HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2017.02.01 - 39353Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
Regular Meeting
February 1, 2017
Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. in the Commission meeting room at the Oakland
County Parks and Recreation Administration Office.
Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Ronald Fowkes, Executive
Committee Member Gary McGillivray, A. David Baumhart III, Hugh D. Crawford, Robert E. Kostin,
Christine Long, Jim Nash, David Potts
Parks and Recreation
OC Corporation Counsel
OC Fiscal Services
Oakland County Fair
Nowak & Frause Engineering
Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer
Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations
Boyd Brokenshaw, Park Supervisor — Groveland Oaks
Zach Crane, Architectural Engineer II
Mike Donnellon, Chief -Park Facilities Maint. & Dev.
Tom Hughes, Chief -Park Operations & Maint.-S. District
Jon Noyes, Senior Planner
Kate Pardy, Park Supervisor — Addison Oaks
Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning
Jody Hall, Financial Attorney
Jeff Phelps, Parks and Recreation Fiscal Services Coordinator
LC Scramlin, General Manager
Steve Sutton
Jeff Huhta
Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Mrs. Long to approve the agenda with the following change:
Change 7K to: FY 2017 1st Quarter Uncollectible Debt Write -Offs.
AYES: Baumhart, Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Regular Meeting of January 11, 2017
Moved by Mr. Nash, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the minutes of the OCPR
Commission Regular Meeting of January 11, 2017 with the following changes:
Under Election of Officers change the motion from Moved by Mr. Fowkes, to Moved by
Mr. Kostin; AND
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Under Election of Officers and Establish 2017 OCPR Commission Meeting Dates change the
name in the AYES sections from Scott to Potts.
AYES: Baumhart, Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Reconsideration of December 6, 2016 OCPRC Minutes
Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Fowkes to reconsider the OCPR Commission
minutes from the December 6, 2016 meeting.
AYES: Baumhart, Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Baumhart, supported by Mr. Fowkes to amend the OCPR Commission meeting
minutes of December 6, 2016 to include additional comments made at the meeting regarding
the proposed OCPR logo change as follows:
Marketing and Branding Initiative Strategy with Skidmore Studio
Skidmore Studio representatives made a presentation on Phase Two of the OCPR Marketing and
Branding Initiative Strategy. This included recommendations for key goals, target audiences, a
new logo, tagline, slogans for secondary messaging and recommendations for key messaging to
convey the brand voice. There was a great deal of discussion regarding the process, the timeline
and the necessary budget for launching a new logo and implementing the new procedures and
products. An additional concern was the timing and costs associated with all the OCPR sign
As part of the OCPR master planning strategy and requirements OCPR will now be releasing a
Request for Proposal (RFP) for a survey. At the request of Chairman Fisher representatives from
Skidmore Studio agreed to offer assistance and insight on what to include in the proposed RFP.
Vice Chairman VanderVeen expressed concern over the color red for the proposed logo.
Over the years Oakland County Parks and Recreation has been associated with the colors
blue and preen and we have come to be identified with that color combination.
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. Potts to express conceptual approval and buy -in
to what Skidmore Studio presented on the Phase Two of the OCPR Marketing and
Branding Initiative Strategy.
AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
AYES: Baumhart, Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
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Oakland County Fair General Manager LC Scramlin welcomed Commissioner Hugh Crawford back to the
OCPR Commission. Mr.Scramlin provided an update on the status of the fair:
• 31 years ago the 4H/County Fair built a livestock barn at Springfield Oaks with the support of the
OCPR Commission, which was the first step of him becoming involved with the Oakland County
• This year the Fair is celebrating 30 years at Springfield Oaks
• 2 weeks ago at the State Fair Convention for the Association of Fairs the Association inducted his
wife into the State Fair Hall of Fame. He advised this would never have happened without the
support of the OCPR Commission.
• Attendance has increased from 5,000 the first year to over 100,000 in 2017
• The Fair has increased from the initial length of 5 days to now 10 days.
The Fair Board is currently working on capital projects with OCPR staff
The relationship between the Fair Association and OCPR keeps getting better, and Mr. Scramlin
advised he can't thank the Commission enough for all of the support they have provided the Fair
over the years.
