June 7 1995
The meeting was called to order at 9:07 a.m. by Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. in the multi -purpose room
of the Springfield Oaks Activities Center.
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., George W. Kuhn, Thomas Law, John Olsen, Kay Schmid, Richard Skarritt
Vice Chairman Ruth Johnson, Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., L. Brooks Patterson
Parks and Recreation
Central Services
4-H Fair Board of Directors
Oakland County Purchasing
Giffels, Hoyem-Basso
Private Citizen
Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager
Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks
Susan Wells Delridge, Chief of Recreation
Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services
Jan Pung, Chief of Communication
Joe Figa, Chief of Design/Development
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Brian Menghini, Accountant I
Jim Mansfield, Recreation Supervisor
Noel Jonescue, Intern
Dave VanderVeen, Director
L. C. Scramlin, Member
Joseph Hylla, Manager
Dave Battle, Consultant
Nancy McConnell
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mrs. Schmid to approve the minutes of the meeting of
May 3, 1995, as written.
AYES: G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen, Schmid, Skarritt (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
There were no questions asked, nor comments made, by the public.
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mrs. Schmid to approve the payment of the
Interdepartmental Payment Register for the March charges paid in April.
(Commission Meeting, June 7, 1995)
AYES: G. Kuhn, Lewis, Olsen, Schmid, Skarritt (5)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried.
The Statement of Operations for the month ending April 30, 1995, was accepted as filed.
The Activities Report for April, 1995 was accepted as filed.
Chief of Communication Jan Pung updated the Commission on the progress of the ExNet program, noting
staff is focusing on ways to improve services and efficiency, along with ideas to bring in additional revenues
and save money. ExNet has become a vehicle to measure these benefits and cost savings.
Staff reviewed a request from Oakland County Community Mental Health for a waiver of the entry fee to
the wave pool for participants in their Summer Day Treatment Programs. Chief of Recreation Sue Delridge
noted that this is part of the county's recreation respite program.
Commission questioned the program's funding, requesting staff investigate further their funding needs and
any possible matching funds they have available to them.
Commission also concurred that it is time to address the policy for these special requests.
Commission directed staff to send a letter of authorization to fulfill this request, noting that approval of their
request this year will not assure them of the same next year, as the Commission will be reviewing their
policy on special requests.
County Commissioner Pernick recently sent a letter to Manager Richard questioning the Parks Commission
following established county purchasing procedures and requesting a report on purchases made the last
twelve months.
In answer to his inquiry, staff forwarded information to Commissioner Pernick on specific purchases, but
felt the request for the twelve-month study would be best handled between the two boards.
The Commission expressed concern that a question on our purchases had been raised and suggested that
this issue might best be addressed through our liaison committee, Planning and Building.
Commission directed staff to send a letter to Commissioner Pernick with that suggestion or welcome him
to come to the office and research our records.
(Commission Meeting, June 7, 1995)
Copies of the proposed rules and regulations were distributed to the Commission, with proposed changes
Chief of Parks Dan Stencil noted that this booklet incorporates both the former "Park Rules and
Regulations" and the "Camping Regulations and General Information" booklets.
Staff concurred with Commission's recommendations for the following changes:
1) Page 14; Section 15; Paragraph E: "Cause or permit..."
2) Page 15; Section 16: "No person shall hunt any animal in or upon any land or waters under the
jurisdiction of the parks commission unless authorized. No person shall trap, catch, kill..."
3) Page 15; Section 17; Paragraph D: Delete the word "permanent".
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mrs. Schmid to adopt the revised General Information
and Regulations, as amended.
AYES: Law, Lewis, Olsen, Schmid, Skarritt, G. Kuhn (6)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried.
As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bid items were approved:
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mr. Law to award the contract to pave the maintenance
yard at Independence Oaks to the low bidder, Allied Construction, in the amount of
$18,663 for the base bid; $1,166 for alternate #1 to recap the pedestrian path from the
boathouse to the boat launch; $1,000 for a reduced alternate #2 to pave the park's
residence drive; and $ 1,562 for alternate #3 to recap the pedestrian path from the parking
area to the bridge at the Nature Center, for a total contract price of $22,391; plus a ten
percent contingency of $2,239, for a total budgeted amount of $24,630.
