January 4, 1995
The meeting was called to order at 9:07 a.m. by Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. in the
commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office.
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Ruth Johnson,
George Kuhn, Thomas Law, Richard Skarritt, Richard Vogt
Vice Chairman Jean Fox, L. Brooks Patterson, Roy Rewold
Parks and Recreation
Central Services
Oakland Co. Bd. of Commissioners
Facilities Mgt. - Real Estate
Carlisle & Associates
Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager
Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks
Susan Wells Delridge, Chief of Recreation
Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services
Sheila Cox, Accountant IV
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Jan Pung, Public Comm. Officer
Joe Figa, Chief of Design/Development
Steve Vanden Bossche, Arch. Eng. I
Barb Weishaar, Rec. Specialist
Ray Delasko, Park Supervisor
Kathleen Dougherty, Park Naturalist
Dave VanderVeen, Director
Kay Schmid, Commissioner
Patrick Campbell, Attorney
Dick Carlisle, Consultant
Don Wortman, Consultant
Lucie Fortin, Project Landscape Arch.
Staff introduced themselves to County Commissioner Kay Schmid.
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. Law to approve the minutes
of the meeting of December 7, 1994, as written.
AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Skarritt, Vogt (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mrs. Johnson to approve the
minutes of the public hearing of December 7, 1994, as written.
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(Commission Meeting, January 4, 1995)
AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Skarritt, Vogt (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
There were no questions asked, nor comments made, by the public.
Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Vogt to approve the payment
of Vouchers 12-1 through 12-258, and the Interdepartmental Payment
Register for the October charges paid in November.
AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Skarritt, Vogt (6)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried.
The Activities Report for November 30, 1994, was accepted as filed.
Chairman Lewis requested Commissioner George Kuhn to assume the position of
Temporary Chairman for the purpose of electing new officers for 1995.
Commissioner Kuhn assumed the Chair and opened nominations.
Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. Skarritt to nominate the current
slate of Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. as Chairman, Jean Fox as Vice Chairman,
and Richard Kuhn, Jr., as Secretary of the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission for 1995.
No other nominations were made; therefore Mr. Kuhn declared the nominations closed
and requested a unanimous vote be cast.
AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Skarritt, Vogt (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Chairman Lewis re -assumed the Chair.
The Commission congratulated the new officers; Chairman Lewis thanked the
Commission for its confidence.
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(Commission Meeting, January 4, 1995)
Staff requested Commission approval to transfer $8,150 and $25, 000 from
Contingency to the Orion Oaks and Mobile Recreation expense budgets,
This transfer is required in accordance with the Commission's 1994 General
Appropriations Act, which incorporates the Uniform Local Budgeting Act, and will
cover additional expenditures at Orion Oaks for part-time salaries and fringe
benefits, grounds maintenance, plus first-time park security charges. At Mobile
Recreation, it will cover additional expenses for part-time salaries and fringe
benefits, equipment repair and maintenance, and supplies.
Staff noted that revenues for Mobile Recreation were up over the projection for 1994.
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the
transfer from the 1994 Operating Budget Contingency of $8,150 to the
Orion Oaks Expense Budget and $25,000 to the Mobile Recreation
Expense Budget in accordance with the Commission's 1994 General
Appropriations Act, which incorporates the Uniform Local Budgeting
The proposed new budget for Orion Oaks will be $40, 608, and the
proposed new budget for Mobile Recreation will be $340, 201.
AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Skarritt, Vogt, Johnson (7)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried.
Chief of Recreation Sue Delridge requested Commission authorization to write off
outstanding accounts for Mobile Recreation from 1992 and 1993 as uncollectible, in
compliance with a request from our auditors. The total from 1992 is $415.00 and
$200.00 from 1993.
Staff reported on the steps taken attempting to collect on these accounts, plus the
measures being taken to prevent this from happening in the future.
Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to authorize staff to
write off as uncollectible the outstanding accounts for Mobile Recreation
in the amount of $415.00 for 1992 and $200.00 for 1993.
AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, R . Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Skarritt, Vogt (7 )
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
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( Commission Meeting, January 4, 1995 )
Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the payment
for stand-by paramedic and ambulance coverage for various programs
and special events throughout the parks in 1994 to Paramed, Inc. in the
amount of $8, 263.00 .
AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Skarritt, Vogt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Commissioner Law inquired about the bidding process for this service; Chief of
Parks Dan Stencil contacted Purchasing and reported on the bidding details, which
included the number of vendors able to provide this service in the county, and also
noted that this is a 3-year contract.
Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa reviewed the City of Farmington Hills'
plans for the paving of Greening Road, which is adjacent to the west boundary of
Glen Oaks; the conceptual plans had been previously presented to the Commission
earlier in 1994.
In order for them to proceed with this project, the City is requesting the following:
1) A 10-foot easement or a transfer of 10 feet of the westerly boundary
of Glen Oaks
2) The Parks Commission's confirmation to participate in the costs for
the removal and replacement of the fence, and the drainage
improvements. Estimates for this work are approximately $29,000.
Discussion followed, in which the Commission expressed these concerns:
The value of the road improvements to our facility in relationship to our
A value should be assigned by our Property Management Division to the
Glen Oaks property that is proposed for conveyance for Greening Road
improvements. This will provide a base value for working out costs.
Consider a possible trade of equal value or equal proportion of the 5-
acre parcel of land to the north and west of Glen Oaks.
A reliable budget of our costs in relationship to the total cost of the
project needs to be developed.
An accurate alignment of the reinstalled fence should be established.
This would require the exact location of the westerly property
boundary in relationship to the existing fence so that the appropriate
footage of conveyance can be determined, as well as any disturbed plant
( Commission Meeting, January 4, 1995 )
Height of the fence once it is moved back: Will this allow for more golf
balls to leave the park, requiring us to extend the height of the fence.
Staff and Property Management will strive to resolve these issues cooperatively with
Farmington Hills.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Forest Management Division, has
notified staff that grant applications may be submitted for the tree planting initiative
by February 21, 1995.
Staff reviewed the program, noting that its goal is to contract with small businesses
to purchase and plant trees.
Staff requested Commission approval to apply again this year for the continuation
of tree plantings at Lyon Oaks, Orion Oaks, and Glen Oaks. This will be a 50/50
matching grant at an estimated cost of $22, 500; Commission cost would be $12, 250.
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. Law to authorize staff to
submit a grant application for the tree planting initiative through the
Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Forest Management
AYES: R . Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Skarritt, Vogt, Johnson, G . Kuhn (7 )
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried.
Staff updated the Commission on the progress of the Independence Oaks Master Plan
revision, noting the field work completed, surveys taken, staff input received, and
workshops held.
Consultants from Carlisle and Associates reviewed their draft concept plan, noting
it provides for design and includes a resource management plan.
Recommended changes included:
Paving all roads and parking lots
Develop group camping area in the south end of the park
Develop another picnic area
Reconfigure the parking lot at the beach to increase the number of
parking spaces in the lot
Increase the parking, and rearrange the staff parking, at the nature
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( Commission Meeting, January 4, 1995 )
Modifications to the trail system, such as paved bike trails alongside the
park roads, signage, and some general redesign
Discussion followed. The consultants will incorporate any modifications into the plan
and re -present it for adoption at a meeting in approximately one month.
As stated in a letter addressed to the Commission, the Oakland Parks Foundation has
officially downsized and will become temporarily inactive.
Details on the Oakland Land Conservancy, funding for the Independence Oaks
Nature Center addition, and plans for future of the Lewis E. Wint Memorial Golf
Outing were discussed.
The Commission expressed their gratitude for everything the Foundation has
provided for the Commission, noting that special recognition/accolades should be
provided to those involved.
In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted:
---In response to Orion Schools' request regarding the possibility of the Parks
participating in their project for the proposed sanitary sewer for a new elementary
school adjacent to Orion Oaks, staff has notified them that we have no funding for
that project and will not be participating.
---Changes in the 1995 Master Calendar: The only meeting date for the Commission
in February will be Wednesday, February 8.
The date for the Wint Memorial Golf Outing is Monday, September 18.
Also, we are co -hosting the 1995 Special Park Districts Forum, along with the Huron -
Clinton Metropolitan Authority. Staff would like as much participation by the
Commission as possible. Dates are June 13-16, 1995.
The next Commission meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Wednesday, January 19.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Karen Smith
Secretary Recording Secretary
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