HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2019.07.10 - 39384Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting July 10, 2019 Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. in the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Springfield Oaks Activity Center/Carousel Room. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Gary McGillivray, Executive Committee Member Christine Long, Ebony Bagley, Ron Fowkes, Robert Kostin, Andrea LaFontaine, Jim Nash, Nancy Quarles COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation DJ Coffey, Groveland Oaks Park Supervisor Mike Donnellon, Chief – Park Facilities Maint. & Development Sandy Dorey, Recreation Program Supervisor Jim Dunleavy, Chief – Park Operations & Maint. – N. District Tom Hughes, Chief – Park Operations & Maint. - S. District Karrie Jager, OCPR/Fiscal Services Supervisor Jennifer Myers, Architectural Engineer III Brenda Reyes-Mezza, OCPR/Fiscal Services Accountant II Brandy Sotke-Boyd, Chief – Recreation Programs and Services Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor – Marketing & Communications OC Fiscal Services Jeff Phelps, Fiscal Services Coordinator OC Facilities Mgmt. Paul Zachos, Property Management Specialist OC Purchasing Andy Krumwiede, Buyer II OC Corporation Counsel Jody Hall, Financial Attorney Pete Menna, Litigator AECOM Troy Naperala Oakland Urban Growers Bruce Ellwanger Springfield Township Laura Moreau, Township Clerk Consumers Energy Noel Blazen Rep. Elissa Sloktin’s Office Laura Murphy Rowe, PSC Doug Schultz Oakland County Resident Jeff Bodway Blanche Barkin David Miller Nancy Strole Karen & Luke Sturcher Jean & Denny Vallad Diana Walls Melissa Zeluski Marie Zettner LC Scramlin, Oakland County Fair Oakland County Fair Board General Manager LC Scramlin welcomed the Commission and introduced Oakland County Fair Board President Loren Hotchkiss. Mr. Scramlin provided an update on the status of the 2019 OC Fair and thanked the Commission for all the assistance and collaboration the Oakland County Fair Board has received from Oakland County Parks and Recreation. He indicated without all the help and assistance from Oakland County Parks, the Fair would not be the successful fair it has become over the last several years. Mr. Scramlin also informed the Commission that he is extremely proud to have been nominated to be inducted into the 4H Fair National Hall of Fame. 3 OCPR Commission Meeting July 10, 2019 Page 2 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the agenda as submitted. AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the minutes of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting of June 5, 2019, with the following changes: • Change the location of the meeting to the OCPR Administration Building Commission Meeting Room. • Proposed Amendments to Oakland Urban Growers Greenhouse and Residential Leases: The last paragraph on page 4 change to: At the May 1, 2019 OCPR Commission meeting the Commission approved a motion to move forward with the proposed litigation against Oakland Urban Growers to evict them from the Greenhouse Complex and Residential Structure at Waterford Oaks County Park and attempt to recover all the past due monies from rent and utilities. Corporation Counsel informed the Commission that once a lawsuit is started, OCPRC will lose the ability to negotiate or settle the case. • Conceptual Approval of: Proposed FY 2020-2022 OCPR Budget; FY 2020 Capital Equipment Budget; FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Program and Maintenance Management Plans: The paragraph before the motion on page 5 change to: The Commission informed staff they will pass a motion to conceptually approve the proposed FY 2020 OCPRC Budget with the understanding that by the time next year’s budget is submitted that it will be in compliance with the policy for that year’s budget and the additional two years as well. In the meantime, staff will immediately begin to take steps to identify how the budget could be brought into compliance with the Commission Policy, and that periodic reports would be made to the Commission on such steps. AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Nancy Strole, former Springfield Township Board member and former Township Clerk advised she is a strong supporter of the recommendation to remove the Springfield Oaks Davisburg Dam and restore the Shiawassee River to its natural course. David Miller informed the Commission he is against the plan and believes the Historical Davisburg Dam should remain. He indicated the cost of removal was far greater than the cost to repair and restore the historical structure. Mr. Miller also advised that he is still waiting on an answer from Parks staff on an