June 20, 2001
Chairman Pecky Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. in the maintenance building of the Lyon
Oaks Golf Course.
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Fred
Korzon, Thomas Law, John McCulloch, Ruel E. McPherson, Shelley Taub, J. David VanderVeen, Richard
V. Vogt
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Purchasing
Oakland County Bd. of Commissioners
City of Madison Heights
Ralph Richard, Executive Officer
Frank Trionfi, Administrator — Administration
Daniel Stencil, Administrator — Park Operations
Jon Kipke, Assistant Administrator
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development
Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer
Sheila Cox, Accountant IV
Zayn Gregory, Landscape Architect
John Thoel, Construction Inspector III
Sandy Dorey, Recreation Supervisor
Bill Stokes, Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
Gary Berschbach, Pro Shop Supervisor
Tim Nowicki, Recreation Specialist - Naturalist
Dave Sutter, Intern
Phil Castonia, Intern
Mike Kreza, Buyer II
Hugh Crawford, Commissioner
Jon Austin, City Manager
Moved by Mrs. Taub, supported by Mr. Kuhn to approve the minutes of the meeting of May
16, 2001, as written.
AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Skarritt, Taub (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
---Jon Austin, Madison Heights City Manager, appeared before the Commission requesting their re-
consideration to join in negotiations with SOCRRA for the acquisition/lease of the property at Red Oaks.
There is a final deadline of July 17 before the contractor must begin the alternative restoration, at an
additional cost to the project of $1.1 million plus on -going maintenance costs.
(Commission Meeting, June 20, 2001)
Discussion followed, with the Commission directing Executive Officer Ralph Richard to continue discussion
with SOCRRA for a possible resolution on the acquisition/lease of the property at Red Oaks.
---Executive Officer Ralph Richard announced that, for the first time, one of our nominations through the
National Association of Counties has won an award: Mr. Ernie Baker has won for Volunteer of the Year. Mr.
Baker will be traveling with Mr. Richard to receive his award at the July NACo Conference in Philadelphia.
Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the payment of the Payment
Summary, which includes the Interdepartmental Payment Register for January, February,
and March, 2001, (FM 04, FM 05 and 06, FY 2001), and Voucher Payment Registers for
April, 2001 (FM 07, FY 2001).
AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen, Vogt (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
The Combined Statement of Operations for the month ending April 30, 2001 was accepted as filed.
The Activities Report for April 2001 was accepted as filed.
Master Plan/Cricket Proqram Update:
Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa presented a "mini" master plan for the northeast corner of Lyon
Oaks, which will encompass two proposed cricket fields, corporate picnic area, dog park, nature center, and
small self -guided trail.
Administrator — Park Operations Dan Stencil reviewed the proposed cricket program, including the proposal
from the Michigan Cricket Association for a donation and programs to build public awareness.
Staff recommended approving the update of the master plan, plus the expenditure of $10,000 for the
construction of a temporary cricket pitch. Staff noted the Michigan Cricket Association will reimburse the
Commission for 50% of the construction costs.
Commission raised several concerns regarding the cricket program and requested the following information
be investigated and gathered for review:
• Can we determine the interest/need/desire for these fields?
• Are there any leagues in the metro area/county? If so, how many?
(Commission Meeting, June 20, 2001)
AYES: Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen, Korzon (9)
NAYS: Vogt (1)
A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried.
After review of the proposed schedule for leagues and closed course outings, Commission expressed their
concerns about keeping the course open and available as much as possible for regular play. After
discussion, Commission directed staff to bring back an outing plan for discussion during the budget work
session scheduled for July 11.
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the expenditure of $4,000
for a six-month sponsorship of the "Disabilities Today" television program, which promotes
social and recreational opportunities for the physically and mentally impaired in metropolitan
AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen, Vogt (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. McPherson to adopt the following resolution approving
the extension of the DNR Inland Fisheries Grant and the change in scope of the project:
WHEREAS, the County of Oakland, Department of Parks and Recreation,
entered into the Project Agreement, IFG 99-906 — Oakland County Parks Boat Ramp and
Dock Installations, with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; and
WHEREAS, the revised Project Agreement includes an effective completion of
said project by the deadline of September 30, 2001; and
WHEREAS, this is an amendment to the Agreement entered into between the
Michigan Department of Natural Resources (`DEPARTMENT') and Oakland County
Parks and Recreation Commission, a local unit of government, hereinafter referred to as
the "GRANTEE", for the Inland Fisheries Grant program grant number IFG 99-906. The
purpose of the amendment is to extend the project period to September 30, 2001 and
modify the Work Plan as further explained in correspondence from the GRANTEE to the
DEPARTMENT dated November 29, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the Project Period is October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2001.
Project expenses must occur within the Project Period to be eligible for grant payment.
The Project Period may be extended only by the written approval of the DEPARTMENT;
(Commission Meeting, June 20, 2001)
WHEREAS, all work is to be completed in accordance with the grant application
and revised Work Plan attached as part of this agreement; and
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has
appropriated matching funds and is actively pursuing the completion of the grant project
thereby meeting the criteria for extension and a revised Work Plan.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission recommends amending the MDNR Inland Fisheries Grant, IFG 99-
906, with the appropriate extension and its conditions as specified.
AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen, Vogt (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Executive Officer Ralph Richard reviewed the information on the vacating of Clairview Drive, which abuts
the north end of the Glen Oaks Golf Course, and the request from Grand/Sakwa Properties, LLC proposing
to purchase the Commission's portion of the right-of-way resulting from that road being vacated.
Commission directed staff to send a letter to Grand/Sakwa Properties informing them we are not interested
in selling the property.
As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were reviewed and recommended by
staff and Purchasing:
Moved by Mrs. Taub, supported by Mr. Vogt to award the contact for the application of
Pebble Tec to the bottom of the memorial fountain at Addison Oaks, plus material and
labor to bond together the fountain, to Robertson Brothers at an estimated amount of
$10,200.00. Cost for this project is being split 25/75, with Oakland County Parks paying
25% and Oak Management paying 75%.
AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen, Vogt (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. Skarritt to award the contract for the asphalt
resurfacing of the All Visitor Trail and boathouse walkway at Independence Oaks to the low
bidder, Statewide Striping and Asphalt, in the amount of $11,088.00.
AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McCulloch, McPherson, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen, Vogt (10)
NAYS: (0)
(Commission Meeting, June 20, 2001)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Commission directed staff to notify the City of Ferndale that it is not the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission's policy to provide financial assistance for local community recreation facilities.
However, staff will continue discussions with the City of Ferndale providing assistance with grant
information for possible financial assistance for the renovation of their municipal tennis courts.
Commissioner McPherson noted he will be introducing plans at the county level for consideration to
establish infrastructure funds for which local communities can apply for aid; requested staff plan for that
In addition to the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted:
---A linear trails meeting was held on June 6, with positive discussion and information shared. Staff will
update the Commission when additional information is available.
---Commissioner Kuhn was contacted by Springfield Township Clerk Nancy Strole about the recently
completed dam project in Davisburg. Complaints have been received on the looks of the dam, plus
concerns have been expressed about the adjacent wetlands area. Investigation and additional information
will follow, with a report back to the Commission.
The next Commission meeting will be 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 11, 2001 and will include the budget
work session.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Secretary Karen Kohn CPS, Recording Secretary