HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1972.04.14 - 39538oakland county service center Frances Clark Chairman Donald W. Nick Vice -Chairman Henry A. Schiffer Secretary Clarence A. Durbin Emil Jawors William L. Mainland Paul W. McGovern Carl W. O'Brien William M. Richards E. Frank Richardson Gerard C. Lacey Assistant Director Pauline McCormick Adm. Assistant PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 338-6196 April 10, 1972 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME ............ 9:30 a.m. Friday, April 14, 1972 PLACE ........... Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 PURPOSE ......... Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authori- zation of Frances Clark, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordially, Frances P. Clark Acting Director FC/lw OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA April 14, 1972 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes of March 29, 1972 4. Approval of Payments - March Voucher 3-48 through April Voucher 4-46 5. Adams Woods report - Mr. Joseph Barakat 6. Progress report - Mr. Lacey Youth Activities agreement Residence - Springfield 7. Progress report - Mr. Johnston 8. Landscaping White Lake -Oaks Springfield -Oaks Addison -Oaks 9. New Business Equipment for Youth Activities Center 10. Old Business 11. Adjourn VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION March, 1972 unn ARP NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-48 Sundry Administrative C 6�— 3-49 State of Michigan Treasury [Waterford - Addison Taxes for February 229.53 3-50 Sundry Administrative Commission Meeting 73 5 70 3-51 Ward S. Newman Administrative Custodial Services 140.00 3-52 William W ant Addison Contract Payment(Chef) 3-53 Sundry - Mileage Administrative Sandra Newman - Lorie Weinman 6.60 3-54 Carol n Wright Waterford Extra Help at Waterford 0 0 3-55 Miller Sprinkling Sprinkling system - White Lake 3 835 3-56 Sundry Extra Help at Waterford 30.00 3-57 Stationary Stock Administrative - Waterford Charges for FebruarV Addison 64.30 3-58 Rolf.Winter Photography Pictures of Springfield 25.00 3-59 Detroit Edison Untilitv Bill - Waterford 93.29 3-60 PettyCash Reimburse petty cash - Addison 49.30 3-61 Koepplinger's Bakery Charges for February - Addison 78.16 3-62 Giacalone Electric Wiring New Addition _ 3-63 PettyCash White Lake Reimburse -petty - 3-64 P. J. Mason Springfield Contract Paymeat 3-65 Bernadine Paull Waterford Activities Class Tnstrurto-r q?.On 3-66 Sundry - Travel Expense Administrative 1' 3-67 Sundry Extra 3-68 Michigan Bell Tele hone Springfield-Groveland-Waterfor Bill for Administrative -- 291.51 3-69 Interstate Alarm Tape Change - Administrative -70 Consumers Power Utilitv bill - Grove and 2.52 3-71 Consumers Power White Lake Utility bill - Addison 952 J6 3-72 L. S. Familv Foods har es for February - Addison 63.32 3-73 Pontiac Glass Company.,irror for Waterford 27.53 !l.vi..M.. 'r::..�iV�31�� '.�P �.r:k:-..r .>�Yt - .a:�i; .:: � ._.u_.:S3r. '_.i.._ry ".. 'v..; : .. •. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARRS AND RECREATION rnI?rAV4 NUMBER+` VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 3-74 Rud ' 3-755�-_ utbzxlaod_Oil Fuel Oil fny AddiSoni 202-75 3-76 Chesterfield Fuel as Fuel for Addis2n 164-65 3-77 Petty Cash Reimburse getty 3-78 Economics Laboratory Addison H u eke 3-79 Loeffler Cut Stone Slate for White Lake 289 '30 3=80 Imperial Propane Propane 3-81 G. A. Thompson Plumbinz--at White Lake 7,54 3-82 Pay Roll All Parks Pay perioden -83 Bryant Trucking Space Heaters for h- L k 3-84 Sundry Administrative Commission -Meeting 3-85 Sundry - Travel Administrative -Independence Winter Conference M R 3-86 Mrs. Chapin Waterford Refund for Denosit mad 20-00 3-87 Sundry Extra help at Waterford 20.00 3-88 Sport Center Trophies Activities Classes - Waterford 10,54 3-89 ::Royal Rental Chair Rental - Waterford 50.00 3-90 Consumers Power Utility Bill for Waterford 137.46 3-91 L & S Supply Waterford Housekeeping Supplies 15.04 3-92 Michigan Bell Telephone Phone Bill for White Lake 62.58 3-93 Pavroll Pay period ending 3 31 72 7,454.03 TOTAL VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AID RECREATION April, 1972 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-1 Oakland County Parks atty Cash Fund - White Lake 100.00 4-2 Oakland County Parks �etty Cash Fund - Springfield 100.00 Administrative 4-3 Sundry �ommission leeting 477,50 4-4 James N. Layman dell drilling 6617 840 ,aAddison Administrative 2 4-5 Oakland County Equipment Fund Charges for March 57.50 All Parks 4-6 Oakland County Garage Charges for February 545. 