HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.06.14 - 3931ANNUAL ELECT ION JUNE 1 1+, 1976 WEST BLOOMEIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT CANVASS OF VOTES C HSI!' AT THE ELECTION HELD ON June 1 1+, 1976 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE WEST BLOOMF I_ELD SCHOOL DISTRICT (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND _COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. E5-398 (Rev. 1970) CANVASSER BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES — MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION The whojo, .nuMbe:r:. 9,1, votes .-.)ii.,..;:?.rst ,:f25.,:the eTe of „Ni...4fp6ia.s.ri,..0131t,p, Board of dkairostiOri for a Four Year term and ifle• fo • 01,,:foll6,V;:na..=...aMed• .:1•cr...for<;- fl'ERS'0.1,15,..RE<F...WINe THE VOTES • • vote fOr not more than 2) RIUMBER OF yonis ',..yRirrEil IN WORDS i , , .ROMF _ACKER- . .g.-ROBERT,A,CA-R-TER RT L. METZGER 4' ROBERT L. •PIALKT_ -5-LCHARIES—L,W-1 L LIAM- TO IA L. The whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Education for a Threo Year term was and they were given for the Following named persons. PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOWS NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 5 . The Whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were giVOil for the following named Oers Educortion for a Two Y. ear term PERSONS:RECEIVING. TIttE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES 'WRITTEN IN WORDS The whole number of votes given for the office c Member of the Board of Education for ci Otte Yeor term was and they were give!, for the following named oelsons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE: VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS WEST BLOOMF IELD SCHOOL DISTRICT Oungb0 OPERAT I NG MI LLAGE I NC REASE -PROPOS-1710N Totals totals YES NO TOTALS" . . .OF:•• BOAR •:. OF. • . . . . . . + Year Term . . . . . . . . . (5Arr pr0',": VOTES, COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEE 6 YEAR TERM Exp. 1982 COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEE 4 Year term Exp. 1980 C.) 11.! l'RECINCT OR WARD , C.) tr) : < CC. LL) ff= < .1 1/) < P/79' g9 I 76! ,I4'7; i7K /? 01 j71 !.,3.5--7 4.11 7.' 1 1/5--,,9 1 77 -57 : .5-7 I /,=.0' 90- i c'v_ . . 7 0 i 1,7" , /, // .,_1-2.3 2 3 4 5 five 1-0 77,Y6Li i 2•„2 :z/7173;z15;1,3!J STATEMENT OF VOTES, Bonding PROPOSITION •. • TOTALS.. . • . • • . YES . NO i!l• ..yEs . 'NO. . . . . . • .YES . •NO TOTALS 1 Ii 1 votes were mark ed YES and_ _ votes were marked NO of which numb IT votes were marked YES j! I and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES TOTAL 77_ lOTAl. VOTES ... . The ..whol riurribe.: Of :votes . f ,oil0..o.go t ........ • • • , • Shall .•.tho limitation orithe amount ol taxes which may be levied against 01.1' • taxab1.0...r661...ahd:tan personal property • • • ••••••• • • ••••• •••• ,••• • •• •:•.:•••• •••• • • • • ••• :Vest • as iprov.idéd•••:by'SeCtiph 6, Article ......cifj...theiy.cti.n$.0.tp.:t.ij:60•:ó -f.•:.:tho....S;at.0.:••cif.:::p.ijctvi§oh by $k 00 per one asset:5d. • School District for ..:6 .:three:..(3)..y0a, • from 1976 to both inclusive, • fot......1 the • purpose 'Of •• pity I044 St.11.61-11. OPERATING MI LLAGE INCREASE PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS • STATEMENT OE VOTES The whole number of votes given For and against the__ IIOND/N_G_P.ROP.OS LT1ON.. 3_ Shall West_ gloomf_1-e-1-d_School--D-1-s-t-r-ict-,--Oaklan4-COun-t-y-,---Mich-I-can-,--borro-the--p-rinc-i • _ . sum- of—not-tor -excee-d-nine- -frund-re-d nety--f -I ve—thous atld($ 995-,-000)- tt _sepexal Q.41 I gati_on_ unlin ite_d_ _bonds_ _t_he re.for.fam_the _ p_u_r_pos e_ .of_ reguade 1 -I•n-g , -1 1 f urnl_ng- and r e--e-q_u- I- p p-in-g-Roos eAte I t E-1-ementary -School 5.- - Kee-g-e-i-Iarbor g-a n - cl pay ina_pie cost f improving,said site? rn& PUT 14 and they were given for the following named persons:. BOND I NG PROPOS I T ON NO. 4 - The whole number of votes for and against the Shall West B loomfield- School District, Oakland County, Michigan, borrow the principal sum of not to exceedlone million two hundred ten thousand - ($1,210,000) dollars and issue its general obligation unlimited bonds therefor, for the purpose of paying the costs of erecting, furnishing and equipping additions to school buildings, remodel --- - and improving school buildings, structures and other facilities, refurnishing and re-equipping , , ,A of which number same, and developing and improving schoolsit-eT? CERTHCATE OF DETERMfiNA11ON STM OF MlCtftAN COUNTY OF OAK ND -- ss We ? the undersigned Board of Cans issers for thi Cc'unty of OAKLANI - f' 'Dii an exo 1 i ili )n of the Election Returns of UFS..I BLOO.MEIELD SCHOOL DISL r.ceicd L? ' id Bo irc of Co osss ( L WA','i CI RIC determine that at the ANNJAt-_. election hrld cii June I-k 1-6 that t. peisons iisto' ei. '. wer" di y A',?,..I,L. OR SPECIAL . •. OAF 0? Cl 0. . . . . . elected as members of the Bo ird of Education of the sad S "aol Distr c or the erms of otficc set opposi e 11 name or. names. . . . . . _. . . ______ ______________________________ ol persons elected for a four . /,, year term expiring ( _______ (vote for not more than 2) .1,- / Names of persons elected for a three year terme.xpiring ---------- ! ___ ____ Names of persons elected for a Iwo year term expiring _________ ______.--.. -- -- Names of persons elected for a one yeW term expiring _ ----._____•_• ______ - - ___________ _____ Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE. Th0t the following Propositions at Questions were passed or deleoted as irdicted below NAME OF PROPOSITION OPERATING M.ILLAGE INCREASE Hoving Sufficient votes was- 2. NAME OF PROPOSITION BONDING PROPOSITION Having - Sufficient voteswas Not Received Defeoted 3 NAME OF PROPOSITION BONDING PROPOSITION NO. 2 Hoving Sufficient votes was Defeote 4 NAME OF PROPOSITION . . .. Received . - Passed BONDING PROPOSITION NO.. 3 Having Sufficient votes was —5-----DO-N D -NG--- PRO POS-+T+ON NQ- ' L2/ -TAr / J,. in Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and.affixed tho -Seal of the . . . .. Countyof__..................................- _OAIWm_________- this7 4-------------------day of__. -- Ast\\ __ I BeVASC erk / - -