May 25, 1988
The meeting was called to order at 9:15 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Wint in the Parks
and Recreation Commission's conference room.
Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., George
Kuhn, Richard Kuhn, Jr., Ralph Nelson, John Olsen
Thomas Law, Daniel Murphy, Richard Vogt
Parks and Recreation
Oakland Co. Safety Division
Oakland Co. Central Services
Schmidt Copeland Parker Stevens
Oakland Co. Special Olympics
Giffels Webster Engineering
Oakland Parks Foundation
Observer/Eccentric Newspaper
Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager
C. L. Ross, Chief, Administrative Services
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Joe Figa, Chief, Design and Development
Jan Pung, Public Communications Officer
Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Sue Wells, Recreation Supervisor
Jackie McParlane, Recreation Supervisor
Chris Bundy, Intern
Joan Davidson, Intern
Jim Dunleavy, Intern
Med Tessier, Chief
Gary Hall, Lieutenant
Glen Dick, Director
Patty Stevens
Greg Copeland
Nancy Joseph, Executive Director
Keith Mayer
Fran Greenebaum, Executive Director
Tim Richard, Reporter
Recreation Supervisors Sue Wells and Jackie McParlane introduced the department's
newest interns, Chris Bundy, Jim Dunleavy, and Joan Davidson.
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve the correction
of the minutes of the meeting of April 6 by adding the following
approved bid items on page 3 - 4:
"Commercial grade air conditioner for the Red Oaks Waterpark office to
the low bidder, Detroit Safety Furnace Pipe, in the amount of $1,460.00.
Reprint of 10,000 camping brochures from the low bidder, Hamilton Printing,
in the amount of $1,140.00.
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(Commission Meeting, May 25, 1988)
Reprint of 10,000 Wave Pool brochures from the low bidder, Hamilton
Printing, in the amount of $1,260.00.";
plus approve the minutes of the meeting of May 4, 1988, with the fol-
lowing correction:
Page 3 - 3, second paragraph from the bottom, the word "Manpower" be
changed to read "Employment and Training Division".
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the payment
of Vouchers 5-1 through 5-272; the Interdepartmental Payments for March
paid in April; and the Transfer Vouchers for April charges.
AYES: Lewis, Nelson, Olsen, Wint, Fox, R. Kuhn (6)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Nelson, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to receive the statement
of operations for the month ending March 31, 1988, and the Activities
Report for the month of April, 1988.
Motion carried.
Patty Stevens and Greg Copeland, Schmidt Copeland Parker Stevens, presented the
final proposed master plan for Orion Oaks. Ms. Stevens summarized the existing
park conditions, then reviewed the proposed development, which includes the fol-
lowing elements:
Year-round core in the central meadow:
Facilities: Dining/meeting/administration center
Suite housing
Recreation center/pool complex
Small group cabins
Maintenance center north of the meadow;
Waterfront area - Lake Sixteen: fishing, boating and environmental
Future day use area, northeast corner: Shelters, play fields, picnic
Seasonal villages and adventure areas, west, among the old farm fields;
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(Commission Meeting, May 25, 1988)
Southwest section, possible archeological digs in the ruins of the old
homestead; also gardens/planting beds and/or a craft barn; farmstead;
and in the second smaller meadow south of the main meadow, future expan-
sion, if necessary.
The consultants included in their summary an estimated cost of $18,103,000, divided
into three phases, noting those portions of the project that could possibly be
funded by grants.
Ms. Stevens remarked that the plan has been designed to be flexible; the phasing
schedule in the plan represents a possible package that can be changed to meet
the requirements of possible funding.
The Commissioners expressed their concerns about trying to keep costs for the
use of the park at a reasonable rate while operating the park as close to a "break
even" budget as possible.
Commission directed staff to keep them apprised of operating budget figures.
The consultants are scheduled to present this plan to the Orion Township officials
at 7:30 this evening; a date for the public hearing will be set at the next Commission
Chuck Ross presented the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget Update as of March 31,
1988, noting changes and adjustments since original approval in December.
Staff requested approval of the budget as presented, including the allocation
of the additional funds noted as follows: $75,000 to Future Acquisitions and
Improvements, and $50,674 to the 1988 Capital Development Contingency.
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mrs. Fox to approve the 1988 Capital
Improvement Budget Update as of March 31, 1988, with changes and ad-
justments as noted, including allocation of the additional funds avail-
able, as follows: $75,000 to Future Acquisitions and Improvements,
and $50,674 to the 1988 Capital Development Contingency.
Motion carried.
Recreation Supervisor Sue Wells reviewed the history of the Community Assistance
Program for Mobile Recreation and requested Commission approval of an appropriation
of $15,000 for the 1988 program.
Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Olsen to approve the appropri-
ation of $15,000 for the 1988 Community Assistance Program for Mobile
Motion carried.
