HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2020.05.06 - 39394Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
Regular Meeting
May 6, 2020
Chairman McGillivray called the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. via
Chairman Gary R. McGillivray, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Ebony Bagley, Executive
Committee Member Christine Long, Amanda Herzog, Gregory Jamian, Robert Kostin, Andrea LaFontaine,
Jim Nash, Nancy Quarles
Parks and Recreation Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer
Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation
Phil Castonia, Chief – Business Operations
Mike Donnellon, Chief – Park Facilities Maint. & Development
Jim Dunleavy, Chief – Park Operations & Maint. – N. District
Tom Hughes, Chief – Park Operations & Maint. - S. District
Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning
Brandy Sotke-Boyd, Chief – Recreation Programs and Services
Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor – Marketing & Communications
OC Corporation Counsel Jody Hall, Financial Attorney
OC Fiscal Services/P & R Jeff Phelps, Fiscal Services Coordinator
OC Compliance Office Pam Weipert, Compliance Officer
Yvette Thrush, Auditor II
OC Facilities Management Paul Zachos, Property Management Specialist
OC Health & Human Services Kathy Forzley, Director
Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the agenda as submitted.
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.
Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Ms. Herzog to approve the minutes of the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission Special Meeting of April 22, 2020, as submitted.
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.
There were no comments from the public.
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Independence Oaks Bailey House Conversion Mitigation
Chairman McGillivray opened the public hearing on the Independence Oaks Bailey House Conversion Mitigation at
1:13 p.m.
Oakland County Parks and Recreation will be requesting, to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the
Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board, to convert grant-assisted property at Independence Oaks County
Since 2017 staff has been working with local residents, Clarkston Schools staff and a new non -profit organization
(Preservation Clarkston) to determine a mutually beneficial future for the Bailey House at Independence Oaks County
Park. The Bailey House (named for the Bailey Family that originally settled the land), is located on Sashabaw Road
between the entrances to Independence Oaks and Independence Oaks-North. The house was acquired as part of the
“Upper Bushman” property acquisition that created Independence Oaks-North.
There is no formal internal park access to the house, which has a driveway off Sashabaw Road. The h ouse was
utilized as a rental by the former property owners and was not in good condition when acquired by OCPR. In 2016,
OCPR put out a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Bailey House seeking bidders to either deconstruct the home or
move it to another location. A bid was received to deconstruct and reuse many of the historic/architectural features of
the house. However, shortly after the RFP was released a group of citizens (now the non-profit Preservation
Clarkston), approached the Commission with a plan to work with Clarkston Schools and their construction trades
program to renovate and restore the home. In exchange, Preservatio n Clarkston would coordinate the “swap” of
property for 3.4 acres of available vacant land just south of the Bailey House adjacent to Independence Oaks. This
plan, approved by the Parks Commission, would allow Clarkston Schools students to gain first-hand knowledge and
experience in renovation and restoration of historic homes, while restoring a community landmark on Sashabaw Road.
When the renovation is complete, Preservation Clarkston intends to sell the home (which will be on .73 acres once
split from the park), and use those proceeds to renovate additional historic structures , with the students, within the
Clarkston area.
The 3.4 acres that OCPR will be acquiring as part of the “swap” are 2 adjacent parcels (1.59 and 1.8 acres), formerly
both owned by Mr. Initzari. Mr. Initzari is donating one parcel to Oakland County Parks and Recreation, and has sold
the other parcel to Preservation Clarkston, who in turn will use it to “purchase” the Bailey House.
In summary, OCPR is converting .73 acres of grant-funded property (the Bailey House) to non-public outdoor
recreation. To mitigate that conversion, OCPR will be acquiring, v ia Donation Agreement and Purchase Agreement,
3.4 acres of vacant property adjacent to Independence Oaks, which will help provide additional park connectivity. The
location of the 2 new parcels helps expand the formerly point-to-point connection between Independence Oaks and
Independence Oaks-North.
