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Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
Regular Meeting
July 1, 2020
Chairman McGillivray called the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.
via teleconference.
Chairman Gary R. McGillivray, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Ebony Bagley, Executive
Committee Member Christine Long, Amanda Herzog, Gregory Jamian, Robert Kostin, Jim Nash, Nancy Quarles
Andrea LaFontaine
Parks and Recreation Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer
Phil Castonia, Chief – Business Operations
Sarah Cook-Maylen, Natural Resources Coordinator
Mike Donnellon, Chief – Park Facilities Maint. & Development
Jim Dunleavy, Chief – Park Operations & Maint. – N. District
Tom Hughes, Chief – Park Operations & Maint. - S. District
Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning
Brandy Sotke-Boyd, Chief – Recreation Programs and Services
Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor – Marketing & Communications
OC Fiscal Services/P & R Jeff Phelps, Fiscal Services Coordinator
Moved by Ms. Quarles, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the agenda as submitted.
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Kostin, McGillivray, Long, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.
Moved by Ms. Quarles, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the minutes of the Oakland County Parks and
Recreation Commission Regular Meeting of June 3, 2020, as submitted.
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Kostin, McGillivray, Long, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (8)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.
There were no comments from the public.
OCPR Commission Meeting
July 1, 2020
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Capital Improvement Expense Summary
Fiscal Services Coordinator Jeff Phelps presented the Capital Improvement Expense Summary. This report lists the
capital project agenda items requiring approval and the financial impact on the Amount Available for Capital
Improvement and Capital Equipment. The Commission received and filed the Capital Improvement Expense
Summary Report.
Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve Items 8 A through 8 L under Consent
as follows:
A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Ending
05/31/2020 (FM 08 FY 20)
B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending
05/31/2020 (FM 08 FY 20)
C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report by Line Item for Month Ending
05/31/2020 (FM 08 FY 20)
D. Monthly Capital Equipment Report for Month Ending 05/31/2020 (FM 08 FY 20)
E. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Ending
05/31/2020 (FM 08 FY 20)
F. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position
For Month Ending 05/31/2020 (FM 08 FY 20)
G. CIP Approval Schedule Update
H. Maintenance Management Plan Budget
I. Monthly Purchasing Reports for Month Ending 04/30/2020 (FM 07 FY 20)
J. Monthly Food & Beverage Vendor Sales Reports 04/30/2020 (FM 07 FY 20)
1. Katherine's
2. Fuller Oak Management
K. Proposed Partnership Agreement with Oakland Astronomy Club at Addison Oaks Park
L. Pending Capital Improvement Project Report
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a roll call vote.
Approval of OCPR Proposed 2020 Millage Renewal Ballot Language
Chairman McGillivray informed the Commission there have been several meetings to try to clarify and finalize the
language for the OCPR Proposed 2020 Millage Renewal for the ballot for the November 3, 2020 election.
It has been requested by some members of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to postpone the
recommendation and approval of the ballot language until after the August 4, 2020 Primary Election. As a result, this
item will be brought back to the OCPR Commission at the August 5, 2020 OCPR Commission meeting for
final approval and recommendation to the OC BOC. The OC BOC will then schedule a meeting to consider
the recommendation on the ballot language. If the ballot language is approved by the OCPR Commission on
August 5, it would still provide sufficient time to submit it to the OC Clerk’s Office by the August 11, 2020 4:00 p.m.
deadline for the November 3, 2020 election.
OCPR Commission Meeting
July 1, 2020
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CIP/Maintenance Project Approvals:
Red Oaks Waterpark Children’s Play Structure Replacement (Construction Ap proval)
Mike Donnellon, Chief of Facilities Maintenance & Development, advised due to the administrative decision to
postpone the Addison Oaks Conference Center Electrical Upgrade ($375,783) to FY2021 and other CIP project
favorability and postponements, the additional funding required for this project, including Alternate #1- the purchase
and installation of a Hypar Shade Structure (matching existing shade structures) is available in the FY2020 Capital
Improvement Program Budget.
Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Ms. Quarles to approve awarding a contract to C.E Gleeson Contractors,
Troy MI, in the amount of $897,058.00, as follows for the replacement of the existing Children’s Water
Playground Feature as a new zero depth splash pad, for a total project amount of $1,628,391.00, without the
sanitary pump station; and
Approve Alternate #1 to be included as part of the awarded contract to C.E Gleeson Contractors,
Troy MI, in the amount of $37,138, including a 5% contingency, increasing the total project to the amount of
Item Vendor Contract Amount
Splash Pad Installation/Construction (Base Bid #1) CE Gleeson Construction Public Bid $854,341.00
Sanitary Pump Station
(Approval recommendation to be made at the
August or September Commission Meeting)
Public bid 0.00
5% Contingency CE Gleeson Construction $42,717.00
Total Contract Award $897,058.00
AYES: Bagley, Herzog, Jamian, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Quarles, VanderVeen (9)
NAYS: (0)
Motion passed on a roll call vote.
