HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2017.11.01 - 39363Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
Regular Meeting
November 1, 2017
Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. in the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
Administration Building Commission Meeting Room.
Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Ron Fowkes, Executive Committee
Member Gary McGillivray, Hugh D. Crawford, Robert E. Kostin, Christine Long, Jim Nash
A. David Baumhart III, David Potts
Parks and Recreation
OC Human Resources
OC Fiscal Services
OC Purchasing
Clarkston School District
Independence Township
Oakland Press
Oakland County Historical Commission
Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations
Brandy Boyd, Chief -Recreation Programs & Services
Phil Castonia, Chief -Business Operations
Zach Crane, Architectural Engineer II
Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Park Operations & Maint.-N. District
Ryan Danescu, Assistant Park Supervisor, Red Oaks
Mike Donnellon, Chief -Park Facilities Maint. & Dev.
Donna Folland, Senior Planner
Ariane Fountain, Central Employee Records Coordinator
John Haney, Recreation Program Supervisor
Tom Hughes, Chief -Park Operations & Maint.-S. District
Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning
Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor- Communications & Marketing
Lori Taylor, Deputy Director of Human Resources
Sara Kohn, Human Resources Analyst II
Jeff Phelps, P & R Fiscal Coordinator
Andy Krumwiede, Buyer II
Dr. Rod Rock, Superintendent
Patrick Kittle, Supervisor
Andrea Peck
Richard Stamps
Melissa Luginski
Sam Moraco, Bailey House/MLC Building
Maggie Moraco, Bailey House/MLC Building
Jennie DeNio, Bailey House/MLC Building
Theresa Traczynski
Bruce Hawkins
Raven Hand
Moved by Mr. Nash, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the agenda with the following change:
Clarify Item #7 PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Mitigation of Addison Oaks Cell Tower Property for
Conversion - Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant (MNRTF) Action Required should be
Information/Approval/BOC, to be referred to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
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Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the minutes of the OCPR Commission
Regular Meeting of October 4, 2017, as submitted.
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (7)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Dr. Richard Stamps, from the Oakland County 2020 Bicentennial Committee, for the 200rh Anniversary of Oakland
County, advised he is looking forward to working with the Oakland County Parks and Recreation staff and
coordinating activities to celebrate this event.
Public Hearing: Proposed Mitigation of Addison Oaks Cell Tower Property — Michigan Natural Resources
Trust Fund Grant (MNRTF)
Chairman Fisher opened the public hearing at 1:08 p.m.
Addison Oaks County Park was purchased in 1969 with OSA funding (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development— Open Space Land Program). There are also four (4) subsequent development grants that have
encumbered the park for the Addison Oaks Trail Connector; the Universally Accessible Boat Launch and Fishing
Pier; the Renovation of Sanitary Lagoon System; and Campground Improvements at Addison Oaks and Groveland
Oaks. In 2009, a 175-foot cell tower was installed within the west -central part of Addison Oaks. As the tower was
placed on grant -assisted property, it is considered a conversion of grant -funded land. This part of the park is now
technically "removed from public recreation," and OCPR is required to mitigate the conversion of the 0.29 acres
(0.16 acres for the access road and 0.13 acres for the area around the tower). Staff has recommended the recent
Girl Scouts property acquisition at White Lake Oaks to serve as the mitigating parcel. The process requires that the
public be given 30 days to comment on the conversion, and that a public hearing be held. A public hearing and
public comment notice was placed in the following publications:
Oakland Press
Oakland Press
Oakland Press
Oakland Press
Oakland Press
Royal Oak Tribune
Royal Oak Tribune
Royal Oak Tribune
Royal Oak Tribune
After hearing no comments from the public, the public hearing was closed at 1:09 p.m.
Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. Fowkes to approve the following resolution recommending
OCPR convert the 0.29 acres of grant -assisted property at Addison Oaks County Park - (0.16 acres for the
access road and 0.13 acres for the area around the tower) and mitigate said conversion with the recent Girl
Scouts acquisition at White Lake Oaks, and forward it to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for
final approval.
