HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2012.01.11 - 39270*MEETING MINUTES * OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING January 11, 2012 Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. in the Commission Room of the Administration Office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman John McCulloch, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, A. David Baumhart, Chairperson Emeritus Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Christine Long, Gary McGillivray, John Scott, Eric Wilson COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Kostin ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Facilities Management Oakland County Facilities Management Oakland County Fiscal Services Oakland County Health Division JFR Architects APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Administrator -Parks & Rec. Operations Phil Castonia, Business Development Rep. Lynn Conover, Parks Naturalist Zach Crane, Architectural Engineer Mike Donnellon, Chief -Parks Fac. Maint. & Dev. Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint. — N. District Terry Fields, Chief -Recreation Programs & Services Larry Gee, Chief -Park Ops & Maint. S. District Karen Kohn, Administrative Services Tim Nowicki, Recreation Program Supervisor Jon Noyes, Supervisor-P & R Planning Matt Pardy, Recreation Specialist Melissa Prowse, Business Development Rep. Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor -Communications & Mrktg. Art Holdsworth, Director of Facilities Management Michael Hughson, Property Management Specialist Jeff Phelps, Fiscal Services Supervisor Kathy Forztey, Manager -Oakland County Health Division James F. Renaud, Architect Moved by Mr. Wilson, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the agenda with the following amendment: add item 10H — Oakland County Market. AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Baumhart to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 7, 2011, as written. 5-1 (Commission Meeting, January 11, 2012) AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chairman Emeritus Lewis assumed the Chair for the purpose of election of officers. Nominations were opened for the position of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary. Mr. Wilson nominated Gerald Fisher as Chairman, John McCulloch as Vice Chairman and David VanderVeen as Secretary. Nominations were closed. Moved by Mr. Baumhart, supported by Mr. McGillivray to elect Gerald Fisher as Chairman, John McCulloch as Vice Chairman and David VanderVeen as Secretary of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for 2012. AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no questions or comments received. PRESENTATION — OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION: Kathy Forzley, Manager of Oakland County Health Division, presented the Commission with a plaque from the Health Department for the Parks and Recreation Department's participation in Building Healthy Communities. This was a Michigan Department of Community Health grant initiative to build a coalition to help develop a three-year strategic action plan to reduce obesity -related diseases in the City of Pontiac. Ms. Forzley thanked Sue Wells and her staff for all of their hard work and assistance. CONSENT AGENDA: Moved by Mr. Wilson, supported by Mr. Scott to approve all items under the Consent Agenda as follows: Internal Service Funds Journal Voucher Register for Month Ending 11/30/11 (FM02, FY 2012); Payment Register for Month Ending 11/30/11 (FM02, FY 2012); Monthly Financial Statement Executive Summary for Month ending 11/30/11 (FM 2, FY 2012); 2011 Park Access Permit Program Summary; 2011 Annual Donations & Contributions — Operating Report; Purchasing Quarterly Report 5-2 (Commission Meeting, January 11, 2012) AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PROPOSED POLICY FOR OPERATING AND CAPITAL FUND RESERVES: Jeff Phelps, Supervisor — Fiscal Services, presented a draft of the proposed Oakland County Parks and Recreation Policy for Operating and Capital Funds Reserves for informational purposes. The Commission had a few questions and requested clarification in areas of the policy including Unrestricted Net Assets, Reserved Funding, Governance and the definition of what constitutes a majority vote regarding this policy. Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. McGillivray to receive and file the proposed Oakland County Parks and Recreation Policy for Operating and Capital Fund Reserves subject to the recommended changes and bring it back to the Commission for final approval. AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PROPOSED REVISION OF COMMISSION'S RULES & REGULATIONS: Staff presented the proposed revisions to the OCPRC General Information and Regulations booklet. These revisions were reviewed and recommended by Corporation Counsel. Commission requested clarification on ownership of property and alcohol consumption within the parks. In addition Commission requested some minor changes on specific verbiage used in the Rules and Regulations. Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Lewis to approve the resolution on the revisions to the Oakland County Parks & Recreation General Information and Regulations with the suggested changes and forward it to the Planning & Building Committee and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval. AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. SPRINGFIELD OAKS DAM REPORT/UPDATE: After receiving an analysis on the recommended repairs for the Springfield Oaks Dam, Corporation Counsel and Property Management assisted staff in verifying that Oakland County does own the property of the dam; however, in accordance with the 1984 Registered Deed the Charter Township of Springfield and Springfield Township Parks and Recreation are financially obligated for the maintenance of the existing dam. Executive Director Dan Stencil and Mike Donnellon met with Springfield Township officials and advised them of the recommended repairs/maintenance, and the legal clarification of the deed showing the County's ownership and the Township's financial obligation for the ongoing 5-3 (Commission Meeting, January 11, 2012) maintenance of the dam and its components. Springfield Township officials are currently reviewing the information and will report back to OCPR staff. Staff will keep the Commission informed regarding any future discussions or developments. This report was received and filed. SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/CAMPGROUND ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS: For several years staff and the Oakland County Fair Board have been completing utility infrastructure updates at the fairgrounds at Springfield Oaks Campground including the water distribution system, sanitary system and various storm water improvements. These improvements were based on code requirements for the 73 individual/group camp sites located throughout the park grounds. These sites are not up to electrical code and need to be upgraded. As a result staff has recommended these improvements be made at Springfield Oaks campground. Moved by Mr. McGillivray , supported by Mr. VanderVeen to award a contract to Airport Lighting, Inc., for the Springfield Oaks Activity Center/Campground Electrical Improvements in the amount of $243,820 with a 10% contingency of $24,382 for a total approved amount of $268,202; and Move to transfer $152,062 from the FY2012 Capital Improvement Plan Budget Contingency to the Capital Improvement Plan Project titled Event Campground Phase 2. AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. MDNR RECREATION PASSPORT GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION: Project Advisor Linda Hegstrom presented an application for the Recreation Passport Grant program for 2012 for the construction of accessible fishing piers and the purchase and installation of a universally - accessible canoe/kayak launch at Addison Oaks County Park. The grant request is for $45,000 with a $15,000 match from Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, seconded by Mrs. Long, to adopt the resolution in support of the grant application with the Department of Natural Resources for a grant in the amount of $45,000 (75% of the total project costs with a local match of $15,000 - 25%); which will be forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for approval. AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. WATERFORD OAKS MASTER PLAN AND 5-YEAR RECREATION PLAN 2012-2016: Project Advisor Donna Folland provided an update to the Commission on the status of master plans currently in progress: Waterford Oaks Master Plan and Five -Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Review of the draft Waterford Oaks Master Plan by the Commission was requested. 5-4 (Commission Meeting, January 11, 2012) Ms. Folland presented a graphic model of OCPRC's major planning documents: 10-Year Strategic Master Plan; 5-Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan; 10-Year Park Master Plans; and the Facility Business Plans. The interrelationship among these planning documents and their functions were discussed. The park and facility concepts presented in the park master plans guide staff as they design the various components of the plan's proposed implementation. Approval of the concepts by the Commission does not commit the Commission to funding and implementing these concepts. Adherence to the planning process described in the model ensures that the values and principles established by the Commission are incorporated at every stage of planning and are reflected in the individual project proposals that are brought to the Commission for consideration. Public input is an important aspect of all levels of master planning. We seek to engage park users and the public in a dialogue throughout the planning process - and not just at the end. Staff is prepared to solicit public comment on the facility concepts for the draft Waterford Oaks Master Plan in order to continue the process of public engagement. Also, staff has identified the need to establish cost recovery guidelines based on an understanding of the services provided by OCPRC. Staff proposed developing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a blanket contract for planning consultant services to assist staff with developing these guidelines. A request for Commission approval of the Master Plan will be placed on the next agenda. Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. Scott to approve the concept of seeking a blanket proposal from outside contractors. AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. FARMER'S MARKET: Oakland County Facilities Management notified Parks staff that the full-time Market Master of the Oakland County Market has retired in January, 2012. He has agreed to work part time until May, 2012. Staff is investigating opportunities to incorporate management of this facility with our greenhouse operation, rather than operating them independently. Staff is seeking Commission authorization to update the market business plan provided in 2010, in consideration of possible management of the Oakland County Market by Parks and Recreation. Staff will create a business plan for the Waterford Oaks Greenhouse as well. Commission requested staff provide the current business plan to the new commissioners in order to provide them with the background information on this facility. Discussion followed on grant opportunities, proposed facility improvements, and the possibility of Facilities Management contracting with Parks and Recreation —Facilities Management owning the facility while Parks and Recreation operates it. Staff was directed to invite the Market Master to the Jan. 25 Executive Committee meeting, plus update the market business plan for presentation at the Feb. 1 Commission Meeting. NN (Commission Meeting, January 11, 2012) ACTIVITY REPORT: Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Wilson to receive and file the December 2011 (FM03, FY 2012) Activity Report as presented. AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. UPDATE ON DECEMBER 7 2011 COMMISSION MEETING GOLF PRESENTATION: As directed by the Commission at the Dec. 7, 2011 meeting, staff provided detailed information on the golf program, including a five-year revenue and expense comparison for the five golf courses, revenue per 18-hole golf equivalent, golf rounds comparison, depreciation costs, and major maintenance projects costs. Staff will provide additional information on golf rate recommendations including the break-even number of rounds resulting from rate changes, equipment lease vs. own comparisons and information on memberships. NATURE CENTER OPERATIONS AND PROGRAM UPDATE: As directed by the Commission, staff completed an extensive evaluation of the nature center and nature interpretive program. As part of the process Oakland County Parks staff met with staff from several area nature centers and reviewed the trends and history of our programs, plus ways to standardize both our program and facility management operations, while ensuring we move forward according to the strategic master plan. Staff provided details on staffing and operational efficiencies set in place, including changes in part-time staffing hours, reduction in contracted services, and reduction in nature center operational hours. A recommended budget for FY 2012 detailing the changes was provided to the Commission. Staff requested Commission approval to transfer $145,000 from the FY 2012 Operating Budget Contingency to the Independence Oaks Nature Center budget. Discussion followed, with the Commission requesting a copy of the FY 2012 $234,000 Operating Budget originally approved for the budget center detailing the expenses comprising that budget. In addition, staff was directed to re -prioritize the Operating Budget to absorb the requested amount rather than having the amount transferred from Contingency. WATERPARKS YEAR END REPORT: Park Supervisor Katie Stavale and Recreation Specialist Matt Pardy made a presentation to the Commission on the OCPR Waterparks. This presentation included a review of the history and past improvements at Waterford Oaks and Red Oak waterparks; 2010 and 2011 statistics on attendance at the parks, the full-time and part-time staff, and the revenues and expenses. This report was received and filed. EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT: In addition to the items in the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following information was noted: 5-6 (Commission Meeting, January 11, 2012) - The tenant at IND-North Farm House is looking at another house to rent and will pay past month's rent which is past due - Meeting with the MDNR on managed deer hunt scheduled for Jan. 17, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. - Commissioner VanderVeen commended staff on their dedication and work ethic - Reminded Commissioners about ordering OCPRC fleece jackets CLOSED SESSION: Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Scott to adjourn to Closed Session to discuss a possible land acquisition. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m. to a closed session. Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Baumhart, to reconvene the Commission Meeting at 12:13 p.m. AYES: Fisher, McCulloch, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to address. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business to address. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Vicky Valko, Recording Secretary 5-7