73 4-7 Rolf Winter Photography Office Supplies 60,00 Springfield White Lake-- 4-8 Progress Electric Supply Improvements Shelter Bldy, 524.04 Springfield =_Sroveland 4-9 Holly Tractor Rental 7.90 .-E,quipment Springfield - Whtie Lake 4-10 - Turfgrass InQ. Grounds Expense 919. 6 0 4-11 knold Electric Grounds Expense 85.00 Spt± ±fie d 4-12 kutomatic Stoke_r­_____�___ Building Maintenance 30,95 Sjr1ngf1e177Tdd!son!77Tte_Tk� - - - 4-13 6urke Lumber Building Maintenance 2,035.18 4-14 lolly Automotive Supply Equipment Rdntal- Grovdland 2,25 AdAAW11 4-15 William Wyant Contract payment (Chef) 505 00 Grove and 4-16 Featherston TV Hardware Equipment -Building MaintenancE 17,83 , 4 , -1 - 7 Hamilton's of Holly Fuel for Croveland 55.27 Groveland 4-18 Kerton Lumber Company Building Maintenance 18 33 Groveland - White Lake 4-19 Gudith Hardware Grounds Expense 44 96 Waterford -Addison -White Lake 4-20 State of Michigan Treasury Sales Tax for March 137.13 4-21 Linda Adams Refund of deposit - Waterford _20.00 4-22 Eugene Sala Refund of deposit - Waterford 20 00 -23 Sundry Extra Help at Waterford 30.00 White Lake 4-24 Consumers Power Utility Bill - Waterford 272,21 Waterford 4-25 _T Oakland County Central Stores Concession Merchandise 17,02 Waterford 4-26 Rudy-s Market Concession Merchandise 440&0 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION :'OUCHER _-JMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-27 Oakland County Parks >ratuities for Addison 142.94 4-28 Norma Jones Refund for deposit - Addison 50.00 4-29 Michigan Pell White Lake Phone Bill - Addison 63,93 4-30 Bing Bros. Addison Equipment Maintenance 468,44 4-31 Zimmerman's of Lake Orion Addison qui-pment Maintenance 38.37 4-32 Lake Orion Lumber Addison 3uilding Maintenance 15.68 4-33 Oakland County Parks Petty Cash Fund --Addison 34,98 4-34 Sundry Extra Help at Addison 191.81 4-35 W.F. `tiller Springfield-Groveland-Addison Equipment Maintenance White LI., 664.52 ' 4-36 Dixie Auto Service Groveland Equipment Maintenance 5.50 -37 Ortonville Battery and Tire Groveland Equipment Maintenance 29.80 4-38 sold Star Products Concession Supplies 119.65 4-39 Acme Quality Paints Addison - White Lake Building Maintenance 61.99 4-40 Belmont Packing Concession Supplies - Addison 158,28 4-41 Russell Hardware White Lake Clubhouse Improvements 278 93 4-42 Pioneer hardware White Lake Clubhouse Improvements 65 .69 4-43 L.E. Marlowe 'disposal Service - White Lake 25.00 4-44 American Rese-arch grounds Maintenance White Lake 653 .58 4-45 Detroit Edison Utility Bill - White Lake 25 8 4-46 McKay's Hardware Small Tools - White Lake 4 .16 TOTAL 16 339.91 Since Commissioner Barakat, Chairman, Local and Regional Affairs has asked to speak re: Adam's Woods at our Friday, April 14, 1972 meeting, I thought the attached would be of interest to you. Fran DATE; March 29, 1972 RESOLUTION NO. 1 TO: Oa kland County Local and Regional Affairs Committee FROM; Adams Woods Advisory Council Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS: The Adams Woods Advisory Council, established by the Local and Regional Affairs Committee, is charged with seeking govern- ment assistance, federal, state and local, as well as institutional and private assistance in the acquisition of The Adams Woods, and WHEREAS: Nature Conservancy, a private corporation, formed to assist organizations, both government and private, in acquisition of natural lands, has recently indicated by letter to the president of Adams Woods Advisory Council its interest in aiding Oakland County in acquiring the Adams goods, and WHEREAS: Nature Conservancy has provided a porn of letter of intent for the use of 0akland County, and WHEREAS- Nature Conservancy has expressed a ,willingness to initiate steps to obtain federal support in part for the acquisition of the Adams Woods, and WHEREAS: Action to seek the assistance of Mature Conservancy is re- quired before that agency may engage in negotiations either to secure the land in question and/or to obtain federal funding assistance to aid that purpose, NOW, TMEFCR, BE IT RESOLVED that the Adams tr'oods Advisory Council strongly advises Oakland County Local and Regional Affairs Committee to take the proper action in order to permit Nature Conservancy to enter into agreement with Oakland County or any of its appropriate agents for the purpose of acquiring the Adams Woods property. Passed unanimously by Adams Woods Advisory Council, Mrch 29,E 1972 ADAT, WOODS AT7ISORI COMMIL 11nut^s cf the 'meeting of _k,rc% 29, 1.972 The LIP ':,ing was called to serer bNT President i�.Leckne'_' a+ 5,25 Pc -41 ,'embers pres nt wore: F. Ben;;amen, R. Br re r,, D. Hartwig, E. Johnson,, 11. Johnson, I.. Klec'ozer., K. Kreag' J. Lah. de? T, 74Tittus. E. i chert, and Later J, Baraka'., The minutes of t?ie meet.ny )f ,ardh 15-th •,:e_e. a.,.,pz:axed as mailed, The treasurci- reporter' no change since +,he A 3ommunicatdon from Nat4.re Conservancy w. s read hs. thr; preGident. The letter expressed their in+ --rest in he.