eco-friendly/natural fertilizer used at the golf courses. Laura Murphy, Oakland County Community Liaison from Representative Elissa Slotkin’s 8th District Office, introduced herself to the Commission and advised her office is available to help wherever they can on a federal level, especially 4 OCPR Commission Meeting July 10, 2019 Page 3 for possible grants with the proposed ORV park. Melissa Zeluski, a local 4H Leader, discussed the natural habitat and mowing of grass near horse barn area at Springfield Oaks County Park. She had concerns that if the grass is allowed to grow tall snakes may make it their habitat, there could be safety concerns with the children and the horses. She requested OCPR staff to re-evaluate their procedure and keep the children’s and horse’s safety in mind. Chairman Fisher suggested this matter be discussed further under the Reports section of the meeting. PRESENTATION: Executive Officer Daniel Stencil introduced Recreation Program Supervisor Sandy Dorey who was honored with the President’s Award from The Arc of Oakland County for her commitment to providing recreation to people of all abilities. The Arc of Oakland County works through education, research and advocacy to improve the quality of life for children and adults with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities in every community and works to prevent both the causes and effects of intellectual and other related developmental disabilities. Ms. Dorey has established numerous adaptive recreation programs, served on various committees, partnered with community organizations and assisted residents with finding the best services for their families. COMMUNICATION: Capital Improvement Expense Summary Fiscal Services Coordinator Jeff Phelps presented the Capital Improvement Expense Summary. This report lists the capital project agenda items requiring approval and the financial impact on the Amount Available for Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment. The Commission received and filed this report. CONSENT AGENDA: Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Ms. Quarles to approve Items 10 A through 10 O under Consent Agenda as follows: A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Ending 05/31/19 (FM 08 FY 19) B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending 05/31/19 (FM 08 FY 19) C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report by Line Item for Month Ending 05/31/19 (FM 08 FY 19) D. Monthly Capital Equipment Report for Month Ending 05/31/19 (FM 08 FY 19) E. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Ending 05/31/19 (FM 08 FY 19) F. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position For Month Ending 05/31/19 (FM 08 FY 19) G. CIP Approval Schedule Update H. Maintenance Management Plan Budget I. Monthly Purchasing Reports for Month Ending 04/30/19 (FM 07 FY 19) J. Monthly Food & Beverage Vendor Sales Reports 04/30/19 (FM 07 FY 19) 1. Katherine's 2. Lafayette Market 3. Fuller Oak Management K. CIP/Maintenance Project Approvals: 1. Fiscal Note - Groveland Oaks Waterslide Demolition (General Approval) 2. Glen Oaks Conference Center Slate Roof Repair - General Approval 3. Springfield Oaks Pavement Maintenance L. Approval of Oakland County 4-H Horse Council Donation M. Brooksie Way Partnership Agreement N. OCPR/OC International Airport Open House Partnership O. Pending Capital Improvement Project Report 5 OCPR Commission Meeting July 10, 2019 Page 4 AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9 NAYS: Fowkes (1) Motion carried. REGULAR AGENDA: Proposed ORV Park Design Update (Rowe Engineering) Oakland County Parks and Recreation contracted with ROWE Professional Services to develop a design/site development plan for Phase I of the Proposed ORV Park. The contract is being reimbursed by the MDNR from a 2016 ORV grant. Mr. Doug Schultz of ROWE Professional Services updated the Commission on the Proposed ORV Park Design process and progress. Mr. Schultz provided information on Existing Conditions, Site Inventory and Analysis, Concept Site Development Plan, Park Design, Park Plan Schedule and cost estimates. Mr. Schultz advised he will come back and make a full report to the Commission at the October 2, 2019 OCPRC meeting. The design report will be incorporated into the larger Park Plan being developed by staff. The park plan will also contain information such as site history, community context, map sets, marketing plan and operations plan. Proposed Amendments to Oakland Urban Growers Greenhouse and Residential Leases Moved by Ms. LaFontaine, supported by Mr. Fowkes to approve beginning litigation regarding Oakland Urban Growers breach of contract and non-payment of rent and utilities per their lease agreements at Waterford Oaks