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission received a grant (TF07-030)
from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund ("MNRTF') for a trail development project at
Addison Oaks County Park; and
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WHEREAS, MNRTF policy indicates that "Property acquired or developed with Michigan Natural
Resources Trust Fund assistance shall be retained and preserved in its natural state including
development needed to provide for outdoor public recreation use as set forth in the MNRTF
application"; and
WHEREAS, MNRTF policy further indicates that "property acquired or developed with MNRTF
assistance shall not be wholly or partially converted to other than public outdoor recreation use
without the approval of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and MNRTF Board and the
implementation of mitigation measures approved by the DNR and the Board'; and
WHEREAS, on April 22, 2004, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved a License
Agreement that permitted the construction and installation of a 175-foot cell tower within the park,
with access from Lake George Road; and
WHEREAS, in FY2016 the cell tower generated $28,566 in revenue for the park system; and
WHEREAS, this use is considered a conversion of grant -assisted property; and
WHEREAS, the MDNR has indicated a conversion area of .29 acres including the tower site and
access drive from Lake George Road; and
WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has preliminary approval for
mitigation of this conversion with the recently acquired parcel at White Lake Oaks County Park.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission supports the request to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the
Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board to convert.29 acres of MNRTF-assisted property at
Addison Oaks County Park.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby
request that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners support the request to the Michigan
Department of Natural Resources and the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board to
convert.29 acres of MNRTF-assisted property at Addison Oaks County Park.
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Oakland Countv Talent Management Advisory Team: Members - A. Fountain/B. Sotke-Bovd/R. Danescu
Lori Taylor, Deputy Director of Oakland County Human Resources, presented Oakland County Talent Management
Advisory Team members awards in appreciation for serving on the committee and representing the Oakland
County Parks and Recreation Department.
The Oakland County Talent Management Advisory Team (TMAT) was created by Oakland County to
look at recruitment, employee retention and other employee -related issues. Their findings have been
given to Oakland County Human Resources for evaluation. Oakland County Parks was fortunate to have three
staff members serve on the TMAT Committee: Ariane Fountain -Employee Records Coordinator, Brandy Sotke-
Boyd-Chief of Recreation, Programs and Services, and Ryan Danescu-Assistant Park Supervisor, Red Oaks.
Update on Bailey House Plan
Before the discussion on the Bailey House Plan started Chairman Fisher presented some historical facts about the
work and efforts put forth by the OCPR on this project and other historical facilities in order to clarify that OCPR is
giving serious consideration of historic preservation.
Bailey House:
• Mid -Year 2015 — Original Request for Proposal was drafted for the Bailey House
• Historic Assets Workgroup formed which included representation from the Oakland County Historical
• June to November 2015 there were bi-weekly meetings of the group
• November 2015 - Report from the group - the responsibility for planning for assets more than 50 years old
including the Bailey House was transferred to that workgroup
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• December 2015 to June 2016 — Process of preparing the Request for Proposals (RFP), which was also to
be reviewed by the Historical Commission
• July 12, 2016 - Bailey House RFP released to the public, with a due of date August 16, 2016
• Due Date for RFP's was extended by Oakland County Purchasing until September
• Public alerts to various historic preservation experts and contractors
• July 28, 2016 - WJBK Detroit Fox 2 News Morning aired a story about the opportunity to purchase or
relocate the house
• September 1, 2016 - One (1) proposal received from Mr. Moraco's company for deconstruction and
• A few days later OCPR staff had a meeting with OC Purchasing to discuss the next steps for the RFP
• A meeting with Mr. Monaco's company at Oakland County Purchasing to discuss his proposal
• November 2016 - A meeting with Mr. Moraco's company and Independence Township staff to discuss
other options for the Bailey House, including relocation
• December 2016 - A meeting with Mr. Moraco's company, OCPR staff, OC Property Management, OC
Planning and Economic Development and Independence Township staff researched available potential
property acquisitions for relocation of the Bailey House — clearly a very broad effort by a number of
agencies, including OCPR
• March 23, 2017 — OCPR staff sent a letter to Mr. Moraco's company indicating staff's recommendation was
to deconstruct and demolish the Bailey House
• June 2017 — OCPR received a copy of the Independence Township regular meeting agenda item
supporting the deconstruction and demolition of the Bailey House
• July 2017 — OCPR Commission approval to deconstruct and demolish the Bailey House
• August 2017 — OCPR staff made aware of a new proposal via email from Clarkston School District
• August 2017 - Staff met to review proposal from the Clarkston School District
• August 2017 - Staff met with Independence Township and Clarkston School District to review the potential
• September 6, 2017 - OCPRC meeting under Public Comments, received a letter from Clarkston School
District which resulted in postponement by the OCPR Commission in order to allow more time to review
the proposal
• September 2017 — Meeting with Independence Township and Clarkston Schools
• September 2017 - Meeting a meeting with potential property owner to relocate the Bailey House
• October 4, 2017 — OCPRC Meeting under Public Comments, resulted in further postponement of the
decision to take further action with the house
• November 1 (current date) - Clearly a considerable amount of OCPR Commission and staffs effort, work
and resources have been expended on this project.