` -pin-, o,:i+h the. acqui-cit,ion of Adams Woods and gave irformatio-a a.-, to their procedures and r--q:i�rEments in such action.. lf-.,o included was a copy of their "JJe+,+er of Intent" which the sponsoring agency must file, Following discussion of the implications of th^ ".Letter of Intent" and of th_e Conser?-ancy's specifications regarding its role In acquiring land am making it available to the coin-+;T a suggested resolution was brotlght under consideration, FolloU:ing discussion and revision it was moved by Mr, Barakat, seconded b r Mr. Kreag, that the appended resolution be adopted. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Barakat asked that the council prepare a report to accompany the resolution which would contain all appropriate information available regarding Nature Conservancy, possible governmental and private funding, and the council -is plans for development and use of the land It is anticipated that the resolution and report will be presented to the Local and Regional Affairs Committee at their meeti.ng of April 18. Mr. Barakat will attempt to make this a joint meetir.E7 with the Parks -Lnd Recreation Commission. Several council meribers expressed a desire to have a rep- resentative authorized to speak for I,'ature Conner vaacy present at the meeting. Prir. -1chert reported that the Site De-*elopment and Programming Conaittee has agreed on a program for the best use of the land, as they see it. That plan can later be adjusted, as necessary, to meet requirenients of Federal and/or other funding. Mr. Barakat asked that this committee report be made a part of the presentation accompanying the resolution. The meeting :. as adjourned at 10 P, "I. Respectfully submitted, Nancy P. Johnson, S ;cre terry The Advisory Council meeting originally scheduled for Wednesday, April ley has been postponed until either Wednesday, April 19, or lJednesday, April 26. The indefinite nature of the scnedulo e.t this point is due to the rapid pace of developments in the last ten days. To summarize the current situation: Nature Conservancy representatives will be here on Treedi.tesday, April 12, to disuess acdui,i-tion of the property both 1•rith representatives cf Oakland County and with 14r. Pat1.1 Robertson. The proposed joint meeting, of the Local & Regional Affair; Committee and the Par):s & hecreation Commission has not yet been scheduled, pending the outcome of WEdnesday's d-Li.scuss ions, With all parties who are concerned. about $ final].y sitting face to raca, we should be able to make some progresa, Should it b--c^Ire necessary icr tYt(. C-, a•. cil to take any immediate formal action, we will call s. rieeti.ng on th;. 19',ii; otaerwise, the regular monthly scheduled sleeting Tail]_ be on the 26th, You may expect to hear details soon after thE: 12 tho Kc; i th Kleckner 4/9/72 t'r es ids r_t Ia/n j SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Park Shelter Building Expenses - August 1, 1971 to February 29, 1972 Construction of Building - - ------ -- O'Dell, Hewlett &I Luckenbach Architectural Fees P. J. Mason Construction Co. Building Construction Costs The Pontiac Press Advertising Eids Sub totals Construction Building - Site Work Merton Lumber Company CulveG_-ts Oxford Mining Road Gravel Purves Excavating Digging pond, basement Grading parking lot 1 7 ,)ilcox & Laird Professional Services Sub totals - Site ',,�7ork TOTALS 1971 9,641.99 70,899.30 55.44 1972 909.19 26,433.00 -0- $ 27,342.19 TOTAL $ 10,551.18 97,332.30 55.44 $ 107,933.92 251.10 $ -0- $ 251.10 811.32 -0- 811.32 8,602.00 1,324.18 10,988.60 Incumbered amount for 1972 - $ 150,000.00 -0- -0- -0- 27,342.19 8,602.00 1,324.18 10,988.60 118,927.52 ADD ISON- OAKS Park - Concession Building Expenses - June 1, 1971 to February 29. 1972 Construction of Building Adair-Chaldecott Construction Building Construction Costs Days Sanitary Service Two (2) Septic Tanks Fuelgas Company, Inc. 1000 Gallon Tank Koenig Fuel & Supply Sand & Gravel Lake Orion Lumber Co. Drain Tile - Septic Field McRae Pleating Singer L.P. Conversion Kit Gilbert T,% Savage Architectural Fees The Pontiac Press Advertising - Bids Wilcox & Laird Professional Services TOTALS 1971 225.00 -0- 310.43 301.99 -0- 4,576.04- 34.66 262.50 $ 58,696.75 Incumbered amount for 1972 - $ 55,000.00 1972 $ 15,763.95 -0- 122.50 -0- -0- 78.80 210.00 -0- 16 175 25 TOTAL $ 68,750.08 225.00 122.50 310.43 301.99 73. 