• This year the Fair is scheduled for July 7-16, 2017
• 5/3 Bank is no longer a sponsor of the Michigan State Fair
Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve Items 7A through 7M under Consent
Agenda, as follows:
A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Ending
12/31/16 (FM 03, FY17)
B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending
12/31/16 (FM 03, FY17)
C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report by Line Item for Month Ending
12/31/16 (FM 03, FY17)
D. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Ending
12/31/16 (FM 03, FY17)
E. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position
For Month Ending 12/31/16 (FM 03, FY17)
F. FY 2017 CIP Schedule Update
G. FY 2017 Non-CIP Maintenance Projects Update
H. Monthly Purchasing Reports for Month Ending 11/30/16 (FM 02, FY17)
I. Monthly Food & Beverage Vendor Sales Reports 11/30/16 (FM 02, FY17)
1. Katherine's
2. MMD
3. Fuller Oak Management
FY 2017 1st Quarter Budget Amendment
K. FY 2017 1st Quarter Uncollectible Debt Write -Offs
FY 2017 Capital Equipment Purchases
1. Toro Groundsmaster 4500-D Rough Mower (SPG)
2. Toro Groundsmaster 3500-D Rough Mower (GLG)
3. Jacobsen HR600 Rough Mower (GRV)
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M. FY 2017 CIP Project Construction Conceptual Approval:
1. Twin Chimney Dock Replacement
AYES: Baumhart, Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Proposed Revisions to OCPR Rules and Regulations
Staff identified two corrections to the proposed 2017 OCPR Rules and Regulations. They are as follows:
Section 27 ANIMALS AND BIRDS Paragraph 4. B).AII dogs must have current license, up-to-date
vaccinations, and respond to voice commands. AND Section 6 SWIMMING, BATHING AND
WADING/General Waterpark Rules and Information Paragraph 7. Swim attire worn by Waterpark patrons
must comply with all local and state laws, rules, and regulations.
Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Potts to approve the following resolution in support of the
2017 revisions to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation General Information and Regulations
and forward it to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission was established by the
Oakland County Board of Supervisors in 1966 under P.A. 261; and
WHEREAS P. A. 261 includes a provision to allow county parks commissions to make rules for
the protection, regulation and control of all its facilities and areas with the approval of the Oakland
County Board of Commissioners; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has established rules and
regulations for this protection, regulation and control; and
WHEREAS revisions for clarification purposes are requested, which have been reviewed and
approved by the Oakland County Corporation Counsel.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission approves the 2017 revisions to the General Information and Regulations as
reviewed by Oakland County Corporation Counsel.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these revised 2017 General Information
and Regulations be forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval.
AYES: Baumhart, Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
FY 2017 Capital Equipment: Pizza Prep Table (GLC) / Greens Roller (LYG)
Moved by Mr. Baumhart, supported by Mr. McGillivray to approve the removal of the Beverage
Cart from the FY2017 Proposed Capital Equipment Budget and approve the proposed purchase
of one (1) Agrimetal Greens Roller for Lyon Oaks Golf Course from JW Turf Inc. of Elgin, IL in the
amount of $16,200, utilizing funds from the FY2017 Capital Equipment budget; and
Approve the removal of the Range Top Oven from the 2017 Capital Equipment and approve the
proposed purchase of the True TPP-93 Pizza Prep Table for Glen Oaks Conference Center from
Douglas Equipment from Bluefield, West Virginia, in the amount of $5.035.64, utilizing funds from
the 2017 Capital Equipment budget.
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AYES: Baumhart, Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
RFP for 2017 Sponsorship Professional Services Contract
Moved by Mr. Potts, supported by Mr. McGillivray to approve the proposed Request for Proposal
(RFP) for Sponsorship Valuation, Development and Management and direct staff to work with
Oakland County Purchasing to release the RFP.
AYES: Baumhart, Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
After the RFP's are received they will be reviewed by the Marketing Committee, which includes OCPR
Commission members — Chairman Fisher, Secretary Fowkes and Commissioner Potts.
FY2017 CIP Project Construction Approval: Conceptual Approval of Independence Oaks Safety Path
Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Mr. Nash to approve proceeding with the necessary
construction documents for the Independence Oaks Safety Path project with Nowak and Frause
Engineers (NFE) of Pontiac, MI, and bidding through Oakland County Purchasing, with staff
presenting all project related costs for construction approval at the June 2017 Commission
Meeting. If the bids come back outside of OCPR parameters, or if there is a substantial overage,
this matter will be represented back to the OCPR Commission for approval.
