March 15, 2006
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m. in the commission room
of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office.
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen,
Hugh D. Crawford, Vincent Gregory, Martin Knollenberg, Charles Palmer, John Richards, Suzette
John McCulloch
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Oakland County Corporation Counsel
Oakland County Purchasing
Oakland County Facilities Management
O. C. Planning & Economic Development
Oakland County 4-H Fair
Road Commission for Oakland County
Springfield Township Parks Commission
Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer
Susan Wells, Administrator — Parks Operations
Frank Trionfi, Administrator — Parks Administration
Joe Figa, Chief of Design and Development
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Clyde Herb, Chief of Parks
Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer
Jim Dunleavy, Chief of Recreation
Sheila Cox, Accountant IV
Mike Donnellon, Architectural Engineer II
Jon Noyes, Architectural Engineer I
Desiree Stanfield, Public Communications Assistant
Melissa Wagner, Graphics Artist
Mary Zednik, Public Communications Assistant
Derenda Howard, Recreation Specialist
Donna Carrel, Office Assistant If
Tim Nowicki, Parks Naturalist
Helaine Zack, Commissioners, #22 District
John Ross, Assistant Corporation Counsel
Joan Daniels, Buyer II
Mike Hughson, Property Management Specialist
Larry Falardeau, Principal Planner
Brittany Bird
Kristen Wiltfang
Jim Keglovitz
L.C. Scramlin, General Manager
Dave Coleman, President
Ron Kinney
Sue Malone
Dot Lalone, Commissioner
Jennifer Tucker, Parks Director
Ecological Consulting/Prescribed Burn Srvs Dave Borneman
(Commission Meeting, March 15, 2006)
Berkley Youth Soccer Association
Southfield Parks and Recreation
Huntington Woods Parks and Recreation
Oak Park Parks and Recreation
Detroit Free Press
Private Citizens
Matt Ciaromitaro, Vice President
Bill Waterhouse, Director
Nancy Waldmann, Director
Roy Srini, Director
Kathleen Gray, Reporter
William Sullivan
John Sullivan
Chairman Lewis welcomed Dan Stencil as the new Executive Officer of the Parks Commission.
Executive Officer Dan Stencil thanked the Commissioners for their confidence and shared his
focus in the following four major areas: Infrastructure; acquisition and preservation of open space;
develop and implement a natural resource management plan for the land holdings in the Oakland
County Parks system; and establish a three-year strategic plan, including evaluating past
successes and areas of opportunity. Dan also shared his long-term goals for the department to
become accredited through CAPRA, Commission for Accreditation of Parks and Recreation
Agencies through NRPA.
Dan also announced the promotion of Sue Wells to Administrator — Parks and Recreation
Operations and Jim Dunleavy to Chief of Recreation.
There were no public comments or questions.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Gregory to approve the minutes of the
meeting of February 1, 2006, as written.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen,Vogt (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Richards, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the minutes of
the public hearing of February 1, 2006, as written.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen,Vogt (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Richards, supported by Mr. Gregory to approve the payment of the
(Commission Meeting, March 15, 2006)
Internal Service Funds Payment Register for the months of December and
January (FM 3 & 4, FY 2006), and the Oak Management Credit for Services
Rendered Register for the months of October, November, and December (FM 1,
2, & 3, FY 2006).
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen,Vogt (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
The Combined Statement of Operations for the months ending December 31, 2005 and January
31, 2006 was accepted as filed.
The Capital Improvement Projects Budget Report as of January 31, 2006 was accepted as filed.
The Activity Report for January, 2006 was accepted as filed.
Presented a plaque to members of the Sullivan family in recognition of their significant contribution
to the Oakland County Parks with the preservation of 346-acres recently acquired from the family.
Received a Proclamation from Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson in celebration and
recognition of the Parks' 40 year anniversary.
Received a letter from Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm congratulating the Oakland County
Parks on our 40" anniversary.
Presented a plaque to graphic artist Melissa Wagner and public communications assistant Mary
Zednik for a marketing award from the Michigan Recreation and Park Association for the best
As directed by the Parks Commission at the February meeting, Dave Borneman from Ecological
Consulting/Prescribed Burn Services presented information on the contacts/approvals made with
the local fire and township officials in Lyon and Independence Townships, along with procedures
his company will be following for the prescribed burns. The burns will be conducted at
Independence Oaks and Lyon Oaks between now and the end of April, weather permitting.