80 4; 786.04 34.66 262.50 $ 74,872.00 WHITE L.AK7-:-OPKS Clubhouse Addition E-,,-penses - October 1, 1971 to —Pebrua--y 29, 1972 Construction of Addition AirT.)ort- Readv Dix Concrete 8 Allen Stores Buil ding Mate-ials Boice Builders Supply Co. Concrete Blocks Burke Lumber. Company Buildina Materials Clawson Concrete Co. Cop -Crete Dennis 1--odo-inchik Form rentals &. hair_ pins Gen -Oak Fabricators Steel Frame 1,,lork R. A. Grandell Heating Co. !VTaterial &, Labor - Heating Great Lakes Pipe & Supply Pl=,bing 1,1aterials Haggerty Lumber 81, Supply Building Materials - Cedar Howe Martz Glass Com-oanv Windows Jack -son E-oui-oment fRIental 7ental Cement finishers Kerton Lumber Company Building Materials Leslie Electric Company Electrical Materials I T ational Construction Specialties I Snapties & If -lair Pins 1971 651.70 17.26 3,352.17 194.25 125.00 3,577.65 8,651.02 364.54 729.2-4 -0- -0- 1,276.28 327.06 51.01 1,390.35 -0- -0- 1,892.75 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 10 3. 7 4- 699. 00 51.00 39.00 -0- -0- TOTAL $ 2,042.05 17.26 121.95 5,244.92 194.25 125.00 8,577.65 8,651.02 864.54 832.98 3,699.00 51.00 1,315.28 327.06 51.01 Page 2 (:Ex-penses - Clubhouse Addition) 1971 1972 TOTAL I'onstruction of Addition - continued North Electric Supply Company Electrical 1,•Iaterials $ -0- $ 2,56.33Z 256.83 Pioneer I-Iardware Building D-11ate-rials 30.69 -0- 80.69 Purves Excavating Dry T,,tell cl, Site clearing 1,956.00 -0- 1,956.00 :Russell Ha-dware Company Building Naterials -0- 54-1.80 541.80 Gilbert Ij,7. Savage Architectural Fees 21464. 50 -0- 2,464.50 G. A. Thompson & Sons PlumbingMaterials -0- 29.86 29.86 Underwood Sand & Gravel Materials - Parking Lot 360.18 -0- 360.18 I,Riite Lake TownshiTD Building Permait 155.00 -0- 155.00 Wilcox & Laird Professional Services 110.00 -0- 110.00 TOTALS 30,065.50 8,004.33 38,069.83 Incumbered amount for 1972 - S 82,000.00 GARLAND COUNTY BOARD OF AUDITORS DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS ONE PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE OAKLAND COUNTY SERVICE CENTER PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054 PHONE: 338-47511 338-9297 BOARD MEMBERS DANIEL T. MURPHY CHAIRMAN April 3� 1972 ROBERT E. LILLY VICE CHAIRMAN GEORGE J. FULKERSON MEMBER Mrs. Frances Clark Parks & Recreation CoRL,7,ission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 "t - L -� Re: i hi e Lake. -Oaks Clubhouse Achlitgon D.F . 0. Project 71-SIB Deai- Mzs. Clark: JOSEPH D. JOACHIM, P.E. DIRECTOR T. D. DZIURMAN. P.E. CHIEF ENGINEER FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION The following is a synopsis of the construction activities for the week beginning March 27., 1972; 1. Installation of the support channel grid system was completed with the ex-ception of t-'fie Ppo-'Ohop where they are still being adjusted to the 2 ft. by 4 ft. system. 2. About 70 percent of the shelving in the Pro -Shop has been installed. 3. tkqo panes of interior glazing have been removed to .C' j.acilitate a hallway between the old and new rest aZrleas. 4. A new closet was installed of the old rest area. S. An opening for a new door was cut into the locker frorthe hallway. 6. The Mechanical Contractor licas been installina-, a-djus-table, ceiling diffusenns. 7. The Mechanical Contracto;? has also been ductwork installation in the new rest areza P-speTtfully c4ab ;/itted, -D-- /3 P r)ona ld L . Mal inow"s� E DUI/dYI) Design Supervisor Col. N. W. Handorf OARLAND CO_U_"'Ty BOARD a�,, Aui-_,,,1T0RS DEPARTMENT OF FACIELITTIES AND OPE-RAilON's ONE PUBLIC WORKS CMVE OAKLAND COUNTY SERVICE CENTER PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 4L8054 AREA CODE 313 PHONE: 338,4751 BOARD MEMBERS M,gLTCN W F.E. WREMOR DANK EL T. MURPHY CHAIRMAN W, G. AMHISON 7. D. D--e1jR7V.'1N. E OEPUT' ',1REC70P DZP�J-,' DIRECTOR ROaERT E. LiLLY CFERInONS ENGMEERMC VICE CHAIRMAN 332,932 5130297 .?AMES ;,4. B-FNNAN MEMBER Mrs. Frances ClHn-: Parks and 280C Watkins Lake Rd, Pontiac, Hichigan 48064 Re: White Laka-Oaks Cluhhouse AAdTVo_,­I D.F.O. Frolect 71-31-P Dear Mrs. Clark: The following is a synonsis of the construction activities for the week beFinning ApPlA, 197& 1. New doors were hung in the new oDening berween the hallway an6 locker room. Trim was installed. 2. Drywall in new closet and toilet areas is heinF finishad, 3. Shelving in the Pro -Shop is being firishad,, 4. Door thresholds have been placed. 