February 2, 2005
Chairman Pecky Lewis called the public hearing for grant applications to order at 10:23 a.m. in the commission
room of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office.
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, Hugh D.
Crawford, Vincent Gregory, Martin Knollenberg, John McCulloch, John Richards, Suzette Vogt
Charles Palmer
Parks and Recreation Ralph Richard, Executive Officer
Frank Trionfi, Administrator - Administration
Daniel J. Stencil, Administrator— Park Operations
Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development
Jon Noyes, Architectural Engineer I
Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa noted that the Department of Natural Resources notified staff
that the deadline to submit applications to request matching Michigan Natural Resources Trust and Land
and Water Conservation funds for 2005 is April 1. A public hearing is also a requirement of the DNR to
qualify for funds. Notice of the hearing was advertised in area newspapers.
The project staff selected is as follows:
Highland Township Property Acquisition
This acquisition consists of two parcels; one of 208 acres of the Buckhorn Complex in Highland Township,
and a second adjacent parcel of 52 acres.
The 208-acre site is owned by 16 investors, but has one representative. The site includes wetlands,
complex topography, lakes, and rolling hills. It is also part of the Shiawassee River North Watershed and
has been identified by the Michigan Natural Features Inventory as a priority site.
The adjacent 52-acre site includes a small home and approximately 3 acres of wetlands.
The proposed acquisition is conveniently located so that it could serve as a "hub" for a trail system linking
to various areas in all four directions, including Highland Recreation Area, Rose Oaks, Springfield Oaks,
Pontiac Lake Recreation, and Highland Township Park.
The owners of the parcels have agreed to wait to see if the Oakland County Parks are awarded a grant.
Staff has discussed both sites with Highland Township and received the township's tentative support to
proceed with discussions about this area as a county park.
The preliminary project total is $3,100,000, with a 60/40 match in the amount of $1,860,000 from the
MNRTF and $1,240,000 from Oakland County Parks and Recreation.
The grant projects are consistent with the goals adopted in the 2002-2006 Recreation Master Plan
4a - 1
(Public Hearing, February 2, 2005)
Commission inquired about the current value of the property, which is estimated at $3.6 million. After
discussion, staff was directed to submit the grant application based on the current estimated value of $3.6
million for the property.
No questio were asked; therefore, the public hearing was declared closed at 10:36 a.m.
J. David anderVeen Karen Kohn CPS/CAP
Secretary Recording Secretary