October 3, 2012
Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 9:18 a.m. in the banquet room of the Glen Oaks Golf Course
Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman John McCulloch, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, A. David
Baumhart III, Robert Kostin, Chairperson Emeritus Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Christine Long, Gary McGillivray,
John Scott, Eric Wilson
Parks and Recreation
OC Fiscal Services
OC Corporation Counsel
Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer
Sue Wells, Manager, P & R Operations
Mike Donnellon, Chief -Parks Fac., Maint. & Develop.
Terry Fields, Chief - Recreation Programs & Services
Jim Dunleavy, Chief, Parks Ops. & Maint. — N. District
Larry Gee, Chief, Parks Ops. & Maint. — S. District
Jon Noyes, Supervisor - Planning
Karen Kohn, Supervisor — Administrative Services
Melissa Prowse, Business Development Representative
Tom Garvey, Maintenance Supervisor
Doug Ammon, Crew Chief
Jeff Phelps, Supervisor II
Jody Hall, Assistant Corporation Counsel
Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the agenda as presented.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Scott to approve the minutes of the meeting of
September 5, 2012, as written.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
There were no questions or comments from the public.
Chairman Fisher shared an update on the Oakland Parks Foundation, including a brief history and the efforts
(Commission Meeting, October 3, 2012)
to reactivate it. The Parks Foundation held a meeting on Saturday, September 15, at which time a resolution
was passed to complete the documents necessary to meet an April deadline. In addition, an offer has been
extended to Foundation member Noreen Keating to serve as the Foundation's Executive Director.
Chief of Parks Operation and Maintenance — South District Larry Gee made the following introductions:
Tom Garvey, recently promoted to Maintenance Supervisor of Catalpa Oaks, Red Oaks, and Glen Oaks; and
newly promoted Crew Chief Doug Ammon.
Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the Consent Agenda,
including the Internal Service & Department Funds Journal Entry Register for Month Ending
08/31/12 (FM 11, FY 12) and Payment Register for Month Ending 08/31/12 (FM 11, FY 12);
Monthly Financial Statements for Month Ending 08/31/12 (FM 11, FY 12); and Monthly
Average Comparison Report.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Purchase of 4 Yurts (Domed Tent -like Structure) — Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks:
Chief of Parks Operations and Maintenance — North District Jim Dunleavy presented information on the cabin
rentals at Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks, noting they are very popular, rentals are at capacity every
weekend, and we are unable to meet the demand. Annual revenues for cabin rentals at both campgrounds
total more than $75,000.
Staff has been investigating alternatives to the cabins, which cost approximately $43,000 to build and furnish,
and proposed the purchase of yurt camping structures. The yurts being requested are 24' diameter round,
domed tent -like structures, with two separate rooms for sleeping and seating areas, and room for six guests to
sleep. They would be placed on wood platforms/decking constructed by staff and installed prior to the opening
of the 2013 camping season.
Staff budgeted $40,000 in the FY 2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for two yurts at Groveland
Oaks, plus an additional $40,000 in the park's Operating Budget for the necessary site improvements and
furnishings. An additional $40,000 was forecasted in the FY 2016 CIP Budget for two yurts at Addison Oaks.
Due to the economy of scale and revenue opportunity associated with combining these projects, staff decided
to bid all four yurts together.
Staff presented the bids received and requested Commission approval to accept the low bid from The
Colorado Yurt Company in the amount of $44,320 for the purchase of four yurt structures. In addition, staff
requested Commission approve the transfer of $40,000 from the FY 2013 CIP Reserve to the Addison Oaks
CIP Project Fund.
Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. McCulloch to award the bid for the purchase of
four yurts, two each for Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks, to the low bidder, The Colorado
Yurt Company, in the amount of $44,320. Also, as presented by staff, to approve the transfer
(Commission Meeting, October 3, 2012)
of $40,000 from the FY 2013 Capital Improvement Program Reserve to the Addison Oaks
Capital Improvement Program Project Fund.
Staff will report back to the Commission with the structures' insulation fire retardant rating and the washability
of the inside walls.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Waterford Oaks Business Plan Process. Outline & Timeline:
Business Development Representative Melissa Prowse provided an update on the business plan development
process for Waterford Oaks, including a timeline and the incorporation of the resource allocation and cost
recovery planning in the process.
The next steps of the process — through the plan's approval and evaluation — are expected to be completed
over the next six to seven months.
The contract for the resource allocation and cost recovery is still in process. Staff will be bringing the proposed
scope of work for the resource allocation and cost recovery back to the Commission for input and approval.
Once the contractor's work is completed, staff will use it as a template to complete a full cost recovery initiative
throughout the entire park system. Once cost levels are determined, staff will be able to identify the
appropriate pricing strategies.