Additional expenditures for OCPR historic preservation which exceed $7,000,000 include the following:
Total Investment
Addison Oaks House- 1480 W Romeo Rd'.
Addison Oaks Conference Center
Addison Oaks Milk House
Addison Oaks Pool House
25,197.00 f
Addison Oaks Maintenance Building
290,174.00 y'
Glen Oaks Clubhouse
independence Oaks Twin Chimneys Pavilion (Lodge)
Springfield Oaks Davisburg Dam
SprinElield Oaks Ellis Barn
Springfield Oaks Davis House
Waterford Oaks Activity Center
$ 7,137,845.00
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There was a great deal of discussion regarding the project including, timing, liability, insurance coverage,
preservation, history of the property and the original family residing in the house, mothballing, school
participation, volunteer participation, creating a viable plan for the house, possible donations, grant
restrictions, the safety path in close proximity to the house, securing the facility, signage for the project,
Oakland County Risk Management's review and consent, timing of periodic status reports if a 24 month
extension is permitted, completion of mothballing the house by January 31, 2018 if approved, and possible
Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. Nash to approve allowing Mr. Moraco and the volunteers
working to preserve and restore the Bailey House an extension of time to develop a course of
action and to finalize a plan and all related work for the future of the Bailey House for up to 2 years
provided the terms are incorporated into a written agreement; it is mothballed by January 31, 2018;
progress continues on their plans; the group submits a written status report to the OCPR
Commission on a quarterly basis - the first of each month of the quarter; and Oakland County Risk
Management reviews and agrees to the plan and/or agreement. Final approval of a Letter of
Interim Understanding for the Bailey House between the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
and Mr. Moraco and the volunteers will be brought back to the Commission at the December 6,
2017 OCPR Commission meeting for final approval.
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. Crawford to approve Items 10 A through 10 O under Consent
Agenda, as follows:
A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month
Ending 09/30/17 (FM 12, FY17)
B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending
09/30/17 (FM 12, FY17)
C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report by Line Item for Month Ending
09/30/17 (FM 12, FY17)
D. Monthly Capital Equipment Report for Month Ending 09/30/17 (FM 12, FY17)
E. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month
Ending 09/30/17 (FM 12, FY17)
F. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position
For Month Ending 09/30/17 (FM 11, FY17)
G. CIP Approval Schedule Update
H. Maintenance Program Budget Report Update
I. Monthly Purchasing Reports for Month Ending 08/31/17 (FM 11, FY17)
J. Monthly Food & Beverage Vendor Sales Reports 08/31/17 (FM 11, FY17)
1. Katherine's
2. MMD
3. E. A. Fuller Oak Management
K. FY 2018 CIP Project Approvals: Red Oaks Waterpark— Filter Sand Replacement
($30,000) (Conceptual Approval)
L. Proposed Lyon Oaks Conference Center Carpet Replacement
M. FY2018 Independence Safety Path Funding Budget Amendment
N. FY 2017 4th Quarter Facilities Maintenance Amendments
O. FY 2017 Red Oaks and Groveland Oaks Slide Painting Budget Amendment
(Revision to December 6, 2016 agenda item)
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
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Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Proposed OCPR 5-Year Recreation Master Plan
Staff presented a DRAFT of the 2018-2022 Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Rec Plan). The Plan compiles 18
months of research, meetings, discussions and evaluation by staff from all departments within the organization.
The Plan is intended to help guide the efforts of staff and the Commission for the next five years.
Staff reviewed, at a high level, the goals and objectives contained within the plan. Key areas include:
Chapter 1: Executive SummaN —The Executive Summary is a short overview of the mission and goals of the
park system, as well as highlights of accomplishments and a high-level listing of potential projects at each park
over the course of the next 5 years.
