March 4, 1987
The meeting was called to order at 9:14 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks
and Recreation Commission's conference room.
Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., George
Kuhn, Richard Kuhn, Jr., Thomas Law, Daniel Murphy, Ralph Nelson, John Olsen,
Richard Vogt
Parks and Recreation
Department of Public Work
Oakland Parks Foundation
Kammer/Michigan Consultants, Inc.
Baker, Abbs, Cunningham & Klepinger
Oakland Golf Dome Associates
Engan-Tooley Associates
Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager
Chuck Ross, Chief, Administrative Services
Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Jan Pung, Public Communications Officer
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Milton Handorf, Director
Lloyd Hampton, Chief of Purchasing
Fran Greenebaum, Executive Director
Kerry Kammer
Greg Holub, Vice President
John Paglino
Vince Paglino
Bob Tooley
Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Nelson to approve the
minutes of the meeting of February, 18, 1987, as written.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve the
payment of Vouchers 2-136 through 2-224.
AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Murphy, Nelson, Olsen, Wint, Fox (9)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Dan Stencil reported on the success of the cooperative publicity program the Com-
mission participated in last year, noting the Commission's advertisement was in-
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(Commission Meeting, March 4, 1987)
cluded in a circulation of over 256,000 in publications from 16 communities on
a budget of $4,000.
Staff requested Commission approval to increase the budget by $1,500 to expand
this program to an additional six communities for a total proposed circulation
of 360,000.
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. Kuhn to approve the transfer of
$1,500 from the Administration Contingency fund to the Administration
Public Communications account to increase the Commission's partici-
pation in the cooperation publicity program.
Motion carried.
Kerry Kammer reported on the status of potential funding from the Michigan Natural
Resources Trust Fund for the Commission's projects, including a proposed refrig-
erated toboggan run at Waterford Oaks and the development of Orion Oaks.
John Paglino, Oakland Golf Dome Associates, reviewed the history of the ownership
and progress of the Dome, emphasizing the improvements they have made in the last
two years and the good relationship between them and the Commission.
He noted that the lease expires April 30, and instead of picking up the option
to extend the lease, he requested Commission consideration of a new lease with
the following terms:
-5 year lease with three additional one year options to run from May 1 through
April 30 each year.
-For the first year the lessee will pay the Commission $5,000 or 1�% of gross,
whichever is greater; in succeeding years the lessee will pay $10,000 or 3%
of gross, whichever is greater.
-Lessee will also pay all taxes and expenses.
Staff noted other changes will be made in order to comply with the County's lia-
bility insurance requirements.
Moved by Mr. Murphy, supported by Mr. Vogt to authorize staff to
prepare a new lease with the Oakland Golf Dome Associates with review
and approval by Corporation Counsel; document to be returned to the
Commission for approval.
Discussion followed on the philosophy of allowing a county parks facility to be
operated entirely by a private enterprise.
Motion carried.
Jan Pung reviewed a proposed marketing program for the two wave pools in 1987,
which included promotion ideas for the grand opening of the Red Oaks Waterpark
and for the "100 days of summer" for both pools.
(Commission Meeting, March 4, 1987)
Staff requested Commission approval to transfer $10,000 from the Administration
Contingency fund to the Administration Public Information account for the marketing
Moved by Mr. Vogt, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the transfer
of $10,000 from the Administration Contingency fund to the Adminis-
tration Public Information account for the wave pools marketing program
for 1987.
Discussion followed on the Commission's philosophy of corporate sponsors.
Moved by Mr. Nelson, supported by Mr. Olsen to amend the motion to
delete the billboard portion of the marketing program and instruct the
marketing group to come back to the Commission with a separate pro-
posal for approval. Total transfer will remain the same at $10,000.
Motion to amend carried.
AYES: R. Kuhn, Law, Nelson, Olsen, Vogt, G. Kuhn (6)
NAYS: Lewis, Murphy, Fox (3)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Staff reported that, per Commission direction, the employees living in the rent-free
Commission -owned houses were approached to affirm their understanding that the
rent program would begin in 1990.
Staff noted that the employees requested they be allowed to make a presentation
to the Commission regarding their viewpoints on the proposed program; Commission
discussed this subject and agreed that this is an internal staff level function.
Commissioner Nelson suggested that, on behalf of future board members for clarifi-
cation, staff receive written affirmations from those employees involved.
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. Nelson to bring back to the floor
the motion on the Commission -owned houses tabled at the meeting of
February 18, 1987.
Motion carried.
The program, as presented to the Commission, is as follows:
Employees will pay a maximum of $500 in utilities that are in excess of $1,800.
A. If you can obtain approval from the Personnel Committee and/or the Board
of Commissioners, the 2.35 percent wage increase for the employees for 1987
will be rescinded and instead they will receive the total increase, which
included the general increase by the County and any equity, due them for 1987.