Vice Chairman McCulloch commented on the cost recovery process and resulting pricing strategy, noting it will
be critical to know where those functions will fit into the business planning process for Waterford Oaks. Staff
must be sensitive to that when bringing the plan back before the Commission, with everyone willing to make
the necessary strategic decisions.
Springfield Oaks Golf Course — Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) Restrictive Covenant (Deed
Restriction); Michigan Department of Environmental Quality:
At the September 5 meeting, Commission approved continuing services with Soil and Materials Engineers,
Inc. to assist with addressing the closure, site remediation and monitoring of the LUST site at Springfield Oaks
Golf Course. Since the MDEQ has reviewed the Restrictive Covenant (deed restriction), the Covenant can be
recorded and the Closure Report submitted to complete the project. Staff requested adoption of a resolution
recommending approval of the Restrictive Covenant by the Board of Commissioners, which will restrict any
further installation of water wells within the described area.
Chairman Fisher suggested "valid" or "reasonable" be included in the language concerning future regulations.
Moved by Mr. Wilson, supported by Mr. Baumhart to adopt the following resolution
recommending approval of the Restrictive Covenant (Deed Restriction) by the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners, which will restrict any further installation of water wells
within the described area at the Springfield Oaks Golf Course maintenance facility, contingent
upon the Parks Commission Chairman's approval of revised language to address future
arbitrary regulations.
WHEREAS, the County of Oakland owns property located along Andersonville Road
in Springfield Township known as Springfield Oaks County Park; and
(Commission Meeting, October 3, 2012)
WHEREAS, in 1992 a leak in an underground storage tank near the maintenance
facility at the golf course was discovered; and
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been
working with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) to ensure the
necessary site remediation is completed; and
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission received grant
funding in the amount of $64,000 to assist with the remediation; and
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission contracted with
Technical Professional Services, Inc. for the partial remediation of the site, excluding a
portion of the environmental plume located under the maintenance facility and which includes
a well; and
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission contracted with
Soil & Materials Engineers, Inc. to complete the necessary remediation specifications,
drawings, closure report and restrictive covenant (deed restriction); and
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission received MDEQ
approval of the restricted area of the covenant which is approximately 1.89 acres, including
the well, which restricts any further installation of water wells within the described area.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve
the Restrictive Covenant (Deed Restriction) of approximately 1.89 acres at Springfield Oaks
County Park with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
CSX Private Drivewav Easement:
Parks staff received correspondence in late 2011 from CSX Transport, Inc. expressing their desire to eliminate
the private railroad crossing at Rose Oaks west of Buckhorn Lake Road just north of Davisburg Road.
In negotiations between Parks staff, Corporation Counsel, and representatives of CSX Transport, CSX has
informed us that, as part of a system -wide initiative, it is their intention to permanently eliminate this crossing.
As compensation, they have offered a one-time payment in the amount of $10,000.
The elimination of that crossing has become a concern of Enbridge. They had applied for a license agreement
with CSX to access the park from the crossing to perform pipeline maintenance, but were denied. Elimination
of this crossing would create the need for Enbridge to access their pipeline by creating a crossing through a
sensitive wetland in the park, an option Parks staff wishes to avoid.
Construction of a boardwalk access on higher ground is estimated to cost $160,000; it will be required in the
Discussion followed on revisions to the language in the Letter of Intent addressing future rights, plus results
from negotiations with Enbridge toward this project.
(Commission Meeting, October 3, 2012)
Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mr. Lewis to postpone action on the CSX Transport
Letter of Intent resolution until the next Commission meeting.
Staff will meet with officials from Enbridge to negotiate their possible financial participation in the construction
of the boardwalk. Staff will also express to CSX Transport that the Commission is looking favorably upon the
Letter of Intent and their payment offer.
Staff will provide clearer and more extensive maps of the park showing the location of the proposed crossing
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Update on Potential Partnerships with Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR):
Executive Officer Dan Stencil provided a brief history on the preliminary discussions held between officials
from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Parks staff regarding future collaborations between
our departments. New DNR Director Keith Kreagh is interested in addressing several potential partnerships,
including one involving a 1,200-acre parcel in Oxford Township.
The parcel is an active gravel mine, with potential uses as an ORV park, sports fields, dog park, and
equestrian trails, plus the site includes a high quality natural area. The DNR would purchase the property, with
a potential partnership lease with Oakland County Parks and Oxford Township to develop and operate the
The DNR is requesting an indication from the Parks Commission on whether or not we would have any
interest in this collaboration. There would be no commitment on the part of the Parks Commission at this point
in time, as the DNR would have to go through the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grant process for
the initial acquisition of the parcel.