Chapter 6: Recreational Resources — This section sets the stage for organizational needs and priorities by
identifying recreational resources (parks, facilities, programs, events, etc.) within the county (both ours and those
operated by others). It also outlines stakeholder engagement, barriers to recreation, accessibility, park use data
and survey data.
Chapter 9: Goals and Obiectives — This chapter highlights the 6 goals and 17 objectives, but a more detailed listing
of the objectives and specific action items can be found in Chapter 10.
Chapter 10: Strategic Action Plan — 2018-2022 — The Strategic Action Plan (SAP) is intended to serve as the
guiding document for the Commission and staff over the next five years. The SAP is broken down by objective,
with specific action items and tracking metrics to achieve each objective. It is intended that the SAP serve as a
key tool in helping to align OCPR staff and the commission around organizational goals and priorities.
Comments on the Draft Rec Plan can also be made online on the Planning page of the OCPR Web site:
The proposed schedule for completion of the Rec Plan is as follows:
November 1, 2017
November 2 - December 3, 2017
December 2017
January 10, 2018*
January/February 2018*
February 23, 2018
(*meeting dates not yet confirmed)
Presentation on Rec Plan, request for public comment
30-day public comment period
Incorporate public comment, Commission and staff comments
Print final draft Rec Plan
Public Hearing & Parks and Recreation Commission Approval
(Final draft provided/presented to Commission)
BOC Approval
Submit Final Rec Plan to Michigan DNR
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. Kostin to authorize a 30-day public comment period of the
2018-2022 Five -Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Proposed 2018 OCPR Fees and Charges
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the proposed OCPR 2018 Fees and
Charges, with the exception that there be no change in the rates for 2018 for the Youth and
Veteran/Military Golf Rates only, effective January 1, 2018; and
Move to approve the 2018 Joint Parks Perks Pass (Joint OCPR/HCMA Annual Vehicle Pass) at the rate of
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Joint Permit —Resident $59.00 and Joint Permit -Non Resident $59.00; and
Move to approve waiving the park entrance fees for day -use parks only for the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation 2018 Appreciation Days as follows:
2018 Appreciation DaVs
Veteran's Day, November 11, 2018
Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2018
Christmas Day, December 25, 2018
New Year's Eve, December 31, 2018
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
The Commission requested staff to submit a report showing the participation numbers for Foot Golf for the first four
Proposed OCPRC Food and Beverage Staffinq & Budget Amendment (Position Creation) Springfield Oaks
Concessions (Grill Room)
Staff presented proposed changes to the operations and staffing for the Food and Beverage Operations at
Springfield Oaks Grill Room as a result of the current vendor not renewing their contract at the end of the year.
Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mr. Fowkes to adopt the following resolution and approve the creation of
the Grill Room positions for the Food and Beverage Operations at Springfield Oaks Concessions — Grill Room as
indicated in the proposed resolution; approve the proposed amendment to the FY 2018 Budget listed below; and
forward this information on to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval.
WHEREAS the grill room management vendor located at Springfield Oaks golf course will exit their
contract at the end of the 2017 season; and
WHEREAS Parks & Recreation released a RFP for new vendors to take over the services currently offered
at Springfield Oaks; and
WHEREAS the RFP did not successfully return a vendor at this time; and
WHEREAS the Parks & Recreation department is proposing to move to an "in-house'
operations model similarly established at White Lake and Lyon Oaks golf courses as created under
Miscellaneous Resolution #17036; and
WHEREAS it is proposed to create two (2) PR Funded Part -Time Non -Eligible 1,000 hours per year
Second Cook positions to prep and cook all food for the course; and
WHEREAS the department would also create two (2) PR Funded Part -Time Non -Eligible 1,000 hours per
year Food Service Workers provide food and beverage service on the golf course; and
WHEREAS six (6) PR Funded Part -Time Non -Eligible 1,000 hours per year Parks Helper positions would
be created to maintain, serve and provide support to the grill room operations; and
WHEREAS two (2) PR Funded Part -Time Non -Eligible Seasonal Program Specialist position would be
created to provide operational support for overall grill room service, supply ordering and first line support to
the grill staff; and
WHEREAS expected revenues from operations related to the creation of the grill room positions will
exceed expenses.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve and authorize the creation of the
following PR funded Part -Time Non -Eligible positions for Springfield Oaks golf course.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create two (2) PR Funded Part -Time Non -Eligible 1,000 hours per year
Second Cook positions at Springfield Oaks (#5060430).