The Oakland County Safety Division has requested the Parks Commission become involved
in a Preliminary Breath Test Program, which is a method of screening the alcohol
content of an individual.
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(Commission Meeting, May 25, 1988)
This program is an answer to the concern that we might send or evict an individual
from one of our parks who is too intoxicated to legally operate a motor vehicle,
thereby leaving us open to liability in the event of an accident.
Staff requested Commission approval to purchase five Alco-Sensor III Preliminary
Breath Testers for use in the parks at a cost of $495.00, for a total of $2,475.00.
Lt. Gary Hall, Safety, noted that all of the Safety officers have been trained
and certified in the use of this instrument. Whenever it's used, a complaint
will be signed.
Lt. Hall explained that no one is legally required to take this test and there
is no problem as long as he does not drive. If someone is suspected of being
intoxicated, refuses the test and drives out of the park, the Oakland County Sheriff's
Department can be contacted and the person stopped.
If someone is tested and recognized as being unable to drive, arrangements can
be made to have someone else in his group drive him home, or we can provide assis-
tance in finding an alternate method of getting him home.
Commissioner Olsen asked about the possibility of promoting this in a positive
light as a new service available to anyone renting a picnic shelter.
Mr. Kipke emphasized that our first role is good will. The intent of the program
is not to harass our patrons or to discourage them from enjoying themselves, just
to identify those people who have given sufficient cause to check them, or have
received a complaint.
Commissioner R. Kuhn urged extreme caution before becoming involved in this program,
and requested a written policy for procedures.
Policy for use would be the same policy used by the Oakland County Sheriff's De-
partment, which is included in the Motor Vehicle Code Act #300 of the Public Acts
of 1949, as amended. The Commission has already adopted this act in its entirety,
which is part of the Commission's general park rules.
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the purchase
of five each Alco-Sensor III Preliminary Breath Testers for use at Ad-
dison Oaks, Groveland Oaks, Independence Oaks, and the Red Oaks and
Waterford Oaks Waterparks in the amount of $495.00 each, for a total
purchase price of $2,475.00. The Preliminary Breath Test Program will
not be implemented until a written policy on the use of the testers
and procedures for after the test is performed is brought back to the
Commission for approval.
AYES: Nelson, Olsen, Wint, Fox, R. Kuhn, Lewis (6)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
(Commission Meeting, May 25, 1988)
As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved:
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. Nelson to approve the following
bid items as reviewed and recommended by staff and Purchasing:
Contract for the preparation of an electrical distribution system for
the Addison Oaks Conference Center/Maintenance area to the lowest complete
bidder, A.B. & Associates, in the amount of $4,400.00, plus reimburseable
expenses and a contingency of $600.00. The bidding and construction
phase of the contract will be on an hourly basis as required.
Contract for the interior coordination of the administration office
to Lewis and Harvard Interior in the amount of $2,000.00.
Electrostatic painting of 47 pieces of furniture and installation of
28 new laminated plastic tops for the old office furniture in the adminis-
tration office to Cascoat, Inc., in the amount of $4,401.00.
Fireworks display for the Good Old Summertime Family Day at Independence
Oaks to the low bidder, Colonial, in the amount of $4,000.00; and displays
for Groveland Oaks and Addison Oaks for the 4th of July from Rozzi's
Famous Fireworks in the amount of $5,000.00.
Concrete for the construction of a motorcycle pad and dumpster pad at
the Red Oaks Waterpark to the low bidder, Clawson Concrete, in the amount
of $1,221.60.
Motion carried.
In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted:
---Requesting Commission consideration of a possible date for the annual Commission
parks tour --preferably the first Wednesday in July after the Commission meeting.
The tour this year will probably include Groveland Oaks and Orion Oaks.
---Invitations will be mailed soon for the Oakland Parks Foundation's "Day in
the Park with George" at Independence Oaks on Sunday, June 26. Please keep that
date open on your calendar, if possible.
---Great Scott! supermarkets have agreed to sponsor the Parks Commission's "Summer
$izzler" discount program for the 1988 summer. Great Scott will print 100,000
brochures at their own cost for distribution in their stores plus design posters
for their store windows.
---A "Walk Michigan" has been scheduled on Thursday, July 14, after the County
Board of Commissioners meeting, around the courthouse complex. All County employees
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(Commission Meeting, May 25, 1988)
are being invited to participate; they will have an opportunity to enter the drawing
for a stay on Mackinac Island and to walk with the Governor across the Mackinac
Bridge on Labor Day.
---The Planning and Building Committee reviewed the Commission's offer of the
old administration office building as office space, but requested use of the building
as storage space. The Committee was informed that storage space was not the intent
of the offer; the issue has been referred to Milt Handorf for review.
The next Commission meeting will be Wednesday, June 15, at 9 a.m. The new office
building dedication is scheduled for 11:30 that morning, with lunch immediately
Meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Pecky D. Lewis, Jr.
Karen Smith
Recording Secretary
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