Greenhouse and Residential property, and let OUG deal directly with Corporation Counsel and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to try to negotiate a settlement. AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, (9) NAYS: (0) ABSTAIN: VanderVeen (1) Motion carried, Request from Consumers Energy for Utility Easement Lyon Oaks - Old Plank Road Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. McGillivray to approve the following resolution approving the easement for Consumers Energy at Lyon Oaks County Park and to forward to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval, and change the word pipelines to pipeline in the easement: WHEREAS Consumers Energy approached Oakland County Parks and Recreation regarding an easement at Lyon Oaks County Park to install a new gas line and provide service to area residents; and WHEREAS Oakland County Parks and Recreation provides easements to utility companies as necessary to provide service to Oakland County residents; and WHEREAS being located along the park boundary, the proposed easement is not expected to have any negative impacts on residents use or enjoyment of Lyon Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS the new gas line will be directionally bored and therefore will have minimum impact on park property; and WHEREAS the easement has been reviewed and approved by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and does not constitute a conversion of grant-funded property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby request the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the attached easement for Consumers Energy to provide gas service to residents of Oakland County. 6 OCPR Commission Meeting July 10, 2019 Page 5 AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. 2019 License Agreement with Waterford Oaks BMX Volunteer Association Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Ms. Quarles to approve the 2019 license agreement with the W aterford Oaks BMX Volunteer Association for operation of the Waterford Oaks BMX concession building. AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. Request for Additional FY 2019 Recreation Assistance Partnership Program (RAPP) Funding Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. McGillivray to approve an additional $15,000 funding for the OCPR Recreation Assistance Partnership Program (RAPP) for FY 2019. AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. CIP/Maintenance Project Approvals: Springfield Oaks – Mill Pond Dam Feasibility Study Recommendation (General Approval) At the June 2019 OCPRC meeting AECOM made a presentation to the Commission on the 90% draft report for the Davisburg Mill Pond Dam Feasibility Study. Since that time, the Springfield Township Board has completed the Decision Matrix for the project and has recommended that the dam be removed and replaced with an open- bottom culvert. AECOM representative Troy Naperla presented the Commission with the final report and the recommendation from Springfield Township. Mr. Naperla also advised there may be grant opportunities available for this project. Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Mr. Nash to Conceptually approve the recommendation of the final Davisburg Mill Pond Dam Feasibility Report which would include a tangible report for an engineering proposal. AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. Groveland Oaks Groundwater Discharge Permit Administrative Consent Order (General Approval) Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Ms. LaFontaine to approve the General Administrative Consent Order issued by Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy for Groveland Oaks Park dated May 30,2019 and payment of the $500 fine as well as the $250 groundwater discharge permitting fee, and authorize the Executive Officer to sign the document on behalf of the OCPR Commission. 7 OCPR Commission Meeting July 10, 2019 Page 6 AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. ORV Park Operating Agreement Revision and Park Name Approval Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Ms. Bagley to approve the following resolution to approve the Revised Operating Agreement between the County of Oakland and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for the operation of the proposed Holly Oaks ORV Park in Groveland Township and Holly Township and forwarded it to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval: WHEREAS it has been a long-term goal of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (“MDNR”) to provide a legal, off-road vehicle (ORV) riding area in Southeast Michigan: and WHEREAS the MDNR seeks to partner with the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (“OPRC”) for