HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1994.04.20 - 38956OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING April 20, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. by Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. in the grill room of the Glen Oaks Clubhouse. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Ruth Johnson, Thomas Law, L. Brooks Patterson, Roy Rewold, Richard Skarritt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: George Kuhn, Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., John Olsen ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation MI Dept. of Natural Resources Parlovecchio Bldg. & Devel. Oak Management Corporation, Inc. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Jan Pung, Public Comm. Officer Joe Figa, Chief of Design/Development Tim Payne, District Wildlife Biologist Julie Parsons, Wildlife Biologist Mauro Bianchini, Vice President Tony Parlovecchio Brian Judge, Architect Edward Fuller, President George Lekas, Vice President Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 16, 1994, as written. AYES: Fox, Johnson, Lewis, Patterson, Rewold, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the minutes of the public hearing of March 16, 1994, as written. AYES: Fox, Johnson, Lewis, Patterson, Rewold, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no questions asked, nor comments made, by the public. (Commission Meeting, April 20, 1994) Commissioner Patterson complimented Oak Management, citing their generosity in all events in which they are asked to participate. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Patterson, supported by Mr. Rewold to approve the payment of Vouchers 3-109 through 3-234 and 4-1 through 4-199, and the Interdepartmental Payment Register for the February charges paid in March. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fox, Johnson, Lewis, Patterson, Rewold, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. ACTIVITIES REPORT: The Activities Report for March, 1994, was accepted as filed. ADDISON OAKS WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: Chief of Parks Dan Stencil reviewed the wildlife management program in which the Parks have been involved for the last three years at Addison Oaks, along with results achieved during this time. This program focuses on the Whitetail Deer population in the parks. Staff requested Commission approval to continue with the DNR Block Permit Program at Addison Oaks for another three years. Staff will provide annual updates, aerial censuses, plus will request the farmer who leases part of the park for agricultural purposes to stop growing corn. DNR Biologist Tim Payne also spoke about a new "egg shaking" program being tried for the control of Canada Goose populations. Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. Rewold to continue the wildlife management program at Addison Oaks. This will include being involved in the DNR's Block Permit Program, annual updates and aerial censuses, plus working with the farmer who has an agricultural lease for the park to stop growing corn. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Law, Lewis, Rewold, Skarritt, Fox (5) NAYS: Johnson (1) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. GLEN OAKS CLUBHOUSE EXPANSION/PARKING LOT REVIEW: As directed by the Commission at the March 16, 1994 meeting, staff reviewed the following information pertinent to the clubhouse and parking lot expansion at Glen Oaks: (Commission Meeting, April 20, 1994) Current facilities include: Clubhouse (12,000 +/- square feet) First floor Banquet room 4, 615* square feet Grill room 1,055* square feet Pro Shop 264* square feet Kitchen, Storage, Restrooms Second floor Apartment, Storage Basement Concession snack window, Old bar/ grill room, Mechanical *This is the square footage that pertains to the parking requirements. Golf cart storage/staging area Approximately 7,800 square feet for 61 golf carts. Maintenance facility Storage building, employee parking, service drive and yard. Parking 219 spaces, two entrances/exits, lighted with landscaping and a fence along the south side. To the west of the parking is No. 2 green; to the east is a practice green and lawn area. The original parking lot, which exists today, was constructed to the old 13 Mile Road 66 ft. right of way (ROW). The proposed ROW is 120 ft., plus a 10 ft. landscape setback. Therefore, the present parking encroaches into the ROW and setback area approximately 30 ft. Current Farmington Hills' parking requirements are as follows: 6 spaces for each golf hole 1 space for each full-time employee 1 space for each 30 square feet of usable floor area (banquet) 1 space for each 75 square feet of usable floor area (grill room) 1 space for each 150 square feet of usable floor area (pro shop) 1 tree for each 2,800 square feet of parking surface, at 75 square feet minimum for each tree Using the above ordinance