HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.03.28 - 3937OAKIrAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN XXXXXXXAXXDOCXXXXXXXIXXXWAXICIXASM WEST BLOOMF ELD SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECT ION MARCH 29, 1976 CANVASS OfH.YOTES'i.:C: AT THEILIcTION HELD ON March 29, 1976: (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY ItaVglEga gL•t ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No, M-397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify wkether General, Primary or Special Election .1K09.4ZO:), iC.R, • E9663? • 1,.9.F.4 NO, M4DBR PROPOSITION NO,. PROPOSITION N ORE RAT ING MILLAGE I NCREASE ...PRQP0$:1T:I.P:k FOR IMPROVEMENT .:• M I LLAGE INCREASE FOR : SCHOOL : PROGRAM : I IMPROVEMENT : PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER PCT.: !:: YES TOTALS :TOTALS 191 1,;eq 1 3 ,14: 4/2 s, 5 .47:5 J,.2.;(/ (i STATEMENT:l:Q.F.:.YOTES.:i PROPOSITION NO. OPERATING MULAGE INCREASE The whole number of votcs fo r and aciaii,b;he _Shail_the_A_Laitat_ion_on_the_amount of taxes which may be levied , against all taxable real and tangible personal property in West Bloomfield School District, Oakland -- -County, Michigan, be increased, as provided by Section 6, Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Michigan by $4.00 per one thousand dollars of the assessed valuation, as finally equalized, of all - slIc h pToperty i_n_sald_school_ms_trIzt_f o r a period of three (3) years,-from 1976 to 1978, both inclusive, for the purpose of paying general operating expenses of said School District? PUT FIGURES IN THIS -COLUMN of which number votes Were marked YES votes were. marked NO TOTAL VOTES : PROPOSITION -NO. ..27(itLAP.E.::1NCREASEfOR:SMOOL:pappmm The whole number of votes for and againstjhe Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may h levirf against all taxable real and tangible personal property in West Bloomfiel d SchQO l District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increasd.,as provided by Section 6, Article IX of the rnnstutiiti nn of the State of tichigan by $1.00 per one thousand dollars of the assessed valuation, as finally equalized, of all such property in said School District for A period of three (3) years„from_19.76_to 1978,.both.inclusive„. to be.used.. for the purpose of paying the general operating expenses of said School District, including, but not limited to, equipment, books, materials-and furnishings necessary for the-enrIohment-and-improvement.o the curriculum and program of said School District? w S `--4 of which ep.-) t h 4'41; votes were marked YES voles were marked NO TOTALVOTE$ PROPOSITION NO. 3 PROPOSITION fORMAINTgNANOE iNPROyclipIT The whoe number of votes forand acipinsr ,the Shall the limitation on the embUntoUtaXes.....:WhieW.May be lev ied against all taxable real and tangible personal property in Vest Bloomfield School District, Oakland County, Michigan be increased, aS provided : by Section 6., Article IX.jefithe .:Constitution of the State of Michigan by:$1.50 per one thoUsand :dollars of the assessed valuation, as finally::e404.1ied, of all such property within said School District for a Oetiod.:Of three (3) kors. from 1976 to 19783....botit. inclusive, to be used onlyfor the purpose of paying the cost of the care and maintenance of School property including such alterations as shall be necessary to place School: buildings and property ih a safe and sanitary condition? 7er '?"1 votes were marked YES and . — • 1‘,,r." TOTAL VOTES - .having received sufficient number of - having received sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected _ That votes is elected_ _ That votes is elected_ having received sufficient number Further Hereby -Determine: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed. or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSiTION PROPOSIT ION #1 — OPERAT I N.G MI Lii‘GE INCREASE N?!‘. Mr. OF .PRoposmoN PROPOSITION . #2 LLAGE 1 NC.REASE tSCHOOL • PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT Pa,-sed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Sufficient votes Not Received Having was Defeated - NAME or PROPOS.MON Having'4-ec,,ejrveti Sufficient votes Not KeceivOd Debated In Witness Wkereo.Wehve hereunto set our hoods Qrid affixed tile Seal of the___ r nu NTY ( Ceunty: City : Township this = day of__MARCEI a the yea:0one thousand nine' iiiinthed and seventY -51 X SEAL BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTE:7,T: i:RK- OF [3-0Alib OF -CANVASSERS. PROPOSITION #3 — PROPOSITION FOR f 1 MA I NTENANCE IMPROVEMENT CHAIRMAN having received Suffici en t number of having received sufficient number of of IIIAKLAtill e ) CountY, C'!:Y, Town 6ip er Village) V CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF ICHTGAN, COVNTY OF OAKLAND The Board Of Camiassers ci the: having Ascertained and Canvassed the Vctr f 5010 .,14.517.JLOO1E1ELP _SCHOOL .,D:I SIR I:CT _ : isCe,"ty: Ciy Town:thip 'lift1rtt at the__ ,..SPFC4AL .,Electrk>n, 11-dd an _day _Ma rcit _ _ _ cp. 1.1:11/41TY..... ci et Vi I tqAel (ceurrry, City, "Te,wrtri-.... Vi I fpge) one thousand nine hundred and seventys ix Do Hereby Certify o ncl Determine That votes is elected.._ That_ votes is elected That votes is elected__ That votes is elected_ _ That votes is elected_ _ That votes is elected__ That_ having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of having received suffieient number of -- having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of