HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2019.06.05 - 39383Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
Regular Meeting
June 5, 2019
Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. in the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Lyon Oaks
Conference Center Banquet Room.
Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Gary McGillivray, Executive Committee
Member Christine Long, Ron Fowkes, Robert Kostin, Andrea LaFontaine, Jim Nash, Nancy Quarles
Ebony Bagley
Parks and Recreation Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer
Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation
Mike Boyd, Waterford Oaks Park Supervisor
Phil Castonia, Chief of Business Operations
DJ Coffey, Groveland Oaks Park Supervisor
Mike Donnellon, Chief – Park Facilities Maint. & Development
Jim Dunleavy, Chief – Park Operations & Maint. – N. District
Julee Erskine, Groveland Oaks Assistant Park Supervisor
Tom Hughes, Chief – Park Operations & Maint. - S. District
Karrie Jager, OCPR/Fiscal Services Supervisor
Jennifer Myers, Architectural Engineer III
Nira Pittman, Intern
Brenda Reyes-Mezza, OCPR/Fiscal Services Accountant II
Brandy Sotke-Boyd, Chief – Recreation Programs and Services
Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor – Marketing & Communications
Jamie Weasel, Independence Oaks/Orion Oaks Park Supervisor
OC Purchasing Andy Krumwiede, Buyer II
OC Corporation Counsel Jody Hall, Financial Attorney
Pete Menna, Litigator
Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Todd Hill, Lieutenant
OC Water Resources Commission Amy Ploof, Chief Engineer
AECOM Troy Naperala
Hubbel Roth & Clark, Inc. Tom LaCross, Sr. Associate
Frank Rewold & Sons Jason Rewold, Vice President/Estimator
Oakland Urban Growers Bruce Ellwanger
Mike Skinner
Springfield Township Laura Moreau, Township Clerk
Oakland County Resident Elizabeth Romano, mParks Award Recipient
Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Mr. McGillivray to approve the agenda as submitted.
AYES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
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Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the minutes of the OCPR
Commission Regular Meeting of May 1, 2019, as submitted.
AYES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
There were no comments from the public.
Jamie Weasel, Independence Oaks Park Supervisor
Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance Jim Dunleavy introduced Jamie Weasel, who was recently hired
as the Park Supervisor for Independence Oaks & Orion Oaks. Jamie has a Master of Science degree in Public
Administration and a Bachelor’s degree in Parks and Recreation Leisure Services. He has 19 years of
experience in Parks and Recreation and was responsible for the operating budget, planning, marketing and
promotions of activities and events. Jamie also served our country in the Michigan Army and Air National Guard Unit
from 1999– 2008. In his new role Jamie will report to Jim Dunleavy, Chief of Parks Operations & Maintenance, North
District and will be responsible for making the transition from winter operations to summer operations, including the
hiring and training of summer staff, and will begin meeting with staff on upcoming events and rental operations. His
initial goals will be to understand our current park operations focusing on the maintenance of Independence Oaks and
Orion Oaks.
DJ Coffey, Groveland Oaks Park Supervisor
Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance Jim Dunleavy introduced DJ Coffey the newly appointed Park Supervisor of
Groveland Oaks County Park. DJ was previously the Park Supervisor at Independence Oaks/Orion Oaks and has not
moved over to Groveland Oaks. His experience at Independence Oaks/Orion Oaks will be a great asset in his new
Julee Erskine, Groveland Oaks Assistant Park Supervisor
Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance Jim Dunleavy introduced Julee Erskine, Assistant Park Supervisor at
Groveland Oaks County Park. Julee was previously the Volunteer Coordinator and was appointed as the Assistant
Park Supervisor at Groveland Oaks. Mr. Dunleavy indicated she has been a great asset at the park and has been
doing a wonderful job during the transition of the retirement of the previous Park Supervisor and hiring the new Park
Nira Pittman, Intern OCPR Facilities Maintenance
Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance and Development Mike Donnellon introduced Nira Pittman, a third-year
architectural student at the University of Detroit Mercy, who was recently hired as an intern working with Park Facilities,
Maintenance and Development in the project management group. Working with our Project Management group will
provide Nira the opportunity to gain knowledge about her chosen field of architecture and begin to understand there are
many career paths within the design professions. She will support the project management staff and will assist with
completing assigned projects and associated tasks.