5. Some shelving has been installed in tne storage area next to the Mechanical Room, 6. Outlets for the ceiling light fixtures have been located and some of the wive has been nulled throuFh the conduits The mechanical work has prognessed tc awroximatclv 75-'-'- complete. S. Progress on the balance of the work has annarenTiv up pending final 6etermination of the RQVen n We C —0.0 ul1v SU JR ,,I — ,v PA Donald L. Malincwski, P.E,, Desirn Swervisc_',­ Febtua&y 2, 1972 "A Message FAom Vout Exten,6ion ViAectoa" is an attempt on the patt o6 the CoopeAative Extension SeAvice to acquaint County Commi6ziun", Depat-,�mertat Head6, and otheA govetnmentaZ unit6 with the activities that membeU o4 oUA staij ate engaged in thAoughout Oaktand County, In this 6iut edition I witt give you a btiej hi6toty o' the Coopexative Extension Sexvice. The CoopeAative Ex4t'ension SeAvice is an States. Many counttiez thxoqghout the zimiiat pAogAam6 in an ejjo)Lt to A"e theiA peopZe. unique o,%ganization to the U vjoAtd have ztudied it and initatj e .6ocio-economic 6tandaAds o6 — It att began back in 1862 when Justin S. Moxkitt.5 bitt became the Land Gxant CoiZege Act. Thiz act.6et-up agxicuZtwLat coitegez thtoughout the United States. The second pho4e took ptace in 7914 when the Smith-Leve,% Act utabti,6hed the Coopvw_t�ve Extension SeAvice. Thi,s act ptovided that the United States Depattment oj Ag,%iadtu&e, thtough its Fede,%aZ Extension Setvice, wouZd appuptiate monies to Land Gtant veAzitiez, in ouA case Michigan State UniveAzity. The univeuities woutd adn&u:zteA these jund6, af-ong with matching state appxopAiationz, to hixe and .6tajj the county ojjicu with techra-caf-Zy tuined agent6. Extension agents, theujoxe, ate univeAzity errfpZotfee,6 with a joint 6edetat appoint- ment as membe)o o6 the United States Depattment oj Agxicuttute. They teceive no county.6aZajuj otheA than miZeage and peA them to ca'v%yout theit ,6pecc p,,L9g&amz. Counties coopetate with the univeuities and United States Depattment oj AgAicuttuAe by puviding oj6ice jac,�es , cteticat pe&sonneZ and opexating 6und6. Like moat openati.onb, we do have 6peci iie aaa.ignmenta and out totae. thnuat can be categorized .into the 6ottow.ing Jive majors pnogAam aneab : 4-H youth WoAJZ, Agticu uAe, Family Living Education, NatuAat Reaoutca and Marketing. We are an educational agency and not a .6envice agency .in tenma of actuaUy doing the job jot aomeone. we he.Zp .indiv.idua .6 by pAoviding Cuntent up-to- date .i.nimnafii.on 6,%om which they can make bound deciAiona to do a better job. Out present ata66 inctudea a County Exten.6ion Ditector, tvo Extena.ion Home Economi6t6, .two 4-H youth. Agents, Extena.ion Hoxti.cattuAaZ Agent in the area o 6 onnamentaZ hors ticuUune, a D.c6 to ict Honti.cuttutatia t, and twee Expanded Nutrition Aida . Daktand County prov.idea bout and one-hatJ eten i.ca e po,6ition6 and Michigan State Univeu ty one. We have bout 4-H Pnognam 46 iAtanta, the Emergency Emptoyment Act providing three of th.ebe and the county one. Counties adjacent to ua provide add c.tionaZ techn.ica2 pera onneQ in the ateaa ob Natuut Reaouncea, Consumer Marketing, Farm Management, RoAi,cattute, Commenci,aZ Honticuttwre and AgxicuetmaZ Matheting. In 6uture -ia.auea one o6 out ata66 members on my4e.Z6 wi, t attempt to zero .in on activiti,ea ulated to ours Jive majors program areas of work. Unti.Z then, I hope thi4 gets u6 o66 to a good atva. S.incenety, �O B i.ZZ Mullen, e r BM/ah A G R E E M I` N f 4 THIS AGREEMENT made and (3nte retl into t Ili s ,"iay of! A.D. , 1.972, by and between the C !I:::. (Pi Oakland, hereinat ter called the "County", anci tl-,(, Oak i�U '.'• l it) (t Itir, tI1(i Iit'C I F';.it 1On Lt?IIirT11.S +1(�n, hereinafter called '.I:Q ''<'' ^: • gin" . tn(2iI.1t1A`� Z}l(? CouIll�' "Ft 111(1 s C(.)IiSl rllCt r r.i a 1 ac i. l i i 1, known anci designat.c-t.i a-, the Y()uti: '.-Wl vi l.ie:; t t:,ipl (•-�. and <l(";ire�:; the Oakland County Parks and uper.-. t e said facility; and WHEREAS, thc- facility will prcxiuce r(-'venuc by rental for circuses — animal shows and othc,r activities. V(")W THEREFORE, in cons Ider ittion ):' the mutual. covenan.t,4 as herein scat forth, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commi,,4ion ztgree:; t.(.) assume the operation r-): the t`acility kncnini as thc YOU th Acti-vities Complex, including thr:• r(�ntinn and the collection o.1 tho rentals thereof-, and oversee the use of the facility. Any rents collected for the use of raid i ac i .i i ty shall be de- posited to the account of the Oaklan(i County Parks and Recroat.ion Commission. The cost of operation paid by t.hF' Commissa(7n c,ver and :tb,)v(, the rentals as set forth above shall be mutually determined by the Count" actil"ig through its Board <,f tluriitors an(i the C'c,mmi��ic)n, anthe d County shall reimburse t iie Commission 'or. :lny costs <t(irued to over and abov(,> the rental c!)ar ie IN tJTTNE--� Wffl-'T.E()F, the part i (- . 