November 7, 2007
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. called the meeting to order at 9:11 a.m. in the commission room of the Parks
Commission's administration office.
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, Hugh D.
Crawford, Vincent Gregory, John McCulloch, Charles Palmer, John Richards, Shelley Taub
Eileen Kowall
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Purchasing
Oakland County Facilities Management
Oakland County Corporation Counsel
Oakland County Information Technology
Oakland County 4-H Fair Association
PROS Consulting
Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer
Sue Wells, Administrator — Parks & Rec. Operations
Frank Trionfi, Administrator — Parks Administration
Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development
Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf
Clyde Herb, Chief of Parks
Janet Pung, Marketing & Communications Officer
Jim Dunleavy, Chief of Recreation
Jon Noyes, Architectural Engineer II
Sheila Cox, Accountant IV
Phil Castonia, Recreation Supervisor
Suzanne Kici, Office Assistant
J. R. Grulke, Intern
Lena Piippo, Intern
Valarie Brochu, Intern
Joan Daniels, Buyer
Mike Hughson, Property Management Specialist
Judy Cunningham, Corporation Counsel
John Ross, Assistant Corporation Counsel
Jody S. Hall, Assistant Corporation Counsel
Joe Pittel, Assistant Corporation Counsel
Sharon Cullen, Technical Assistant
Phil Bertolini, Deputy County Executive
Dawn Siegel
Rochelle Meacham
L.C. Scramlin, General Manager
Dave Coleman, President
Leon Younger, President
No questions were asked, nor comments received, by the public.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Gregory to approve the minutes of the meeting of
September 28, 2007, as written.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (9)
(Commission Meeting, November 7, 2007)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
The Activity Report for the month of September, 2007 was accepted as filed.
Staff will investigate the possibility of obtaining a grant to bring children into the parks to visit the nature center.
Chief of Recreation Jim Dunleavy introduced the following interns: J. R. Grulke from Michigan State University;
and Lena Piippo and Valarie Brochu from Central Michigan University.
Moved by Mr. Gregory, supported by Mr. Palmer to adjourn to Executive Session for the
purpose of discussing a real estate interest.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried.
The Chair declared the meeting closed at 9:21 a.m. The meeting resumed in open session at 9:34 a.m.
Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mrs. Taub to confirm staffs recommendation made
in the Executive Session.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mrs. Taub to approve funding the needs assessment,
project scope and approach of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's
information technology requirements, for future phased -in implementation, in an amount not
to exceed $80,642.
Also, approved the transfer of $80,642 from the 2008 Operating Budget Contingency to
Administration's IT Development line item for this expenditure.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
(Commission Meeting, November 7, 2007)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
PROS Consulting President Leon Younger presented an update on the progress of the parks system's long-
term financial assessment and strategic master planning process.
Oakland County Corporation Counsel Judy Cunningham and Assistant Corporation Counsel John Ross
presented an overview of the Open Meetings Act, detailing requirements for meeting postings, closed
sessions, and meeting minutes, plus requirements for ensuring public bodies remain in compliance. Additional
caution was expressed over the use of a -mails for conducting any type of business.
Moved by Mr. Gregory, supported by Mr. Richards to adopt the following resolution
recommending approval of the Highland Oaks Mineral Royalty Interest Deed by the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners:
WHEREAS, pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution No. 07016 the Oakland County
Board of Commissioners accepted a Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund
Grant Agreement, which provided partial funding for the acquisition of land to establish
Highland Oaks County Park; and
WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of said grant agreement require the County to
convey a Mineral Royalty Interest Deed to the state representing a 1/6 interest in all gas, oil
or mineral rights produced from the land; and
WHEREAS, the attached Mineral Royalty Interest Deed has been approved by
Oakland County Corporation Counsel and the State of Michigan Department of Natural
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve
the conveyance of a 1/6 interest in all gas, oil or minerals produced from the land of Highland
Oaks County Park to the State of Michigan via the attached Mineral Royalty Interest Deed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission recommends the County of Oakland Board of Commissioners direct its
Chairperson or his designee to execute the attached Mineral Royalty Interest Deed and all
other documents, which may be required.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mrs. Taub, supported by Mr. Palmer to adopt the following resolution
recommending approval of the Holly Area Schools Property Purchase Agreement by the
Oakland County Board of Commissioners:
(Commission Meeting, November 7, 2007)
WHEREAS, pursuant to the authorization of the Oakland County Planning and
Building Committee, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the
Department of Facilities Management, with the assistance of Oakland County Corporation
Counsel, have negotiated the terms and conditions of the attached Purchase Agreement with
the Holly Area School District, for the purchase of 17.29 acres of land located in Holly
Township; and
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has budgeted
sufficient funds from its land acquisition fund to complete the purchase of said property; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms and conditions of said Purchase Agreement, the
County of Oakland shall pay the Holly Area School District the sum of $185,000.00 via a cash
sale for the purchase of said property subject to the County performing its required due
diligence investigation of the subject property; and
WHEREAS, the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel
have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the attached Purchase
Agreement and recommend its approval.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission hereby recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
approves and accepts the terms and conditions of the attached Purchase Agreement
between the County of Oakland as purchaser and Holly Area School District, seller for a cash
sale purchase.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission hereby recommends the County of Oakland Board of Commissioners directs its
Chairperson or his designee to execute the attached Purchase Agreement and all other
related documents between the County of Oakland and Holly Area School District, which may
be required to complete the purchase of said property.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mrs. Taub to adopt the following resolution in support of
the Grant Agreement, contingent upon approval by Corporation Counsel, and the submission
of the Grant Agreement for approval by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners:
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been
notified of the award of the TF06-199 Upper Bushman Lake Acquisition Grant, administered
by the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board and the Michigan Department of
Natural Resources; and
WHEREAS, the One Million Nine Hundred Thousand ($1,900,000.00) dollar grantwill
help offset the cost of acquiring this parcel, which will substantially increase the size and
recreational opportunities of Independence Oaks County Park; and
WHEREAS, the matching funds for the Upper Bushman Lake Acquisition Grant will
come from the % mil for parks.