Chairman Fisher congratulated Architectural Engineer III Jennifer Myers on being appointed to the Michigan Board of
Architects and the Michigan State Board of Professional Surveyors by the Governor. The terms for both appointments
expire March 31, 2023.
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mParks Community Service Awards – Elizabeth Romano and Clarkston Area Optimist Club:
mParks (Michigan Recreation & Park Association) annually recognizes individuals, groups and organizations for their
ongoing and tireless commitment to parks and recreation programs and services in their communities. This year,
Oakland County Parks and Recreation nominated two recipients for the mParks Community Service Awards.
The Commission recognized Elizabeth Romano who received the mParks (Michigan Recreation & Park Association)
2019 Community Service Award. Ms. Romano, a regular patron at the Oakland County Farmers Market, purchased
36,000 reusable, recyclable and biodegradable bags for the market vendors to use.
The Commission also recognized the Clarkston Area Optimist Club who received 2019 Community Service Award for
providing Oakland County Parks and Recreation a $6,800 grant that was used to create the new archery range at
Independence Oaks County Park and purchase equipment.
Capital Improvement Expense Summary
Executive Officer Daniel Stencil presented the Capital Improvement Expense Summary which was prepared by Fiscal
Services Coordinator Jeff Phelps. This report lists the capital project agenda items requiring approval and the
financial impact on the Amount Available for Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment. The Commission received
and filed this report.
Moved by Ms. Quarles, supported by Mr. Nash to approve Items 10A through 10M under Consent
Agenda as follows:
A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month
Ending 04/30/19 (FM 07 FY 19)
B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending
04/30/19 (FM 07 FY 19)
C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report by Line Item for Month Ending
04/30/19 (FM 07 FY 19)
D. Monthly Capital Equipment Report for Month Ending 04/30/19 (FM 07 FY 19)
E. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month
Ending 04/30/19 (FM 07 FY 19)
F. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net
Position for Month Ending 04/30/19 (FM 07 FY 19)
G. CIP Approval Schedule Update
H. Maintenance Management Program Budget Report Update
I. Monthly Purchasing Reports for Month Ending 03/31/19 (FM 06 FY 19)
J. Monthly Food & Beverage Vendor Sales Reports 03/31/19 (FM 06 FY 19)
1. Katherine's
2. Lafayette Market
3. Fuller Oak Management
K. FY 2019 Fiscal Services 2nd Quarter Financial Forecast and Budget Amendments
(Including 2nd Quarter Facilities Maintenance Amendments)
L. Proposed Budget Amendment - Adjustment of Prior Year Expense
M. FY 2019 2nd Quarter Contributions Report
AYES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
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Proposed Amendments to Oakland Urban Growers Greenhouse and Residential Leases
Oakland Urban Growers (OUG) leases two properties from Oakland County – the Waterford Oaks greenhouse
complex and a residential home connected to the greenhouse complex, located at 1580 Scott Lake Road in
Waterford, both of which are covered by leases that have been in effect since October 1, 2017. OUG is now in
default of their lease agreements and are now in excess of $87,000 in the arrears for nonpayment of rent and
utilities for both properties.
Several attempts have been made to negotiate alternate lease options with OUG with no success. During which
time OUG did not keep current on their rent or utilities. As a result, Oakland County Parks sent a letter to OUG on
October 8, 2018 indicating a past-due amount of $41,592.70 and requesting payment within 30 days. No payments
were made. OUG was given another opportunity to provide information to the Commission to support their request for
amended lease terms by March 6, 2019. OCPR staff received an emailed proposal approximately 15 minutes prior to
the start of the March 6, 2019, OCPRC meeting which essentially stated OUG needed a commitment that they would
be operational through 2019 without concern of county intervention (i.e. eviction) which would allow OUG to secure
outside investors and shore up their funding. The major piece of this proposal was that OUG would transfer the
commercial lease utilities into its name, but not until January 1, 2020. OUG would not begin repaying the delinquent
utility amounts to the County until January 1, 2021 and would not finish paying the delinquency until January 1, 2023.