the provision of an ORV Park in Oakland County; and WHEREAS the mission of the OCPRC is to provide quality recreation experiences that encourage healthy lifestyles, support economic prosperity, and promote the protection of natural resources; and WHEREAS the creation of an ORV Park within Oakland County will provide residents and visitors with a safe, legal place to ride ORVs within the County; and WHEREAS Oakland County has the highest county percentage of ORV licenses sold in the state of Michigan; and WHEREAS two successful test events (the Dixie Gully Run) were completed by OCPRC and MDNR in 2014 demonstrating desire and need for an ORV Park within Oakland County; and WHEREAS in 2015 the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund awarded the MDNR a $2.9 million grant to secure property in Oakland County for the development of an ORV Park; and WHEREAS on July 7, 2015 the Oakland County Planning and Building Committee authorized OCPRC to negotiate a lease/operating agreement with the MDNR for the ORV Park; and WHEREAS in 2017 the MDNR purchased 235 acres of sand and gravel mine property in Holly and Groveland Townships for the express purpose of partnering with OCPRC to develop and operate an ORV Park; and WHEREAS the property purchased by the MDNR would have had extremely limited uses due to past mining activities on the property; and WHEREAS on December 6, 2017, OCPRC approved the concept of a partnership with the MDNR for the ORV Park and the creation of a Steering Committee comprised of MDNR staff and OCPRC Commissioners and staff to develop an Operating Agreement for the ORV Park; and WHEREAS the Steering Committee has negotiated the attached revised Operating Agreement and recommends its approval and execution; and WHEREAS the MDNR will own the property and OCPRC will operate the ORV Park according to the attached revised Operating Agreement; and WHEREAS the revised Operating Agreement is for a 20-year term, with a 10-year extension; and WHEREAS the MDNR and OCPRC have a collaborative, long-standing relationship working together on a variety of parks, natural resources, and recreation issues; and WHEREAS it is proposed to transfer one (1) Proprietary (PR) funded Full-time Eligible (FTE) Assistant Park Supervisor position (#5060720-12069) from Groveland Oaks to the newly created ORV Park (#5060722); and WHEREAS it is proposed to create the following PR funded part-time non-eligible (PTNE) positions at 1,000 hours per year: one (1) Parks Maintenance Aide position, nine (9) Parks Helper positions and three (3) Seasonal Program Specialist positions within the newly created unit (#5060722); and WHEREAS it is proposed to create one (1) PR funded full-time eligible (FTE) Grounds Equipment Mechanic position within the newly created unit (#5060722); and W HEREAS one (1) new GMC Sierra 2500 be added to the County fleet for the operational use at the ORV Park. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby requests the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the attached revised Operating Agreement with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that OCPRC recommends the transfer of one (1) PR funded FTE Assistant Park Supervisor (#5060720-12069) to the ORV Park (#5060722). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that OCPRC recommends the creation of the following PR funded PTNE positions at the ORV Park (#5060722): 8 OCPR Commission Meeting July 10, 2019 Page 7 Classification Number of Positions Hours per year each Parks Maintenance Aide 1 1,000 Parks Helper 9 1,000 Seasonal Program Specialist 3 1,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that OCPRC recommends the creation of one (1) PR Funded FTE Grounds Equipment Mechanic position at the ORV Park (#5060722). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that OCPRC recommends one (1) new GMC Sierra 2500 be added to the County fleet for operational use at the ORV Park. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that OCPRC recommends a new cost center (#5060722) titled Off-Road Vehicle Park be created within the Parks and Recreation fund (#50800) for budgeting and accounting purposes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the following budget amendment is recommended for FY2020. MOTOR POOL FUND (#66100) FY2020 Revenues 1030811-184010-695500-50800 Transfers In $35,000 Total Revenues $35,000 Expenses 1030811-184010-796500 Budget Equity Adjustment $35,000 Total Expenses $35,000 PARKS AND RECREATION FUND (#50800) FY2020 Revenues 5060722-160210-630700 Fees Day Use $381,000 5060722-160210-631925 Rental Facilities 10,000 5060722-160210-632023 Sales 2,625 5060722-160210-632135 Special Contracts 25,000 5060722-160210-650305 Sponsorships 10,000 