HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2012.06.06 - 39279*MEETING MINUTES * OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 6, 2012 Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. in the Commission meeting room at the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Administration Office. Mr. Joe Colaianne attended the meeting as Mr. McCulloch's representative, in accordance with P.A. 261, as amended. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Gerald Fisher, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, A. David Baumhart, Joseph Colaianne, Robert E. Kostin, Chairperson Emeritus Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Christine Long, Gary McGillivray, John Scott, Eric Wilson COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Fiscal Services City of Madison Heights APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Administrator -Parks & Rec. Operations Mike Donnellon, Chief -Parks Fac. Maint. & Dev. Kathleen Dougherty, Education Resource Specialist Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint. — N. District Donna Folland, Project Advisor Terry Fields, Chief -Recreation Programs & Services Larry Gee, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint. — S. District Karen Kohn, Supervisor - Administrative Services Stephanie Mackey, Business Development Rep. Jon Noyes, Supervisor -Parks & Recreation Planning Melissa Prowse, Business Development Rep. Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor -Comm. & Mrktg. Jeff Phelps, Fiscal Services Supervisor Edward Swanson, Mayor Jon Austin, City Manager Ben Myers, Assistant City Manager Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the agenda with the following changes: Remove Items 5B, 05/02/12 Regular Meeting Minutes; 9B, Red Oaks Master Plan Concepts; 10A Recommended Proposed FY2013-2015 Budget; and 10B, Waterford Oaks Master Plan Concepts. AYES: Fisher, Baumhart, Colaianne, Kostin, Lewis, Jr., McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 5-11 (Commission Meeting, June 6, 2012) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mr. Wilson to approve the minutes from the OCPRC Regular Meeting of April 4, 2012. AYES: Fisher, Baumhart, Colaianne, Kostin, Lewis, Jr., McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING — WATERFORD OAKS MASTER PLAN: Chairman Fisher opened the public hearing on the Waterford Oaks Park Master Plan Concepts at 9:11 a.m. Donna Folland advised the Commission of the public comments previously received that have been included in the Waterford Oaks Master Plan document submitted to the Commission. Mr. Wilson indicated that the comments included in both the Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks master plan updates are very informative. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Fisher closed the public hearing on the Waterford Oaks Master Plan at 9:12 a.m. CONSENT AGENDA: In response to a question from Chairman Fisher, Fiscal Services Supervisor Jeff Phelps provided additional detail on the Monthly Average Comparison Report, Item 8C-1. Basically this report reflects where we are at any given point in time as it relates to the budget. Mr. Phelps advised that at this point in time we are in a favorable position with the budget. Moved by Mr. Wilson, supported by Mr. Colaianne to approve all items (8 A-E) under the Consent Agenda as follows: • Internal Service & Department Funds Journal Entry Register for Month Ending 04/30/12 (FM 07, FY 2012) • Payment Register for Month Ending 04/30/12 (FM 07, FY 2012) • Monthly Financial Statements for month ending 04/30/12 (FM 07 FY 12) • Monthly Average Comparison Report (MACR) • 2"d Quarter Financial Forecast • Budget Amendment: Hospitalization/Fringe Benefit Fund AYES: Fisher, Baumhart, Colaianne, Kostin, Lewis, Jr., McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 5-12 (Commission Meeting, June 6, 2012) HIGHLAND OAKS SEPTIC FIELD CONTRACT APPROVAL: Mike Donnellon, Chief -Parks Facilities Maintenance and Development, informed the Commission that this request for the replacement of the septic field and pump chamber is due to a failed septic system at the Highland Oaks park residence. In response to a question from Mr. Kostin, Mr. Donnellon advised that this proposed project meets the Sanitary Code. This project may require a budget adjustment at the end of the year, but staff is working to stay within the current overall budget. Moved by Mr. Wilson, supported by Mr. McGillivray to approve proceeding with the installation of the replacement septic field and pump chamber at Highland Oaks County Park in the amount of $17,115. AYES: Fisher, VanderVeen, Baumhart, Colaianne, Kostin, Lewis, Jr., Long, McGillivray, Scott, Wilson (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. RED OAKS NATURE CENTER — PROPOSED LEASE: Madison Heights City Manger Jon Austin informed staff that the outstanding issues regarding the proposed nature center lease have been rectified and inserted into the proposed lease regarding the insurance requirements. One outstanding issue is we are still awaiting approval from the State of Michigan on whether they will grant approval due to the fact that Michigan DNR funds were used for the project. Staff and Madison Heights officials confirmed that the nature center will become part of the Red Oaks complex and the building would be known as Red Oaks Nature Center. The old sign for the Suarez Friendship Woods Nature Center facility will be located on the interior of the building for historical purposes. Chairman Fisher requested if any Commissioners have any questions or want to offer any input to please contact him or Executive Officer Daniel Stencil before the next OCPRC meeting on July 11, 2012. Jon Austin thanked Dan Stencil and Sue Wells for getting things in order so quickly regarding the proposed lease. He indicated that although Madison Heights is ready to finalize everything today, they understand that the Commission is not there yet and that approval also is contingent upon the State's approval. Chairman Fisher thanked the Madison Heights officials present for all their hard work and cooperation in getting things to where they are now. 2012 COMMISSION POLICY AUDIT: Business Development Representative Stephanie Mackey presented proposed changes to three existing OCPRC policies, and also introduced four new policies for the Commission to consider adopting. The Commission requested that the policies being changed be modified to highlight where the changes were being recommended, and also that these policies be brought back to the Commission at the July 11, 2012, meeting for consideration of approval. Commissioners indicated they felt there needed to be consistency as it relates to the Media Policy and modifications could be made to the policy to address their concerns. 