Chairman McGillivray asked if there were any comments from the public on the Independence Oaks Bailey House
Conversion Mitigation. Staff received one communication via email from Mr. Sam Moraco representing Preservation
Clarkston. The following message was read into the record:
My name is Sam Moraco. I am here on behalf of myself, the members of Preservation Clarkston, along with
the Clarkston High School Construction Tech Program. We are here to support the conversion mitigation to
save the Bailey House. We would like to thank the Commission for your continuing support of our efforts to
save and restore the Bailey house. This project will allow our local students and residents an opportunity of a
lifetime - to be involved in a community project doing a ground-up restoration of one of our founding families
homes. Thank you.
Hearing no further comments from staff or the public Chairman McGillivray closed the public hearing at
1:24 p.m.
Capital Improvement Expense Summary
Fiscal Services Coordinator Jeff Phelps presented the Capital Improvement Expense Summary. This report lists the
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May 6, 2020
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capital project agenda items requiring approval and the financial impact on the Amount Available for Capital
Improvement and Capital Equipment. Mr. Phelps advised there were no additional items on the agenda which
would require the use of additional Unrestricted Ne t Position funds. The total Net Position as of March 31, 2020 is
$24.4 million. Fiscal Services typically updates that information on a quarterly basis, but due to COVID-19 this
information will be updated on a monthly basis.
Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Jamian to receive and file the Capital Improvement Expense
Summary Report.
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.
Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve Items 9 A through 9 N under Consent Agenda,
as follows:
A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month
Ending 03/31/2020 (FM 06 FY 20)
B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending
03/31/2020 (FM 06 FY 20)
C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report by Line Item for Month Ending
03/31/2020 (FM 06 FY 20)
D. Monthly Capital Equipment Report for Month Ending 03/31/2020 (FM 06 FY 20)
E. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Ending
03/31/2020 (FM 06 FY 20)
F. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position
For Month Ending 03/31/2020 (FM 06 FY 20)
G. CIP Approval Schedule Update
H. Maintenance Management Plan Budget
I. Monthly Purchasing Reports for Month Ending 02/29/2020 (FM 05 FY 20)
J. Monthly Food & Beverage Vendor Sales Reports 02/29/2020 (FM 05 FY 20)
1. Katherine's
2. Fuller Oak Management
K. Katherines Catering Contract Extension and Loan Deferment
L. Pending Capital Improvement Project Report
M. Fiscal Services FY 2020 2nd Quarter Forecast and Budget Amendments
N. FY 2020 2nd Quarter Forecast Report
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a roll call vote.
Resolution Approving National Parks and Recreation Month - July 2020
Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to adopt the following resolution in support of proclaiming
July 2020 as National Parks and Recreation Month and forward it to the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners for final approval:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission’s mission is to provide all residents of
Oakland County with recreational, leisure, and learning experiences, parks, open spaces, and facilities,
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resulting in a comprehensive county park system that enhances quality of life; and
WHEREAS for over 50 years the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been providing
innovative recreational experiences, facilities, and programs for the residents of Oakland County; and
WHEREAS parks, recreation activities, and leisure experiences provide opportunities for young people to live,
grow, and develop into contributing members of society; and
WHEREAS parks and recreation create lifelines and continued life experiences for older members of our
community; and
WHEREAS parks and recreation generate opportunities for people to come together and experience a sense
of community through fun recreational pursuits; and
WHEREAS parks and recreation agencies provide outlets for physical activities, socialization, and stress-
reducing experiences; and
WHEREAS parks, playgrounds, nature trails, open spaces, community and cultural centers, and historic sites
make communities attractive and desirable places to live, work, play, and visit, in a manner that contributes to
our ongoing economic vitality; and
WHEREAS parks, greenways, and open spaces provide a welcome respite from our fast-paced, high-tech
lifestyles while simultaneously protecting and preserving our natural environment; and
WHEREAS parks and recreation agencies touch the lives of individuals, families, groups, and the ent ire
community, which positively impacts upon the social, economic, healt h, and environmental quality of our
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
proclaims July 2020 as Park and Recreation Month and encourages all citizens to celebrate healthy, active
lifestyles by participating in their choice of recreation and park activities.
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a roll call vote.