At the March 6, 2019 OCPRC meeting the Commission voted to direct Corporation Counsel to send Notices to
Quit to OUG for both leases, and to indicate in the notices that OUG would have the opportunity to re-negotiate lease
terms for the next 30 days. At the expiration of the 30 days the leases would terminate and OUG would be
responsible for all outstanding balances. No re-negotiation occurred within the 30 days. The Notices to Quit were sent
by certified mail and were returned undelivered. Executive Officer Daniel Stencil hand-delivered a copy of the notices,
on April 16, 2019. During the 30-day period, OUG did remit one payment in the amount of $663.
It was suggested by Chairman Fisher that OUG attend the May 13, 2019 OCPR Executive Committee meeting with a
revised proposal so a recommendation could be made to the OCPR Commission at the June 5, 2019, meeting to settle
this matter and present a proposal for a modified lease. OUG did appear and made a proposal to make a good faith
payment toward the outstanding debts and contact OCPR staff to start negotiations to amend the lease.
There was great concern from the Commission that no attempts were made by OUG to make payments toward their
past due debts, and that Oakland County taxpayer funds are being used to subsidize a private business located on
County property. The Commission requested OUG provide a good faith payment prior to the June 5, 2019
Commission meeting to show they were serious about this business opportunity. No payments have been made.
Again, the principal partners indicated they were awaiting funds from potential investors for their operations at the
Greenhouse which would allow them to pay their past due amounts and resolve this matter.
There was discussion from the Commission and representatives from Corporation Counsel on how to proceed with the
legal process, the eviction proceedings, any actions required by the OC Board of Commissioners, the fact that this
company has been provided many opportunities to clear up their debt and renegotiate a proposed amendment, and
after all this time they have not.
This matter was discussed at the last OCPRC Executive Committee meeting and OUG made a proposal to resolve
their past due debts. They indicated they currently do not have the funds to resolve the matter. Chairman Fisher
suggested legal counsel commence the case for eviction and back rent, with the idea that if in the immediate future the
money can be acquired, OUG could meet with OCPR staff and enters into an agreement to bring everything into
conformance. OUG also advised they would be willing to vacate the residence.
Commissioner McGillivray requested to have Corporation Counsel expedite this matter. We have been dealing
with this a very long time, it’s time - we need to move on quickly from this, we have given them more than ample
time to gather some capital so we could get through this and that hasn’t been done, so he would like to see this
expedited so we could get this done and over with quickly.
At the May 1, 2019 OCPR Commission meeting the Commission approved a motion to move forward with the
proposed litigation against Oakland Urban Growers to evict them from the Greenhouse Complex and Residential
Structure at Waterford Oaks County Park and attempt to recover all the past due monies from rent and utilities.
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Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mrs. Long to direct Corporation Counsel to start the lawsuit
against Oakland Urban Growers to terminate both the residential lease and the greenhouse lease at
Waterford Oaks and, proceed with the collection of the outstanding balance for delinquent rent and utility
payments in excess of $87,000.
AYES: LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray (3)
NAYS: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Nash, Quarles, (5)
ABSTAIN: VanderVeen (1)
Motion failed.
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. Nash to take no action at this time and postpone this item until
the July 10, 2019 OCPR Commission meeting.
AYES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Nash, Quarles, (5)
NAYS: LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray (3)
ABSTAIN: VanderVeen (1)
Motion passed.
