June 3, 1987
The meeting was called to order at 9:18 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks
and Recreation Commission's conference room.
Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., George
Kuhn, Richard Kuhn, Jr., Thomas Law, Daniel Murphy, Ralph Nelson, John Olsen,
Richard Vogt
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Purchasing
Oakland County Corporation Counsel
Oakland County Central Services
Springfield Twp. Historical Society
Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager
Chuck Ross, Chief, Administrative Services
Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer
Joe Figa, Chief, Design and Development
Steve Vanden Boss.che, Engineering Aide
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Brad Baker, Recreation Supervisor
Ben Castle, Intern
Tony Lipinski, Intern
Joe St. Henry, Intern
Lloyd Hampton, Acting Manager
Pat Campbell, Real Estate Division
Glen Dick, Director
Helen C. Parker
The Commission viewed segments of a videotape of the Channel 7's program, "Second
Look" with commentator Dayna Eubanks, in which Manager Ralph Richard appeared
with representatives of the Huron -Clinton Metropolitan Authority, City of Detroit
Parks Department and Wayne County Parks.
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve the minutes of
the meeting of May 6, 1987, as written.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the payment
of Vouchers 5-1 through 5-332.
AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Murphy, Wint, Fox (6)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
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(Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, June 3, 1987)
Staff reported on the Red Oaks Waterpark's very successful first few days of operation.
Moved by Mr. Murphy, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to receive the Statement
of Operations as of April 30, 1987, and the Activities Report for April,
Motion carried.
Staff introduced the new interns, both from Central Michigan University, working
in the office: Tony Lipinski, working with Jon Kipke; and Joe St. Henry, working
in the Public Communications section.
Helen Parker reviewed the history of the Davis house, which stands on the Springfield
Oaks Golf Course. She noted that the exterior of the house needs to be painted
and, on behalf of the Springfield Township Historical Society, requested the Commission
have it painted.
Chairman Wint noted that the work will be done and that staff will be in contact
with the Society to make sure it's done as needed.
Vice Chairman Fox commented that a regular maintenance schedule should be followed
for this historical building.
As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids items were approved:
Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve the following
bid items as recommended by staff and Purchasing:
Asphalt for the four golf courses, Groveland Oaks and Independence Oaks
to the low bidder, Al's Asphalt, in the amount of $73,198, as per the
following letter dated May 22, 1987.
"To the Members of the
2800 Watkins Lake Road
Pontiac, MI 48054
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Per Commission instructions at the meeting of May 6, 1987, Purchasing
received bids for the asphalt project at the four golf courses and two
day use parks ranging from $73,198 to $183,870.
Purchasing reviewed the bids and checked the references of the
low bidder, A1's Asphalt. They found that Al's has done an excellent
job; one example --one Royal Oak school has been using Al's Asphalt for
six years.
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(Commission Meeting, June 3, 1987)
Funds were budgeted for this project in the amount of $74,000.
Therefore, staff has concurred with Purchasing's recommendation
and awarded the contract to Al's Asphalt in the amount of $73,198.
Attached is a list from Purchasing of the bid summary. Also included
is a list of where the asphalt will be placed in the parks; each park's
budget will be adjusted to reflect the cost.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 858-0909.
Ralph Richard, Manager
Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission"
Six (6) cast iron bollards with eye rings for the Red Oaks Waterpark
from Urban Accessories, Inc., in the amount of $1,830.00.
One (1) wire mesh bench and two (2) 30" x 24" planters for the Red Oaks
Waterpark from the low bidder, Ramco, Inc., in the amount of $2,208.00.
Cab for the 510 loader at Technical Support from Wolverine Tractor and
Equipment Company in the amount of $2,950.00.
300 stack chairs, 30 tables, 4 chair trucks and 3 table trucks for the
Waterford Oaks Activities Center from the low bidder, Steel Equipment,
in the amount of $16,662.53.
20 32" diameter camp fire in -ground grills (fire rings) for Addison
Oaks to the low bidder, Pilot Rock, in the amount of $59.50 each, for
a total purchase price of $1,190.00.
Repaint the exterior of the water tower at Addison Oaks, which includes
sandblasting, priming, and painting, plus adding a 12 ft. Commission
logo, to the low bidder, Hermes Painting, in the amount of $19,500.00.
75 KVA transformer with overload and surge protector for the Rampager
renovation project at Groveland Oaks to Westinghouse Supply Company
in the amount of $3,845.00.
Partitions for renovation of the ladies' side of bathroom building A
at Groveland Oaks to Hodges Supply in the amount of $2,313.75.
Lettering for the Mobile Recreation Showmobile II unit to Rich Sign
Company in the amount of $1,800.00.
150 tons of foundry slag for the cart paths at Glen Oaks, Springfield
Oaks, and White Lake Oaks Golf Courses to the Levy Company in the amount
of $1,025.00.
Holiday decorations for the parks to Bronner's of Frankenmuth in the
amount of $2,225.58.
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(Commission Meeting, June 3, 1987)
Award the contract for the installation of an irrigation system around
the Addison Oaks Conference Center to the lone bidder, Marc Dutton Irri-
gation, in the amount of $6,160.00. The amount of $5,000.00 has been
budgeted in the Capital Improvement Projects Budget for this project;
the balance of $1,160.00 will come from the Capital Budget Contingency.
AYES: R. Kuhn, Lewis, Murphy, Nelson, Olsen, Vogt, Wint, Fox, G. Kuhn (9)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Pat Campbell, Corporation Counsel, reviewed the history of the Simpson Lake/Thread
Creek proposed land acquisition adjacent to Groveland Oaks. The original proposal
was 191 +/- acres, which included access to Simpson Lake, at an appraised price
of $1,600 an acre. The current proposal involves 150 +/- acres, with no lake
access, at a price of $1,800 an acre.
Staff has received approval of the price of $1,600 an acre through a grant from
the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund. Staff recommended Commission authorize
Pat Campbell to offer to purchase the 150 +/- acres at a price of $1,800 an acre;
staff will then submit the $1,800/acre price to the State for approval on the
grant. If not approved, the $200/acre difference in price will mean an additional
$16,880 in Parks and Recreation funds.
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mrs. Fox to authorize Pat Campbell,
Corporation Counsel, to offer to purchase the 150 +/- acres of the Simpson
Lake/Thread Creek property adjacent to Groveland Oaks at a price of
$1,800 an acre.
AYES: Lewis, Murphy, Nelson, Olsen, Vogt, Wint, Fox, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn (9)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Staff received eight (8) proposals for the Orion Oaks master plan, with prices
ranging from $18,000 to $78,000. Staff will be meeting on June 11 to choose the
companies that will make a personal presentation to the Commission for a final
Jan Pung reviewed the list of planned activities for the June 12 grand opening
celebration of the Red Oaks Waterpark, which is co -sponsored by WHYT Radio. Cere-
monies are scheduled to begin promptly at 11:00 a.m.
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(Commission Meeting, June 3, 1987)
In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted:
---Manager Richard requested Commission consideration of the idea of a retreat
for the board, possibly around early October, for the purpose of deciding the
direction of the Commission over the next few years.
---Channel 4 was at the Red Oaks Waterpark for opening day to use the pool as
a backdrop for a piece they did on the Memorial Day weekend.
---Approximately 5,000 people attended the Good Old Summertime Family Day at Independence
Oaks on Saturday, May 30.
Moved by Mr. Vogt, supported by Mr. Law to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:47 a.m.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, July 1, at 9:00 a.m.
Pecky D. Lewis, Jr.
J TatiL
Karen Smith
Recording Secretary
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