Update on OCPR Millage Renewal
At the April 22, 2020 OCPR Commission meeting the Commission discussed placing this item on the
November 3, 2020 ballot with a request for a millage of .25 for Parks and Recreation. If this item is placed
on the November 2020 ballot the language needs to be submitted to the OC Clerk’s Office no later than 4:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, August 11, 2020. The OCPR Commission would need to take action at the June or July Commission
meeting so this can be sub mitted to the OC BOC and the Clerk’s Office by the required deadline. If we ask for a
millage rate of .25 it would be considered an increase from the 2010 millage question. Corporation Counsel has
advised that we will need to include the word “increase” in the ballot language because the millage proposal that was
approved in 2010 was .2415. Corporation Counsel Attorney Jody Hall advised the statue is very clear - to be a
renewal it has to be the same previously authorized millage rate.
There was additional discussion on whether the new proposal should be referred to as a replacement or an increase,
and depending on what term is used, which rate would be included in the ballot language. This item will be placed on
the July OCPR Commission meeting agenda for the Commission’s consideration/approval.
Chairman McGillivray requested staff to schedule a meeting with OCPR representatives, OC Board of Commissioners
representatives - including both Republicans and Democrats, staff from the County Executive’s office and Corporation
Counsel to discuss the details of the proposed ballot language for Oakland County Parks and Recreation’s 2020
millage renewal.
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Proposed Independence Oaks Bailey House Conversion Mitigation:
Independence Oaks Property Conversion Mitigation Proposed Resolution
Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Ms. Herzog to approve the following resolution to support the request to
convert Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund-Assisted property at Independence Oaks County Park and
forward to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission received a grant (TF06-199) from the
Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (“MNRTF”) for the acquisition of Independence Oaks-North; and
WHEREAS MNRTF policy indicates that “Property acquired or developed with Michigan Natural Resources
Trust Fund assistance shall be retained and preserved in its natural state including development needed to
provide for outdoor public recreation use as set forth in the MNRTF application”; and
WHEREAS MNRTF policy further indicates that “property acquired or developed with MNRTF assistance
shall not be wholly or partially converted to other than public outdoor recreation use without approval of the
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and MNRTF Board and the implementation of mitigation measures
approved by the DNR and the Board”; and
WHEREAS a 135-year-old residential home (“the Bailey House”) located at 9965 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston,
MI 48348 was acquired with MNRTF funding as part of the Independence Oaks -North property acquisition;
WHEREAS Preservation Clarkston and Clarkston Public Schools presented the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission with a plan to restore the Bailey House through the school district’s trades
programming, to teach students skills and techniques for historic home repair, renovation and preservation;
WHEREAS Preservation Clarkston also presented Oakland County Parks and Recreation with a plan to swap
the Bailey House property (.73 acres) for 3.4 acres of available property along Sashabaw Road and adjacent
to Independence Oaks County Park to meet MRTF’s conversion mitigation requirements; and
WHEREAS the mitigation property (3.4 acres) provides additional connectivity between Independence Oaks
and Independence Oaks-North; and
WHEREAS Oakland County Parks and Recreation has preliminary approval from the DNR for mitigation of
this conversion with the identified 3.4 acres adjacent to the park.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports
the request to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Michigan Natural Resources Trust
Fund Board to convert .73 acres of MNRTF-assisted property at Independence Oaks County Park.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby
request that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners support the request to the Michigan Department of
Natural Resources and the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board to convert .73 acres of MNRTF-
assisted property at Independence Oaks County Park.
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a roll call vote.
