HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1994.10.19 - 38971OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING AND BUDGET REVIEW WORK SESSION October 19, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 9:07 a.m. by Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Jean Fox, Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Ruth Johnson, George Kuhn, Thomas Law, L. Brooks Patterson, Roy Rewold, Richard Skarritt, Richard Vogt ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Purchasing Oakland County Central Services Equalization APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ralph Richard, Manager Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Joe Figa, Chief of Design/Development Sue Delridge, Chief of Recreation Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services Jan Pung, Public Comm. Officer Craig Thompson, Intern Joseph Hylla, Manager Dave VanderVeen, Director Phil Bertolini Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. Patterson to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 21, 1994, as written. AYES: Fox, Johnson, G . Kuhn, Lewis, Patterson, Rewold, Skarritt (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no questions asked, nor comments made, by the public. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mr. G . Kuhn to approve the payment of Vouchers 9-239 through 9-410 and 10-1 through 10-159; plus the Interdepartmental Payments for the August charges paid in September. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fox, Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Rewold, Skarritt (7) NAYS: (0) 3 - 1 (Commission Meeting and Budget Review, October 19, 1994) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: The Statement of Operations for the month ending August 31, 1994, was accepted as filed. ACTIVITIES REPORT: The Activities Report for the month of September, 1994, was accepted as filed. AWARD PRESENTATION: Manager Richard presented a plaque to the Commission from the 4-H Fair Board in appreciation for the Commission's being "Friends of Oakland County 4-H Fair". Manager Richard also announced that Jan Pung and her staff had received the second place award from the National Recreation and Park Association as kudos for their marketing and communications system in getting information to the residents of Oakland County. PROPOSAL A AND ITS EFFECT ON OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS: Mr. Phil Bertolini from Oakland County Equalization reviewed the recently -passed Proposal A and its expected effects to Oakland County and on future revenues for the Oakland County Parks. The following bids were approved as reviewed and recommended by staff and Purchasing: Moved by Mr. Rewold, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to award the contract for the deck renovation for the Red Oaks Wave Pool renovation, including removal of the existing carpeting and asphalt base, plus formation and installation of a new concrete deck around the perimeter of the existing pool and a concrete curb and small retaining wall around the children's play area to the low bidder, McCarthy Construction Company, in the amount of $148, 200, plus a 5 o contingency of $7,400, for a total budgeted cost of $155,600. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Patterson, Rewold, Skarritt, Vogt, Fox (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. Moved by Mr. Patterson, supported by Mr. Vogt to award the bid for the purchase of furniture for the Lookout Lodge shelter at the Waterford Oaks Fridge to Bliss Supply Company in the amount of $9,382.00. 3 - 2 (Commission Meeting and Budget Review, October 19, 1994) AYES: Fox, Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Patterson, Rewold, Skarritt, Vogt (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mrs. Fox, supported by Mrs. Johnson to award the bid for the printing of 110,000 4-color general park information brochures to the low bidder, Dearborn Lithograph, in the amount of $15,090.00. AYES: Fox, Johnson, G . Kuhn, R . Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Patterson, Rewold, Skarritt, Vogt (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. Patterson, supported by Mr. Law to award the bid for the purchase of a Morbark chipper for year-round tree removal and general pruning operations, plus for the Christmas tree recycling program, as part of the Technical Support floating equipment inventory to the low bidder, Michigan Cat/Allied Products, in the amount of $23,854.00. AYES: Fox, Johnson, G . Kuhn, R . Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Patterson, Rewold, Skarritt, Vogt (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. BACKHOE ATTACHMENT - SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE: Commission questioned a purchasing policy point, plus requested Purchasing poll those bidders who did not respond to discover their reasons for a "no bid". Staff will compile the information requested and present this bid item again at the next meeting. 4-H YOUTH PROGRAM BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE: Assistant Manager Jon Kipke reviewed the Blue Ribbon Committee's recommendations for the 4-11, including reaffirmation of the funding of the positions, with a review in six months, plus to continue working with the 4-H in the future. Commission commended Mr. Kipke and Commissioner Rewold on a job well done. MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---Information on the Gypsy Moth Suppression Program is being compiled, and the county program coordinator has been contacted; a presentation will be made at the November 2 Commission meeting. ---Manager Richard distributed samples of a new hat advertising "The Fridge". 3 - 3 (Commission Meeting and Budget Review, October 19, 1994) 1995 PROPOSED BUDGET: Staff noted that the proposed revenue budget for 1995 is $12, 993,108, an increase of 2. 7% over the proposed budget for 1994. Of this amount, $5, 227, 643 comes from fees and charges, and the balance of $7, 765,465 will come from the millage and interest on investments. The proposed operating budget for 1995 is $9,665,983, a decrease of 0.2% from the 1994 proposed budget. The remaining balance of the revenues, after the $9,665,983 for operations, is for operating equipment and capital development. The amount of $450,000, of which approximately $97,006 is for revenue -producing items (i.e., golf carts, boats, stage, etc.), is for operating equipment. Estimated new funds for capital development for 1995 is $3,309,549. Personnel: There are no new full-time positions requested for 1995. Fees and Charges: Staff reviewed the proposed changes in the fees and charges for 1995. All of the fees and charges recommended by staff were approved, except for the following changes proposed by the Commission: For Springfield Oaks, Glen Oaks, and White Lake Oaks Golf Courses: Greens fees: Weekday regular rate - $12.00 for 9 holes Weekday youth rate - $6.75 for 9 holes Weekend or holiday regular rate - $15.00 for 9 holes and $25.00 for 18 holes Power carts: $11.00 for 9 holes and $19.00 for 18 holes For Red Oaks Golf Course: Greens fees: Weekday regular rate - $11.00 for 9 holes Weekday resident discount rate of $8.00 for 9 holes Weekday youth rate - $5.50 for 9 holes Weekend or holiday regular rate - $12.50 for 9 holes Weekend or holiday resident discount rate - $9.50 for 9 holes Power carts: $11.00 for 9 holes; $8.00 for second 9 holes For the raft rental charge at the wave pools, staff requested Commission flexibility on a final decision while the raft rental program is being further reviewed. The full Fees and Charges, with staff's proposed changes, is attached for reference. Operating Equipment: Assistant Manager Jon Kipke reviewed the proposed operating equipment budget. 3 - 4 (Commission Meeting and Budget Review, October 19, 1994) Staff was directed to contact Oak Management once again to provide the hot beverage dispenser at Independence Oaks before the Commission provides one. Staff was also directed to check with Risk Management on the safety issue of the Commission providing portable gas grills for park patrons' use. Staff will explore the possibility of applying for/receiving grants for the proposed exhibits for the expanded nature center at Independence Oaks. 1995 Proposed Capital Improvement Projects Budget: The proposed 1995 projects are budgeted at $5,082,095, with estimated mew funds at $3,259,549. Manager Richard and Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa reviewed the major projects schedule for 1995 at each park. The Commission was in agreement to approve the budget as presented, with the noted changes in the Fees and Charges. In accordance with State law, a public hearing will be held prior to the budget's formal adoption in December. The next Commission Meeting will be at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, November 2, at the administration office. The meeting was adjourned at 2:03 p.m. LIU Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Karen Smith Secretary Recording Secretary 3 - 5