Springfield Oaks Mill Pond Dam - Boundary Discussion
Staf f pr esented an update on the Springfield Oaks /Davisburg Mill Pond Dam which the Oakland County Parks
and Recreation Commission (OCPRC) jointly o wns with the Charter Township of Springfield (CTS). The joint
ownership agreement, executed in July 2015, calls for cost-sharing b etween the two parties for repair and
maintenance of the dam. OCPRC is responsible for fifty -five percent (5 5%) of the financial obligation, and CTS
is responsible for forty -five percent (45%). Rotary Park, located on the out fall side of t he dam is owned,
operated and maintained by OCPRC , while the Mill Pond Park located upstream from the dam is owned,
operated a nd maintained by CTS. Previous studies and inspections have indicated a need for a significant
investment into the dam , based on d eficiencies and associated safety/liabil ity issues.
In October 2018 , OCPRC awarded a contract to AECOM to complete the Davisburg Mill Pond Dam
Feasibility Study in order to develop a recommendation to either replace or remove the Davisburg Mill Pond
Dam. In July of 2019, CTS and OCPRC granted conceptual approv al to remove the d am and restore the area.
In November 20 19, the Commission awarded a change order to the AECOM contract to complete the
preliminary design , engineering, gra nt writing, public outreach an d conceptual park design for the re moval and
of the Mill Pond Dam. A committee was formed with OCPR and CTS staff to continue Phase II design work
with AECOM. As part of the conceptual park plan desig n, staff is planning on proposing an adjustment to the
current park boundaries that better aligns with OCPR current operations and maintenance practices.
OCPR Commission Meeting
July 1, 2020
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Staff’s presentation included an overview of cur rent boundaries , proposed changes to the property boundaries
once the dam is remove d, an d a review of proposed changes in property ownership as we move forward with
the conceptual park designs.
Staff will bring this project back to the C ommission in the fall for conceptual approval of the project.
2020 OC Board of Commissioners Invasive Species Subcommittee Potential Funding Update
Natural Resources Coordinator Sarah Cook-Maylen provided an update on potential funding from the Oakland County
Board of Commissioners (BOC) Invasive Species Prevention (ISP) subcommittee to help develop invasive species
prevention efforts to be implemented in 2020. OCPR staff has been working with the ISP committee members and
BOC staff to implement two potential priority projects which were outlined by the ISP: prevention of aquatic invasive
species, and restoration of native species. If the funding is approved, OCPR staff will provide written proposals to the
ISP committee for potential implementation of $150,000 worth of projects as outlined below:
1. Clean, Drain, Dry, Dispose Pilot Program ($118,00): The ISP has proposed that OCPR purchase two mobile
decontamination aquatic invasive species (AIS) stations that will prevent large vegetative AIS from being
transported via the recreational boating pathway. These stations will also promote education and outreach on
aquatic invasive species and the preservation of Oakland County’s lakes. The AIS stations will be delivered to
OCPR and distributed across the County at locations determined by OCPR and regional partners with final
approval of locations from the ISP. The ISP has proposed providing OCPR with $118,000 to implement this
program, which includes the cost to purchase two mobile units, staffing, maintenance, transportation, and
outreach. In addition, funding will be provided to regional partners to collaborate on this project and host local
2. 2020 Oakland County Native Plants Initiative ($32,000): The ISP has $32,000 available for the purchase and
distribution of native plants in Oakland County. If the funding is approved by the BOC, OCPR will provide a
written proposal to the ISP to implement this project with the assistance of other regional partners.
Report on Meeting with Fuller Oak Management on the Request to Defer/Waive Rent and Utilities for 2020
At the April 22, 2020 OCPR Commission meeting the Commission appointed a sub-committee to meet
with representatives of Fuller Oak Management to discuss their request to defer/waive rent and utilities for 2020 at
Addison Oaks and Glen Oaks, and report back to the Commission after the meeting. Staff and Commissioners Kostin,
Herzog, and Quarles along with Jody Hall from Corporation Counsel met with representatives of Fuller Oak
Management, LLC on June 17, 2020 to discuss their request for relief on rent and utilities which they submitted back
in March.
It was announced at the meeting that Oakland County Executive Coulter announced a new $32 million grant program
for Oakland County retail, restaurants, and personal service businesses which were impacted by the COVID-19
pandemic. After a lengthy discussion it was decided the best possible action, at this point in time, was for Fuller Oak
Management LLC to apply for a grant through this program to provide some financial relief. As a result, there was no
recommendation or decision by the subcommittee made at the meeting.
It was also decided the group would reconvene in August or September if funding through this program does not
come through or if it is not sufficient to meet the needs of Fuller Oak Management. OCPR Administrative staff plans to
have this matter finalized by the end of the fiscal year (September 30, 2020).
The Commission requested Fuller Oak Management LLC provide written correspondence to keep OCPR apprised of
the status of any grants or funds they may secure through the grant application process.
OCPR Commission Meeting
July 1, 2020
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Fiscal Sustainability Work Group
Executive Officer Daniel Stencil advised there was no Fiscal Sustainability Committee meeting before the
July 1 Commission meeting. The next meeting will be held before the OCPR Commission meeting on Wednesday,
August 5, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. via teleconference.
