August 5, 1987
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks
and Recreation Commission's conference room.
Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., George
Kuhn, Richard Kuhn, Thomas Law, Daniel Murphy, Ralph Nelson, John Olsen, Richard
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Central Services
Oakland County Purchasing
Springfield Twp. Historical Society
Ralph Richard, Manager
C. L. Ross, Chief, Administrative Services
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks
Joe Figa, Chief, Design and Development
Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer
Glen Dick, Director
Lloyd Hampton, Manager
Helen Parker
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Law to approve the minutes of the
meeting of July 1, 1987, as written.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Nelson, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve the payment of
Vouchers 6-353 through 6-440 and 7-1 through 7-450, plus the Inter-
departmental Payments for June charges paid in July.
AYES: Lewis, Murphy, Nelson, Wint, Fox, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law (8)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Olsen to accept the Statement
of Operations as of June 30, 1987, and the Activities Reports for the
months of May and June, 1987.
Motion carried.
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(Commission Meeting, August 5, 1987)
Staff presented the 1988 and 1989 preliminary budgets, which were compiled in
accordance with the County Executive's request to present an "all funds budget"
to the citizens of Oakland County. The 1988 preliminary budget of $8.4 million
reflects an increase of 5.3 percent in revenues and a 10 percent increase in opera-
tions. Also included was a three-year forecast for the years 1990-1992.
Staff recommended the Commission approve and forward the budget to the County
Executive, with a notation that it's just a preliminary budget and that the Parks
and Recreation Commission will go through its complete budget process later in
the year.
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Vogt to approve the 1988 prelimi-
nary budget and to have it forwarded to the County Executive for presen-
tation with the 1988 "all funds budget."
Motion carried.
As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bid items were approved:
Moved by Mr. Murphy, supported by Mr. Nelson to award the bid for the
purchase of 10,000 reprints of the Wave Pool brochures to the low bidder,
Division Printing, in the amount of $1,508.00.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. Olsen to award the bid for the pur-
chase of transportable bleachers for Mobile Recreation to the low bidder,
Jennings Park and Playground Equipment, in the amount of $12,360.00.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. Nelson to award the contract for
the painting of the exterior of the James Harvey Davis House at Spring-
field Oaks to the low bidder, Kozzi's Painting, in the amount of $3,285.00.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Lewis to award the contract to
paint the Commission's logo and name on the mechanical room wall above
the Red Oaks Wave Pool to the low bidder, Rich Sign, in the amount of
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. Vogt to award the purchase of a high
voltage switch for disconnection of power for the waterslide project
at Groveland Oaks to Madison Electric, in the amount of $4,653.75.
Motion carried.
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(Commission Meeting, August 5, 1987)
Proposals were requested for the architectural design/engineering of the concession/
restroom building at Groveland Oaks. However, after review of the time required
for the project, staff noted that the project would not be completed before the
park opened next May, which would prove to be a hindrance to the park's operations.
Therefore, staff recommended tabling the project for a year to better fit the
project into the park's operations schedule.
Commission concurred with staff's recommendation to table the project for one
Vice Chairman Fox drew the name of Anna LeGrand, of Ferndale, as the winner of
the "Walk Michigan" program. Prize is a two -night stay on Mackinac Island during
the Labor Day weekend. She will also participate in the Governor's walk across
the Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day.
The Commission, in conjunction with Blue Cross/Blue Shield, held several "Walk
Michigan" events this summer. Ms. LeGrand's name was drawn from among those who
Ralph Richard explained that staff has had an agreement for the past several years
with the Oakland County Road Commission for the use of their roller and grader
at the Waterford Oaks BMX track on an as needed basis. This agreement requires
the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to pay a rental rate only when
the equipment is used; there is no other obligation.
In 1985, the Oakland County Road Commission asked for Parks Commission approval
of this agreement with authorization for Manager Ralph Richard to sign; the contract
is being renewed and the Road Commission is once again requesting this authori-
Staff recommended approval of this agreement.
Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the contract with
the Oakland County Road Commission for the use of their roller and grader
at the Waterford Oaks BMX track on an as needed basis and to authorize
Manager Ralph Richard to sign the agreement.
Motion carried.
Chief of Parks Dan Stencil informed the Commission that, because Lake Sixteen
at Orion Oaks has a navigable waterway status, the Commission must adopt a policy
to restrict the use of gasoline powered boats in order to seek a no wake and no
gasoline motors status for the lake with the State.
Staff recommended the adoption of a resolution to approve Section X of the Oakland
County Parks and Recreation Commission Rules and Regulations for Lake Sixteen
in Orion Oaks.