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Property Donation - Initzari Parcel 1
Moved by Mr. Jamian, supported by Ms. Herzog to approve the following resolution accepting the donation of
1.59 acres (parcel 08-03-401-008) by Michael Inzitari at Independence Oaks County Park and to forward it to
the Oakland County Board of Commissioners recommending that it accept the donation of the 1.59 acres
(08-03-401-008) and approve the Donation Agreement:
WHEREAS Parks and Recreation was contacted by Michael Inzitari about his interest in donating a 1.59-acre
parcel (08-03-401-008) on the east side of Independence Oaks County Park; and
WHEREAS the parcel will increase connectivity between Independence Oaks and Independence Oaks-North;
WHEREAS the Clinton River stream flows through the parcel, linking the south end of Upper Bushman lake
(Independence Oaks-North) and Crooked Lake (Independence Oaks); and,
WHEREAS the parcel consists of wetlands identified by the National Wetlands Inventory including Forested,
Scrub-Shrub and Emergent wetlands; and
WHEREAS accepting donation of this parcel will add high-quality natural habitat which will be preserved by
Parks and Recreation in perpetuity at Independence Oaks County Park.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission approves
the attached donation agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends and
requests the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to approve the attached donation agreement for parcel
08-03-401-008 (1.59 acres) located adjacent to Independence Oaks County Park.
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a roll call vote.
Property Purchase Agreement - Preservation Clarkston Parcel 2
Moved by Mr. Nash, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the following resolution approving the
purchase of 1.8 acres at Independence Oaks County Park (parcel 08-03-401-007):
WHEREAS Preservation Clarkston is a domestic non-profit corporation created to bring the community
together to protect and preserve the historical fabric of Independence Township, Michigan and the
surrounding areas; and
WHEREAS Preservation Clarkston is the owner of approximately 1.8 acres of vacant land located on
Sashabaw Road in Independence Township (Parcel Identification Number of 08-03-401-007); and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (“OCPRC”) is the owner of a residential
dwelling, located at 9965 Sashabaw Road, Independence Township, that has historic value and significance
as it was supposedly one of the first houses built in the Township (“Bailey House”); and
WHEREAS because of the historical value and significance, OCPRC spent approximately two years exploring
numerous ways to preserve the Bailey House, including issuing a request for proposal to the public for
preservation, deconstruction, or demolition; and
WHEREAS OCPRC was contacted by Preservation Clarkston regarding a purchase and swap of property,
which would provide benefits to both Parties; and
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WHEREAS in June,2018, OCPRC entered into an Agreement with MLC Building Company to “mothball” and
maintain the Bailey House until a preservation plan could be determined; and
WHEREAS A plan was created to preserve the Bailey House where OCPRC would transfer the Bailey House
and approximately .73 acres of land to Preservation Clarkston and Preservation Clarkston would transfer
1.8 acres of land to OCPRC; and
WHEREAS these transactions would provide many benefits to OCPRC and the community; and
WHEREAS Preservation Clarkston plans to renovate and restore the Bailey House and use it as a real-world
classroom for Clarkston Schools construction trades program; and
WHEREAS OCPRC will gain an additional 1.8 acres (08-03-401-007) of high-quality natural habitat, further
connecting Independence Oaks to Independence Oaks-North; and
WHEREAS the 1.8-acre parcel consists of wetlands identified by the National Wetlands Inventory including
Forested, Scrub-Shrub and Emergent wetlands; and
WHEREAS the Clinton River stream flows through the 1.8-acre parcel, linking the south end of Upper
Bushman Lake (Independence Oaks – North) to the north end of Crooked Lake (Independence Oaks); and
WHEREAS through the attached purchase agreement high-quality natural habitat which will acquired and
preserved by OCPRC in perpetuity;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission approves
the attached purchase agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends and
requests the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the attached purchase agreement.
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a roll call vote.
Operational Plan for OCPR Facilities, Programs and Events for Summer 2020
Manager of Parks and R ecreation Operations Sue Wells thanked OC Health & Human Services Director
Kathy Forzley for all her continued assistance, support and guidance to OCPR during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ms. Wells reviewed the list of the projected openings for OCPR facilities, parks, programs and events for the summer
of 2020. Before making the decision on each of the openings, staff received input from several different agencies
including the Center for Disease Control, local park and recreation agencies, the National Recreation and Parks
Association, lifeguard agencies, and other professional organizations with which we are involved. All the decisions
were not taken lightly, and at the end of the day, safety was the number one prio rity for staff and the patrons in
Oakland County. Staff feels it is not in the best interest for both staff and the patrons to open the waterparks this
summer. Several other local communities and organizations are also opting to not open their pools this summer. The
biggest concern at the waterparks and the beaches is social distancing and lifeguard rescues. The OC Health
Department advised they whole-heartedly supports OCPR not opening the waterparks this summer. The dates
proposed for the opening of OCPR facilities will also depend on the when the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Safe
Executive Order is lifted. Ms. Wells also updated the Commission on OCPR essential workers, those workers that
are working from home, and how staff would potentially be reporting back to work.