The following financial reports were submitted:
• OCPR FY2020/FY2019 Financial Activity Monthly Comparison – May 31, 2020
• FY2020/FY2019 Financial Activity Monthly Comparison by Program/Department - (with Depreciation)
• FY2020/FY2019 Financial Activity Monthly Comparison by Program/Department - (without Depreciation)
• Financial Activity Comparison for Fiscal Months 06 (March) and 08 (May) by Fiscal Year
Update on Operational Plan for OCPR Facilities
Staff provided an update on the status of the Operational Plan for OCPR parks and facilities due to COVID-19
which included protocols for Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks campgrounds. Both campgrounds are scheduled at
full capacity for the July 4th holiday weekend. Health inspections are continuing at Independence Oaks beach due to
the geese population. As a result, staff has suggested having border collies at the park to help address the geese
population and their impact on the beach.
Activity Participation and Program Review
Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance-North District Jim Dunleavy, Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance-
South District Tom Hughes, and Chief of Recreation Programs and Services Brandy Sotk e-Boyd provided an update
on the OCPR parks, facilities, events, and programs.
Golf Operations Update - PPT
Chief of Parks Operations and Maintenance-South District Tom Hughes and Chief of Park Operations and
Maintenance-North District Jim Dunleavy a presentation on the 2020 OCPR golf course operations. Information
provided included revenues, expenses, proposed timelines, and new precautions and procedures due to COVID-19
for Glen Oaks, Lyon Oaks, Red Oaks, Springfield Oaks, and White Lake Oaks golf courses.
2019 Dashboard and Data Book
Supervisor of Planning Melissa Prowse updated the Commission on the Oakland County Parks and Recreation
Dashboard and Data Book. The Dashboard and Data Book is a comprehensive reference for information about the
Oakland County Parks system and individual park properties. It compiles data that can be used to evaluate the
performance of current facilities and services, as well as potential need for additional facilities and services. The
FY2019 Dashboard and Data Book is available on the OCPR website at OaklandCountyParks.com/Planning.
Ms. Prowse advised that updates on some sections of the Data Book are still underway. Each of those sections are
clearly identified. Staff will notify the Commission when the updates are complete.
Holly Oaks ORV Park Update
Staff provided an update on the activity and development occurring and planned at Holly Oaks ORV Park, including
the work with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and volunteer groups. At this time the park’s public
opening is anticipated to be Thursday, September 17, 2020. A grand-opening celebration is being planned the
weekend before during the Detroit 4Fest.
OCPR Commission Meeting
July 1, 2020
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Executive Officer Report
In addition to the Executive Officer’s Report filed in the agenda packet, Executive Officer Daniel Stencil provided an
update on the following items:
• The next OCPR Commission meeting is Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. via teleconference.
• The next OCPRC Executive Committee meeting is scheduled on Monday, July 20, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. via
• The Red Oaks Nature Center Storybook Trail has been recognized with an Achievement Award from the
National Association of Counties (NACo).
• OCPR Beach Openings: Independence Oaks County Park opened its beach on June 1, and Groveland
Oaks opened its beach on June 25, when the park and cam pground opened for the season. Visitors to the
beach are encouraged to social distance and avoid sharing water toys, sunscreen, beach chairs and other
items to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Beach capacity is limited to 100 individuals; capacity will be
monitored by park staff.
• The Freshwater Forum at Cranbrook Institute of Science held its annual Lake Sixteen Cleanup at Orion Oaks
on June 14, 2020 in conjunction with the Clinton River Watershed Council River Day. More than a dozen
volunteers from the Lake Orion based Slow Row LO paddling group retrieved over a 100 tennis balls and
other trash items from the water and along the shoreline.
• Completion of Normandy Oaks Park Construction Phase I and Phase II in the city of Royal Oak is estimated
for December 2020
• Proposed Little Libraries Program in Oakland County Parks campgrounds
• July is National Parks and Recreation Month
• As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the September and October OCPR Commission meetings will be held
at off-site locations. Meetings through 2020 are as follows:
➢ September 2, 2020 at 1 p.m. Mt. Holly Ski & Snowboard Resort
➢ October 7, 2020 at 1 p.m. Catalpa Oaks – Oakland County South Health Division Office
➢ November 4, 2020 at 1 p.m. OCPR Administration Office
➢ December 2, 2020 at 1 p.m. OCPR Administration Office
These dates/times are subject to change if there are any new Executive Orders issued from the
Executive Committee Update
Chairman McGillivray advised the discussion at the last OCPRC Executive Committee meeting included the review of
the agenda for the July 1, 2020 OCPR Commission meeting and the proposed millage ballot language for the 2020
Oakland County Parks and Recreation millage renewal.
There was no old business to report.
Chairman McGillivray thanked OCPR entire staff for all they have done during the very trying times the last few
months, and especially to the staff involved in the preparation and implementation of the new teleconference
meetings. He wanted staff to know the Commission appreciates all their dedicated efforts and hard work.
OCPR Commission Meeting
July 1, 2020
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Meeting adjourned at 2:28 p.m.
Ebony Bagley, Secretary Vicky Valko, Recording Secretary