October 1. 2014
Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m. in the meeting room at the Lewis E. Wint Nature Center at
Independence Oaks County Park.
Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary John A. Scott, A. David Baumhart III,
Gregory Jamian, Robert E. Kostin, Chairperson Emeritus Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Christine Long, Gary McGillivray,
Jim Nash
Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Oakland County Fiscal Services
Oakland County Corporation Counsel
Oakland County Facilities Maintenance & Operations
Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer
Sue Wells, Manager of P & R Operations
Brittany Bird, Natural Resources Planner
Phil Castonia, Business Development Rep.
Lynn Conover, Recreation Program Supervisor
Zach Crane, Landscape Architect II
Mike Donnellon, Chief -Park Facilities Maint. & Dev.
Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint. - N. District
Terry Fields, Chief -Recreation Programs and Services
Tom Hughes, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint.- S. District
Karen Kohn, Supervisor -Administrative Services
Melissa Prowse, Business Development Representative
Jeff Phelps, Fiscal Services Supervisor II
Jody Hall, Asst. Corporation Counsel
Paul Zachos, Property Management Specialist
Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Kostin to amend the agenda as follows:
Remove Item 7 F — Preliminary CIP Schedule from Consent Agenda and place it under Regular Agenda
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Baumhart to approve the agenda as amended.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
(Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014)
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular OCRC Meeting September 3, 2014
Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Nash to approve the minutes of the September 3, 2014, OCPR
Commission with the following amendments:
Reauest for Second ORV Adventure Recreation Event in Groveland Townshi
Staff provided a brief report on the ORV event that was held on August 9, 2014, in Groveland Township
and played a video that was recorded from an unmanned aerial vehicle during the event. Staff has
proposed and is requesting Commission's approval to hold another event the first weekend in November
Staff clarified for the Commission the names and types of vehicles which were used at the first event and
those proposed for the second event, and also updated the Commission on the results of the surveys taken
at the event. The first event was by invitation only and the second event is proposed to be open to the
The Commission requested further information on the insurance costs for the events and also requested
input from Oakland County Risk Management on this matter. In addition, the Commission would like to see
the statistics for the statewide registrations on ORV-type vehicles with the State of Michigan going back to
2000. They also requested staff provide the actual costs and revenues for this proposed project, and
whether it will be self-sustaining. The Commission would also like staff to pursue discussions and/or
negotiations with the Department of Natural Resources regarding the DNR underwriting any OCPR losses
regarding this proposed project.
Some of the Commissioners that attended the first event felt staff did a fabulous job; however there are still
concerns among the Commissioners for more permanent ORV activities regarding the recovery of
costs and expenses, the types of vehicles that will be permitted, insurance and liability issues and the
policing of underage drivers.
Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mrs. Long to approve the completion of a second
demonstration event on the Dixie Gully Run site the weekend of November 1, 2014, and that this
event will be open to the public in order to gain knowledge in public use of a proposed ORV park in
Groveland Township. This approval does not represent an approval for any further ORV
activities by OCPR, including Phase l and Phase ll, with the budget for the second event as
Proposed Budget - November 1 ORV Event
Sponsorships $ 9,000
Vendor Fees $ 400
Vehicle Registrations $ 5,000
TOTAL $ 14,400
Event Expense $ 15,000
Insurance $ 9,000
TOTAL $ 20,000
NET INCOME $ (9,600)
(Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014)
Executive Committee Update
Chairman Fisher advised the Commission the Executive Committee focused on two items at the last
meeting. The first item was budget issues concerning the use and amount of the fund balance, which was
a result of the FY 2015 Budget discussions at the Commission meetings. The second item was the ORV
event - the written
request to staff for detailed cost and expense information.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
There were no comments from the public.
All items listed are considered to be routine by the OCPR Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There
will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commission member so requests, in which event the item will
be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
7A. Motion - Receive and file the Fiscal Services OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to
Actual Report for Month Ending August 2014 (FM 11, FY14)
7B. Motion - Receive and file the Fiscal Services Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for
Month Ending August 2014 (FM 11, FY14)
7C. Motion - Receive and file the Fiscal Services Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison
Report for Month Ending August 2014 (FM 11, FY14)
7D. Motion - Receive and file the Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of
Net Position for Month Ending August 2014 (FM 11, FY14)
7E. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2014 Non-CIP Projects Update
7G. Motion - Receive and file the Proposed Service Portfolio Implementation Plan
7H. Motion - Approve the following resolution accepting the 2014 Chrysler Foundation Grant:
2014 Chrysler Foundation Grant Acceptance
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified of the award
of a $500 grant from the Chrysler Foundation; and
WHEREAS, the grant was made in recognition of volunteer services performed by Chrysler
employees at Independence Oaks in August 2014; and
WHEREAS, the grant was not made for a specific project or program but will be used as general
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission hereby recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize and
accept the Chrysler Foundation $500 grant.
(Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby
requests the Board of Commissioners direct its Chairperson or designee to execute said grant
agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland.
7I. Motion - Approve the following resolution accepting the 2013 Michigan Natural Resources Trust
Fund Grant in the amount of $37 700 for a Universally Accessible Small Boat Launch at Independence
Oaks County Park:
2013 Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant Acceptance
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified of the award
of the TF13-033 Universally Accessible Boat Launch Grant from the Michigan Natural Resources
Trust Fund; and
WHEREAS, the thirty-seven thousand seven hundred dollar ($37,700) grant will help offset the cost
of a universally accessible small boat launch at Independence Oaks County Park; and
WHEREAS, the matching funds of twelve thousand six hundred dollars ($12,600) for the
universally accessible boat launch are allocated from the Parks and Recreation fund.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission hereby recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize and
accept the TF13-033 Universally Accessible Boat Launch Grant.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby
requests the Board of Commissioners direct its Chairperson or designee to execute said grant
agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland.
7J. Motion - Award an increase to the construction contract to Inland Lakes Landscaping, Inc. in the amount
not to exceed $19 272 76 as Change Order #1 for the Rose Oaks Trail Construction Protect Phase I. This
change order brings the total approved contract amount to $236,736.05.
Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Baumhart to approve Items 7 A-E and 7 G-J under the
Consent Agenda.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Request for Nature Center Programming Brainstorming Session
This brainstorming session was requested in order to have the opportunity to open the nature center facilities for
more broad use and potential budgetary advantage, as well as enrichment of programs and outreach
enhancement. In addition, the Commission expressed a desire to work with the staff to identify alternative uses for
the nature center buildings and surrounding parkland, outside of the current use, for nature and other types of
opportunities. Staff provided a brief history of past, current and future programs and activities at the Lewis E. Wint
Nature Center and the Red Oaks Nature Center.
(Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014)
The Commission requested staff provide the number of people that attend the facilities for programming versus the
number of people just passing through — just using the trail system. Staff indicated they would provide a three-year
history on these numbers as well as the numbers for the outreach programs and mobile units. The Commission
suggested that staff host an annual public forum and include local cities, villages and townships as well as school
district representatives to discuss possible collaboration and coordination of services.
The Commission indicated there could be a possibility of expanding the support of the RAPP program and
requested staff to provide information on possible areas of expansion.
The following topics were identified as areas for future consideration and/or evaluation:
• " No Child Left Inside" - State of Michigan Initiative Program
• Outreach - Nature to Schools
• Lecture Series: Health, Nature, Gardening, Etc.
• Partners: MSUE; Master Gardeners; Audubon Society; City, Village, and Township (CVT's)
• Health Programs: Walking Clubs
• Seniors vs. Youth ---Funds/Revenues Cost Recovery
• Programming between Recreation Providers
• Expansion of RAPP to Provide Transportation
• Work With: Oakland Schools - Marketing/Communications
• Parent Groups: PTA/PTO, Latchkey Programs, Home Schools
Nature Center Facility Programming:
• Birthday Programs
• School Programs (During/After School):
Transportation, RAPP/O.C. Buses, Teacher Commitment
• Facility Updates:
Displays - Permanent Portable
Technology Based
• Lecture Series: Health, Music, Nature, Science
• Music Programs
• Cohn Amphitheater Use
• Health Programs:
Walker's Clubs
• Gardening Groups
• Host Annual Forum with CVT's/State - Joint Authorities
• CVT Hosted Festivals/Events
• Heritage Conference Oakland Co.Planning and Economic Development Services (OCPEDS)
• Senior Programs
• Quality of Life/New Events
• Alternate Rentals of Nature Center
• Winter Ice Focal Point: Boyne City Example - Ice sculpture telephone pole
Preliminary CIP Schedule
The Commission requested further information on the Waterford Oaks Greenhouse Request for
Qualifications (RFQ). Staff advised there could be a potential for an opportunity for additional revenue if
this facility was leased, and are currently in the process of releasing an RFQ to possibly identify any
additional or alternate opportunities.
(Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014)
Staff also provided an update on the Independence Oaks Connector Trail including the status of the project
agreement, budget, cost sharing, long- term maintenance and possible liabilities.
Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Scott to receive and file the Preliminary CIP Schedule.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Participation and Program Review FY 2014, Month 11
Staff provided the Participation and Program Review report for FY 2014, Month 11 which included a photo
presentation of recent programs and events.