Conceptual Approval of:
1. Proposed FY 2020-2022 OCPR Budget
2. FY 2020 Capital Equipment Budget
3. FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Program and Maintenance Management Plans
Executive Officer Daniel Stencil presented the Proposed FY 2020 Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Commission Budget, the Proposed FY 2020 Capital Equipment Budget and the Proposed FY 2020-2024 Capital
Improvement Program and Maintenance Management Plans.
The Commission had concerns about the budget not being in compliance with the OCPRC Unrestricted Net
Position policy for FY 2021 and 2022. This proposed FY 2020 OCPRC Budget is in compliance with the policy and
will be submitted to OC BOC by Friday June 28, 2019. Staff will continue working on the budgets for FY 2021 and
2022 to get the them into compliance with the policy. The final FY 2020 Budget will be brought back to the
Commission for final approval at the August 7, 2019 OCPRC meeting.
The Commission informed staff they will pass a motion to conceptually approve the proposed FY 2020 OCPRC
Budget with the understanding that by the time next year’s budget is submitted that it will be in compliance with the
policy for that year’s budget and the additional 2 years as well.
Moved by Ms. Quarles, supported by Mr. Fowkes to conceptually approve the Proposed FY 2020 Oakland
County Parks and Recreation Commission Budget in the amount of $28,597,943; the Proposed FY2020
Capital Equipment Budget in the amount of $488,000; and the Proposed FY2020 Capital Improvement
Projects/Maintenance Management Plan Budget in the amounts of $1,142,450 for Capital Improvement
Projects and $1,834,000 for the Maintenance Management Plan, with the understanding that next year’s
budget, including the two (2) additional years, will be submitted in conformance with the policy, and
forward it to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for inclusion in the Oakland County Executive’s
recommended FY 2020-2022 Proposed Budget.
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AYES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Staff advised they could put together a timeline for the Commission on this matter if that would be helpful.
Chairman Fisher indicated that would be a great idea and thanked staff for the suggestion.
Springfield Oaks – Mill Pond Dam Feasibility Study
The Davisburg/Mill Pond Dam Mill Pond Dam is owned by OCPRC and jointly operated and maintained with
the Charter Township of Springfield (CTS) under an agreement which was executed in July 2015 and calls
for cost-sharing between the two parties for repair and maintenance of the dam. OCPRC is responsible for
fifty-five percent (55%) of the financial obligation, and CTS is responsible for forty-five percent (45%). The
purpose of the Davisburg Mill Pond Dam Feasibility Study is to develop a recommendation for the future of
the Mill Pond Dam – replacement or removal. Due to the age of the dam and information from a 2011
engineering study, the dam appears to have deficiencies and associated safety/liability issues.
Rotary Park, located on the outfall side of the dam is owned, operated and maintained by OCPRC while the
Mill Pond Park located upstream from the dam is owned, operated and maintained by CTS.
In October 2018 the Commission awarded a contract to AECOM to complete this feasibility study. The cost
of the study is being shared between OCPRC (55%) and CTS (45%) per the existing agreement.
Through this study, OCPRC and CTS are jointly exploring all options for this dam to enhance/expand
recreation value, support a vibrant and attractive downtown, recognize/respect historical significance, protect
and improve ecological/environmental health, promote pedestrian connectivity and minimize short-term and
long-term maintenance and capital investment. Initial options include but are not limited to:
1. Evaluation of annual costs of dam inspection and maintenance of the dam, including
aquatic maintenance of the Mill Pond.
2. Identification/confirmation of future maintenance and improvements required for the
continual operation of the dam.
3. The potential ecological benefits to removing the dam and restoring the natural
landscape of the Shiawassee River.
4. The potential recreational opportunities that may be provided if the dam is removed and
the riverbank restored.
5. Identify and review potential funding sources for either the maintenance/improvement of
the existing dam or removal of the dam.
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mrs. Long to receive and file the Davisburg Mill Pond Dam
Feasibility Report.
