of
the full Commission.
5) Review the SEMCOG appointment, possibly requesting a new delegate be ap-
pointed by the County Board of Commissioners.
We will be discussing these suggestions at the meeting of January 29.
Also please note the attached article from the Oakland Press regarding our
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By SCOTT SIMONS N who reportedly are m the midst ,of . responsibility. than expected
Of The Oakland Press lengthy stays in warmer:climes "' " In the meantime, commissioners,-- In addition, wet fal , ttier+ hair
State. aaw requires membership of . had' .yet: to attack the -: meeting's put the completion date s1 - ,vueekx
^' Technically, faced ytithout a , ; ;the ,commission- include' ihe' county, agenda and'Wint requested.ther,legal' behind schedule:
uorum Wednesday, Oakland Co t drain cominissionerand.chairn an of `' advice of ^ Jack Hays, -.the, county's l The' drain coil missioner'�" offi '
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P�,a r k,s '. a n d ', R e;c,r e.a t o n; � the'.;toad,.commission, at''least;one, corporation 'counsel, owl how .to„ requi ed 'that a' parking lob 'not '
comrhisslonerssought-' ,ways to, but. ,not. more .:than three county. proceed. - ?rt ..constructed. over -a drain bdX,'whi
legally Handle business functiogs ` .1 commissioners, :and the- chair 'of ` a '< Hays :said state' law requires -six resulted in -the need for Cate basifr� .
They were not successful : ` regional plan'_ members to ;.make :° decis'ions and a newsewer plan
ning commission if� he
�- :The 10-member board 'needs a - -1, or she lives in, county. - " r Furthermore, ;: the::1 state's a Open r Madison Heights req� ired',lightirig.
Murphy formerly was chairman "of , 5 Meetings Act does, not allow,, Pori a :. the park, de'velopiiient; even thoiip k' person '.quorum : to legally:; make 7� eiK'
g the Southeastern Michigan Council of conference -call approach to handle will not be open after 8' ,
decisions: And, though six members,. ;Governments --' whit . ,;; ,. ,
attended the meeting; only live could h, inr_essenee, business matters :r Agreed to reduce;'theontrait`
vote ,� . < :r ., :can be construeUas lhe";planning Commissioners ; decided ao; gd fee paid ' to the "corhmtsslm i
T ` commission:: But ::because•. -he : no through the 'agenda byc, making` : legislative.- consuitarit,5, Kerr.
hat . i 5 b e,e a u s e c'o'u n t y'` , longer. serves in. that _ capacity,",and . recommendations to staff; and then Kammer. Kammer-, :.who requested
Commissioner;', Ralph:" Nelson, >r.because his' expected campaign for:; -ratifying them _at a special meeting .. , the change from $1,250ao $1,000 a
,nominated to replace Richard Wilcox , governor: is :anticipated, to occupy next Wednesday. ' month,` was. appointed last lveek tQ
by the Republican caucus;:,, is ., not° . more of his ,'time, there was .;a In other business; commissioners: the, state Natural; ; esourCe°
expected to be officially appointed to,` question of whether he should remain ■Deferred election of new officers Commission
`a three -yeah terinuntie today, when .: a member. •':. ;' 1 r ; s _ until a meeting when more members Kammer said, the, `isee' `reduction -
the county Board of Commissioners �Parks'� commission=.Chairman were in attendance : should .;occur,.`o `'remove 'an
meets for the first'time in 1986. "' Lewis . Wint also; suggested writing Learned costs for the Red Oaks ': appearance' of a conflict of intetest
Parks commissioners`absent.�frorn letters to Stanley and Moffitt, hinting,',", . wave -action pool under';constrpction : The, folrmet state``senator said:'`his ,
the meeting 'were• County Executive ' . that they: consider resigning ",if they ' in , Madison Heights twill;vost`-inore. duties aLso•woufd decrease; as he, *'i f
Daniel -Murphy, who�was inlansing cannot attend meetings.',But'it was, than originally, estimated. tParks ; no longer represent thi comttussibn� r,
Tuesday. ' and .;:Wednesday';. Road pointed. out that, appointments are officials said' unforeseeable changes before the 'state s: Department) b
Commissioner -Johp °-Gnaw; =and ,'made by:the Board of. Commissioners in scope led 'to a projected cost of.; _; Natural Resources., -'And, theNature
Lillian Moffitt and Carol" Stanley, !, and such action ,would; be its $4.48 million about $295,000 'more Resources,Coinmissioh
January 22. 1986
The meeting was called to order at 9:38 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks
and Recreation Commission's conference room.
Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., George
Kuhn, Walter Moore
John Gnau, Lillian Moffitt, Daniel Murphy, Carol Stanley, Richard Wilcox
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Corporation Counsel
Oakland County Central Services
Oakland County Purchasing
Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Kammer/Michigan Consultants, Inc.