requirements, the present parking lot of 219 spaces should be 278 spaces, a deficiency of 59. It is our understanding that if we only repave the existing lot, we would not have to make any changes. New ordinances have been adopted dealing with site considerations, which include parking lot landscaping, greenbelts, lighting, signage, drainage, and other site engineering requirements. This site is considered nonconforming, and any improvements requiring a building permit (modifications, renovations, or expansion) would mean bringing the site into conformance. (Commission Meeting, April 20, 1994) A modification or renovation which would not add square footage but still require a building permit would initiate a site review. This review could recommend an additional 88 parking spaces, which include the spaces we are presently deficient, plus the spaces we would lose for the required parking lot landscaping. The proposed clubhouse expansion of approximately 3,200 square feet would require 189 new parking spaces, which also includes the landscape requirement. The front 61 parking spaces in the existing lot are in the proposed ROW. Because they would be eliminated if 13 Mile Road was expanded, we may also be required to account for them in the expanded parking, as they would not be included in the total number of spaces required. This would bring the total of new spaces to 251 spaces. Ingress and egress lands at the entrances may also have to be considered, as well as the sidewalk requirement along 13 Mile Road. Staff and Commission adjourned for a tour of the clubhouse and parking lot. The golf cart storage area was also examined, which presently exists to the east of the building. An area of approximately 30 ft. x 220 ft. (golf cart storage) and 20 ft. x 60 ft. (staging area) is needed. Staff is exploring the possibility of using the area below the clubhouse for golf cart storage. This will depend on the final design and the amount of usable space remaining after the design of the addition. Commission expressed specific concerns, including: *Aesthetics and size of the parking lot: Staff will meet with city officials to see if there is a way we can do the parking lot without causing a problem and without it becoming a detriment to the park. Also any other cost factors should be noted, including asphalt, lighting, and landscaping. *Storm drainage: There is drainage presently, but it may have to be expanded. *Health Department requirements for the kitchen remodeling. *Air circulation requirements for smoking/no smoking areas and the kitchen. *Clubhouse expansion bids should be handled by Parks staff rather than being done through Oak Management Corporation. Staff will meet with officials to address these concerns and specifically the parking lot, in order to do this without it becoming a detriment to the park. Commissioner Law requested this issue not be placed on the agenda again until the June 1 meeting. Mr. Fuller, president of Oak Management, noted that, with this additional delay in obtaining the information necessary for Commission approval, construction on the expansion will be delayed for a year. This time frame is used to take into con- sideration avoiding the interruption of the golfing season. Those people who have tentatively booked larger parties based on the expansion to be completed in 1995 will be contacted and cancelled. BIDS: As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved: (Commission Meeting, April 20, 1994) Moved by Mr. Rewold, supported by Mr. Law to approve the purchase of the following items as reviewed and recommended by staff and Purchasing: Annual supply of fertilizer for the golf courses and parks be split and awarded to the low bidder for the greens fertilizer, fairway fertilizer, and Nutralene, Turf Grass, in the amount of $25,664.00; and to the low bidder for the Milorganite, United Horticultural, in the amount of $1,512.00. 2,250 square feet of corrugated sheet metal pilings for White Lake Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Courses to the low bidder, Jensen Bridge, in the amount of $7,428.00. Authorize the expenditure of $16, 859.20 to Detroit Edison to relocate seven electrical poles and lines at Glen Oaks Golf Course. Staff will doublecheck on whether or not the poles are in the right of way and therefore Detroit Edison's expense to relocate. Three Jacobsen riding greensmowers for White Lake Oaks, Springfield Oaks, and Glen Oaks Golf Courses to the low bidder meeting specifi- cations, W. F. Miller, in the amount of $12,471.00 each, for a total purchase price of $37,416.00. Split the bid for various asphalt projects and award to the low bidder for Springfield Oaks and White Lake Oaks Golf Courses, Allied Construction, in the amount of $33, 743.00; and to the low bidder for the asphalt projects at Red Oaks, Asphalt Specialists, in the amount of $19,150.00. 