'i(-roto hav(' ,c!t iIioir .hands the t. cky and httc> r,,? :1,c,vO %V1-- t T(' 1. WTTN'I.-S"-I--S : 1 %1.ich:i.(Jan i tI i:-n C(iri,.,r,.ttion +C� \i:KS & REC12-ATT)N 5 REPORT ON CURRENT ACTIVITIES TO: Chairman and Members of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. FROM: Gerard Lacey ACTION REQUESTED: None. Meant for your information. Legacy of Parks In compliance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development's request, the park commiss•ion's application for a $958,000. development grant was re -submitted on February 17, 1972. This application was first submitted in June, 1971. At that time the A-95 Federal Review Procedure was not rigidly enforced. Now it is, and presently this application is in the process of being reviewed by five State agencies. The grant application was challenged by "The Michigan Civil Rights Commission". However, a meeting with the Rights Commission's Federal Liaison agent proved fruitful and they elected to make no formal expression in regards to this application. Springfield -Oaks Youth Activities Center Lease The preliminary operating -management lease between the Parks Commission and Oakland County is being reviewed by Civil Counsel. This review should be completed shortly. It is expected that the Board of Auditors will recommend that the County underwrite the expected deficits incurred from the operation of the Center. It is hoped that the Board of Commissioner's will approve this concept. Parks and Recreation - 4-H Coordination A coalition of effort, between these two agencies, is underway to effect a functional format for the August 1972 Oakland County 4-H Fair to be held here. Cooperation is good. First phase construction at the Youth Activities Center provides the following. 1. Multi -Purpose and Service Unit - 9,000 sq. ft. for meetings, includes toilet and first -aid area. 2. Exhibit Hall - 8,400 sq. ft. for large exhibits, stows, etc. f 3. Outdoor Arena - 120' wide by 245' long (lighted with judges stand P.A. system. 4. Site improvements include entrance and circulation road, parking, grading, etc. 5. Water Tank - 150,000 gallon capacity to provide fire protection and water for initial and future needs. The total cost for the initial development was approximately $800,000 paid by The County of Oakland, from general tax funds. Second phase site improvements are urgently needed to allow the site to be used fully as was intended. Facilities which are needed now and in the near future include: Second Phase Site Improvements 1. Seating and fencing at the existing arena area - 2,300 seats $35,000. 2. Two horse barns (70 horses each) (toilet facilities) $50,000. 3. Development of horse show and exercise area $20,000. 4. Site utility improvements (lighting, water extension, sanitary) $30,000 5. Additional Road Development $10,000 Total Construction $145,000 Engineering $10,000 Contingency $15,000 -Total Estimated Cost $170,000 Third Phase Improvements 1. Two additional horse barns $50,000 2. Dome installation at existing arena (cost unknown) 3. Expansion of Exhibit Hall 200,000 4. Elevated Cross -Walk 75,000 5. Additional Site development 75,000 (2) 0 Parking will become an immediate and perplexing problem for th-e 1972 4-H Fair. This is essentially a 4-H problem. However, should the Parks and Recreation Commission ever contemplate Sponsorship of a large fair or carnival, parking will become our own problem. The terrain available for parking is uneven. The cost of grading this terrain is unknown. One possible immediate solution to this major problem is to immediately negotiate for the purchase of the twenty (20) acres of farmland to the south. MAJOR OPENING EVENT Target date for the "grand opening" of the Youth Activities Center is Saturday, May 27 and Sundav May 28, 1972. An entertainment format will be developed by the Cooperative Extension Service (4-H) and Oakland County Parks and Recreation. On May 30,31 and June 1, 1972, the Oakland County Sheriff's Organization will sponsor the Miller - Johnson Circus here. We are now beginning the search for 5,000 seats for this' event. Both the Open House and the Circus will be the attraction to draw citizens of Oakland County here to see their new facility. The circus will be conducted outside on the parking lot. One of several possible types of shows and events which could be developed for the Parks and Recreation's part is an antique car show. Rental Rates Comparative analysis are being conducted to determine a feasible rental rates for the Springfield -Oaks facilities. Recommendations will soon be submitted. ManaQer's