AYES: Baumhart, Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
An Open House has been scheduled February 22, 2017 at the Independence Township Hall on
the Independence Oaks Safety Path/Trail.
Pending FY 2017 CIP Project Summary
Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance and Development Mike Donnellon submitted a listing of the Pending
FY 2017 OCPRC Capital Improvement Projects with updated pictures. This report includes projects that
are now, or are in the process of being completed and will be removed from future reports. The
Commission received and filed this report.
Proposed ORV Project Update
Staff presented an update on the proposed ORV site and facility to bring the Commission up to date on
the status. The acquisition of the land will be through the MDNR through a grant for the purchase of 312
acres. The initial scope of the project was estimated to be approximately 400 acres. The current footprint
of the project is estimated at approximately 235 acres. Due to existing swamp land and the continued
use of the land by the current property owners, the current estimate of useable land is about138 acres
until 2021. The current land use of The Mounds in Genesee County is approximately 235 acres. Staff
also advised that as a result of recent discussions there may be some collaboration opportunities for
marketing with the MDNR and Genesee County Parks and Recreation. Further topics included in this
presentation include:
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• Additional parcels that may be acquired in the future by the MDNR in order to add to the area of
the park
• It is estimated that parking will take approximately 12-15 acres in the proposed park
• Safe access to the park
• Managing the people while in the park
• Additional amenities needed for the park operation
• Combined work efforts by staff from MDNR and OCPR
• Estimated budget numbers for the first year of operation
• Needed staffing levels in the park
• What activities are planned for the park
• Where will those activities be located within the specific areas of the park
• Marketability of the park to draw people into the park
After staff's presentation Chairman Fisher requested clarification on several items related to the project.
Those items include:
• There has been a fair amount of time negotiating with the State. The OCPR Commission came
to an understanding with the terms, especially the financial implications and the size of the facility.
It was initially proposed to have 400+ acres — now it is 312 acres (through the MDNR grant). Now
it is being proposed for only 235 acres. The reduced size of the site is of great concern.
• The Commission approved a conceptual understanding of a much larger project
• How will the reduced size of the project impact the overall project and impact OCPR
• We committed to the project based upon certain risks
• Until further staff could provide additional requested information the Commission requested no
further work done on the project
• The Commission voted to conceptually approve the project with certain risks involved, however it
was not based upon this current size of the project
• Not saying we shouldn't move forward with the project - we just need to evaluate the risks - at
least until 2021 when the additional land comes into the picture
• We should revisit the conceptual arrangement, especially considering the risks for OCPR
• Would like to determine if everyone is still has the same understanding of the project and the
risks involved
• The State had a willingness to take on 50% of the losses
• With the reduced size we shouldn't take on any risks for the first few years (until 2021) because it
isn't the same project
• The Commission requested a map showing what the initial project was, and another map
showing the current proposal so everyone could see any changes from the initial proposal
• Possibly more risks with a smaller project — which was different from what was originally
• There are financial implications for OCPR regarding the different scope/size of the project
• It is unfair to be presented with one project for conceptual approval and now the current
presentation is another - it's not the same - we shouldn't go forward with all these risks when it's
a different project
• The name of the project should be reflective of what the operation is at the park. If we are to be
responsible for the operation, it shouldn't be named a State Park. From the beginning it was
discussed having a combination name
• A possible name could be Groveland Oaks West or Groveland Oaks ORV
• As stated early on in the discussions with the MDNR - OCPR could walk away if they so desired.
There is a clause to opt out of the project.
• The delayed time till 2021 to acquire the additional land could be a plus so that we could grow
with the park at the same pace and learn as we go
• Possibly request the MDNR to assume 100% of the risk of loss until 2021 due to the reduced size
of the project
• There is a possible revenue stream from existing billboards at the site and the status of the PILT
• Create a baseline and have an understanding of what the project is and what the expectations
are and get a consensus from the OCPR Commission
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• Make a list of the feature benefits so everyone has a clear understanding of what we may or may
not get out of the deal with the MDNR
• Staff present maps showing exact outlines of the properties of the project from the initial
presentation and what was presented today; also what activities will be located in the areas of the
It was determined that the ORV Committee could address these items with the MDNR at the meeting
scheduled on February 23, 2107 at the OCPR Administration Building.