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(Commission Meeting, March 4, 1987)
B. Employees will pay the first $1,200 of utilities.
A. Employees will receive the general increase for the County.
B. Employees will pay the first $1,800 in utilities.
A. Employees will receive the general increase for the County.
B. Employees will pay all of the utilities.
There will be no payment of rent through 1989. However, if the Commission
wishes to have employees pay some rent in 1990, a meeting or meetings identical
to the one on Tuesday, January 20 will be held prior to any implementation.
Original motion presented back to the floor:
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the utilities/
rent program as presented by staff for those employees living in
Commission -owned houses with the following change:
1990: Meetings with the appropriate personnel to begin now with the
aim to establish an equitable rent program to be implemented
in 1990.
Motion carried.
As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bid items have been
Moved by Mr. Nelson, supported by Mr. Law to approve the following
bid items as recommended by staff and Purchasing:
30 gas golf carts for Springfield Oaks from the low bidder, Pifer, in
the amount of $2,250.00 each, and 6 electric golf carts for White
Lake Oaks from the low bidder, Michigan Golf Cars, in the amount of
$2,045.00 each; total purchase price will be $79,770.00.
Howard 72" diesel rotary mower for Springfield Oaks Golf Course from the
low bidder meeting specifications, Lawn Equipment, in the amount of
Three (3) 14 hp greens mowers for White Lake Oaks, Glen Oaks and Spring-
field Oaks Golf Courses to the low bidder, W. F. Miller, in the amount
of $8,272.00 each, for a total purchase price of $24,816.00.
Seven (7) Jacobsen fairway reel mowers for White Lake Oaks from W. F.
Miller in the amount of $1,067.42 each, for a total purchase price of
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(Commission Meeting, March 4, 1987)
Three (3) Sanyo #ECR-690 cash registers for White Lake Oaks, Springfield
Oaks and Red Oaks pro shops to the only bidder meeting specifications,
Michigan Cash Register, in the amount of $895.00 each, for a total
purchase price of $2,685.00.
Hydraulic reel mower with baskets for the Red Oaks Waterpark from the
only bidder meeting specifications, Wilkie Turf, in the amount of
Greens aerator for White Lake Oaks to the low bidder, W. F. Miller, in
the amount of $4,449.00.
40 automatic electric cart chargers for Glen Oaks, including a trade-in
of 39 manual chargers, to the low bidder, Semelek, in the amount of
Two (2) flatbed trucksters and one (1) turf type truckster for Red Oaks
and White Lake Oaks Golf Courses to the low bidder meeting specifica-
tions, Industrial Vehicle Sales, for a total amount of $15,096.25.
Tool storage cap for an S-10 pick-up truck for White Lake Oaks to the
low bidder, F. L. Jursik Company, in the amount of $1,341.00.
3-point hitch backhoe unit for a front end loader for Red Oaks to the
lone bidder, Munn Ford, in the amount of $4,295.00.
Lil' Brute Hauling Trailer for Technical Support to the low bidder
meeting specifications, Munn Ford, in the amount of $3,372.00.
Tennant Scrubber for the Red Oaks Waterpark from the Tennant Company
in the amount of $19,950.00.
"Trade Winds" commercial deck furniture for the Red Oaks Waterpark from
the low bidder, Engan-Tooley Associates, in the amount of $56,904.68.
20 combination trash/ash tray containers for the Red Oaks Waterpark from
the lone bidder, Engan-Tooley Associates, in the amount of $115.00 each,
for a total price of $2,300.00.
Excel Hustler 340 diesel rotary mower for Independence Oaks to the low
bidder, W. F. Miller, in the amount of $11,157.00.
12 Pelican pedalboats for Groveland Oaks to the low bidder meeting
specifications, Pelican International, in the amount of $363.00 each,
for a total purchase price of $4,356.00.
27 wire trash baskets for Groveland Oaks and Independence Oaks to the
low bidder, Lendow Products, in the amount of $3,066.80.
Four (4) Panasonic memory typewriters for the Administration office to
the low bidder, Kerr Albert, in the amount of $769 for one (1) type-
writer without a display screen and $1,428 each for three (3) type-
writers with display screens, for a total purchase price of $5,053.00.
Motion carried.
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(Commission Meeting, March 4, 1987)
Manager's report is as filed in the agenda.
---Executive Director Fran Greenebaum reminded the Commission of the Evita fund
raiser on Saturday, March 14 at the Birmingham Theatre. There are now only 20
tickets available.
---President George Googasian has been accepted to run in the Boston Marathon.
He has made a personal commitment to raise $10,000 for the Foundation in pledges
from his run.
The next Commission meeting will be Wednesday, March 18, 1987 at 9:00 a.m.
Moved by Mr. Nelson to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned 12:00 noon.
Pecky D. Lewis, Jr.
Karen Smith
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