Residences Drawings and specifications for manager's,residences at Springfield and Independence are nearly ready to be submitted for bids. Invitations to bid will be sent by the first week in April, with responses requested by mid - April, and contracts to be reviewed for approval by early May. If contracts are approved and let, by mid - May these residences should be finished by early September. L_iguor License, application for Springfield Oaks Mr. Claude Trim, Springfield Township Supervisor has been contacted twice with regards to Oakland County Parks and Recreation's intent to apply for a liquor license for the Springfield -Oaks Clubhouse. Mr. Trim has given no encour- agement with respect to how he thinks the township board (3) will vote sn this request. Mr. Trim has invited the writer to make a ?resentation in behalf of Oakland County Parks and Recreation on Wednesday, April 5, 1972 at 7:00 p�m�, Present indications are that the Township board will vote 3 to 2 against granting the liquor license. Self-Su2po,­t!once,_, Springfield and Waterford -Oaks In California, Parks and Rocreation agencies strive to recover 33 percent of their expenditures. In California, the seventy- seven (77) fairs belonging to Western Fair Association recover about 85 percent of their expenditures while providing a greater nuaber of recreational opportunities than California'a Parks and recreation industry. In Memphis Tennessee, the Parks and lecreation industry operates the Tennessee State Fair, and vhn fair subsidizes the recreation program of that city. Therefore, it seems that a blending of the two industries may be necessary to the fulfillment of this self-support concept at Springfield. Waterford -Oaks Waterford -Oaks has near future prospects for self -sustenance. Efforts to obtain the release of the $750,000. D.N.R. grant for an ice rink and pool have begun. If the ice rink can be implementej by September 1973, Waterford might break even in 19744 Addison -Oaks Historical Site ARRlication and The Legacy of Parks. The research necessary to apply for nomination of the Buhl Mansion as an historical site has been completed by Robert Coffey. The application has been finished and submitted. If acceptee, the nomination of the Buhl Mansion as a historical site will provide our $958,000 Legacy of Parks application with a betLe: chance for acceptance. Michigan SyaAe Highway. - Parks and Recreation Land Trade At DavisburR March 9, 1972, John Kozenco and Joseph Molinare of the Michigan State Highway Department regards to the proposed land trade iL 1-75 & M-275 interchange. Kozenco and Molinare said they are proceeding to effectuate the previyusly declared intent of the Park Commission, to swap ten (10) acres at the proposed interchange site for twenty (201 acres to the South of the 4-H fairgrounds, Thev stated that the normal time period involved is approximatel-11, 18 months. 'wherefore, the Parks Commission should not count on the use cf the land to the South before November 1973. Unless this, land to the South, is rented or !eased by 4-H or the County, it cannot be used for urgently needed parking spaces duriag the 1972 - 1973 4-H Fairs, (4) The State Highway Department (Kozenco and Molinare) did outline two options to the aforestated land trade procedure: Parks could acquire the South 20 acres now, and the State Highway Department will enter into an agreement to reimburse Parks for the cost of purchase plus attorney's and appraisal fees,in October or November IL973 (the originally scheduled land trade time). 2ELLa -,a# 2 Parks might buy the South 20 acres now, "zid Sell it to the Highway Department in 1973 at the "then existing land prices". The sale of the 20 acres being the consideration of the grant of the ten acre interchange. (5) CarrPMENCE NOTES pia: , Oakland County Parks & Recreation Recreation Activities Center and Pool Waterford -Oaks Park Pontiac, `Michigan _ Job No. 7217 Date: April 3, 1972, iiond,y Present: Messrs: E.F. Richarison Oak�.ar.d County Panics & Recreation Comm. P. McGovern Oakland County Parks &Recreation Comm. C. Durbin Oakland County Parks & Recreation Comm. T. G. Lacey,- Oakland County Parks & Recreation Comma D. Kovacs Hoyem Associatez, Inc. J. Joachim Swanson Associates, Inc. The above persons met tc tour the ice arena facilities of the Cities of Southfield and Oak Park. Southfield - P,Ir . Ray Tro-mhley of the City of Southfield conducted the tour. h s facility which was part of a larger recreation project has an 85 t x 200 t indoor ice surface with a seatinc: capacity of 1,200 and a "tee't shaped outdoor swimming pool with ak^out 14,1500 square feet of surface. The supportive services are in a core unit better;een these twofacilities and consist of a lounge, snack bar, offices, locker and toilet rooms. The outdoor pool is used daily by an average ui 550 perscns. Peak use has been 1,800 persons. Prime tir::e ice hockey races are $40/hour. Indiv_:.d:ia1 admittance rates are 25Y children and 50� for adults. Non-residents charge is 50� anc: $1.0o respectively.. Mr. Joachim and ?