AYES: G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen, Schmid, Skarritt (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Chief of Parks Dan Stencil reviewed the bids for the Excel Hustler mowing tractor, noting primary reasons
for this brand of equipment include dependability, maneuverability, reduced mowing time, long mower life,
customer service, parts availability, and equipment standardization.
Commission directed staff to contact an out -of -region vendor for the Excel equipment to get another
comparison price. If there's a significant difference, staff will re -present this bid to the Commission.
Moved by Mr. G. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Olsen to award the bid for the purchase of an
Excel Hustler mowing tractor for Independence Oaks to W. F. Miller in the amount of
$18,557.00, with the stipulation that bids will be reviewed again if there is a significant price
difference from an out -of -region Excel vendor.
(Commission Meeting, June 7, 1995)
AYES: G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen, Schmid, Skarritt (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Law to award the bid for the purchase of a Toro 72"
diesel outfront rotary mower for the Springfield Oaks Activities Center to Spartan
Distributors in the amount of $12,358.00, with the stipulation that bids will be reviewed
again if there is a significant price difference from an out -of -region Toro vendor.
AYES: G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Olsen, Schmid, Skarritt (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Dave Battle, consultant from Giffels Hoyem Basso for the Waterford Oaks Waterpark renovation, informed
the Commission that a long lead time is required for the manufacture of the group tube ride water feature.
Therefore, staff is requesting Commission authorization to seek construction bids for that particular feature.
Staff expects that there will be four separate bids for phase I of the waterpark renovation: 1) group tube
ride; 2) children's interactive play feature; 3) landscaping and site work; and 4) renovation to the bathhouse.
Total cost for phase I is projected to be $2.2 million.
Commission directed staff to invite someone from the Highland Hills Recreation Department in Denver,
Colorado to come and speak to the board on their municipally -owned and operated facility, which includes
a new children's feature.
Commission authorized staff to seek construction bids for the group tube ride for the Waterford Oaks
waterpark renovation.
Staff was also directed to conduct a survey at Cedar Point, if possible, inquiring about interest in our facility.
Assistant Manager Jon Kipke updated the Commission on the final schedule of events for the 1995 Special
Park Districts Forum, which we are co -hosting with the Huron -Clinton Metroparks.
Assistant Manager Jon Kipke reviewed a report from Dixon Engineering on estimated costs for repair and
repainting of the water tower at the Springfield Oaks Activities Center.
Staff also discussed the possibility of removing the tower and replacing it with a dry chemical fire sprinkler
system for the building.
Commission directed staff to investigate the possibility of getting a sponsor to pay for the repainting and
having their name added onto the tower.
(Commission Meeting, June 7, 1995)
In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted:
---The acquisition of the Rose Township property was finalized on Friday, May 26. Staff will post signs that
this is now a county park and begin the process to fence the park perimeter. A formal dedication will be
scheduled after the donation of the additional acreage has been completed.
Fair Oaks President L.C. Scramlin noted that staff and Fair Oaks board members have been investigating
different methods of repairing or replacing the bleacher boards in the Activities Center's upper arena.
A new product called Permacap is available, which can be installed easily over the existing boards at a cost
of approximately $10,000--a fraction of the cost of other alternatives.
Fair Oaks is willing to pay the purchase cost up front, plus install them, if the Commission will authorize
payment of half of the purchase cost for the Permacap.
Moved by Mr. Olsen, supported by Mrs. Schmid to authorize payment to Fair Oaks for half
of the purchase cost of Permacap for the bleacher boards of the upper arena of the
Springfield Oaks Activities Center.
AYES: Law, Lewis, Olsen, Schmid, Skarritt (5)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
The next Commission meeting is tentatively scheduled for 9 a.m. on Wednesday, June 21, 1995.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. to a tour of the Activities Center, followed by a tour of Rose
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Karen Smith
Secretary Recording Secretary