2016 Campgrounds Operations Report
Tom Hughes, Chief of Chief of Park Operations & Maintenance —South District, Kate Pardy, Park
Supervisor at Addison Oaks and Boyd Brokenshaw, Park Supervisor at Groveland Oaks provided a
review of campground operations over the past several years. In addition they provided a comparison of
annual campground attendance, revenues, expenditures, capital improvements, usage of campground
amenities including the cabins and yurts, and highlighted major features at each location for Addison
Oaks Campground and Groveland Oaks Campground. They also updated the Commission on the status
of the new online reservation program being launched for campground reservations.
Executive Officer's Report
In addition to the items included in the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda packet, Executive
Officer Daniel Stencil provided an update on the following items:
• Water quality at the Fairgrounds at Springfield Oaks, staff recommendations for proposed
improvements and participation by the Fair Association for these improvements
• Meetings with representatives from Southeast Oakland County communities on parks and
recreation collaborations
• Proposed FY 2018 Budget schedule and study sessions
• Presentation by Oakland Aquaponics regarding the use of the Waterford Oaks Greenhouse
• 2-day rental rates for the Ellis Barn at Springfield Oaks
Participation and Program Review FY 2017, Month 04 January 2017
The Participation and Program Review report as presented by Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance —
South District Tom Hughes was received.
2017 Fire and Ice Festival
Vice Chairman VanderVeen provided an update on the 2017 Fire and Ice Festival held in downtown
Rochester. Although the weather did not cooperate for this type of event, the festival was a great success.
He thanked OCPR staff that did such a wonderful job in making the last minute accommodations to adapt to
the warmer weather. He expressed his gratitude to John Haney, Julee Erskine, Brian Ratledge, Brandy Boyd,
Jim Dunleavy, Steve Langlois, Tom Hughes, Melissa Nawrocki, Sue Wells and Dan Stencil for putting in so
many hours to make it such a huge success.
Fiscal Sustainability Work Group
Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells provided an update on the Fiscal Sustainability
and the matters currently being addressed by the work group/committee. In addition, Sue and Fiscal
Services Coordinator Jeff Phelps reviewed the OCPR FY 2017 Planned Use of Balance Account
Forecast as well as the Unrestricted Net Position Actual/Forecast and Amount of Unrestricted Net
Position Above Policy Requirements.
Food and Beverage Vendor Update
Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells advised the Request for Proposal (RFP) for
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White Lake Oaks and Lyon Oaks is out to bid. It is currently out on MITN, the County's purchasing site
and is due February 21, 2017. We have been collecting names of caterers and will be sending
information to those companies to obtain as many possible bidders as possible.
Intellectual Property
Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells informed the County has a branding guideline
and there was some concern of the color of the proposed OCPR logo. As a result of information
obtained at an OC Intellectual Property Committee meeting, staff would like to delay making a decision
regarding the proposed logo until more information can be obtained regarding meeting the County's
guidelines and also registering our logos or trademarks.
Executive Committee Update
Chairman Fisher advised that a great deal of what was covered at the Executive Committee meeting has
already been discussed at this meeting, especially the work on the Planned Use of Balance and the
Unrestricted Net Assets.
The Committee discussed with Paul Zachos the property on Sashabaw. If this small strip of land is not
able to be sold using in-house staff, this matter will be brought back to the Commission to consider
alternative options to sell that section of land.
At the last meeting the Commission approved conducting a survey to find out what our constituents really
want from the OC Parks. The Commission would like some assurances that the survey will ask similar
questions that were asked last time so we could compare like data. This section for contacting the
business community was added on as an alternative scope of work in the interest of the business
community, partnerships with businesses, and to plan and implement improvements in the park that have
been previously untapped. This includes surveying businesses and informing the patrons what amenities
we have, interests they have and how they could partner and become involved in the programs within the
Commissioner Potts recommended we contact Oakland County Economic Development and the Quality
of Life groups to obtain lists of businesses we could possibly contact to participate in this survey.
There was no old business to address.
Executive Officer Daniel Stencil advised the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has a new Direct
Referral process for property purchases or leases. This new process is to help streamline and shorten
the time it takes to process recommendations through the committee and Board of Commissioners
Meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.
Ron Fowkes, Secretary Vicky Valko, I-ecording Secretary