July 20, 2005
Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. in the commission room of the
Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office.
Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, Hugh D Crawford, Vincent Gregory,
Martin Knollenberg, Charles Palmer, John Richards, Suzette Vogt
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., John P. McCulloch
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Purchasing
Oakland County Corporation Counsel
Oakland Facilities Management
Ralph Richard, Executive Officer
Frank J. Trionfi, Administrator — Administration
Daniel Stencil, Administrator — Parks Operations
Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development
Michael Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Jan Pung, Public Communications Officer
Clyde Herb, Chief of Parks
Brain Menghini, Accountant
Tim Nowicki, Naturalist, Lyon Oaks Nature Center
Lauren Jacobsen, Intern
Joan Daniels, Buyer
John Ross, Assistant Corporation Counsel
Michael Hughson, Property Management Specialist
There were no comments made, nor questions asked, by the public.
Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. Palmer to approve the minutes of the meeting of June
1, 2005, as written.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Vogt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion was carried by voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Richards, supported by Mr. Gregory to approve the Payment Approval Summary
- Internal Service Funds Payment Register for May (FM 8, FY 2005)
- Payment Register for May (FM 8, FY 2005)
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Vogt (7)
(Commission Meeting, July 20, 2005)
NAYS: (0)
Motion was carried by voice vote.
The Combined Statement of Operations for the month ending May 31, 2005 was accepted as filed.
The Activities Reports for the months of May and June, 2005 were received as written.
After discussion, commission directed staff to investigate additional safety precautions to prevent slippage
at the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool near the concession building, and to determine the reason why carts
are not allowed to go 90 degrees over fairways at Lyon Oaks Golf Course.
Executive Officer Richard presented awards to Jan Pung and Frank Trionfi in recognition of their 25 years
of service. Dan Stencil presented a plaque to Tim Nowicki in recognition of his leadership and
coordination of the 2005 Special Parks Districts Forum on June 7 —11.
Dan Stencil introduced Lauren Jacobsen, granddaughter of County Commissioner Bill Patterson; Lauren
is serving as an intern in our Recreation Section.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Knollenberg to approve the purchase of a John Deere
tractor for Lyon Oaks from the second lowest bidder, Weingartz of Farmington Hills, in the
amount of $24,715.10. Weingartz offered a better warranty package and is closer to the park in
case any warranty work is required.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion approved by voice vote.
Executive Officer Richard reported on the new tax proposals under consideration by the state legislature.
House Bill #5004 proposes 50 percent of parks millage monies collected from counties of 1.5 million or
more populations be returned to local communities.
This only affects Wayne County now, but Oakland County is close to that population and would soon be
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. VanderVeen, to adopt the following resolution opposing
House Bill #5004 to be sent to Governor Granholm and all state legislators representing Oakland
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission is to acquire and preserve open space, operate and maintain county -wide
parks and recreation facilities; and
(Commission Meeting, July 20, 2005)
WHEREAS, the Oakland County parks system offers unique facilities and
programs such as water parks, campgrounds, a refrigerated toboggan run, mobile
recreation and adaptive recreation for persons with disabilities; and
WHEREAS, the focus of the Oakland County parks system is to provide parks
and recreation opportunities that are not available in local communities; and
WHEREAS, the voters of Oakland County have renewed the parks and
recreation one -quarter mil since 1966 based on this philosophy; and
WHEREAS, the tax funds collected for Oakland County Parks and Recreation
are designated for use in the County parks system; and
WHEREAS, proposed Michigan House Bill 5004 would impact Oakland County
when its population reaches 1.5 million; and
WHEREAS, proposed House Bill 5004 would cut future funds designated for the
Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission by 50 percent.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission opposes passage of proposed Michigan House Bill 5004.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried by voice vote.
A second proposal will charge 6% tax on all commodities and equipment purchased for municipal and
university golf courses.
Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. Palmer, to oppose legislation for the 6% tax on all
commodities and equipment purchased for municipal and university golf courses. Action will be
held on this until there is a number associated with the bill.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried by voice vote.
The third proposal is a Reverse PILT Tax. The current policy is the municipality now receives $2 per
acre from the State for property purchased. The proposed legislation would require the municipality to pay
up to $10 per acre back to the State for the right to own a golf course.
Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Ms. Vogt, to direct staff to write a resolution opposing the
"Reverse PILT Tax" legislation.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Vanderveen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried by voice vote.
(Commission Meeting, July 20, 2005)
On Sunday, August 28, there will be a first -ever equestrian event to allow equestrian riders to use the
trails at Rose Oaks and travel to Springfield Oaks Activity Center.
