September 7, 2005
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. called the public hearing to order at 9:08 a.m. in the commission room
of the Parks and Recreation's administration office.
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen,
Hugh D. Crawford, Martin Knollenberg, John McCulloch, John Richards, Suzette Vogt
Vincent Gregory, Charles Palmer
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County 4-H Fair Association
Ralph Richard, Executive Officer
Daniel Stencil, Administrator — Park Operations
Frank Trionfi, Administrator - Administration
Joseph Figa, Chief, Design and Development
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Clyde Herb, Chief of Parks
Sue Wells, Chief of Recreation
Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer
Sheila Cox, Accountant IV
Brian Menghini, Accountant III
Jon Noyes, Architectural Engineer I
Lauren Jacobsen, Intern
LC Scramlin, General Manager
Dave Coleman, President
Oakland County Facilities Management Mike Hughson, Property Management Specialist
Oakland County Management & Budget Laurie Van Pelt, Director
Art Holdsworth, Deputy Director
The purpose of the public hearing was to discuss the proposed Fiscal Year 2006 operating budget.
The proposed revenue budget for Fiscal Year 2006 is $23,086,468, up 3.9% over the proposed
budget for Fiscal Year 2005. Of this amount, $9,439,468 comes from fees and charges and
interest on investments; the remaining balance of $13,647,000 will come from the millage.
The proposed operating budget for Fiscal Year 2006 is $21,862,863, an increase of $1,016 over
the 2005 proposed budget. A 2.0% salary increase has been included for salaries in Fiscal Year
2006 for full-time employees. The part-time non -eligible employee's salaries are frozen for 2006.
Our Fiscal Year 2005 adjusted operating budget is 5.3% or $1,102,099 less than originally
budgeted due to depreciation and salary costs. Our Fiscal Year 2005 adjusted revenue budget
is 0.8% or $170,577 less than originally budgeted.
4a - 1
(Public Hearing, September 7, 2005)
Operating Equipment requests for Fiscal Year 2006 total $369,800. Of this amount, $309,800
will be spent on replacement equipment.
Estimated new funds for Capital Development for Fiscal Year 2006 are $4,188,817, of which
$475,000 is earmarked for payment to the Oakland County Building Authority. The balance of
$3,713,817 is available to fund additional Capital Projects, of which $250,000 is allocated for
future roofing and asphalting projects.
No questions were asked, nor comments received, by the public.
The public h ng was adjourned at 9:09 a.m.
J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Karen Kohn CPS/CAP, Recording Secretary
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