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Staff will continue to review and re-evaluate each location, event and activity and report back to the Commission on a
monthly basis.
Moved by Ms. Quarles, supported by Mrs. Long to receive and file the Operational Plan for OCPR Facilities,
Programs and Events for Summer 2020.
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, LaFontaine, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (10)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a roll call vote.
Fiscal Sustainability Work Group
Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells advised there was a meeting of the Fiscal Sustainability Work
Group prior to the Commission meeting. There is great concern about the status of the budget as a result of COVID-
19. Staff reviewed all the budget centers and identified estimated revenues and expenses thru the end of the budget
year. Listed below are projected savings/reductions for FY 2020:
Projected reduction in revenues is estimated at approximately $5,600,000
Projected reduction in expenditures is estimated at approximately $4,600,000
NOTE: This data is a snapshot in time as of the date of this meeting and is also very weather driven.
Staff plans to provide the Commission an update on this information each month to show actual and projected
Update on Proposed FY 2021-2023 OCPR Budget
Executive Officer Daniel Stencil advised according to the FY2021-2023 budget schedule the conceptual approval
of the OCPR budget will be on the June 3, 3020 OCPR Commission meeting agenda. It will then be sent to the
OC Clerk and OC Board of Commissioners. Staff will continue to review the budget for any proposed amendments
and will provide any updates prior to the Commission’s final approval of the budget at the August meeting.
Report on OCPR Compliance - Office of Audit Compliance
The Commission heard a report from staff from the Oakland County Office of Audit Compliance on the results of the
2019 OCPR Audit. The three major areas focused on for this audit included:
1. Overages and Shortages
2. Record Keeping and Training of Cash Handling Procedures
3. Compliance with the OCPR 2019 Cash and CPI Policy
OCPR has approximately 300 employees that collect revenue that is entered into the systemwide point-of-sale system
for 23 budget centers.
Every year the Office of Audit Compliance and OCPR Supervisors meet to review procedures and determine any
recommended modifications to ensure compliance with the cash handling process. Following the meeting this year
and review of the audit, recommended modifications are being put into place throughout OCPR at all cash handling
Staff from the Office of Audit Compliance advised that a s a result of these new procedures there has been
improvement each year in OCPR’s cash handling procedures.
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Executive Officer Report
In addition to the Executive Officer’s Report filed in the agenda packet, Executive Officer Daniel Stencil provided an
update on the following items:
• The next OCPR Commission meeting is Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. via teleconference.
• The next OCPRC Executive Committee meeting is Monday, May 18, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. via
• Update on application for ORV Trail Improvement Fund Grant for the development of a parking lot
along Dixie Highway at the ORV Park.
Executive Committee Update
Chairman McGillivray advised the discussion at the last OCPR Executive Committee meeting included the proposed
Oakland County Parks and Recreation millage renewal, OCPR park passes during the COVID-19 Pandemic, update
on the FY 2021-2023 Proposed Budget, and a possible revision to the Unrestricted Net Position Policy. Further
discussion on possible revisions to this policy will be discussed at the June 3, 2020 OCPR Commission meeting.
There was no old business to report.
Executive Officer Dan Stencil advised the OC Farmers Market is now open on Sunday. He also advised there are
OCPR staff and OC Sheriff Deputies present to help monitor crowds and social distancing.
Mr. Jamian asked if OCPR will have sufficient masks available when staff starts returning to work once the Stay
Home, Stay Safe Executive Order is lifted. Mr. Stencil advised the OC Emergency Operations Center has supplied a
significant number of masks, thermometers and gloves for OCPR facilities.
Meeting adjourned at 2:18 p.m.
Ebony Bagley, Secretary Vicky Valko, Recording Secretary