April 9. 1997
The meeting was called to order at 9:08 a.m. by Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. in the commission room of the
Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office.
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Ruth Johnson, Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Fred Korzon,
Nancy McConnell, Lawrence Pernick, Kay Schmid, Richard Skarritt
George W. Kuhn, L. Brooks Patterson
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Purchasing
Oakland County Facilities Management
Janz & Knight
Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc
Ralph Richard, Manager
Jon Kipke, Assistant Manager
Frank Trionfi, Chief, Admin. Services
Brian Menghini, Accountant
Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks Operations
Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer
Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development
Sue Delridge, Chief of Recreation
Tim Kopka, Recreation Supervisor
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Operations
Clyde Herb, Park Supervisor
Rob Rhein, Buyer
Patrick Campbell, Property Management
Donald VanLoo, CPA, Auditor
John Mackey, Auditor
Laura Badalamenti
Larry Shook
Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the minutes of the meeting of
March 19, 1997, with the following change:
On pages 3 - 4 and 3 - 5, under "Bids" , change the name of Mr. Skarritt to Mr. Korzon for
each of the four motion voice votes.
AYES: Johnson, Korzon, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Skarritt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
There were no comments made, nor questions asked, by the public.
(Commission Meeting, April 9, 1997)
Moved by Mrs. Johnson, supported by Mr. Korzon to approve the payment of the
Interdepartmental Payment Register for the February charges paid in March.
AYES: Johnson, Korzon, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Skarritt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
The Statement of Operations for the month ending 2-28-97 was accepted as filed.
Chief of Recreation Sue Delridge introduced Tim Kopka. A graduate of Michigan State University, Tim has
been hired to fill the vacancy of Recreation Supervisor for the Waterford Oaks Waterpark.
Moved by Mrs. McConnell, supported by Mrs. Johnson to receive the 1996 Audit Report from
Janz & Knight and to amend the 1996 Operating Budget to $10,226,717, with the individual
amounts for each budget center to be the same as those shown in the "actual" column of
page 17 of the 1996 Audit Report. This action is in compliance with the Michigan Uniform
Local Budgeting Act of the Commission's by-laws.
AYES: Johnson, Korzon, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Skarritt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Laura Badalamenti and Larry Shook from Soils and Materials Engineers reviewed the status of three park
sites with contamination releases reported to the Department of Environmental Quality--Groveland Oaks,
Independence Oaks, and Springfield Oaks Golf Course.
Springfield Oaks Golf Course has been evaluated and tested since first reported in 1992. Amount of free
product and extent of the groundwater plume were described, noting a special problem --both are located
under the golf course's maintenance building.
Potential hazard to neighboring wells is not immediate; they are approximately 1600 feet away. However, the
free product in one area in such high concentrations that it will continue to contaminate other areas if allowed
to remain in the ground. Free product poses an explosion/fire hazard because the fumes seep; it's also a
breathing hazard.
Springfield Oaks has been rated as a class one site (in a rating from 1-4), which is a top hazard and requires
action for removal and recovery.
(Commission Meeting, April 9, 1997)
Risk evaluation, based on factors such as human health, ecological data, contact with groundwater
(construction), inhalation, and groundwater ingestion, has been completed with several correctional
alternatives offered. These alternatives include cleaning to meet residential drinking water standards
(expensive), meeting site specific commercial standards assuming the groundwater will be used for drinking
(deed restriction; no residential), and meeting site specific commercial standards assuming the groundwater
will not be used for drinking (deed restriction; commercial only, with no resident and no drinking). Any deed
restriction would be for just the contaminated site, not the entire golf course.
Naturally -occurring bacteria in the soil is eating some of the plume; however, nothing affects the free product.
A passive system to remove the free product was installed and began recovery in January. This system, as
is, will take years to remove the free product. The State requires the use of active systems at some point for
the recovery of the free product; passive systems are for interim use only. Therefore, SME is recommending
the Commission install a dual -phase recovery system, also known as bioslurping, which will include a 4" well
with suction pump, oil/water separator, and water treatment system. After the product is removed, the risk
can be re-evaluated with a possible reclassification to either a three or four, and then closure on the project.
Estimates for this method are approximately $180,000. The system would be in place for a year, with an
additional six months to a year for monitoring to ensure the goal has been achieved.
Excavation under the maintenance building was considered as an alternative, but estimated for that method
were approximately $200,000 to $250,000. Additionally, there could be some recovery on the capital costs
of the equipment for the active recovery system, if the Commission chooses that option.
Commission must also decide on how many deed restrictions we can live with on that site --whether or not the
groundwater will be used for drinking, with or not construction worked will be allowed on that site, etc. --to give
an indication of how clean we want the water and for them to evaluate how clean it must be.
Staff is considering recommending the passive method for another year with re-evaluation at that time.
Groveland Oaks: The Initial Assessment Report is overdue, but the State has been notified in order to allow
extra time to gather information. Test results indicate high enough levels that there may be free product, but
it has not yet been seen. It might be useful to excavate right away and then monitor, but could be taking a
chance on how big the hole will become. The Commission could possible consider this method while setting
a dollar limit on the excavation.
Independence Oaks: The Initial Assessment Report is also overdue, but the State has been notified and is
allowing extra time to finish gathering information.
Initial tests are indicating there is an impact on the groundwater, with neighboring wells in danger of being
threatened. The direction of the flow has not yet been determined. If tests indicate that the contamination is
flowing in the direction of the neighbors and the manager's residence, monitoring wells will need to be
Chief of Golf Mike Thibodeau noted that the Commission will need to proceed with the Initial Assessment
Reports for Groveland and Independence Oaks.