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(Commission Meeting, August 5, 1987)
Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Murphy to adopt the following
resolution to approve Section X of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission Rules and Regulations for Lake Sixteen in Orion Oaks:
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has
obtained the land surrounding Lake Sixteen in Orion Township, Michigan,
the site of Orion Oaks County Park; and
WHEREAS, there are currently no regulations or restrictions pertaining
to the use of watercraft on Lake Sixteen in Orion Township; and
WHEREAS, the rules and regulations of the Oakland County Parks
and Recreation Commission restrict the use of gasoline -powered watercraft
on any Commission waterways for the purpose of safety and preservation
of the environment.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission requests the assistance of the Department of Natural
Resources to approve Section X of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission Rules and Regulations for Lake Sixteen in Orion Township,
Michigan, which states:
Section X - Boating
No person shall bring into, use or navigate any boat, yacht, canoe,
raft or other watercraft upon any watercourse, lagoon, lake, pond
or slough located within or upon the properties administered by
or under the jurisdiction of the Commission, except at such time
or place as may be provided or designated for such purpose. All
watercraft shall comply with and be used in compliance with Public
Act 303 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan, of 1967 as
amended and such regulations as may be adopted under the authority
of the Act. Air mattresses, inner tubes and other inflatable devices
are prohibited except in designated swimming areas. No gasoline
powered watercraft are allowed on any Commission waterways. Electric
motors are not to exceed 24 foot pounds of thrust/24 volt system.
Motion carried.
Staff met with Al Craddock, Gold Wings Road Riders Association, to review the
Commission's motorcycle policy for recommended changes to allow motorcycles within
the parks. The Commission's current policy allows motorcycles into the parks
but only to designated parking areas for motorcycles.
As a result of the meeting, staff recommended to the Commission that we allow
motorcycles, on a trial basis, into the parks either to any of the parking lots
or to campsites. Motorcycles must be street legal and licensed.
If the motorcyclists abuse the new policy, staff requested the Commission go back
to its original policy of no motorcycles.
Commissioners noted that they would prefer staff to implement a permit program
for the motorcyclists, issuing permits to all motorcyclists and rescinding the
permits of those who abuse them. Commission regulations for this policy could
be printed on the back of each permit.
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(Commission Meeting, August 5, 1987)
Commissioner Fox expressed her concern that the noise from the motorcycles could
prevent some patrons from wishing to return to the Oakland County parks.
Commission requested staff implementation of the new policy to allow street legal
and licensed motorcycles into the parks on a 90-day trial basis, with a permit
system, and to report back after that time.
In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following information
was noted:
---Close to 900 racers from across the country participated in the NBL Star of
the Wars X national BMX race this past weekend, August 1 and 2. Many people expressed
how impressed they were with the facility. Waterford Oaks is considered to be
the facility in Michigan.
Commissioner Murphy reminded the Commission that the program is as well received
and well run because of Dan Stencil.
---Staff is looking at new security measures and precautions that staff can take
to prevent another incident like the armed robbery that occurred at Waterford
Oaks on July 27. Ideas being considered are posting signs on cashiers' windows
stating only a minimal amount of cash is on hand, installing protective windows
on cashiers' booths, and additional security when deposits are being made.
---Michigan Senior Olympics are scheduled for Saturday, August 15 at the Oakland
Community College Orchard Ridge campus. Commissioners were urged to attend this
event, which the Commission co-sponsors.
---Wednesday, August 26, at 6 p.m., is the Volunteer Picnic, which will be held
at the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool. This picnic is a thank you to all the volunteers
for the many hours of service they have given to the Commission.
---Oakland Parks Foundation President George Googasian was recently honored with
the 1987 Governor's Award on Physical Fitness and Health. This award is presented
to an individual whose activities are exemplary of serious commitment to physical
fitness and healthy activity.
---Commissioner Fox inquired about the deer found at Glen Oaks. Manager Richard
noted that the Department of Natural Resources had been contacted about catching
and releasing them, who stated they do not participate in programs like that.
Commissioner Lewis suggested contacting the Michigan Humane Society.
---Commissioner Vogt noted how polite and helpful all the part-time staff he's
met have been to him.
---Budget dates set aside for Commission review of the budget are October 23 through
November 6. Please make a note of these dates on your calendar.
Next Commission meeting will be Wednesday, September 2, 1987, at 9 a.m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:31 a.m.
Pecky D. Lewis, Jr.
Karen Smith
Recording Secretary
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