Food and Beverage Committee/Consultant Update — Golf/Food and Beverage RFP
Staff advised that the Food and Beverage Committee is still working on the following:
• Exclusive soft drink contract
• Finalizing the paperwork with Rosefoote Catering
• Kosch Catering has opted to leave the contract earlier than what they previously advised
(as of first of October versus the end of October). Committee is looking at alternate options to
address the needs for the remainder of the month.
• Continuing on the process for self -operations for concessions
• Creating the list for approved catering vendors
• White Lake Oaks and Lyon Oaks RFP contract
• Possible timeline for next steps in approval processes
• Bookings for events in 2015 and 2016
• Evaluating the possible privatization of golf course operations
Executive Officer's Report:
In addition to the items included in the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following information was
- New format for Staff Reports on OCPR Commission Agenda
- Update on 2015 Special Park Districts Forum collaboration with HCMA and MDNR
(* Commission requested staff to provide ideas of what events would be beneficial for OCPRC Commission
members to attend)
- Process for possible improvements to concession areas at Groveland Oaks, Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks
- Master Planning Open House at Addison Oaks County Park on October 23, 2014
- Update on Rover Pipeline proposed in northern Oakland County
- Tour of Independence Oaks County Park immediately following Commission Meeting
- November 5, 2015 OCPRC meeting will be at Waterford Oaks
- December OCPRC meeting will be on the second Wednesday - December 10, 2014 at Waterford Oaks
Executive Committee Update
Chairman Fisher advised the Commission the Executive Committee focused on two primary items at the last
meeting. The first item was the Red Oaks storm water irrigation project. There has been no commitment from the
city of Madison Heights on assistance on the water pricing for the project. Staff will continue to research alternates
for the project and will report back with more details for cost comparisons in order to allow for appropriate
comparisons, and to also identify all possible financial implications of the project.
(Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014)
The second item was the proposed revisions to the Fund Balance Policy which will address the use of fund
balance, caps and minimum amounts. A revised policy will be submitted to the Executive Committee and then to
the full Commission for final approval.
Chairman Fisher advised that he met with Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells to get a better
handle on the ORV project. Mr. Fisher requested staff to provide more detailed information on the project. If all of
the data requested is obtained staff will submit it to the Executive Committee at the November meeting.
Staff informed the Commission about the Ellis Barn Open House scheduled on October 12, 2014. This event will
include caterers, florists, photographers and wedding planners to help promote weddings at the Ellis Barn.
10A Oakland School District Technical School/OCPRC Agreement
Moved by Mr. Nash, supported by Mr. Scott to adopt the following resolution to approve the Oakland
Schools Construction Training Agreement (CTA) and authorize the Executive Officer to sign the CTA on a
project by project basis, as long as the CTA is not changed:
WHEREAS, Oakland Schools offers a construction training program through its four technical campuses for
high school students to gain knowledge in, and develop the skills necessary for, the construction industry;
WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission desires to provide to Oakland Schools
and its students the opportunity to acquire such knowledge and skills by allowing the students to provide
construction labor and support to Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for certain
construction projects; and
WHEREAS, the 2008 Strategic Master Plan specifically recommended strengthening connections and
developing collaborative relationships; and
WHEREAS, the Recreation Plan 2013-2017 further highlights the importance of transparent and consistent
partnership agreements; and
WHEREAS, Oakland Schools requires that entities participating in its construction training program execute
a Construction Training Agreement ("CTA"); and
WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation staff and Corporation Counsel have negotiated and
reviewed the attached CTA; and
WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission staff recommends approval of the
attached CTA between Oakland Schools and Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and
recommends that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Executive Officer be authorized to sign the
CTA on a project by project basis, as long as the CTA is not changed.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
approves the attached Construction Training Agreement and authorizes the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Executive Officer to sign the Construction Training Agreement on a project by project basis, as
long as the CTA is not changed.
(Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014)
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Commissioner Long advised that she was made aware of a situation with a park pass at Groveland Oaks Park. It
appeared as if the frontline staff was not informed about park pass use and procedures. It was suggested that
possibly coaching needs to occur to avoid future situations. In addition, it was recommended that clarification and
further training should be scheduled for staff to assist with the submission of OCPR evaluation forms.
Staff has been informed that Oakland County Board of Commission appointments to the Parks and Recreation
Commission will occur in January 2015, after the new OC Board of Commissioners is sworn in to office.
Meeting adjournegrd2t)11:14 a.m.
-,RMn A. Scott, Secretary Vicky Valko, gecbtdRg' !�e6retary