June 15. 1988
The meeting was called to order at 9:11 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks
and Recreation Commission's conference room.
Chairman Lewis Wint,
Kuhn, Richard Kuhn,
Richard Vogt
Parks and Recreation
Central Services
Public Safety
Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., George
Jr., Thomas Law, Daniel Murphy, Ralph Nelson, John Olsen,
Waterford Oaks Paddle Tennis Players
Kammer/Michigan Consultants, Inc.
Oakland Parks Foundation
Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon J. Kipke, Assistant Manager
Chuck Ross, Chief, Administration Services
Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Sue Wells, Recreation Supervisor
Jacklyn McParlane, Recreation Supervisor
Tom Jackson, Park Supervisor
Joan Davidson, Intern
Chris Bundy, Intern
Jim Dunleavy, Intern
Mark Hansen, Intern
Glen Dick, Director
Med Tessier, Chief
Gary Hall, Lieutenant
Joe Hylla, Chief of Procurement
A. David Baumhart
Don Mitchell
Jerry Fisher
Dan Travis
Kerry Kammer
Fran Greenebaum, Executive Director
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Law to approve the minutes of the
meeting of April 30 with the following change: On Page 3 - 2, under
the heading of Statement of Operations and Activities Report, the wording
should be changed from "...the Statement of Operations for the month
ending March 31, 1988..." to read as follows: "...to receive the State-
ment of Operations through April 30, 1988..."
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve the payment of
Vouchers 5-273 through 5-358 and 6-1 through 6-156; the Interdepart-
mental Payments for April charges paid in May; and the Transfer Vouchers
for the May charges.
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(Commission Meeting, June 15, 1988)
AYES: Law, Lewis, Murphy, Nelson, Olsen, Wint, Fox, R. Kuhn (8)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Murphy, supported by Mr. Olsen to receive the Activities
Report for the month of May, 1988.
Motion carried.
Messrs. Baumhart, Mitchell, Travis and Fisher from the Waterford Oaks Paddle Tennis
Players presented a history of the game, a current status of the Commission's
platform tennis courts, the use, and a recommendation --including cost --for the
replacement of the courts.
They noted that the life expectancy of the existing wooden courts is two years;
they requested Commission consideration to replace them with aluminum courts that
have an indefinite life expectancy. Cost to replace our existing courts with
four aluminum courts was estimated at approximately $90,000.
Discussion followed on the replacement cost vs. amount of participation, and
whether to decide at some point that a program is too expensive or make a commit-
ment to a unique program and accept the maintenance costs.
Commissioners requested a tour of this facility be included in the parks tour
scheduled to follow the next Commission meeting on Wednesday, July 6.
Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. Nelson for Commission consideration
of the replacement of the four platform tennis courts at the Waterford
Oaks Tennis Complex, to be reviewed at the Commission's next meeting
following the Commission's tour of the facility on July 6, 1988.
Motion carried.
The proposed policies and procedures for the preliminary breath testing were reviewed;
staff recommended adoption, noting they can be adjusted at any time if necessary.
Commissioner Nelson noted that the procedures did not address the Commission's
concern about what will be done with a person who's tested and found to be above
the legal blood alcohol content limit for driving. He requested a commitment
that one of the following will occur: 1) The person will be safety escorted
home by a responsible adult driver; 2) The person will remain at the park until
he's able to drive; or 3) The person will be arrested.
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Olsen to adopt the policies and pro-
cedures for the preliminary breath testing with the following addition:
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(Commission Meeting, June 15, 1988)
#5. If the person tested is found to be above the legal blood alcohol
content limit to drive, one of the following actions will be taken:
A. The person will be escorted home by a responsible adult driver
B. The person will remain at the park until he is able to drive
C. The person will be arrested.
These changes will be contingent upon review and approval by Oakland
County Corporation Counsel and Risk Management.
Motion carried.
Date for the public hearing for the proposed Orion Oaks master plan was set for
Wednesday, July 6, at 9 a.m.
Staff will notify area residents and homeowner associations who have shown an
interest in the park's development in the past.