•:r. Lacey will obtain more statistical and program data along with financial information. Oak Park - Mr. Jim Perry of Oak Park conducted the tour. The facility consists of an 851 x 2001 ice surface with seating =or 800 persons with sp: ce to erect additional temporary bleachers. The structure �s wooc (:Cck on.laminated wood arches with block and brick; walls. Supporting., services consist of four tears roor:,s, locker and toilet rooms Additional recreation facilities are two han:i !;all courts at the end oi: the building. This building has a locally imposed fire sprinkler installation. Previously ti,e ice surface was in operation 36 weeks of the year, tut will. be extended to 45 weeks this year. Prime time hockey rates are $40;':riour with individual admittance charges of 25� for children Banc,' S(j� for adi,:L t:s . Non-resident charge is douyle this. Consideration i; heing given to increas—ing the rates to 35� and 75� in thc,near future. ident use is about 75/'0 of total use.) aW a�;.,�::�Nr��"d5i:�u;ew::,�:�'�^L" 4�;�ti�'3�a�►"!!�6.�'r•i�e.'*:1>� �k.,.-:-..a64c CONFERENCE NOTES NO. 1 (Continued) Page -2- Oakland County Parks & Recreation Recreation Activities Center and Pool Waterford -Oaks Park Pontiac, Michigan - Job No. 7217 Oak Park-- (Continued) The facility cost about $1 mill�_on and i� iclud-_ng debt service op�>rates with a $34, 000 annual dcfic_4 ­. 'Di -is is p-n—tly accounted for by the fact that 20 hours of i,o_icey time are g_-:L%?cn free each to the Parks and Recreation progra;r.. The: next meeting will be !nail 61 1972 to tour Royal Oak and another facility not yet selected. SL T,NSON ASSOCIATES, Inc . Joseph D. Joachim, P.E. Vice President Distribution; Oakland County Parks & Recreation Corunission 4 Hoye;; i:ssociate.-, Inc. 2 S-wanson Associatcc, Inc. 4 a NOTE Oakland County arks S Ra�x ca.t:_or. Recr- e-L—ir_`n T�.Ct i'Iit.ies C'entcr and, Pool Walcer'aord-"Oa,ks Lori: Ponti,-,ci %'lic'nigan, job No 7 212 Date: April 5, 1972, Thursday Prescnt. Messrs E.F. Richardson Oakland County P. ��Rc c>�.,�e-rn :.T, 0- ��t.1< __:�r;r� L_ County Par'ks c 0 incey Oakland County' '.'a rly s & .:,?c-fea �'_on C mm. D. 'I ovacs Hoyom -',ss� cL'ate-s> Tnc. J• Joachim 'S",1anSon t'issoci.Gi,:.r.-.S Inc. The above persons met to tour the ice arena faciiities of the Cities- of r Royal Oak and Liyonia . 7?.Ijv; ( Cal - This facilitX7 was completed in November, 1971 and jai^C J1�?^S 051 " 200? indoor ice surface for hockey and o`%en skating and a z31 ,, 2�)C;3 Ciutd:;-)or practise _' ."1 _`relit Cctober through The Suture.-i' 4 ro Yraf, has not `rr'l_ _. ern planned a.nn ed . The - acility cost cipprcx ma to '' 'Eco, (j°i tJ-lol t air conditioning ). There is no system. ''JrJ:^mal ice ichedule is Opel skating .3 0 P.M. to 5 . J P.M. and hoc ,ey ±rJm 6-CC midnight. t1- z y„ne time d'10ckcy rate A7E'_r lnOtl_C i Ot"' !c, 1.?; . 00'r rJn,, and $25 per hour for the outdoor D+firing O^en skating the aver-- agia has heen. 200 - 0',G perS011S, :-a high of 00. Team dressing rooms are 127 X 241 with water closet, 2 lays, St X 5Y �z .2 ur.La,,als . v true. tu.c e _i ,, ood deck.On wood bt�Y -s cC-,I`-_cr exposed siding on the exterior and metal siding on the interior. F?chi tec t - Sr: ith & Sm:itn i3 p—-:!jV^7.a - his facility was constructed in aicut 1adv ice Surface a t:_ can apprcY.-'.True' cost :)f $t` 00� 00C' T he rL:C i....:: c wOJd. deck on .:.c.^IAin" tE_ dL 7riL) d a,:t'C% s Ttii n cxposed s_',Ci,_ The facility has no air conditioning and no sprinkler sys-jcm. ` -,e,' Ser.t- i.nq ci?T)acaty is 1,400, but can -fie increased to 1, 09 with. tempor,= "'y bleachers. 'cam dressin a rooms ar0 151 X lei i with 7 P X 15' toilet and sr'icwer common tc two team room's . CONFEREIN'CE, H!OTES NO. 2 (Continued) Page - 2- Oakland County parks & Recreation Recreation -,,ctivities Center, and Pool Wa terf or d- Oaks Park Pontiac, 1� ichigaln Job No . 7212 Program require-ments have not been deterTained yet for the V�',ater`Eord­ Oaks facility. G . Lacey GdzIl i, nq-u, -ire about FITUD grants for f ac il i1C %7 costs in excess of: the DINR bond fi-Ints. Inc Joseph D. Joachim, P.E. Vice President Distrihut.aon: Oal"land County Parks E- R..c eGtion Commission 4 H 1 2 oyem, Associates, Inc. Swanson Tissociates,, ln.c 4 M