HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1971.01.15 - 39523oakland county service center Frances Clark Chairman John L. Carey Vice -Chairman Velma Austin Secretary • Daniel W. Barry Thomas J. Dillon Clarence A. Durbin Sol D. Lomerson James L. Reid E. Frank Richardson Henry A. Schiffer Commissioners • Kenneth L. Van Natta Director • Gerard C. Lacey Assistant Director • Pauline McCormick Adm. Assistant • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIOK 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 338-6196 January 11, 1971 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME .......... 9:3O a.m. Friday, January 15, 1971 PLACE......... Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 PURPOSE....... Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authori- zation of Frances Clark, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. KLV:slw Cordially, Kenneth L. Van Natta OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA January 15, 1971 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes of December 18, 1970 and January 5, 1971 4. Request from Ed Wichert to address Commission 5. Financial projection and priority develop- ment schedule for 1971 6. New Business 7. Adjourn �� PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION oakland county service center 2800 watkins lake road pontioc, michigan 338-6196 Frances Clark January 21, 1971 Chairman John L. Carey Vice -Chairman Velma Austin Secretary To the Members of the • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Daniel W. Barry Oakland County, Michigan Thomas J. Dillon Clarence A. Durbin Sol D. Lomerson Ladies and Gentlemen: James L. Reid E. Frank Richardson Henry A. Schiffer The attached copies of Board of Commissioners Commissioners minutes refer to a proposal made by Huron -Clinton Metropolitan Authority. This proposaL has been Kenneth L. Van Notta sent to us for our consideration, in reality it is Director • thought that they mean consideration and recommenda- Gerard C. Lacey t i o n . Assistant Director There is considerable data t:.t be gathered and Pauline McCormick Adm. Assistant presented to you if any recommendation can be justi- fied. The gathering of these stattstics and the relating of cause and effect of the proposal,as it pertains to Oakland County, will take some time. A resume of events, conditions and logics will be forwarded to you at an early date in order that you may have some information avaLirible prior to making a recommendation. Kennet!i L. \an Natta KLV:slw Enclosures. '., Z � � )Z,,, 7! ? L �-- � ional Affairs Committee, January 13, 1971 Page 3 � intention that this � Mr. Murphy said that he, Mr. Wilcox and Mr. VanNatta were /r embers of the Executive `.vmm'/.ee of the S==i".`~e."e.a' `'e'""'°''~'' '"~/ ''~ would be an official history. Invitations were sent to Mayors and 1 Commissions asking for arti c _s on t�eir communities and advising them as to how manyc/vilo�rds they would be a I I owe(-:�n` nal publication. Many of the articles submitted ere twice the specified length and had to be difed. He advised that the Executive Com� ion d it ed He to withdraw the a ertising that indicates the book is an officia history of the County. to e� mk, on| von that the oonx is an official history,on apologye for something the o Commissioners were Motion carried, CountyArb Council Mr. Aaron stated that lie had prese iscellaneous Resolution 5586 to the Board in order to keep the matter of an Arts Cou i a i Mr. Murphy noted that the Lilienthal report indicated there were many importr-dif things \g*Hngon in the art world in Oakland County but that there was no coordinaf program. H_ said fhat although the first overatUres to Oakland University in this regard re unsuccessful, f y will try again, and that Cranbrook is definitely interested in the establi 'merit of an arts counc . Mo. Bawden mentioned PV1 lip Hanes whocouncil ;n Winston-Salem, North �o � d said she e would write to himgai ice and helpful suggestions. Choinnon Konokot ed that this matter be brought upomonths' time for a status report. Mill Creek Research CoVnc',|, Inc. A letter dale ember 15, 1970, from David D. Bacon, President of the Mill Creek Research Counci I, s Movby Aaron, supported by Brannon, that the !ether 6zxn the Mill <�naek »e4roh Council, Inc. be received and placed on file. ion carried. Regional ' Parks Mrs, 8ovv6en recalled Mr. James Clorkson's appearance before the 'former Regional Affairs Committee in regard tothe acquisition of park lands by the Huron-Cl|nfon Metropolitan Authority and her belief that this matter should have been referred to the Parks' 8. Recreation \ Commission. Local & Regional Affairs Committee, January 13, 1971 Em Mr. Mainland expressed the concern of certain townships over the diversion of -^' large tracts into tax free pork lands and the resulting burden on individual property owners. � He believes consideration should be