HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1991.04.13 - 38892OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RETREAT April 13 and 14, 1991 The Retreat was called to order at 10:41 a.m. on April 13 by Chairman Wint in the Lancaster Room of the Thomas Edison Inn in Port Huron, Michigan. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., George Kuhn, Richard Kuhn, Jr., John Olsen, Alice Tomboulian, Richard Vogt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Fred Korzon, Thomas Law ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Central Michigan University Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Joseph Figa, Chief, Design and Development Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks Roger Coles, Facilitator Robert Frost, Facilitator The purpose of the Retreat was to review the mission statement, three-year goals, and one-year objectives that were established at the 1990 Retreat and to focus on establishing second -year objectives for those goals. Human Resources: Jon Kipke reviewed the 1990-91 objectives, noting staff accomplishments and those objectives that have not been met. Commissioner G. Kuhn requested a listing under goal #2 of those staff members who are four or two-year college graduates. Vice Chairman Fox noted, for objective 4.1 "Solicit feedback from staff on im- proved communication", that it was inappropriate for the Commission to be involved in administrative decisions. After the discussion, the facilitators suggested adding the following objectives under goal 5: 5.5 Direct questions/concerns to staff prior to Commission meetings. 5.6 Be prompt and prepared for Commission meetings. 5.7 Introduction of and interaction with staff during Commission meetings. 3a-1 (Commission Retreat, April 13 & 14, 1991) Consumer Resources: Jan Pung reviewed the 1990-91 objectives, noting staff accomplishments and those objectives that have not been met. After the discussion and in response to a suggestion by Commissioner Tomboulian, Commissioner Olsen requested objective 3.1 be changed to read as follows: 3.1 Better publicize and continue environmental recycling and/or out- door preservation information, not only in the Acorn and Oaknotes, but in all types of media and publications. Financial Resources: Frank Trionfi reviewed the 1990-91 objectives, noting staff accomplishments and those objectives that have not been met. Commission expressed concern over objective 1.2, "Develop new millage package for land acquisition." Staff noted that this millage is merely in the research stage; surveys will be conducted to see if the millage is feasible or if there is any support for it. Commission suggested the objective be changed to read as follows: 1.2 Research new funding sources. Commissioner Tomboulian suggested objective 3.2 be changed to read: 3.2 Formulate decision on the utilization of Orion Oaks grant. Staff noted that they felt the grant already approved by the State for the beach improvements at Orion Oaks should not be used. Commissioner Olsen concurred, feeling the Commission would be acting responsibly by returning the grant, and suggested it be returned in such a way that the money would go back into the grant "pot" for next year. After further discussion, the Commission recommended the following additional changes for the 1991-92 goals and objectives: Delete goal #4 and objective 4.1. Change goal #5 to a new goal #4 and to read as follows: 4. Provide funding for future capital improvement and acquisition. The old objective 4.2 to become 4.2 under the new goal A. Staff reviewed objective 6.2 noting the delays we have experienced in working with Computer Services while trying to establish the computer maintenance program. Commission expressed their concerns over the delay and discussed methods of re- opening dialogue with Computer Services and how to expedite staff's requests. Commissioner Vogt requested staff receive a legal opinion from Corporation Coun- sel as to whether or not the Parks Commission must get approval from the CUAC Committee to purchase our computers, since the Parks Commission has separate fund- ing through the millage. 3a-2 (Commission Retreat, April 13 & 14, 1991) Physical Resources: Joe Figa reviewed the 1990-91 objectives, noting staff accomplishments and those objectives that have not been met. Mr. Figa recommended Objective 1.2 be changed as follows: 1.2 Redefine the phrase "appropriate lands" for consideration of land acquisition. Also redefine our philosophy to consider preservation of lands for future development rather than the current policy of land acquisition and immediate development. Mr. Figa requested the following objective be added under goal #1: 1.3 Follow through on the Rose Township Acquisition. Commissioner Tomboulian requested that objective 4.1, whichhad been deleted from Financial Resources, be added as objective 1.4 as follows: 1.4 Continuation of research on land and/or facility availability. Chief of Parks Dan Stencil suggested having an assessment done on all the proper- ties in Oakland County that may be significant to the Commission. It was also suggested that the Commission increase their interest in historical preservation, basing some acquisitions on their historical characteristics/value rather than their natural characteristics. After discussing goal #3, the following changes were recommended: Change objective 3.1 into goal #3 as follows: 3. Continue to review Orion Oaks plan in light of funding and new con- ditions --determine direction. Add the following objective as 3.1: 3.1 Review the hunting requirements/control. Staff discussed the progress being made on the Rookery, noting that because of zoning changes unknown to our appraiser, the appraised value we received on the parcel was low. Staff was directed to check on that zoning information with the appraiser and then inform the Commission of the proper value. Conservation Ethic: Dan Stencil showed a short video from Scott Paper Products and informed the Com- mission that the parks are involved in a testing program with Scott for both cost and waste reduction. Commission discussed several conservation ideas; Commissioner Tomboulian suggested we bring those ideas, plus our involvement in them, to the attention of the general public. Commission reviewed the conservation ethic statement and stewardship philosophy of Lake Metroparks in Ohio. 3a-3 (Commission Retreat, April 13 & 14, 1991) Vice Chairman Fox proposed the Commission consider adopting a similar conservation ethic mission statement as a commitment to the environment. Commissioner Olsen suggested that, rather than a new mission statement solely for this purpose, add to the end of our current mission statement the following phrase: "...and is sensitive to their environmental and conservation concerns." Discussion followed, after which staff was directed to look at what the department is currently doing, find out what else we could be doing, and to work with Jan Pung's section to inform the general public. Refrigerated Toboggan Run: Staff showed a video of the refrigerated toboggan run at Pokegan State Park in Indiana. Future Direction for Community Programming: Staff informed the Commission that two meetings have been set, May 15, 7:30 p.m. at Glen Oaks, and May 29, 7:30 p.m. at Waterford Oaks, to which the parks and recreation boards and commission members from throughout the county have been invited. Agenda for these meetings includes future direction for the Oakland County Parks, Orion Oaks, and therapeutic recreation. These meetings are in response to a parks and recreation directors meeting held in January. At that time, those directors attending expressed their concerns about the continuation of the therapeutic recreation program. Staff is considering hiring a recreation specialist to coordinate the seniors proramming. The position will be part time to begin, with consideration for full time if the program grows. For therapeutic recreation, Jackie McParlane's posi- tion would be filled with an entry level full-time recreation specialist. Commissioners expressed their concerns about the role of the person handling the therapeutic recreation program, as to whether or not we are filling the communi- ties' roles or coordinating for everyone. Commission feels our role is not to do their programs, but to help and establish. Commission concurred that therapeutic recreation programming is necessary, but questioned our level of involvement. Staff noted that our current budgetary com- mitment is less than 1%. There was a consensus of Commissioners in support of staff filling the two recre- ation specialist positions; these positions have already been approved in the budget. Retreat was adjourned at 11:58 a.m. on April 14. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Secretary Karen Smith Recording Secretary 3a-4