(Commission Meeting, March 15, 2006)
Commission requested the Wixom officials be contacted, plus have a letter sent to all close
neighbors of both parks informing them of the impending burn and offering a call on the burn day.
Representatives from Southfield, Oak Park, Huntington Woods, and the Berkley Youth Soccer
Association provided additional information on the usage of the 22-acre Catalpa Park in Southfield
by surrounding communities. They urged Parks Commission consideration to purchase this
property, which would create a presence in south Oakland County and provide an opportunity for
a partnership with the local communities for its recreational use.
Moved by Mr. Gregory, supported by Mr. Crawford to direct staff to explore the
possibility of purchasing the Catalpa Park property in Southfield.
Discussion followed in which commissioners expressed concern for the appropriateness of getting
involved while negotiations are being conducted through the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners' Planning and Building Committee with the city of Southfield. Other concerns
included the County Parks' involvement in a municipal park, compensation to the county for the
property, possibility of grant funding to acquire the parcel, and the possibility of the land being sold
for development.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis (3)
NAYS: Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (5)
A sufficient number of votes not being received, the motion failed.
As directed by the Commission, staff hired a consultant to determine the value of the potential
wetland conservation easement on the newly acquired Sullivan property at Addison Oaks.
Jon Noyes detailed the valuation process used by the consultant, Kurschat & Company, and
related the recommended compensation for the encumbrance on the 125 acres of wetland in the
amount of $78,750.00.
The Road Commission for Oakland County has been contacted and has agreed to the additional
compensation, over the originally offered amount of $70,000.
Executive Officer Stencil noted this is an issue relating to the Parks' philosophy of preserving
green space.
Staff requested Commission approval for Corporation Counsel to draft a Conservation Easement
similar to that which is in force at Lyon Oaks, plus to draft an interagency agreement between
Oakland County Parks and Recreation and the Road Commission for Oakland County that
addresses the proposed compensation for entrance into the Conservation Easement.
(Commission Meeting, March 15, 2006)
Commission expressed concerns over restrictions involved in the Conservation Easement that
would prohibit future use of the encumbered acreage plus additional buffer requirements, along
with the increasing amount of staff time required for this project.
Staff was also reminded this easement will require approval by the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners through the Planning and Building Committee, plus direction for Corporation
Counsel to draft the Conservation Easement and interagency agreement will also be required
from the Board of Commissioners.
Moved by Mr. Skarritt to request approval from the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners, through the Planning and Building Committee, to direct
Corporation Counsel to draft a Conservation Easement similar to that which is in
force at Lyon Oaks, plus to draft an interagency agreement between Oakland
County Parks and Recreation and the Road Commission for Oakland County that
addresses the proposed compensation for entrance into the Conservation
Motion failed for lack of support.
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to request approval from the
Oakland County Board of Commissioners, through the Planning and Building
Committee, to direct Corporation Counsel to draft a Conservation Easement
similar to that which is in force elsewhere at Lyon Oaks. Also approval to draft an
interagency agreement between Oakland County Parks and Recreation and the
Road Commission for Oakland County that addresses the proposed compensation
for entrance into the Conservation Easement and the creation of 6.5 acres of
wetlands at Lyon Oaks.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Design and Development staff updated the Commission on the Ellis Barn project, noting the re-
assembly is complete. Still required is the exterior painting, additional flooring, electrical, arena
surfacing, and ADA required modifications.
A budget analysis was provided and reviewed, reflecting total project costs of $1,035,000, future
costs for enhanced use compliance, and the Parks Commission's investment in the project.
Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa noted that, if the building is used for more than what
was initially planned, possible additional safety measures and a fire suppression system may be
(Commission Meeting, March 15, 2006)
required. Other possible future projects include interpretive displays, cupolas, and a masonry
fagade, all of which could increase the Parks' investment by approximately $132,000.
Staff also detailed fundraising efforts and community support on this project, along with ongoing
fundraising efforts.
Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. Richards to approve the expenditure for
the boiler replacement at the Springfield Oaks Activity Center in the amount of
$54,673.24, which includes $48,568.24 to Service Plumbing and Heating for the
material and installation of the boilers, $1,635.00 to Nova Environmental for
testing, and $4,470.00 to Dependent Environmental Services for the removal and
disposal of the old boiler.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Gregory, supported by Mr. Skarritt to award the following bids as
reviewed and recommended by Purchasing and Parks staff:
Split the bid for the construction of restroom and site improvements at Orion Oaks
awarding Base Bid #1 for the installation of all associated site work for the gravel
parking lot and new entrance, as well as storm drainage, vegetative swale and
site restoration to the low bidder CMA Design in the amount of $72,356.13, plus
a 5% contingency of $3,618.00, for a budgeted amount of $75,974.13.In addition,
award Base Bid #2 for the construction of an 18' x 24' masonry block restroom
facility to the low bidder, WJ Stewart, in the amount of $131,000.00, Alternate A
in the amount of $1,543.00 and Alternate B in the amount of $1,639.00, plus a 5%
contingency of $6,709.00, for a budgeted amount of $140,891.00. Total approved
project amount is $216,865.13.
Split the bid for the maintenance building addition, associated site work,
maintenance yard repaving, dumpster relocation, and parking lot curbing for the
Glen Oaks Maintenance Building and award Base Bid #1 for the construction of
a 50' x 40' masonry block building addition to the maintenance building to the low
bidder, WJ Stewart, in the amount of $89,252.00, plus a 5% contingency of
$4,463.00, for a budgeted amount of $93,715.00. In addition, award Base Bid #2
for all associated site work, dumpster relocation, banquet and golf course parking
lot curbing, and asphalt repair of the parking lot and maintenance yard, plus
Alternate A for a 24' x 16' concrete emergency access apron to be located at the
west end of the banquet parking lot, to the low bidder, Construction Solutions, in
the amount of $106,145, plus a 5% contingency of $5,307.00, for a budgeted
(Commission Meeting, March 15, 2006)
amount of $111,452.00. Total approved project cost is $205,167.00. Commission
also approved the transfer of $50,167.00 from the 2006 Capital Improvement
Projects Budget Contingency to this project.
Award the contract for the roof repairs and replacement at the Lewis E. Wint
Nature Center at Independence Oaks to Frish Roofing Company in the amount of
$19,585.00, plus a 5% contingency of $965.00, for a total budgeted amount of
Award the bid for the purchase and installation of seven Santana plastic surround
bathroom stalls for the Red Oaks Waterpark to Gee Company in the amount of
Purchase of a Chaos inflatable obstacle course for the Mobile Recreation program
to the low bidder, Cutting Edge Creations, Inc., in the amount of $11,430.00.
Contract for the repair of the family raft slide pool at the Waterford Oaks
Waterpark, including removing the existing pebble tech, preparing the surface for
new pebble tech, and replacing all floor drains, plus repairing the end flume and
installing a new rubber gasket to Camps Services Ltd. in the amount of
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Crawford to approve the 2006 Community
Assistance Program as presented by staff in the amount of $25,000.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Staff requested Commission approval of the revised list of 40'" Anniversary Appreciation Days,
which now includes the Oakland County Parks Day at the Oakland County 4-H Fair.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the revised list
of 2006 Appreciation Days being held in conjunction with special events
celebrating the Parks' 40'" anniversary.
(Commission Meeting, March 15, 2006)
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
In addition to the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted:
---Proposed changes on the master calendar were reviewed and approved, including a change
in location of the June 7 meeting to the Wint Nature Center, a change in location of the August
2 meeting to White Lake Oaks, inclusion of the parks tour for Oakland County Commissioners and
Park Commissioners on June 21, and the cancellation of the July 12 and November 15 meetings.
In addition, the legislators/commissioners breakfast and outing has once again been changed to
a joint event with the Oakland County Health Department to be held on Friday, June 16 at Glen
---Notification to the Waterford School District that the letter of agreement for their use of the
tennis courts at Waterford Oaks will expire on October 31, 2006 was sent on March 6. Staff will
update the Commission with further plans for this facility at a future meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:39 a.m.
The next Commission meeting will be at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 5, 2006.
J. David VanderVeen, Secretary wren S. Kohn CPS/CAP, Recording Secretary