(Commission Meeting, April 9, 1997)
Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Pernick to approve the expenditure of $7,761.68
to Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc. for the on -going investigation and monthly monitoring
of the contamination site at the Springfield Oaks Golf Course.
AYES: Korzon, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the four-year contract with the
Oakland County Sheriffs Department Mounted Division in the amount of $17,000 for the
years 1997 and 1998 and the amount of $18,000 for the years 1999 and 2000.
AYES: Korzon, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Commissioner Korzon requested that, in order to save time, the Commission consider one motion for all bids
except for those items not in the budget or meeting other standards set in the by-laws.
Assistant Manager Kipke noted that the agenda item for the Springfield Oaks water tower painting has been
removed from the agenda while the project consultant reviews the bids.
As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved as recommended by staff and
Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mrs. McConnell to award the contract to provide,
transport and display the Fourth of July fireworks shows at Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks
to Independence Professional Fireworks for $6,000 per show, for a total of $12,000.
AYES: Korzon, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Pernick, supported by Mr. Korzon to award the bid for the purchase of a 48"
Walker diesel rotary mower for Groveland Oaks to the low bidder, Reinbold Sales, for $9,424.
AYES: Korzon, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
(Commission Meeting, April 9, 1997)
Moved by Mrs. Schmid, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to award the following bids per staff and
Purchasing's recommendation:
1,300 yards of washed bentgrass sod for White Lake Oaks to Huggett Sod in the amount of
$7.50 per yard for a total purchase of $9,750.00.
Split the bids for the parks and golf courses and award the 9 tons of greens fertilizer to the low
bidder, Turf Grass for $5,040; plus award the 7 tons of milorganite, 47 tons of fairway, 4 tons
of urea, and 11 tons of Nutralene to Terra for $25,260.40. Total cost for the fertilizer is
Three Jacobsen riding greensmowers for Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, and Springfield Oaks to the
low bidder, W. F. Miller, for $43,330.00.
Triplex reel mower for White Lake Oaks to the low bidder, W. F. Miller, for $17,990.00.
Two riding greens and tee aerators for Springfield Oaks and Red Oaks Golf Courses to the low
bidder, W. F. Miller, for $24,300.00.
A combination 74" riding reel and rotary mower for Glen Oaks Golf Course to the low bidder,
Industrial Vehicle, for $21,750.00.
AYES: Korzon, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Pernick, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to award the bid for the purchase of 14 each
22" panels and four conversion panels, plus shipping, for Mobile Recreation's in -line skate rink
to Is in -line Sport Systems, Inc. For $3,312.95.
AYES: R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Commissioner Schmid suggested staff consider the Novi Expo Center as a location for this program.
Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Skarritt to award the contract for seven each 30 feet
x 46 feet concrete slabs for the group camping shelters at Groveland Oaks and for one shelter
at Independence Oaks, including one alternate for rounded corners and a second alternate for
an additional 1,100 sq. ft. of concrete to be added to an existing shelter at Independence Oaks,
to the low bidder, McCarthy Construction, in the amount of $37,403, plus a 5 percent
contingency of $1,870, for a total budgeted amount of $39,273.
AYES: R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
(Commission Meeting, April 9, 1997)
Staff has met again with officials from the city of Farmington Hills regarding their request for the Parks
Commission to grant an easement for the storm drainage for the new park area at Glen Oaks, plus the
dedication of a new right of way along 13 Mile Road.
After discussion, the City has agreed to provide the maintenance for the storm drainage easement, if granted.
Also, officials have agreed to change the right-of-way request, reducing it to a few feet rather than the 30 feet
originally requested. This will allow the parking area to continue to function as in the past without any
Staff recommends granting both the parking area storm drainage easement and the right of way along 13 Mile
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mrs. McConnell to grant an easement for the storm
drainage for the new parking area at Glen Oaks, plus a new right of way along 13 Mile Road,
to the city of Farmington Hills.
AYES: Korzon, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Staff sent Requests For Proposals for a professional services contract for architectural services to provide
design and engineer services for small architectural projects throughout the parks.
There were two firms selected: Giffels/Hoyem-Basso and Architectural Consortium. The contract with
Giffels/Hoyem-Basso is being processed; however, because of a family tie (uncle/nephew) between one of the
firm's employees and a member of Mr. Figa's staff, the proposal for Architectural Consortium was brought before
the Commission for approval.
Mr. Rhein, Buyer from Oakland County Purchasing, acknowledged that the proposal meets all of Purchasing's
criteria; Purchasing just felt the family tie should be brought to the Commission's attention.
Staff requested Commission approval of the professional services contract with Architectural Consortium.
Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the professional services contract
for architectural design and engineering services to Architectural Consortium, contingent upon
Oakland County Executive's review and approval.
AYES: Korzon, McConnell, Skarritt, R. Kuhn, Lewis (5)
NAYS: Pernick, Schmid (2)
A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried.
Staff will provide an annual report of the services provided, plus costs.
(Commission Meeting, April 9, 1997)
In addition to the Manager's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted:
---One bid was received for the sale and removal of the house adjacent to the Waterford Oaks Waterpark; the
house must be moved within 75 days of the contract award.
---The SCAMP/Wint Golf Outing scheduled for September 12 has been sold out. One foursome has been held
for the Parks Commission. Please let Karen or Ralph know if you wish a spot on the foursome; cost is $95.
---The purchase of the 198 acres adjacent to Lyon Oaks has been completed; the new parcel brings the park's
acreage up to 972 acres.
Commission suggested staff consider a booth at the golf show at the Novi Expo Center, possibly when the
course at Lyon Oaks is being built or after it's completed.
The next meeting will be 9 a.m. on Wednesday, May 7, 1997.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:23 a.m.
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Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Secretary
Karen Smith, Recording Secretary