(Commission Meeting, November 7, 2007)
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission supports the acceptance of the TF06-199 Upper Bushman Lake
Acquisition Grant.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission recommends that, upon the approval of the Grant Agreement by Oakland
County Corporation Counsel, said agreement will be forwarded to the Oakland County Board
of Commissioners for consideration and approval.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission has included the grant revenue and project expenses for said project in the
budget for Fiscal Year 2008, thereby eliminating the need for a budget amendment.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. Richards to adopt the following resolution,
contingent upon approval by Oakland County Corporation Counsel and the submission of the
Project Agreement for approval by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners:
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been
notified of the #2007-0123 Waterford Oaks County Park Storm Water Improvements Project
Grant award, through the Clean Michigan Initiative Clean Water Fund program administered
by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality; and
WHEREAS, the One Hundred and Ninety Thousand ($190,000.00) dollar grant will
help offset the cost of implementing Best Management Practices in the construction of
parking lot improvements at Waterford Oaks County Park; and
WHEREAS, the matching funds for the #2007-0123 Waterford Oaks County Park
Storm Water Improvements Project Grant will come from the % mil for parks.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission supports the acceptance of the #2007-0123 Waterford Oaks County
Park Storm Water Improvements Project Grant.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission recommends that, upon the approval of the Project Agreement by Oakland
County Corporation Counsel, said agreement will be forwarded to the Oakland County Board
of Commissioners for consideration and approval.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission has included the grant revenue and project expenses for said project in the
budget for Fiscal Year 2008; thereby eliminating the need for a budget amendment.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub (8)
NAYS: (0)
(Commission Meeting, November 7, 2007)
Motion carried on a voice vote
Moved by Mr. Gregory, supported by Mrs. Taub to adopt the following resolution in support of
the 2007 Accessible By Design Awards grant application for the Waterford Oaks Accessible
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been
notified of Requests for Proposals for the 2007 Accessible By Design Awards, administered
through the Access to Recreation Initiative in cooperation with the Michigan Recreation and
Parks Association; and
WHEREAS, the Waterford Oaks Accessible Playground, currently in design, meets
the advertised grant requirements and has been budgeted for construction during Fiscal Year
2008; and
WHEREAS, the requested Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($250,000.00) dollar
grant will help offset the cost of constructing this regional play facility at Waterford Oaks
County Park; and
WHEREAS, the matching funds for the Waterford Oaks Accessible Playground, will
come from the % mil for parks.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission supports the application to the 2007 Accessible By Design Awards
for the Waterford Oaks Accessible Playground.
AYES: Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Taub (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa presented an update on the capital and maintenance projects
throughout the parks system.
Commission Palmer questioned plans for the proposed equestrian center at Springfield Oaks. Staff noted
Leon Younger has a copy of the business plan for the proposed equestrian center and will be reviewing it.
Also, staff will be attending an Equine Expo being held in Lansing in December that will include results from
the most updated equine survey, as well as a feasibility report on a state-of-the-art center.
Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. Crawford to award the contract for the replacement
of the pedestrian bridge at the Lewis Wint Nature Center, including removal and disposal of
the old bridge, and removal and replacement of the two mid -span support structures to the
low bidder, Custom Manufacturing, Inc., in the amount of $45,050.00, plus a five percent
contingency of $,2253.00, for a total budgeted amount of $47,303.00.
Also approved the transfer of $45,050 from the 2008 Operating Budget Contingency to the
Independence Oaks Grounds Maintenance line item for this expenditure.
(Commission Meeting, November 7, 2007)
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to award the bid for the purchase of a
25' accessible pontoon boat and trailer for Independence Oaks from the low bidder, Sunset
Boats & Marine Services, in the amount of $19,564.00.
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Communications and Marketing Officer Jan Pung and Chief of Parks Clyde Herb presented information on
camping attendance, revenue, and survey responses from Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks for the 2007
Staff presented the proposed 2008 master calendar, with several changes requested by the Commission.
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Gregory to approve the 2008 Master Calendar, as
AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Copies of the amended calendar will be distributed to all the commissioners.
In addition to the Executive Officer's report filed in the agenda, the following information was noted:
---Staff is working on a building and operation assessment for the Springfield Oaks Activity Center.
---Commissioner VanderVeen praised staff's involvement in County Executive Patterson's new Fire and Ice
winter event being held in Rochester on January 25-26, 2008.
The next Commission meeting will be at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 12, 2007.
The meeting was,adjourned at 11:55 a.m.
J. David V erVeen, Secretary Karen S. Kohn CPS/CAP, Recording Secretary