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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create two (2) PR Funded Part -Time Non -Eligible 1,000 hours per year
Food Service Workers at Springfield Oaks (#5060430).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create six (6) PR Funded Part -Time Non -Eligible 1,000 hours per year
Parks Helper positions at Springfield Oaks (#5060430).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create two (2) PR Funded Part -Time Non -Eligible Seasonal Program
Specialist position at Springfield Oaks (#5060430).
FY 2018
FUND (#50800)
Cost Center
Dept lU
Account Name
Commission Food Services
Reimb Contracts
Sales Retail
Planned Use of Balance
Total Revenues
Salaries Regular
Fringe Benefits
Charge Card Fee
Electrical Service
Equipment Maintenance
Garbage and Rubbush Disposal
Legal Services
Licenses and Permits
Natural Gas
Software Support Maintenance
Expendable Equipment
,Small Tools
Depreciation Buildings
Depreciation Equipment
Info Tech Operations
Insurance Fund
Maintenance Department Charges
Telephone Communications
Total Expenses
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
CIP/Maintenance Project Approvals:
Catalpa Oaks — Sports Field Grading & Irrigation Request for Proposal ($200 000) (Conceptual Approval)
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. Crawford to release the design and engineering Request for
Proposal (RFP) through Oakland County Purchasing for the Phase II Improvements at Catalpa Oaks
County Park.
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AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Red Oaks Waterpark Enhancement Proiect — Wave Pool Resurfacing ($168 000) (Conceptual Approval)
Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Mr. McGillivray to proceed with the bidding for the Red Oaks Waterpark
— Wave Pool Interior Resurfacing; project will be brought back to the Commission for final construction
approval prior to contract award.
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Red Oaks Golf Course Protective Netting Replacement ($20 000) (Construction Approval)
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. McGillivray to award a contract to RMD Holdings, contractor of
Richmond, MI in the amount of $26,764 for the golf netting and cabling replacement at Red Oaks Golf
Course; total project costs are as follows:
Construction $25,489
5% Contingency $1,275
Total $26,764
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
The Commission requested that staff clarify when/where the funds will come from for projects in the future.
Pending Capital Improvement Project Report
Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance and Development Mike Donnellon submitted a listing of the Pending FY 2017
OCPRC Capital Improvement Projects with updated pictures. The Commission received and filed this report.
Proposed License Agreement for Use of Orion Oaks County Park for Wright Tree Service - Equipment Staging
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. Nash to approve the proposed License Agreement with Wright
Tree Service of Williamston, Michigan 48895 for the use of the Orion Oaks Staging Yard.
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Proposed OCPR Branding Manual
This item was deferred to the December 6, 2017 OCPRC meeting.
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Proposed Recommendation on Results of Request for Proposal (RFP) for Ernst Barn
At the July 12, 2017 Commission meeting, staff was directed to release an Request for Proposal (RFP) for the
relocation and/or reuse of the Ernst Barn at Waterford Oaks County Park. As OCPR has no identified use for the
barn, and is unable to dedicate resources for its continued upkeep, an RFP was released. Three bids were
received. The Bid Evaluation Committee recommended awarding the contract to Charles Bultman, an architect
from Ann Arbor.
While the proposal from Mr. Bultman requested payment of $7,500 to relocate the Ernst Barn, this proposal will
keep the barn in use as an educational/training facility on a 120-acre working farm in
Ann Arbor. Mr. Bultman's team has extensive experience with barn restoration. OCPR Operations staff plans
restore the site once the barn is removed.
Several efforts were made by staff to educate the community about the RFP, including outreach to Waterford
Township and the Waterford Township Historical Society. A press release was sent and an article ran in the
Oakland Press. Waterford Township contacted neighbors and posted the information on its social media pages,
and the Waterford Chamber of Commerce posted the information as well. WDET aired an interview with OCPR's
Executive Officer Daniel Stencil about the barn and RFP. Staff also reached out to the Timber Framers Guild, the
Michigan Barn Preservation Network, and Michigan State University (Heritage/Agro-Tourism).
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. Kostin to award the bid for the relocation of the Ernst Barn to
Charles Bultman, Architect, for a fee of $0.00. Staff is directed to contact the bidder to see if these terms
are acceptable and report back to the Commission at the next Commission meeting.
