January 3, 2001
Chairman Pecky Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:16 a.m. in the commission room of the Parks and
Recreation's administration office.
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., John
McCulloch, Ruel E. McPherson, Charles Palmer, J. David VanderVeen, Richard V. Vogt
Fred Korzon, Thomas Law
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Corporation Counsel
Red Oaks Golf Dome & Sports Village
Ralph Richard, Executive Officer
Daniel Stencil, Administrator — Operations
Frank Trionfi, Administrator - Administration
Jon Kipke, Assistant Administrator
Joseph Figa, Chief, Design and Development
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Sue Wells, Chief of Recreation
Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer
Sheila Cox, Accountant IV
Zayn Gregory, Landscape Architect
Judy Cunningham, Corporation Counsel
Joseph Colaianne, Assistant Corporation Counsel
John Paglino, Owner
Vince Paglino, Owner
Chairman Lewis welcomed John McCulloch as new member to the commission. He is newly -elected Oakland
County Drain Commissioner and becomes a parks commissioner by virtue of holding that elected office.
Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the minutes of the meeting of
December 6, 2000, as written.
AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
There were no questions asked by, nor comments received from, the public.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. McPherson to approve the payment of the
Payment Summary, which includes: the Interdepartmental Payment Register for October
2000 (FM1, FY 2001); and the Payment Register, which includes the Voucher Report
(Commission Meeting, January 3, 2001)
Staff requested Commission approval of the concept of placing the sports village facilities at the waterpark
site, noting it is a conceptual issue only. The Oakland County Drain Commission will have to work this plan
out, as some of the facilities are proposed for placement on their property, plus the city of Madison Heights
must approve the concept. Also, Parks staff will ensure we have enough room for the four new water features
and picnic area once the design is completed, and will move forward from there.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the concept of relocating the
sports village facilities, including the miniature golf, go carts, batting cages, and parking, to
the Red Oaks Waterpark site, as presented.
Moved by Mr. McPherson to table the motion for 30 days to provide an opportunity for further
Motion to table failed for lack of support.
AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (7)
NAYS: McPherson (1)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa introduced Zayn Gregory, a new Landscape Architect working
in the Design and Development Section of the administration office.
As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved as recommended by staff and
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Vogt to award the bid for the purchase of a Vermeer
stump grinder for Technical Support to Vermeer in the amount of $18,800.00.
AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Palmer to approve the purchase of a Hustler
mower for Independence Oaks and a Hustler mower complete with mower deck for Addison
Oaks to W. F. Miller in the amount of $30,834.00.
AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Mr. Figa reported on the review process for the Requests For Proposal for the architectural design and
construction documents for the new Red Oaks clubhouse.
(Commission Meeting, January 3, 2001)
Staff recommended awarding the contract to Integrated Design Solutions, contingent on their agreement to
hold the contract for 90 days while a resolution is reached on the property issue.
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to award the contract for the
architectural design and construction documents for the new Red Oaks clubhouse to
Integrated Design Solutions in the amount of $30,600 for the design, engineering,
construction drawings, plus $7,650 for project administration and site visits, for a total
contract amount of $38,250.00. This contract will be contingent upon IDS' agreement to hold
the contract for 90 days while a resolution is reached on the property issue at the site. A
contingency in the amount of $5,000 was also approved for soil borings, site specific
surveying, and other miscellaneous items that may arise due to the uniqueness of the site,
interrelationship to the underground systems, and potential problems arising from the
coordination with the drain constriction and design and golf course construction.
AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. McPherson to award a three-year contract for the
lifeguard training, instructor training, and risk management services for the two waterparks
and three beaches to Jeff Ellis and Associates in an amount according to their fee schedule
but not to exceed $15,000.00.
AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. McPherson to approve the 2001 Community
Assistance Program for Mobile Recreation in the amount of $25,000.00.
AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Commission requested staff to consider offering a coupon to the golf leagues at Red Oaks for their members
to go to the other county golf courses.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to adjourn the meeting to an Executive
Session for the purpose of discussing a legal opinion from Oakland County Corporation
AYES: Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
(Commission Meeting, January 3, 2001)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned to an Executive Session at 10:45 a.m.
The meeting was re -convened at 12:00 p.m.
The Executive Officer's Report was as filed in the agenda.
Chairman Lewis thanked Commissioner Palmer for his years of service on the Commission and wished him
good luck.
The next regular Commission meeting will be 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 7, 2001.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:03 p.m.
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Secretary Karen Kohn CPS, Recording Secretary