YES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Double Up Food Bucks Grant - Farmers Market
The Double Up Food Bucks program is administered by the Fair Food Network with funding from the US Department
of Agriculture to improve the nutrition of low-income families and the bottom lines of local farmers. The program
increases low-income shoppers’ purchasing power for fruits and vegetables while supporting local growers by
increasing the value of “food stamps” for healthy foods. The program matches families spending on these items and is
used to reimburse market vendors who accept these benefits. OCPR began this program with Fair Food Network in
2015 which has been a very popular program at the Oakland County Farmers Market. OCPR’s allocation is generally
$15,000. However, there was $6,492 in funds carried over from 2019, so this year’s funding allocation is $10,000, for
total funds available of $16,492.
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Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mrs. Long to approve and accept the grant of $10,000 from
the Fair Food Network for the 2019 Double Up Food Bucks program.
YES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Proposed Sponsorship Agreement - Quality Home Medical of Westland, MI
Per the approved OCPR Sponsorship Policy, all new sponsorships require Commission approval. Staff is excited to
welcome a new sponsor for the 2019 Adaptive Sports Clinic. Quality Home Medical is a medical supply company
based out of Westland, Michigan. They will be the “Bus Sponsor” for the 2019 Adaptive Sports Clinic on July 19, 2019
from 2-7 p.m. The Adaptive Sports Clinic offers a one-day clinic for adaptive recreation opportunities including
kayaking, archery, hand cycling, pedal boats, pontoon boat rides, nature education, swimming and geocaching. The
event provides a great introduction to all the adaptive recreation opportunities available at Oakland County Parks.
Anticipated attendance at the event is estimated at 200, with 20+ volunteers.
Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Fowkes to approve the $300 sponsorship from Quality Home
Medical, of Westland, MI for the 2019 Adaptive Sports Clinic.
YES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Proposed FY 2020 Bus Lease Renewal
Moved by Ms. LaFontaine, supported by Mr. Nash to approve the bid for a 3-Year Bus Lease from Hoekstra
Transportation Services of Grand Rapids, Michigan, for a 44-passenger commercial bus, to replace Bus #18-
901, a 38-passenger School Bus, at a cost of $1,888.32 per month starting in FY 2020.
YES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Independence Oaks S.W. Lakeshore Boardwalk Project
As requested by the Executive Committee on May 13, 2019, staff provided a budgetary and grant update on the
Independence Oaks S.W. Lakeshore Boardwalk Project.
As part of the Independence Trail Enhancement project, which was approved in May FY2018, construction is
currently underway to improve the western side of lakeshore loop trail around Crooked Lake, which includes
accessibility improvements to the existing trail alongside the proposed 10’ wide South West (SW) Boardwalk.
On December 5, 2018, the Commission approved the expenditure of up to $18,500 for the design engineering of
the Independence SW Boardwalk. No conceptual construction budget was approved at that time or is currently
budgeted, as this is considered a new asset. The survey, design, engineering and construction budget of $350,711
was completed and a MDEQ permit application for the project was submitted and approved in April 2019.
This project would be very unlikely to score high enough for funding through MDNR-administered grant programs
as it is not addressing a critical need/connection, it is not working with any partner organizations, and it is located
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June 5, 2019
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in Clarkston. These factors combined with the active conversions we are in the process of mitigating would make
grant funding highly unlikely. Staff is not aware of any funding sources for ADA improvements that would apply to
this project as these grants tend to focus on removing barriers and providing opportunities that would otherwise
not be available. They also tend to focus on providing support services to persons with specific types of
disabilities. Due to the proposed boardwalk being an offshoot of an existing (soon accessible) trail, it would likely
not be considered a great need.
Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mrs. Long to postpone consideration of this project until FY 2021
budget year, and to direct staff to evaluate what the ADA accessibility is on the trail that is currently being
YES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Request for Glen Oaks Parking Lot Improvement Project Change Order Approval
Moved by Mrs. Quarles, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the Glen Oaks Parking Lot Renovation
Change Order Requests # 01 & # 02 in the amount of $132,812 to Asphalt Specialists, Inc. for a new not
to exceed contract amount of $740,207.00; and
Approve the use of an additional $112,246 from Unrestricted Net Position for this project, with the
understanding that this action will not take any further funds out of Unrestricted Net Position, and in fact
will add money back into Unrestricted Net Position for this project, due to the postponement of the
Independence Oaks Trail project
YES: Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (7)
NAYS: Fisher, Fowkes (2)
Motion carried on a voice vote.
