October 29. 1986
The meeting was called to order at 9:18 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks
and Recreation Commission's conference room.
Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., George
Kuhn, Daniel Murphy, Carol Stanley, Richard Vogt
Walter Moore, Ralph Nelson, John Olsen
Parks and Recreation Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager
C. L. Ross, Chief, Administrative Services
Arnold Johnston, Chief of Parks
Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer
Joseph Figa, Chief, Design and Development
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Dan Stencil, Recreation Supervisor
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Oakland Parks Foundation Fran Greenebaum, Executive Director
Manager Richard said the proposed revenue budget for 1987 is $7,990,400, an in-
crease of 12 percent over the estimated actual for 1986. Of this amount, $3,628,900
will come from fees and charges, and the balance of $4,361,500 will come from
the millage and interest on investments.
The proposed operating budget for 1987 is $6,149,119, an increase of 11 percent
over the 1986 adjusted budget. Of this increase of $631,445, 43 percent or
$271,833, is for the starting of the Red Oaks Waterpark. Other major areas of
increase are: Full-time salaries and fringe benefits, both up 4.5 percent in
accordance with the County Executive's recommendation; depreciation up $79,000
or 24 percent, due to additional operating equipment; and security up $26,700
or 11.7 percent.
The remaining balance of the revenue budget, after the $6,149,119 for operations,
is for new operating equipment and capital development. $535,281 has been reserved
for operating equipment; estimated new funds for capital development for 1987
is $19710,000.
The Commission's request for the additional subsidy funding for the Springfield
Oaks YAC has been deferred until after the first of the year, when the Planning
(Commission Budget Review, October 29, 1986)
and Building Committee has more time to consider our request. If approved, they
will recommend a budget addendum to cover the full reimbursement of the operating
expenses for that facility.
Staff is working with County Personnel to change our three vacant full-time posi-
tions to maintenance/security positions.
Arnold Johnston, Chief of Parks, will be retiring after the first of the year.
Staff will be reviewing and making recommendations to fill his position.
Staff is also working with Personnel to raise the rates for some of the summer
part-time positions to help ease the shortage of applicants we experienced this
past summer.' Commission directed staff to work with Personnel and Corporation
Counsel on a possible scholarship program for the summer part-time workers.
Fees and Charges:
Staff recommended changing the wording of our "retirees" policy to be designated
"seniors", and to set the minimum age at 62.
All of the changes in the fees and charges recommended by staff were approved,
with the following additional changes:
Increase the camping rates for non-residents to $8.50 for primitive
sites, $10,50 for semi -modern, and $12.50 for modern sites.
Annual greens fees for principal members for the golf courses will
remain the same at $495.00.
Staff requested Commission approval to eliminate the Saturday closed course outings
at Glen Oaks; a letter of notification will be sent to the four corporations in-
volved in that activity.
Also, staff requested Commission approval to set a policy to eliminate the use
of coolers on the golf courses.
It was brought to the Commission's attention that the Oaks are having difficulties
purchasing their liquor liability insurance as required in the contract with the
Commission. Staff has met with Corporation Counsel and the Oaks; a proposed amend-
ment to the contract will be on the agenda for the meeting of November 5.
Staff reviewed the operating equipment budget, noting that, of the $535,281 total,
$298,395 is for replacement equipment. Also, an amount of $100,500 has been re-
served for new equipment and furniture at the Red Oaks Waterpark.
Manager Richard reviewed the proposed capital improvement budget, noting projects
in process and the four-year forecast for upcoming projects.
The Commission was in agreement to approve the budget as presented. In accordance
with State law, a public hearing will be held prior to its formal approval in
(Commission Budget Review, October 29, 1986)
The meeting adjourned at 12:06 p.m.
Pecky D. Lewis, Jr.
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Karen Smith
Recording Secretary