Staff will provide a more detailed presentation on the site at the November meeting.
Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mr. Wilson to direct staff to investigate a partnership
opportunity with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for the parcel in Oxford
Township and to send a letter to the DNR indicating the Parks Commission's interest in this
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Special OCPRC Meeting on November 28, 2012 for Consideration of Banquet Services Contract:
Staff requested Commission approval to hold a special meeting on November 28 for the purpose of
considering the banquet services contract, in time to present it to the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners at their December 12 meeting.
Staff also recommended the following modifications to the schedule:
(Commission Meeting, October 3, 2012)
• December 5 meeting moved to December 12
• January 2 meeting be moved to January 9, 2013
The Executive Committee meetings will be held directly after the Commission meetings on November 28 and
December 12.
Moved by Mr. Wilson, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to set the special meeting for 9 a.m. on
Wednesday, November 28, 2012 for the purpose of considering the banquet services
contract, and to modify the general meeting schedule by moving the December meeting to
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 and the January meeting to Wednesday, January 9, 2013.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Activity Report:
Staff provided details on final attendance figures for the year, as well as upcoming fall events. Staff will provide
a complete report evaluating revenues, attendance, and expenditures for the 2012 golf operations.
The Activity Report for September (FM 12, FY 12) was accepted as filed.
Red Oaks Nature Center — Nature Education Update:
Activities undertaken by staff at the Red Oaks Nature Center were detailed, including clearing trails, removing
damaged/dangerous trees, branding the facility with signs and kiosks, and adding benches. Hours similar to
the prior operation will be maintained while staff continues evaluating the facility, surveying patrons on their
use and wants for programming, and developing a marketing plan that will cross promote the two nature
centers. Three volunteer meetings have been held, including one orientation, and one full-time staff person
has established his office there.
Staff will continue to formulate our program there using the new nature education model, with a goal of having
a program plan completed in December for the 2013 year. Specifics include:
• A competitive analysis for our nature programs
• Identifying revenue and expenses relating to nature education — cost recovery
• Business strategy staffing plan for the Red Oaks Nature Center, as well the program as a whole
• Developing partners and continuing partnerships
Food and Beveraae:
Staff briefly reviewed the process completed to date on the food and beverage contracts, including the
vending, concession operations, and list of approved caterers. Staff is now working on the banquet services
portion of the food and beverage operations, which will be for Addison Oaks, Glen Oaks, Lyon Oaks, and
White Lake Oaks. The Food and Beverage Committee schedule was provided, including the proposed date
for final approval by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 13, 2012.
Executive Officer's Report:
In addition to the Executive Officer's report filed in the agenda, the following information was noted:
(Commission Meeting, October 3, 2012)
---The culvert replacement/road improvement project at Independence Oaks is projected for completion by
October 31. The road is temporarily open in the park for the annual car show scheduled for October 7, then it
will be closed again to complete the project.
---The annual Employee Recognition Lunch will be held on Thursday, November 8 beginning at noon.
Commissioners are invited to attend the lunch, which is $10 per person. Please RSVP to Megan Craft Kaer at
---In response to direction from the Commission, staff provided a compilation of golf fees at local golf courses
as compared to Oakland County Parks golf courses.
Catalpa Oaks:
Chief of Parks Facilities Maintenance and Development Mike Donnellon provided a brief update on the phase I
construction at Catalpa Oaks, providing photos of the progress and indicating the building has been painted
and the playgrounds installed.
---Commissioner VanderVeen commended Chief of Parks Operations and Maintenance — South District Larry
Gee for his professionalism in conducting business through the purchase process being proposed jointly with
the Huron -Clinton Metroparks.
---Manager — Parks Operations Sue Wells provided a brief update on the Greenhouse programming and
operations, noting just over 50% of the available winter plots have been leased for the season. Staff is looking
at growing vegetables for educational programs at the market, also.
Commissioner McCulloch noted Forgotten Harvest is looking for ways to increase their production of crops,
and suggested they may be interested in a possible partnership for the remaining plots.
Moved by Mr. Baumhart, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to adjourn to a Closed Session for
the purpose of discussing a legal opinion with Oakland County Corporation Counsel.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (10)
NAYS: (0)
A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned to a closed session at 11:08 a.m.
The meeting was re -convened to open session at 12:08 p.m.
The next Commission meeting will be 4:00 p.m. on Monday, October 22 at the Park Commission's
administration office.
(Commission Meeting, October 3, 2012)
Meeting was adjourned at 12:08 p.m. to a park tour of Glen Oaks.
J. DaVld'V—anderfdeen, Secretary Karen S. Kohn CAP -OM, Recording Secretary