Red Oaks Nature Center Trail Enhancement Project (Construction Approval)
Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Ms. LaFontaine to award an annual contract to Bush Brothers Asphalt
Paving, Inc. of Farmington Hills, MI for the FY2019 Trail Enhancements: Red Oaks Nature Center project, for
a not to exceed contract amount of $47,550 for Sub-Project Items RDP-1 & RDP-2, for a total project cost of
$60,000, with the City of Madison Heights responsible for reimbursement up to $27,500 per the Red Oaks
Lease Agreement and pending the City of Madison Heights City Council approval.
Sub-Project Sub-Project Name QTY Cost Contingency Total Project
RDP-1 Surface improvement 3000 SQYD $44,550 $2,230 $46,780
RDP-2 Hales Street connector 60 SQYD $3,000 $600 $3,600
RDP-3 Trail Restoration Allowance - $8,000 $1,620 $9,620
Red Oaks total project Cost: $60,000
YES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
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Springfield Oaks Water Quality Improvements
Moved by Ms. LaFontaine, supported by Mrs. Long to conceptually approve the design solution to allow
staff to proceed with final construction drawings and bidding for the Springfield Oaks Activity Center Water
Quality Improvement project, as presented.
YES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Pending Capital Improvement Project Report
Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance and Development Mike Donnellon presented the OCPR Pending Capital
Improvement Project Report.
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. McGillivray to receive and file the Pending Capital Improvement
Project Report,
YES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Executive Officer Report
In addition to the Executive Officer’s Report filed in the agenda packet, Executive Officer Daniel Stencil provided an
update on the following items:
• The next OCPR Commission meeting will be Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at the Springfield Oaks Activity
Center at 1 p.m. A tour of the facility and lunch, which will be provided by the Oakland County Fair Board will
start at 11:30 a.m.
• The next Executive Committee meeting will be held on Monday, June 17, 2019 at 1:00 p.m.
• As all the Commission members were not present a photograph of the Commission will be taken at the
July 10, 2019 OCPRC meeting.
• SEMCOG Parks and Recreation Plan and Video
• Lyon Oaks Golf Course Revenues and Expenses
• OCPR Calendar of Events is provided to both OCPR Commission and the OC Board of Commissioners
• Tour of OCPR Oak Wilt site at Waterford Oaks at a future OCPRC meeting
• Update on Michigan EGLE Groundwater Discharge Permit
Fiscal Sustainability Work Group
Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells provided an update on the Fiscal Sustainability Work Group.
There was a meeting of the workgroup just prior to the Commission meeting and topics covered included:
• White Lake Oaks future operations including: Rentals, self-operation, grill room and conference center
• Evaluation of possible alternate future uses at White Lake Oaks
• Waterford Oaks Waterpark amenities, cost to maintain current assets, possible changes in park operations
• Status of planned reductions in future budget
• Future revenues from proposed millage
Commissioner McGillivray advised he believes it would be very beneficial to have another Commissioner appointed to
this Committee. As Commissioner LaFontaine volunteered, Chairman Fisher appointed her as another Commission
member on this committee.
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Activity Participation and Program Review
Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance-North District Jim Dunleavy, Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance-
South District Tom Hughes, and Chief of Recreation Programs and Services Brandy Sotke-Boyd provided an update
on the OCPR parks, facilities, events and programs.