5060722-160210-650105 Contributions - State Grants 30,000 5060666-160666-665882 Planned Use of Balance 204,940 Total Revenues $663,565 Expenses 5060722-160210-702010 Salaries Regular $248,058 5060722-160210-722740 Fringe Benefits 61,466 5060722-160210-712020 Overtime 2,500 5060722-160210-730198 Building Maintenance Charges 6,500 5060722-160210-730247 Charge Card Fee 3,000 5060722-160210-730562 Electrical Service 1,500 5060722-160210-730646 Equipment Maintenance 5,000 5060722-160210-730653 Equipment Rental 11,000 5060722-160210-730786 Garbage and Rubbish Disposal 800 5060722-160210-730814 Grounds Maintenance 89,000 5060722-160210-731115 Licenses and Permits 1,000 5060722-160210-731241 Miscellaneous 8,500 5060722-160210-731269 Natural Gas 500 5060722-160210-731388 Printing 5,000 5060722-160210-731500 Public Information 9,050 5060722-160210-731626 Rent 54,000 5060722-160210-731689 Security Expense 36,808 5060722-160210-732018 Travel and Conference 1,000 5060722-160210-750063 Custodial Supplies 3,000 5060722-160210-750154 Expendable Equipment 9,000 5060722-160210-750399 Office Supplies 500 5060722-160210-750504 Small Tools 20,716 5060722-160210-750511 Special Event Supplies 1,500 5060722-160210-750581 Uniforms 1,000 5060722-160210-761042 Depreciation Park Improvements 14,667 5060722-160210-774363 Info Tech Operations 4,820 5060722-160210-774677 Insurance Fund 15,000 5060722-160210-776659 Motor Pool Fuel Charges 2,000 5060722-160210-776661 Motor Pool 35,000 9 OCPR Commission Meeting July 10, 2019 Page 8 5060722-160210-778675 Telephone Communications 1,680 Total Expenses $663,565 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY2021 and FY2022 budget will be developed during the FY2020- FY2022 County Executive budget process. AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. REPORTS: Executive Officer Report • Update on OCPR Natural Resources Management and proposed managed goose hunt at Lyon Oaks County Park • Springfield Oaks Park Horse Arena area mowing standards and procedures, site management and safety issues • The August 7, 2019 OCPRC meeting will be held at the OCPR Administration Building • The next Executive Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, July 15, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. • July is National Parks and Recreation Month • Staff recommendation on discontinuing fireworks at Addison Oaks Park starting in 2020 due to costs and competition of fireworks displays in surrounding area Fiscal Sustainability Work Group Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells provided an update on the Fiscal Sustainability Work Group. The topics that were recently addressed included: • The Capital Improvement Projects and Maintenance Management Projects • The impact of the CIP’s and MM’s on the Unrestricted Net Position • Collaboration with OC Economic Development on the evaluation of golf courses and conference centers • Long range budget and evaluation with OC Fiscal Services Division • Evaluation of Fees and Charges and prioritization of programs and events Ms. Wells thanked and commended the OCPR staff for all their efforts at the parks leading up to the 4th of July holiday. Moved by Mr. Nash, supported by Mr. Kostin to thank OCPR staff for the excellent service and dedicated hard work especially during the 4th of July holiday. AYES: Bagley, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. Activity Participation and Program Review Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance-North District Jim Dunleavy, Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance- South District Tom Hughes, Chief of Recreation Programs and Services Brandy Sotke-Boyd, and Supervisor - Marketing and Communications Desiree Stanfield provided an update on the OCPR parks, facilities, events, programs and associated social media. The Commission asked if more of the OCPR programs and events could be placed on the OCPR website to make more Oakland County residents aware of what OCPR has to offer. 10 OCPR Commission Meeting July 10, 2019 Page 9 Proposed ORV Park Update The MDNR and OCPR scheduled a VIP Preview and Media Day Event on July 18, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the site of the Holly Oaks ORV Park, by invitation only. The Commission received and filed the update report on the Holly Oaks ORV Park development. Executive Committee Update Chairman Fisher advised the topics discussed at the last Executive Committee meeting were already discussed earlier in the meeting. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to report. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to report. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 3:14 p.m. Gary McGillivray, Secretary Vicky Valko, Recording Secretary 11