5-13 (Commission Meeting, June 6, 2012) All recommended changes will be reviewed with Corporation Counsel; recommended changes will be redlined to more clearly show the recommended changes; and the policies will be electronically sent to the Commission for their review before the July Commission meeting. RECOMMENDED PROPOSED FY 2013-15 BUDGET - INFORMATIONAL: Fiscal Services Supervisor Jeff Phelps informed the Commission about legislation on the Michigan Personal Property Tax levy. The impact if this legislation passes would be approximately $75,000. Mr. Phelps also indicated to the Commission areas where he had made modifications to more clearly state the numbers in the budget, as requested by the Commission. These modifications included the changes for the proposed nature center budget, and the definitions and notations that were requested at the May Commission meeting. Chairman Fisher requested that additional definitions and notations be included for all those projects that have been approved by the Commission. Mr. McGillivray also requested if a date of completion could be included for the projects included in the budget. AMENDED 2012-2013 PROPOSED NATURE EDUCATION PLAN: Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations, presented a proposed nature education plan to address nature centers, nature education, and programming, which also includes the Proposed Madison Heights Nature Center. The staff is looking at facility based, instructor based and resource based programs for nature education. We are also looking at what programs we should offer, who should offer them, and what is the best approach for these programs. In addition, she outlined the areas for partnerships to streamline the process of providing nature education. This is the framework for the Focus Group meetings to be held on June 14, 2012, at the Waterford Oaks Activity Center. It was requested that the information from the Focus Group meetings be distributed to the Commission for their review. Chairman Fisher requested if nature education programming expenditures would be included in the nature center budgets. Commissioner McGillivray indicated we should try to build on our volunteer staff and utilize them as much as possible in order to keep costs down. Staff indicated we have a great group of volunteers who go through a training program and orientation process, who in turn act as enhancements and guides along with our current programming staff. Volunteers take on responsibility, under the direction of staff, and take pride in their actions as volunteers. In response to a question from Mrs. Long, staff indicated that all volunteers go through a background check before becoming a Parks and Recreation Volunteer. Ms. Wells also outlined a program where staff is looking into creating a docent program which could offer additional areas to assist staff in programs and services in tours, nature education teaching, and assistance at the dog parks. If it is determined to take on Madison Heights Nature Center, in order to continue providing high quality programs and services, additional staff would be requested in the proposed budget. Sue Wells and Jeff Phelps provided a detailed explanation of the proposed breakdown for the nature center cost centers for both Lewis E. Wint Nature Center and the proposed Red Oaks Nature Center. With the proposed lease agreement, Madison Heights officials indicated they would cover some of the maintenance costs at the proposed Red Oaks Nature Center as well as the utilities for the building. ACTIVITY REPORT: The Activity Report for May 2012 (FM08, FY 2012) was received and filed. 5-14 (Commission Meeting, June 6, 2012) EDUCATION RESOURCE PROGRAM UPDATE: Kathleen Dougherty, Educational Resource Specialist, made a presentation and provided an update to the Commission on the natural resources education program. These programs provided are in conjunction with partnerships with the Clinton River Watershed Council, Green Initiatives at GM Orion, MSU Extension, Water Resources Commissioner's Office, Mott High School, HCMA, and Oakland Audubon. Commission requested that an electronic copy of Ms. Dougherty's presentation be forwarded to the Commission members. EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT: In addition to the items in the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following information was noted: - Update on the Oakland County Market - Advised Commission on the assistance received from the Road Commission for Oakland County on the traffic signal issues - Nature Education Focus Group meetings June 14, 2012, at the Waterford Oaks Activity Center - Participation on a Think Tank Focus Group meeting in Lansing - Update on Catalpa Oaks Construction Project NEW BUSINESS: Next meeting will be Wednesday, July 11, 2012, at the Parks and Recreation Administration Building. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to address. an-ir)IIRN. Meeting adjourned at 11:37 a.m. J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Vicky Valkoecording Secretary 5-15