14 each 4-passenger pedalboats for Groveland Oaks, and 4 each 2- passenger and 2 each 4-passenger pedalboats for Addison Oaks to the low bidder meeting specifications, DMM Industries, in the amount of $17,748.00. Contract for the roof repairs at Independence Oaks to the low bidder, Energy Shield, in the amount of $3, 780.00 for the Lakeview Shelter, and $13,180.00 for the alternate of the built-up roof insulation at the Beach Concession Building, for a total contract amount of $16, 960.00. Contract for the installation of a 5" PVC well, with valve controls to the existing system, for the Independence Oaks boathouse area to James Layman Well Drilling, in the amount of $7, 309.00 . Landscaping and site work for the newly -paved north entrance drive and parking lot, plus the new drop-off area at the clubhouse, at White Lake Oaks to the low bidder, F. J. Lafontaine & Sons in the amount of $15, 622.00, plus a contingency of $1,578.00, for a total contract amount of $17,200.00. Contracts for the purchase and installation of trees in the parks as part of the Urban and Rural Tree Planting Initiative Grant received from the Small Business Administration as follows: ( Commission Meeting, April 20, 1994 ) Low bidder for nursery -grade trees for Red Oaks, C & H Landscaping, in the amount of $5,875.00; low base bidder for nursery -grade trees at Groveland Oaks, Lowrie's Landscaping, in the amount of $7, 050.00; low bidder for park -grade trees at Lyon Oaks, Lowrie's Landscaping, in the amount of $8,160.00; and low bidder for park -grade trees at Orion Oaks, Olson Landscaping, in the amount of $6,277.50. Total amount of the four contracts is $27, 362.50, plus a contingency of $1, 977.50, for a total project cost of $29,340.00. The SBA grant is a 50/50 grant in the amount of $14,670.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Law, Lewis, Rewold, Skarritt, Fox, Johnson (6) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. Moved by Mr. Rewold, supported by Mrs. Fox to award the bid for the purchase of 60 pairs of in -line skates for the Mobile Recreation program to Don Thomas Sporthaus in the amount of $109.00 each, for a total purchase price of $6,540.00. Commission noted that the purchase is made reluctantly at this time in order to get the program under way for this year. Staff was requested to check with the Purchasing Division on the reason for receiving only one bid for this purchase. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lewis, Rewold, Skarritt, Fox, Law (5) NAYS: Johnson (1) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. Rewold to approve the purchase of a Walker trim mower for Waterford Oaks to Oakland Lawn and Garden, in the amount of $10, 995.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Rewold, Skarritt, Fox, Johnson, Law, Lewis (6 ) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. Because of concerns about the bidding process and receiving only one bid, the request to purchase a turf sweeper for Waterford Oaks was withdrawn for re- evaluation. 4-H LIAISON: Per Miscellaneous Resolution #94081 from the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Public Services Committee, the Parks Commission has been requested to have two ( Commission Meeting, April 20, 1994 ) people serve on a blue-ribbon committee for future recommendations for the organization and funding of 4-H. Assistant Manager Jon Kipke will serve as staff member representative. Moved by Mrs. Johnson, supported by Mr. Skarritt to appoint Roy Rewold as delegate to the blue-ribbon committee for recommendations for the future organization and funding of 4-H; Ruth Johnson will serve as alternate. AYES: Fox, Johnson, Law, Lewis, Rewold, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: --- Commission/ Staff Retreat has been rescheduled as a one -day work session on Wednesday, May 18, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at White Lake Oaks. A facilitator will be used this year. It's important for all commissioners to attend, if possible. Commission requested that purchasing procedures be placed on the agenda for discussion. ---The regular meeting on May 4 was rescheduled back to the regular time of 9 a.m. at the Administration office. Commissioners were also invited to the Oakland Parks Foundation's annual dinner that same evening at Addison Oaks. The Parks Commission will pay for those commissioners wishing to attend; commissioners bringing a spouse or guests must pay for that meal at a cost of $30 each. ---Other important upcoming events: The Legislators/county commissioners update meeting at White Lake Oaks on Friday, May 6, at 9 a.m. Also, the annual recognition banquet will be 6:30 p.m. on Friday, May 13, at Waterford Oaks. ---A newly -updated golf course fees study was distributed. The next Commission meeting will be 9 a.m. on Wednesday, May 4, at the administration office. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 a.m. G� Richard D . Kuhn, Jr. Karen Smith Secretary Recording Secretary