May 15, 1991
The Commission Meeting was called to order at 10:25 a.m. by Chairman Wint in the
Twin Chimneys Shelter at Independence Oaks.
Chairman Lewis Wint, Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Pecky Lewis, Jr., George
Kuhn, John Olsen, Alice Tomboulian, Richard Vogt
Fred Korzon, Richard Kuhn, Jr., Thomas Law
Parks and Recreation
Oakland Co. Sheriff's Dept.
Oakland Co. Drain Commission
City of Farmington Hills
Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager
Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services
Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Joseph Figa, Chief of Design & Development
Susan Wells, Chief of Recreation
Sheila Cox, Accountant
Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer
Desiree Marcks, Public Comm. Assistant
Jim Dunleavy, Recreation Specialist
Ray Delasko, Park Supervisor
Brad Baker, Assistant Park Supervisor
Mike Willhite, Gr. Equipment Mechanic
Ellen Sorensen, Typist II
Bob Lay, Groundskeeper II
Kevin Poeppe, Groundskeeper II
Dick Eash, Grounds Equipment Mechanic
Tom Seaman, Parks Deputy Supervisor
Glen Yrjanainen, Deputy & Chief Engineer
Ron Karttunen, Project Engineer
Tom Biasell, Director of Public Services
Park Supervisor Ray Delasko introduced his staff members to the Commission.
Public Communications Officer Jan Pung introduced Desiree Marcks, who is the new
full-time Public Communications Assistant.
Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Olsen to approve the minutes of
the meeting of May 1, 1991, as written.
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(Commission Meeting, May 15, 1991)
AYES: Fox, Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Vogt to approve the payment of
Vouchers 5-1 through 5-149 and the Interdepartmental Payments for the
March charges paid in April.
AYES: Fox, Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint (7)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
Glen Yrjanainen, Oakland County Drain Commission reviewed the Pebble Creek Drain
Construction Project as approved by the Parks Commission in 1990.
The Department of Natural Resources would not approve the project and issue a
permit, citing the reason that we would be destroying a viable wetlands behind
the maintenance building.
Drain Commission staff has since redesigned the proposed 100 ft. berm originally
proposed for construction behind the maintenance building. The new berm, to be
located along the 15th fairway at the present bridge site, will be compressed
to a width of 24 ft. between steel sheeting that will be driven into the ground
and filled with engineer placed fill. It will include a 5 ft. x 12 ft. control
structure, which will control the storm flow, and the cart path will be placed
over that. Elevation of this structure will be 5 ft. higher than the current
structure and will include a railing on the top. Also, the split rails presently
at that site will be replaced by stone work.
Staff has been working with the Drain Commission on this project and recommends
approval of this proposed change --the only design change from the original pro-
posal made last year.
Staff has also agreed to move the date to begin construction back from October
to early September to allow additional contruction time in case of the early onset
of winter.
Plans and specifications on this project will be finalized in two weeks, and the
Drain Commission expects the permit to be issued by June 1, 1991.
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Olsen to authorize Chairman Wint
to executive the new easement document with the Oakland County Drain
Commission, which redescribes the new configuration in the Pebble Creek
Drain Construction Project at the Glen Oaks Golf Course and includes
a new date of September 9, 1991, in which to begin work on the golf
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(Commission Meeting, May 15, 1991)
AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint, Fox (7)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried.
As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved:
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. Tomboulian to approve the following
bids as recommended by staff and Purchasing:
One riding turf vacuum for the Red Oaks Wave Pool from Lawn Equipment
in the amount of $12,770.00.
One 36" x 10' PVC erosion control/access ramp for the Groveland Oaks
Waterslide from the low bidder, Central Pool Supply, in the amount of
Contract for the roof repairs at the Addison Oaks Conference Center
to the low bidder, Detroit Cornice, for $23,590 for the base bid, plus
Alternate #1 in the amount of $5,311, for a total contract amount of
$28,901. Budget will include a 15% contingency in the amount of $4,335,
for a total budgeted amount of $33,236.
Contract for the exterior renovation of the Addison Oaks Conference
Center to Grunwell/Cashero in the amount of $42,740 for the base bid,
plus Alternates #1 of $5,175 and #2 of $4,830, for a total contract
amount of $52,745. Budget will include a 15% contingency in the amount
of $7,912, for a total budgeted amount of $60,657.
Purchase and installation of 60 balled and burlaped evergreen trees
and 80 Redtwig Dogwood trees for Groveland Oaks from the low bidder,
Marine City Nursery, in the amount of $5,510.00.
Contract for the chimney/masonry repairs at the Twin Chimneys Shelter
at Independence Oaks to Grunwell/Cashero in the amount of $4,865.00.
Contract to remove and replace the tennis net pole supports and center
tie -down rings at the Waterford Oaks Tennis Complex to McKearney Asphalt
& Sealing, Inc., in the amount of $4,000.00.
AYES: Fox, Kuhn, Lewis, Tomboulian, Vogt, Wint (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Chief of Parks Dan Stencil noted that the Orion Oaks Hunting Area Control Committee
has met and will be presenting to the Orion Township Board of Trustees a package
of four recommendations on the hunting issue for the township board's adoption.
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(Commission Meeting, May 15, 1991)
If this package is adopted, it must be presented to the Parks Commission for ap-
proval. If the township board rejects the package, the committee would begin
The package is expected to be placed on the township's June agenda; staff will
update the Commission on any progress made.
The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 11:46 a.m.
The meeting re -convened at 11:59 a.m.
In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted:
---Manager Richard distributed a fact sheet with answers to questions asked at
recent Commission meetings, including:
The structure and property value of the park system, which has been
estimated at $35,783,716, based on figures from Industrial Appraisal
and Corporation Counsel.
Expenditures for the therapeutic recreation program during 1990 were
$11,706, or 0.15% of the total operating budget.
Total percentage of American -made parts in an 5-10 pick-up truck is
90%, per figures received from Central Garage.
---Commissioners have been invited to introduce Detroit Tiger alumni at our up-
coming Tiger baseball clinics this summer. Chief of Recreation Sue Wells will
coordinate dates and times with Commissioners.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 5, 1991, 9 a.m., at the Waterford Oaks
Activities Center.
The m eting was adjourned at 12:08 p.m.
Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. \
Karen Smith
Recording Secretary
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