After a request from Brandy Sotke-Boyd for additional RAPP funding for FY 2019, Chairman Fisher directed that this
item be on the July 10, 2019 Commission meeting agenda and include a budget and a report on the activity from 2019
Proposed ORV Park Update
There was a lot of concern from the Commission, especially those members on the ORV Committee, that they have
not been receiving information on what is happening at the proposed ORV park. As a result, staff will now be providing
updates on the proposed ORV Park to the Committee on a bi-weekly basis and to the Commission at the Commission
meeting under Reports.
Staff updated the Commission on the status of the proposed ORV Park, proposed upcoming events and current
stakeholder meetings between OCPR and the MDNR. Staff also provided an update on the joint meeting with the
MDNR and OCPR on the planning, budgeting and operation of the proposed park. The name of the park has not yet
been determined.
Chairman Fisher also asked if it would be possible to have a representative from ROWE attend the next meeting to
provide an update on the status/progress of the contract.
Executive Committee Update
Chairman Fisher advised most of the items discussed at the last OCPR Executive Committee meeting have already
been reviewed earlier in the meeting. Additional items discussed include the Committee’s review of the proposal for
the Oakland Urban Growers lease amendments and the review of possible changes to the current OCPR Mission
There was no old business to address.
Request from the City of Madison Heights Regarding Parking at Red Oaks Nature Center
The Commission received a letter from Melissa Marsh, City Manager of the City of Madison Heights regarding
parking fees for Madison Heights residents at the Red Oaks Nature Center. After a brief discussion, the
Commission directed Executive Officer Daniel Stencil to meet with her to investigate alternate options and report
back to the Commission.
Reduced Operating Hours at Waterford Oaks Waterpark and Red Oaks Waterpark and Possible No Lifeguard
Coverage at Groveland Oaks Park
For the past 4+ years, the number of individuals applying for lifeguard positions for the Oakland County Park
System has significantly been reduced. To date, OCPR has not received enough applications and/or employees
to fill our operations needs at Red Oaks Waterpark and Waterford Oaks Waterpark. Park operating staff met
extensively to address this challenge and staff’s recommendation is, subject to approval by Jeff Ellis & Associates,
to change Groveland Oaks swimming operation to a Swim At Your Own Risk/No Lifeguard operation as we have
done at Independence Oaks over the past 3 years.
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Over the last several years OCPR staff has worked with OC Human Resources on a comprehensive recruitment
plan for lifeguards and other summer staff. As a result of the low number of applicants for the Lifeguard positions
staff is recommending the following changes in hours of operation for the Oakland County Waterparks and
Groveland Oaks Beach:
• Red Oaks Waterpark in Madison Heights opened June 7 with reduced hours of 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Starting June 15, Red Oaks Waterpark returned to full operation of Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
and Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
• Waterford Oaks Waterpark in Waterford delayed its opening to June 10. Waterford Oaks
Waterpark will operate at reduced hours of 11 a.m.-3 p.m. the entire month of June.
• The beach at Groveland Oaks County Park and Campground will not be lifeguarded and began
operating as “swim at your own risk” effective June 15.
Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. McGillivray to change Groveland Oaks swimming operation to a
Swim At Your Own Risk/No Lifeguard operation, and change the hours of operation for Red Oaks Waterpark
and Waterford Oaks Waterpark as listed below:
• Red Oaks Waterpark in Madison Heights opened June 7 with reduced hours of 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Starting June 15, Red Oaks Waterpark returned to full operation of Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
and Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
• Waterford Oaks Waterpark in Waterford delayed its opening to June 10. Waterford Oaks
Waterpark will operate at reduced hours of 11 a.m.-3 p.m. the entire month of June.
The changes implemented for the waterparks will be re-evaluated in July.
YES: Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray (6)
NAYS: (0)
Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Length of Commission Meetings
Commissioner McGillivray commented that the length of the Commission meetings needs to be reduced. Three
Commission members have already left the meeting and lately the meetings have been extremely long. It was
suggested that possibly more items could be included on the Consent Agenda section of the meeting agenda. If a
Commissioner has a question the item could be pulled from Consent Agenda section and moved to the Regular
Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Gary McGillivray, Secretary Vicky Valko, Recording Secretary