HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1977.06.13 - 3926MF I ELD SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 13, 1977 WEST t CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON JUNE 13, 1977 (DATE' OF ELECTION) OF THE WEST BLOOMF I ELD scHopt_ DisTRIcT (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND COUNTY MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. ES-398 (Rev. 1970) CANVASSER BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION The whole mjrnbe of voJe q iVen F;.'ir:the ..c4fe. of Mettlbe.r of the:BotiFil 4.f Icluticstion:fof a: Four Yoai term was . : A.•• : • • t: :;•; " " " " " " " and they Weré:giv61 For the falloW:ng nainer .i persons: 1.16.t.0 : for Two Pet.c5,:oN,s REcElveNcs rkirz vc.)TEs NkINAHER or VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Eleanor G. Blum Marlene R. Deatherage 3. Larry R. Emmons 4. Sheryl M. Lubbers 5. Paul I. Pesick 6. Barba ra Robinson 7. Jerome J. Schmitt, Jr. IQ. . • •• • •". •• • TOTAL • . . • .. • .. •..•. • . The whole number of votes given for the office of Menibiirivithd..:14.,i0.4.6fig.cloOtiiiri for .6 .Three Year krill was !. I and they were given for the ..fallowing nOMed persons , A • : PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES . NUMBER OF yous.WRITTEN:IN WORDS • , • I 5 TOTA The whole number of votes given for the office of tviember of the Board of Education for a Two Yoor rerrs was and they were given for the followin g named persons., PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER or VOTES WRITTEN IN:wORDS TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of Metnhere of tité Boai.d ófEthydti*nfc;ta One Year term was.. and they were given for the following :named. persons;- PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTA STATEMENT OF VOTES, WEST BLOOMF I ELD SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECT ION JUNE 13, 1977 .:116,..tetRt . . Tei4f• :.•Vtite f0.). OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Four. . . . . • .. .•. . . . . • • • • • • • 4 AVCB TOTALS CERTHATE OF DETERMNAflON STATE OF.MlciIQkN . ... . . .. COUNTY . . . . . . We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers . for the County of .from .an. examinoii.o1 of the EFectionReturns of We.s!imf1eId_School .0...strC.t rec.eied by said...Boad.cF..CnnvsOrs f . LSGAL L4ME sCIQOL or11ci . . . . . ... determine thatt the _ ?.ail______e F.ecti on held On! ..., 1 P7,tht the per.sonlistd FaL.ow .were.d.Uly A L4 SP5C1L OA1 OF eFectel as members of theBoardof Education of the said School District for the terms foffrceset opc'sil' heir name or: names:. ______ . . ______ .. . . : .. . : Names of persons ekcted Ioi a four / year term expiring - 1981 -- rt j.: / 1 I '..... _______________ _________________ T 0 be Eled Names of persons eFected for ci three year term expirihg Names of persons elected lot a two year term expriflg -••-•-•---- __________________- Names of porsobs eFected for a one yew term expiring --.---------.--- .-- .................. Do FURTHER HEREBY DETE,MFNE: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSItION ... Received Passed Hovng --------- ufficient votes was .. NONE Not Received Defeated 2. NAME OF PROPOSITION . •1 Received . . Passed NONE Having . ______ - Sufficient votes war .. . -: Not Received Defeate 3 NAME OF PROPOSITION Received P05sd Having :- Sufficient votes was .... NONE Not Received Defeated 4. NAME Q PROPOSITION -- 1 Received . Passed riaving ---------•. surticient votes was NONE Not Received Defeated In Witness WhereoL We have hercu ito set our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND Countyof _- .-.------.-.---...--.-----.-.------....----------------------- this day of _____ ." (.. Attest . .. ............,.... - 7RK OARO OF CAN VASSEF1 f . . .: (