July 1, 2009
Chairman Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m. in the garden room at Addison Oaks Conference
Center, Addison Oaks County Park.
Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, Tim
Burns, Gerald Fisher, Robert Kostin, Christine Long, John McCulloch, Charles Palmer, John Scott
Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Purchasing
Oakland County Information Technology
There were no comments or questions.
Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer
Sue Wells, Manager of Parks & Recreation Operations
Mike Donnellon, Chief -Parks Fac., Maint. & Dev.
Jon Noyes, Supervisor -Planning
Phil Castonia, Business Development Rep.
Stephanie Mackey, Business Development Rep.
Melissa Prowse, Business Development Rep.
Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Parks Maint. & Ops. North
Larry Gee, Chief -Parks Maint. & Ops. South
Karen Kohn, Supervisor -Administrative Services
Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor -Communications
Terry Fields, Chief -Recreation Programs and Services
Kathleen Dougherty -Educational Resource Specialist
Jack Smith, Manager
Joan Daniels, Buyer
Dawn Siegel, Supervisor II
Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Fisher to approve the minutes of the regular meeting
of June 17, 2009, as written.
AYES: Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing of
June 17, 2009, as written.
AYES: Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Business Development Representative Phil Castonia introduced Chris Moshier, User Support Specialist, who
will be assisting in the Business Development Unit.
(Commission Meeting, July 1, 2009)
Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells introduced Matt Pardy, Recreation Specialist, who
will be assisting in the operations of the waterparks.
Executive Officer Stencil also noted that Kevin Poeppe, Groundskeeper II at Independence Oaks, and Don
Greenup, Park Maintenance Aide at Facilities Maintenance and Development, retired in June after 35 years of
service each.
Jack Smith, Manager of Oakland County Purchasing, presented the purchasing activity report for the third
quarter of FY 2009.
Kathleen Dougherty, member of the Green Initiative Team, presented an update on projects the Green
Initiative group has been developing.
Dawn Siegel, Supervisor II for Oakland County Information Technology, presented an update on the first year
project status for the Information Technology Plan.
Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. Palmer to approve the contract amendment to PROS
Consulting for additional training and maintenance management plan implementation for a not to
exceed amount of $49,350.
AYES: Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: Burns (1)
Mr. Burns expressed his concern in drawing this contract to a close, which resulted in his vote.
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mrs. Long to adopt the following resolution in support of
proclaiming July as Recreation and Parks Month:
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's mission is
to provide all residents of Oakland County with recreational, leisure, and learning
experiences, parks, open spaces, and facilities, resulting in a comprehensive county park
system that enhances quality of life; and
WHEREAS, parks, recreation activities, and leisure experiences provide
opportunities for young people to live, grow, and develop into contributing members of
society; and
WHEREAS, parks and recreation creates lifelines and continued life experiences
for older members of our community; and
WHEREAS, parks and recreation generates opportunities for people to come
together and experience a sense of community through fun recreational pursuits; and
WHEREAS, parks and recreation agencies provide outlets for physical activities,
socialization, and stress -reducing experiences; and
WHEREAS, parks, playgrounds, nature trails, open spaces, community and
cultural centers, and historic sites make communities attractive and desirable places to
(Commission Meeting, July 1, 2009)
live, work, play, and visit, in a manner that contributes to our ongoing economic vitality;
WHEREAS, parks, greenways, and open spaces provide a welcome respite from
our fast -paced, high-tech lifestyles while simultaneously protecting and preserving our
natural environment; and
WHEREAS, parks and recreation agencies touch the lives of individuals, families,
groups, and the entire community, which positively impacts upon the social, economic,
health, and environmental quality of our community.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission proclaims July as Recreation and Parks Month and encourages
all citizens to celebrate healthy, active lifestyles by participating in their choice of
recreation and park activities.
AYES: Burns, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Business Development Representative Stephanie Mackey presented the proposed 2010 Ballot Language for
discussion. Discussion followed regarding using .25 mill, which would bean increase, or using .2415, which
would be a renewal of the current millage. Consensus was to renew at .2415. Staff will make suggested
corrections and bring the resolution back for approval at a later date.
Planning Supervisor Jon Noyes is coordinating the revision of master plans for Addison, Springfield, Red and
Waterford Oaks county parks, and has met with local communities to gather their input. Guiding principles for
the master plan process focus on recreational features with a regional draw, and site amenities that enhance
the regional use of the facility and its role in the local community.
Addison Oaks is the largest of the Oakland County Parks and features 21 miles of trails, day -use recreation
and camping. Opportunities for community collaboration include Bald Mountain State Park, Cranberry Lake
Preserve, Upland Hills Farm, Ecological Awareness Center, Village of Leonard, and greens infrastructure.
Springfield Oaks is a 329-acre park which features the county fairgrounds, an 18-hole golf course, community
service garden, and a rural connector road trail head. Opportunities for community collaboration include
ecological and recreational connectivity, educational outreach, recreational outreach, facilities, operations and
maintenance partnerships, and strategic marketing opportunities.
Red Oaks is a 125-acre park which features a 20-acre waterpark, 24-acre soccer complex and a 9-hole golf
course. Future opportunities include a 3.5-acre dog park, ecological and recreational connectivity, educational
outreach, recreational outreach, facilities, operations and maintenance partnerships, and strategic marketing
Waterford Oaks is a 178-acre park (plus an additional five acres for the Ernst parcel) which features a
waterpark, refrigerated toboggan run, BMX track, and soon to be constructed nature-themed accessible
playground and storm water management demonstration project. Opportunities for community collaboration
include ecological and recreational connectivity, educational outreach, recreational outreach, facilities,
operations and maintenance partnerships, and strategic marketing opportunities.
(Commission Meeting, July 1, 2009)
In addition to the Executive Officer's report filed in the agenda, the following was noted:
--There was no activity report included in today's agenda due to today's meeting being held on July 1;
however, Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks waterparks are up about $15,000420,000 over last year at this
time. Springfield Oaks Golf Course counts were being reported incorrectly. Staff will correct and provide
an accurate count at next month's meeting.
--Chairman Lewis, Commissioner Fisher, Oak Management staff and parks staff will meet as the
sub -committee to review items from the 2008 Oak Management audit.
--Executive Officer Stencil will be participating in a national benchmarking services and standards
committee, which includes 30 other professionals, for cities, villages and townships across the country.
--LC Scramlin will be delivering tickets for the Oakland County Fair, which is being held July 7-12 at
Springfield Oaks County Park. Lawn signs and posters are also available for posting.
--Arnold Johnston, former Chief of Parks from 1967-1987, passed away last week at the age of 90.
--Steve Huber, from Oakland County Planning and Economic Development, assisted staff in securing a
portion of the A T & T telephone book cover for photographic advertisement for Oakland County Parks, at
no cost.
Chief of Facilities, Operations and Development Mike Donnellon updated the Commission on two projects
which may require change orders. The parking lot paving project at Waterford Oaks -Administration Building
may be $20,000 over contract due to the absence of core samples, as well as the need to bring the base up to
4" with additional gravel.
Also, the roofing project at the maintenance building at Addison Oaks may exceed the contract amount by
$3,00044,000 for additional siding. Staff is continuing to minimize the effects of the changes, if possible.
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. to the park tour.
The next Commission meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at Waterford Oaks —
Administration office.
J. Davi�anderVeen, Secretary Suz�9e L. Kici, Recording Secretary