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Proposed OCPR Trail Standards
Staff presented a proposed Trail Standards Manual which was developed by the Trails Work Group and reviewed
and accepted by the Administrative Management Team (AMT). The purpose of the Trails Standards manual is to
standardize the process by which trails and pathways are proposed, designed, evaluated, approved, budgeted,
constructed, maintained and monitored. The intended outcome of the use of the Trails Standards manual is an
OCPR trails system that is safe, attractive, and easy to navigate. The manual is intended to be used by staff
members who plan, build, maintain and operate facilities in the Oakland County Park system.
Utilizing the Trail Standards Manual, the Trails Work Group is developing a prioritized list of projects, cost estimates
and recommendations for the OCPR Commission recommended Trail Enhancements Program scheduled for
FY2018. These recommendations will be presented at the December OCPR Commission meeting.
The Commission received and filed the proposed Trail Standards Manual dated October 9, 2017.
FY 2017 RAPP Report and Recommendation for FY 2018 Funds
Chief of Recreation Programs and Services Brandy Sotke-Boyd presented a report on the Recreation Assistance
Partnership Program (RAPP) identifying where funds were spent in FY 2017. The program's goal is to provide
more recreation opportunities and experiences to cities, villages, and townships; community parks and recreation
departments; schools; downtown development authorities (DDA); non-profit organizations; and underserved
Staff also requested Commission's approval for FY 2018 funding as follows:
• $90,000 - Community outreach/CVT's/Bus Transportation, including mobile units, GO! Adventures, nature
education, and one bus trip.
$65,000 - Community Collaborations with cities, villages, townships, schools and DDA's, etc. to
support Collaboration between organizations, communities groups and municipalities.
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• $45,000 - Event Outreach heightens funding for community organization who partner with OCPR for festivals
and community events.
Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mr. Fowkes to approve the continuation of the support for the
Recreation Assistance Partnership Program (RAPP) and authorize the expenditure of the budgeted funds
for the 2018 RAPP Program in the Recreation Programs and Services Department in the amount of
$200,000. The Commission directed staff to include this program and the related expenditures as part of
the budget process in the future.
AYES: Crawford, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Executive Officer Report
No additional information was added to the items included in the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda
Participation and Program Review FY 2017 Month 12
The Participation and Program Review report as presented by Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance —South
District Tom Hughes, Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance —North District Jim Dunleavy and Chief of Recreation
Programs and Services Brandy Boyd was received.
Fiscal Sustainability Work Group
Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells provided an update on the Fiscal Sustainability Work
Group's activity. Items they are working on include: Reviewing the financials for Red Oaks Golf Course,
Waterford Oaks Waterpark, CIP Projects to be put into place, and staffing. They need a little more information
before their report is presented to the Commission, including public input. In addition, they are discussing better
ways of marketing Red Oaks Golf Course, with a focus on the local high schools. The group is looking at possibly
presenting a recap of their findings at the February Commission meeting.
The Commission directed staff to inquire if some of the property recently purchased could be used for the benefit of
future mitigation conversion.
Executive Committee Update
Chairman Fisher reported that a great deal of what was discussed at the last Executive Committee meeting was
previously discussed at this meeting. Other items discussed were the 2 surveys and the proposed presentation on
the countywide business survey, which is planned for the January 2018 OCPRC meeting. In addition, it was
suggested to start moving in the direction of creating a long term plan on future goals, so we try to avoid spending
funds on items in the lower percentage categories, and keeping items in the higher percentages, possibly involving
the Sustainability Committee to take charge of this task and coordinate with the cost recovery plan.
Commissioner Fowkes requested once the accounting figures are finalized for FY 2017 that staff present an
accounting of each profit center including the Administrative expenses. .
Chairman Fisher recommended the Executive Committee work with Executive Officer Daniel Stencil and Manager
of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells on the Organizational Alignment Plan to keep things moving forward
and develop a process for implementation.
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Chairman Fisher advised the proposed ORV facility topic will be on the December 6, 2017 OCPR Commission
meeting agenda. A great deal of effort has been made to develop an appropriate access into the proposed park
including appropriate signage directing patrons to the proposed park. The next step could be to begin working with
the MDNR on negotiations for a letter of interim understanding. Commissioner McGillivray requested a timetable or
schedule for when things are proposed to happen regarding the proposed park.
There was no new business to report.
Meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Ron Fawkes, Secretary Vicky Valko, Recording Secretary