Oakland Parks Foundation
Oakland Press
Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager
C. L. Ross, Chief, Administrative Services
Arnold Johnston, Chief of Parks
Joe Figa, Chief, Design and Development
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Jan Pung, Public Communications Officer
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Dan Stencil, Recreation Supervisor
Jack Hays
Glen Dick, Director
Joe Hylla, Buyer
Ralph Nelson, Commissioner
Kerry Kammer
Fran Greenebaum, Executive Director
Scott Simons, Reporter
Because of a lack of quorum, the Commission reviewed and recommended for approval
at the next meeting the following items. Ralph Nelson, whose appointment to the
Commission will be made official at the County Board of Commissioners meeting
January 23, 1986, concurred with the consensus on these recommendations.
---December 4, 1985, minutes of the Public Hearing for the 1986 Operating Budget.
---Minutes of the meeting of December 4, 1985.
---Payments: Vouchers 12-1 through 12-246 and Interdepartmental Payment Register
for December, 1985.
---Statement of Operations as of November 30, 1985.
---Activities Report as of December 31, 1985.
---Report from Central Services Director Glen Dick on the County's new self-
insurance program.
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(Commission Meeting, January 22, 1986)
---Public Communications Quarterly Report for the period of October through December,
---Approve a proposal for a pole barn at the Springfield Oaks YAC to be built with
funds raised by 4-H, which will be forwarded to the Planning and Building Committee
for informational purposes.
---Manager's Report.
---Agreement with Kammer/Michigan Consultants, Inc. to be renewed, but at a reduced
fee of $1,000/month and per proposed language change to reflect his fewer duties
on behalf of the Commission and avoid a conflict of interest, in keeping with
Kerry Kammer's new appointment to the Michigan Natural Resources Commission. This
agreement will be forwarded to Corporation Counsel for approval.
Mrs. Fox commented that she would not vote in favor of this renewal, feeling there
would still be a conflict of interest.
---Purchase of three (3) pre-fab picnic shelter buildings for Addison Oaks, Indepen-
dence Oaks, and Waterford Oaks to the low bidder, Jack Golden, in the amount of
$26,645.00. There is $50,000 budgeted for this project.
---Architectural services for the Springfield Oaks Clubhouse kitchen renovation
from the low bidder, Miller Group, in the amount of $5,980.00, plus $720.00 for
construction administrative services. $170,000 has been budgeted for this project.
---Award the bid for the Waterford Oaks interior renovation to the low bidder,
O'Brien of Waterford, for the base bid plus three (3) alternates for a total approved
cost of $73,300.00. $65,000 was budgeted for this project.
---Expenditure of $2,500 to Facilities and Operations Engineering for preliminary
and working drawings for the White Lake Oaks kitchen/grill room renovation. There
has been $50,000 budgeted for this project.
---The amount of $157,718.03 be added to the guaranteed maximum price (G.M.P.)
of the construction management contract with Barton-Malow for the construction
of the Red Oaks Wave Pool Complex.
---Bid for the purchase of ceramic and quarry tile for the White Lake Oaks kitchen/
grill room renovation to the low bidder meeting specifications, Reimer Floors,
in the amount of $1,873.06. $50,000 is budgeted for this project.
---Two (2) each pedestal lights for the Independence Oaks Nature Center parking
area walkway from the manufacturer, Wood Form, Inc., in the amount of $1,246.00
for both lights.
---Portable gasoline welder for Technical Support from the low bidder, Detroit
Gas Products, in the amount of $1,180.00.
---General brochure reprint of 25,000 copies to the low bidder, TAC Business Forms,
in the amount of $5,315.00.
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(Commission Meeting, January 22, 1986)
---Strantrol controller for the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool to Kerr Machinery, the
manufacturer's local representative, in the amount of $4,400.00.
---72" Toro out front rotary mower for Red Oaks to the high bidder, Wilkie Turf,
in the amount of $9,638.00. Other bids were for different brands of equipment
that did not meet our specifications and are not compatible with our existing equip-
---Front end loader tractor for Red Oaks to the low bidder, Munn Ford, in the amount
of $13,499.00.
---7-gang, fairway mower for Glen Oaks to the low bidder, W. F. Miller, in the
amount of $8,345.00.
---Diesel mowing tractor for Springfield Oaks Golf Course to the second low bidder,
Munn Ford, in the amount of $9,695.94. Low bidder withdrew his bid the morning
of January 22, 1986, claiming a miscalculation.
Next Commission meeting will be Wednesday, January 29, 1986, at 9:30 a.m.
Meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
Pecky D. Lewis, Jr.
Karen Smith
Recording Secretary
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