As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved:
Moved by Mr. Murphy, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the expenditure
for the well replacement in Section C of the modern campgrounds at Groveland
Oaks to Jim Layman in an amount not to exceed $9,000.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. Vogt to approve the expenditure for
the sand hauling and backfilling of the dredged area for the waterslide
at Groveland Oaks to Tom Purves, Inc. in the amount of $3,000.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. Murphy to approve the expenditure
to install two 40 foot pylons with an adjustable steel cross brace for
the waterslide at Groveland Oaks to W. J. Stewart in the amount of
Cost of this expenditure will be split between the Commission and Miracle
Equipment Company.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Vogt, supported by Mr. Nelson to award the bid for the
renovation of the heating and air conditioning system at the Springfield
Oaks Clubhouse to the low bidder, Jack's Sheet Metal, in the amount
of $17,600.
Motion carried.
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(Commission Meeting, June 15, 1988)
Staff noted that our buses have been determined to fall under the Michigan Depart-
ment of Transportation requirements as common carriers; as a result, the County's
Risk Manager has informed staff that there will be an additional $34,294.00 cost
for insurance this year.
Staff will be re-evaluating the bus program and preparing a recommendation on
possible fee increases, suggested group usage and destinations for Commission
consideration at the next meeting.
The Commission's annual parks tour has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 6 imme-
diately following the Commission meeting. Stops will include the Waterford Oaks
Tennis Complex, Groveland Oaks and Orion Oaks.
---"Sunday In the Park" will be Sunday, June 26, at Independence Oaks from 4 -
9 p.m. Scheduled activities will include bocce, croquet, dinner, an old-fashioned
bathing suit fashion show, and the musical production by Phil Marcus Esser.
Kerry Kammer reported that the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board has
made the first cuts on the development pre -applications. The Commission's Waterford
Oaks Refrigerated Toboggan Run made it through the first cut, but its priority
rating is low. Staff will have an opportunity to give an oral presentation on
the project before the Trust Fund Board.
The Manager's Report is as filed in the agenda.
Chairman Wint and Manager Richard met with County Commission Chairman Rewold,
Vice Chairperson McConnell, and Commissioner R. Kuhn on May 26 to discuss the
Parks Commission's courtesy passbook policy. As a result of that meeting, it
was decided to make available to the County Commissioners a "reasonable amount"
of passbooks for use by them and their guests at the Parks facilities.
A letter to be addressed to the County Commissioners explaining the outcome of
the meeting was drafted and presented for approval by the Parks Commission.
Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve sending the following
letter to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners regarding the Park's
courtesy passbook policy:
In response to a number of inquiries regarding the policy for the
use of County parks facilities, we held a meeting with County Commission
Vice Chairperson Nancy McConnell and Commissioner Richard Kuhn, Jr.,
who also serves on the Parks Commission.
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(Commission Meeting, June 15, 1988)
The use of the County Parks courtesy passbooks reached a high
several years ago of $27,000 in complimentary golf. At that time the
Parks Commission took steps to reduce that figure by "tightening the
belt" and decreasing the list of those people receiving the passbook.
At that point, however, the County Commissioners began to encounter
difficulties in obtaining the passbooks they requested and questioned
the policy.
The meeting noted earlier was a result of your concerns, working
toward a new policy in accordance with your wishes and those of the
Parks Commission.
The Parks Commission has always enjoyed excellent cooperation and
good will with the County Commission and feels it is of the utmost impor-
tance to continue that rapport and cooperative working relationship.
The Parks Commission maintains its concern that the County Commis-
sioners continue to visit and use the Parks facilities. The meeting
concluded with the decision that the County Commissioners should have
available a reasonable amount of courtesy passbooks for use at their
discretion. You can contact the Parks administrative office at 858-0909
and they will be issued to you.
As always, if you have a special event or outing, we want you to
feel free to call the Parks office for help in making arrangements.
Roy Rewold, Chairman
Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Lewis Wint, Chairman
Oakland Co. Parks & Recreation Commission
Motion carried.
Staff will monitor the program for Commission review.
Manager Richard reported on the status of the old administration office building,
noting the following: Staff has received a letter from the Department of Natural
Resources stating the Commission's future grants could be in jeopardy if the Com-
mission does not stay within the guidelines for recreation use; Waterford Township
has given approval to use the building for office use without requiring the in-
stallation of an elevator; and Friend of the Court might wish to use the building.
Until this issue is resolved, the Commission directed staff to ensure the building
is not demolished. Staff suggested any additional costs incurred from changing
the contract be passed along to the department that will use the building.
Meeting adjourned at 11:23 a.m.
Pecky D. Lewis, Jr.
Karen Smith
Recording Secretary
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