given to some 6onn of payment in lieu of taxes to alleviate the hardship. Moved by Bowden/ supported k"Mainland, that the matter oFanother pork development by the Huron -Clinton Metropolitan Authority (see Regional /\Roir» Committee minutes of September 4, 1470) be referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission for their consideration. Motion carried, Mn. 8ovvdon also recalled that Mr. Clarkson indicated the need for additional mYlluga if Huron -Clinton develops another park and takes over the openztinn of Belle |r|*- This miilogm would not bevoted but Would come from the 15-mil| o6 valorem tax as does its present Libraries Mrs. 8ovv6en referred tocertain questions brought op7n the November ll, 1970, meeting of the Ny8yonol Affairs Committee in regard to libraries which were referred to the Local /\Rmlo Committee and the Library Board. ^ Mr. Murphy advised that meeting ofthe Library Board will be called soon and o report made back to this Committee. Mn. Bowden requested that the Countv's Legislative Agent keep this Committee informed of any legislation on the funding of SEMT/\, Mr. Mainland said that some month'soQo it had been suggested that representatives of3EMC(}G be invited to appear before the 0oonj to make presentation of their program and activities. He feels strongly that this should be done oto meeting in February or March. . Mrs. Bowden suggested that since SEMC{}G is rather complicated organization it would be well if the Committee could visit their.oRioas and meet with the staff for more complete orientation. ' Chairman Bonzkotonnounoe6 that, if there were no objections, he would arrange for such o meeting in the very near future. Upon motion bv Brennan, the meeting adjourned ot 11:12o.m. .~ Reta Ericl�s_onRecording Secretary Anton J. Guyer, Committee Cle NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to approval by the Committee. REGIONAL AFFAIRS September 4, 1970 The meeting was called to order at 1:40 p.m. by Chairman O'Brien, in the Conference Room, Auditorium Wing, Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. REGIONAL AFFAIRS MEMBERS PRESENT: Carl W. O'Brien, Chairman; C ristian F. Powell; Mary Bawden; Delos Hamlin; Lee Walker REGIONAL AFFAIRS MEMBERS ABSENT: Albert Sza o; Charles B. Edwards, Jr. OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Commissioners Livingston County Press Reporter Approval of the Minutes M.A. Benson, Jr., Commissioner 4 representatives from the Bd. of Comm. Jean Sai le, Pontiac Press Moved by Walker, supported by Bawden, that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as printed. Motion carried. Discussion of Proposed Purchase of Belle Isle By Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority Mr. O'Brien prefaced his introduction of James.Clarkson, Chairman of the Huron - Clinton Metropolitan Authority by stating that, "Yesterday a very unfortunate thing happened. The Board of Commissioners approved a millage increase of three mills to go on the November Ballot. I suspect that the three mill increase will wipe out all millage increases and itself." He then asked Mr. Clarkson what it is we are being asked to do in the Belle Isle Mi llage Proposal. Mr. Clarkson stated that there is really nothing to be done right now. Belle Isle will require 41 million dollars for all the needed renovation. The beach will have to be relocated on the opposite side of the island, a retaining wall put in, construction of beach houses, and a new road system to name some of the programs. Wayne County is trying to have a say in the running of the Island, but HCMA is opposed to that. The Island will be taken on a 99 year lease. The 41 million will be partly funded by Federal and State Grants. The 1/4'mill which HCMA now collects will not be sufficient within a few years to even keep up with the parks in relation to the population and will have to ask for another 1/8 mill. He further stated that we would have to stop all future development and land acquisition to maintain the Belle Isle Park without a millage increase. Mr. Clarkson stated that both Metropolitan Parks in Oakland County, Stoney Creek, which has had to turn people away in the summer, and Kensington Parks, are on the very edges of the County. Since Oakland is the second largest payer, he feels that it should be getting more out of the program than it is. Macomb, which is the third of fourth payer has two major parks. Regional Affairs September 4, 1970 Page -2- Mr. O'Brien stated that the County now has six parks and is considering the purchase of a golf course. He would like to see parks on all level, metropolitan and intermediate, established. Private enterprise is buying up more and more lake property and drastically reducing the amount of public access. Mr. Benson stated that he feels we should be acquiring land now for use in parks of the future. Mr. Walker suggested that a major park be planned in the Brandon -Independence area. He felt. that this area would lend itself both in natural resources and transportation arteries. Mr. Clarkson stated that Huber Lake in Ortonville Recreation area is ideal. It is located between M-15 and M-24. Mrs. Bawden stated that she felt the main concern should be the acquisi- tion of land for parks in the next 10 years. She questioned what would be accomplished by a trans- ferral of land from the State to the Metropolitan Authority. She felt that it would be wiser for HCMA to buy adjacent land to be used for expansion and thereby not unnecessarily tie up HCMA funds. Mr. Powell asked about the liability of having a major park developed in Oakland County and about experiences of rioting. Mr. Clarkson replied that the only liability is in having the land involved in the park removed from the tax roles. The parks are constructed so that any given area can easily be sealed off and any trouble can be confined rapidly. A Metropolitan Park brings business into the surrounding area and increases land values in the area. Moved by Walker, supported by O'Brien, that this Committee go on record as urging the Huron -Clinton Metropolitan Authority to develop a large Metropolitan Park in Oakland County. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m. NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to approval by the Committee. ss MIDWEST 4-6161 4200 TELEGRAPH RD., BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MICH. 48013 HOMER CASE, SUPERVISOR DELORIS V. LITTLE, CLERK FRED KORZON, TREASURER January 12, 1971 To Whom It May Concern: Kindly be advised that I would be in favor of a park in Section 1, North of I-75 West of Adams Road, in Bloom- field Township such as For Mar Nature Preserve in Genesee County. However, we would like _local Police control -regarding hours etc. he ;dl Sincerely, 44merCase, Supervisor Bloomfield Township . TRUSTEES JOHN R. GNAU, JR. ROBERT A. REID OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Financial Projection for 1971 The purpose of the attached financial projection, which is an estimate, is submitted to assist you in establishing a development priority schedule for the year of 1971. Also attached is a list of development projects that are recommended to have top priorities. These priority projects were designated as the developments that would best improve the entire Parks system. No monies were set aside for contingencies and no monies were allocated for possible development of our food service system. As we progress in our development, it is expected some conditions will occur that could change cost esti- mates that may force a change of priorities. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Estimated 1971 Financial Projection REVENUE Estimated Balance - 12/31/70 $ 150,000.00 Equipment Revolving Fund 75,000.00 Estimated Tax Collection (90% of $1,184,747.63) 1,066,272.00 Estimated Park Revenue 250,400.00 Total Estimated Revenue $1,541,672.00 EXPENDITURES Budget Appropriation Administrative $ 100,308.00 Maintenance 24,384.00 Springfield -Oaks 58,982.00 Groveland-Oaks 65,053.00 Independence -Oaks 41,136.00 Waterford -Oaks 34,800.00 Addison -Oaks 89,390.00 White Lake -Oaks 44,430.00 Total Budgets $ 458,483.00 LAND CONTRACT PAYMENTS White Lake -Oaks $ 180,250.00 Independence -Oaks -projected 200,000.00 Total Land Contract Payments $ 380,250.00 ENCUMBERED - 1970 PROJECTS Springfield -Oaks $ 7,000.00 Addison -Oaks 40,000.00 Total Encumbrances $ 47,000.00 EQUIPMENT REVOLVING FUND $ 75,000.00 Total Expenditures $ 960,733.00 Total Estimated Funds Available for 1971 Park Development $ 580,939.00 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Recommended Development for 1971 ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COSTS Springfield -Oaks Manager's Quarters $ 27,500.00 Equipment Storage & Repair Bldg. 15,000.00 Clubhouse 150,000.00 Site Improvement 10,000.00 Fencing 18,000.00 Entrance Sign 4,000.00 $ 224,500.00 Groveland-Oaks Fencing $ 12,000.00 Entrance Road 20,000.00 Dumping Station & Sanitary Fac.* 45,000.00 Renovate Buildings 7,000.00 Entrance Sign 4,000.00 88,000.00 Independence -Oaks Fencing $ 12,000.00 Manager's Quarters 27,500.00 Equipment Storage & Repair Bldg. 22,000.00 Roads 15,000.00 *Beach Improvement 5,000.00 *Clubhouse Repair 15,000.00 *Electricity (underground) 20,000.00 *Sanitary Facilities & Water Supply 40,000.00 Entrance Sign 4,000.00 160,500.00 *Costs of these items are contingent upon the purchase of other property Addison -Oaks Finish Concession Bldg. & Sanitary Facilities $ 35,000.00 Water Supply 2,000.00 Develop Picnic & Beach area (small lake) 10,000.00 Dumping Station 5,000.00 Entrance Sign 4,000.00 56,000.00 White Lake -Oaks Building Renovation $ 25,000.00 Golf Course Improvement (2nd nine) 26,000.00 51,000.00 Waterford -Oaks Pending decision from Department of Natural Resources -0- TOTAL $ 580,000.00 Unappropriated Surplus $ 939.00