The dedication of the Ellis Barn is 6 p.m. on Monday, July 25, at the Springfield Oaks Activity Center.
The next Commission meeting is 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 3 in the administration office.
The Oak Management contract is still being reviewed by Corporation Counsel.
Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to adjourn to an Executive Session for the
purpose of discussing a proposed land acquisition.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Kollenberg, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:40 a.m.
The meeting was re -convened at 9:53 a.m.
Moved by Mr. Richards, supported by Mr. Palmer to approve the purchase of the 346-acre
Sullivan property in Addison Township in the amount of $3,430,000.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried.
Lona Ranae Priorit
Ralph Richard and Frank Trionfi reviewed the Long Range Priority List compiled from the survey given
during the May Long -Range Planning Session to determine ratings of projects in order of urgency or
importance. Mr. Richard announced there are no plans at this time to purchase any property for trails. We
are currently working in an advisory and coordinating capacity with the communities to develop a county-
wide trail system and offer support with special events.
The Detroit Zoo is working toward turning the operations over to the Detroit Zoological Society. Funding
for this year's budget has been secured.
(Commission Meeting, July 20, 2005)
Year to date
The proposed revenue budget for Fiscal Year 2006 is $23,086,468, up 3.9% over the proposed budget
for Fiscal Year 2005. Of this amount, $9,439,468 comes from fees and charges and interest on
investments; the remaining balance of $13,647,000 will come from the millage.
The proposed operating budget for Fiscal Year 2006 is $21,862,863, an increase of $1,016 over the 2005
proposed budget. A 2.0% salary increase has been included for salaries in Fiscal Year 2006 for full-time
employees. The part-time non -eligible employee's salaries are frozen for 2006. Our Fiscal Year 2005
adjusted operating budget is 5.3% or $1,102,100 less than originally budgeted due to depreciation and
salary costs. Our Fiscal Year 2005 revenue budget is 0.8% or $170,577 less than originally budgeted.
Operating Equipment requests for Fiscal Year 2006 total $369,800. Of this amount, $309,800 will be
spent on replacement equipment.
Estimated new funds for Capital Development for Fiscal Year 2006 are $4,188,817, of which $475,000 is
earmarked for payment to the Oakland County Building Authority. The balance of $3,713,817 is available
to fund additional Capital Projects, of which $250,000 is allocated for future roofing and asphalting
There are no requests for new full-time or part-time eligible positions and only four student positions
Commissioners directed staff to investigate additional ways to entice the youth to get involved in golf.
Indirect Costs
Indirect charges have been reduced $200,000 over the last year.
People Soft
Staff reported on the progress of the conversion to the new People Soft computer program.
Fees and Charges
The fees and charges were reviewed, with no changes from staff recommendations.
Capital Improvement Projects Budget
Mr. Richard and Mr. Figa reviewed the capital improvement projects proposed throughout the parks
system for the next year.
Commission suggested the Lyon Oaks Nature Center project be moved up to 2008 and be reviewed next
Grounds and Building Projects
Administrator —Park Operations Dan Stencil reported on the grounds and building projects. The Addison
Oaks budget should have a corrected increase of a minimum of $28,000 for tree replacement to provide
shade for the newly revamped camping area.
2006 Operations
Mr. Stencil will review with commissioners the dates for the 2006 Appreciation Days once they are set.
(Commission Meeting, July 20, 2005)
County Trail System: We are currently working with White Lake, Waterford, and Highland Townships to
form a consortium for a trails system through those communities. West Bloomfield is hosting the Annual
Trails Summit on Thursday, September 8. We are also investigating the use of utility corridors for trails.
Natural Resources Management: A future meeting will be held to discuss the restoration of wetlands at
Lyon Oaks County Park. We will continue to plant trees and replace those destroyed by the Emerald Ash
State Parks: There will be no further action until the state land assessment for recreational, fishing,
hunting, and forestry in counties with smaller amounts of state-owned land are completed. Oakland
County has considerable state-owned property and will considered at a later date.
4-H Fair Association Management: Due to the volunteer activity and the 4-H Fair staffs hard work, the
Oakland County Parks have realized tremendous savings on the management and operation of the
Springfield Oaks Activity Center.
2006 Park Forum: The next Special Park Districts Forum will be hosted by East Bay Regional Parks
District, Oakland, California.
The Budg Work Session was adjourned at 11:57 a.m.
J.qDavanderVeen Linda S. Baker
Secretary Recording Secretary