HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1969.02.20 - 39485oakland county service center Mrs. Frances Clark Chairman John L. Carey Vice -Chairman Mrs. Velma Austin Secretary Daniel W. Barry Clarence A. Durbin • 1200 north telegraph road pontiac, michigan February 20, 1969 Donald A. Kalmbach To the Members of t h e Daniel T. Murphy James L. Reid PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Henry A. Schiffer Oakland County, Michigan Frazer W. Staman Commissioners Kenneth L. Van Natta Ladies & Gentlemen: Director A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND Gerard C. Lacey RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: Assistant Director TIME ............ 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, February 26, 1969 PLACE ........... Parks & Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE ......... Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with author- ization of Frances Clark, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordially yours, Kenneth L. Van Natta KLV:sw OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA February 26, 1969 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Approval of minutes of January 29, 1969 meeting. 4. Setting of admission rates for 1969. 5. Soap Box Derby week report. 6. Flower Show participation. 7. Review of correspondence to other Parks & Recreation departments and City Commissions. 8. Davisburg Rotary involvement. 9. New Business. 10. Adjourn. ADDISON-OAKS Help 2 Co -Manager 2 Housekeepers Crew Chief 10 - 15 Teachers & College Students (Av. 12 @ $2.50) County Help & Equipment Rental Estimated Cost 1969 $12,000 6,500 Estimated Material and Repair Costs 6,500 12,000 5,000 $42,000 Building & Outside repair $ 8,000 Plumbing 4,000 Painting 10,000 Renovation (stucco & carpenter work) 8,000 Misc. outside material - gas, oil, other needs 1,000 Equip. to be purchased - Truck, tractor, mowers 8,000 $39,000 Estimated possible contract work (Time & Material) -Development Stage Lake work (Beach) Concession Building (Finish) 64 x 45 Miscellaneous Furniture & Carpeting (interior restaurant development) Picnic Tables & Benches Sanitary facilities January ZO, 1909 Mr. Charles B. Edwards, Jr. Chai=an, Board of Supervisors OaLland County Court House Pontiac, H.idiigan Dear Mr. Edwards: 111is is to notify you that off-ectivo February 1, 1969 1 will' resign from the Oakland County Parks and Roccation C"Owmaission. I find that the requirements and pressure of of or duties walk0:5 it imi)o5siblO for 1110 to continue as a merabor of this co=Ussioll- I have been a momber of this Comi,,,Assion siacc its organization. In A"C 0, the short period of time that the Oa-l',land Coull"LY Parks a11 "' cr atiOl" Comzission has been organized, it 'I1a5 cowio fai- beyond any expoctations I had. TI-ic amount of land the Comwizsioa teas boon able to obtain, the reasonable prices that it paid and t10 acceptance of the Fos oral Govern- mont in matching 50% on every pioco the CO=issiOn has Purchased, seems to and to be extra ordinary and it wo-ald Soora its diroctor and members are working very diligontly in the interest of the taxpayer of Oakland County. I am hopeful that now n.oWbors -;,,projjjtcd to the Oilkland County Parks and 1wcreation Commission in the -i"U'Luro, is donc With PaOP10 who itave vision for t1le future ncoda of parks and pccroatioij arca for the people. Thee people I have worked with oft this�'Cofll' is' Sioll llavc bean 0 ic t0d to that principal. 71io Parks and Recreation Commis-sioa is County oriented. It is a member of the Oakland County family and works vory closely With thO County agencies and follows County practices 111 all Of its administrative aspects. It is with deep rogmts that I find it necessary to severe Ay relations with this CohmisSiCa. Sincerely, ijaaiol T. Murphy cllaix"Pw-1 cc: Mr. Ron VansNatta Mrs. Frt4iicas Clark Mr, Alexandor C. Porinoff ADDISON-OAKS SKEET AND TRAP SHOOTING FACILITY These facilities have been inspected and found to have the very best of equipment. The trap houses are new and in a good state of repair. There is a new foundation with a pre -cast floor that a clubhouse was being started on. This building should be finished and could be finished fairly reasonable. The range does not seem to be laid out properly. The angles should be checked and corrected if necessary. The attached projection of use and income was furnished by a Mr. Adler who is interested and enthused about taking over the operation on a concession basis. It is my opinion that these projections are over enthusiastic and a practical approach would be closer to 35 percent of what is shown, however, the facility is first class, has a considerable amount of money invested in it and should be put to use if it is at all possible to do it on a self sustaining basis. Kenneth L. Van Natta KLV:sw