HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1972.07.14 - 39551oakland county service center R. Eric Reickel Director 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan July 6, 1972 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME.............9:30 a.m. Friday, July 14, 1972 PLACE ............ Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 PURPOSE .......... Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authori- zation of Frances P. Clark, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. RER:lw 338-6196 Frances Clark Chairman Donald W. Nick Vice -Chairman Henry A. Schiffer Secretary • Clarence A. Durbin Emil Jawors William L. Mainland Paul W. McGovern Carl W. O'Brien William M. Richards E. Frank Richardson OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA July 14, 1972 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of Minutes of June 23, 1972. 3. Statement of Operation - May 1972 4. Approval to request matching funds. Independence -Oaks 5. Adams Woods 6. Old Business a. R.A.P. Property b. Dispensing system 7. New Business 8. Adjourn DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION ON ADAMS WOODS The purchase of Adams Woods has been in front-- of me constantly since assuming the directorship of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission two months ago. I have probably spent more time discussing, studying and thinking about this subject than any other project we have under consideration. A visit to this site was made with Mr. Edwin Wichert of the Bloomfield Hills Schools Recreation Department. There is no doubt that this is a beautiful setting in a fast developing area. Many of my associates are aware of this project and have gone so far as passing a joint resolution endorsing the acquisition of this property. Money apparently being no object. Since arriving here, I have also given the overall Oakland County Park System much study and thought. It is quite clear that a good start has been made. A majority of the acquisition has been made; but there has been no projections or studies made that determines where acquisition deficiencies exist. That is if they do. Preliminary studies have been made to determine what the overall cost to develop and maintain our present holdings. It shows that it will take all of our available resources presently committed and probably much more. There is no longer a guarantee that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will assist us to develop the land that they so graciously helped acquire. This is based on a change of their funding priorities. We know that the states Recreation Bond moneys are all committed and that there is a long list of requests for the states annual Page 2 share of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Land and Water Conservation funds. All of these; along with the most important thing of all --- the intangibles dealing with the Adams Woods acquisition leads me to think that we are not prepared to handle this project. To this day, I do not know what real financial commitment we are to make. I would like to think that there would be none other than assisting with the paper work. Our commitment could exceed $500,000 on up. An obligation we can not accept for the following reasons: - Limited funds to develop, our present system. - It was not the intent of the Park System to provide such limited facilities at such a large proportion of expenditure per anticipated uses. - Excessive expenditure for an area so fragile that it would be programmed for limited and specialized use. - Ecological facilities can be planned in our two large and basically undeveloped parks that afford unique environmental opportunities of their own. - Potential of areas other than county owned that could afford greater educational opportunities. - Precedent that would be set for other groups to approach us on similar projects if such an action is taken. - A set policy should be determined on park development and acquisition on the county level so a hap hazzard system is not acquired through undue pressure from outside groups. Page 3 In conclusion, I wish to state that it would be very desirous to have Adams Woods, or for that matter, any area threatened by development that has enviromental assets preserved. But in all good conscience I can not recommend that the Parks and Recreation Commission commit any of their funds for the acquisition of Adams Woods. AGENDA ITEM #6-a The attached letter is the results of a meeting that I had with the R.A.P. Board of Directors last week. They feel that their contributions of $5,000 is as far as they could go. The break- down of this is paying the $3,000 for the nuisance claim and $2,000 toward the acquisition. R.A.P. has a limited special fund that allows them to go this far. We could use this house for the manager and rent the small house to recoup some of our investment. This could help us justify the acquisition and relieve some of our investment. HON. KENNETH H. HEMPSTEAD DISTRICT JUDGE AREA CODE (313) 674-4655 �ttttp of .4jfltr11jpn 51 ST DISTRICT COURT 2520 AIRPORT RD. DRAYTON PLAINS, MICHIGAN 48020 July 6, 1972 R. Eric Rei'ckel Director of Oakland County Division of Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan Dear Mr. Reickel: COURT ADMINISTRATOR SHIRLEY A. CHAFFEE (313) 674-4655 TRAFFIC BUREAU (313) 674-4773 CRIMINAL DIVISION (313) 674-4655 CIVIL DIVISION (313) 674-4655 PROBATION DEPARTMENT (313) 674-4643 Please be advised that the Directors of R.A.P., following the conversation and discussion with you of recent date, voted unanimously to contribute $5000.00 to the acquisition of the Crump property adjacent to the Webster School. This of course, is contingent upon the County assuming the balance of $39,000.00 purchase price. Hoping this will suffice for your meeting of the 14th., I remain, Sincerely, Honorable Kenneth H. Hempstead District Judge, 51st. Judicial District, KHH/cbf r' 1 MICHIGAN REC•RETION AND; PARK ASSOCIATION i P. O. BOX 896 LANSING, MICMGAN 48904 MEMO TO: Organizational Members June 23, 1972 Office of: Executive Director SUBJECT: Summer"Conference The MRPA Committee for Board and Commission members have requested your assistance in notifying Board and Commission members the following: 1. July 18-20 dates of the'Summer Conference at the Holiday Inn in Mt. Pleasant. 2. A new agenda item for Board and Commission members has been added on Tuesday, July 18. There will be a panel discussion involving Board members and Pro= fessional Recreation Directors on the "Responsibili- ties Involved in Recreation." 3. The Board and Commission Committee Executive Board will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 18. All visiting Board and Commission members are invited to this in-house open session. 4. The special $23.00 per Board or Commission is due NRPA and the check should be accompanied by a com- plete list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of each person on the Board or Commission. Officers should be designated. Enclosed is an agenda of the Summer Conference. We hope that you will en- courage Board and Commission members to attend part or all of the 1972 event. �� -�"•!� �� - `� John F. Greenslit �.. I•. - Executive Director Ct MRPA for � E I VE� r-� '• L THE MICHIGAN RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION IS AN AFFILIATE MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION. Michigan Recreation and.Park Association -- Summer Conference July 18-20, Holiday Inn, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Tuesday, July 18, 8:00 - 5:00 Registration 10:00 -12:00 Athletic Committee meeting 12:00 - 3:30 Canoe Trips on t;,e C;;ippewa ?'giver 1:00 - 4:00 MRPA Board meeting 1:00 - 3:00 Professional Education Cozisiittee 1:00 - 5:00 Tours of University and State Horne 3:00 - Unlimited Golf and Tennis begins 5:30. WA Diviner* - Welcome by Mayor, or City Manager and representative o; University. 8:00 Exhibitors party. Wednesday. July 19, 8:00 - 5:00 Breakfast* 8:30 - 5:00 Registration 10:00 -11:00 Snowmobile Education program - Mr. Opalka 11:00 -12:00- Bunter Safety - Education program - Mr. Gray** 12:00 - 1:30 „MIRPA Luncheon* -- Mr. Greenslit, speaker 1:30 - 5:00 M3.2PA Golf Tournament 1:30 - 4:30 Student Executive Board meeting 1:30 - 5:00 Informal Bridge Mixer 6:00 Paot President's Dinaer* 7:30 Your night on the town(overything stays open until 9:30 Thursday, July 20 8:00 - Breakfast* 8:30 -12:00 Registration 10:00 -11:00 Power Boating -- Mr. Martindale** 11:00 -12:00 New Programs Of The ?:ecreation Services Divisioa,Joe Seavey 12:00 Luncheon* -- Alms Senior Citizens nand 1:30 - 4:00 MRPA Business meeting 3:00 Unlimited Golf and Tennis ends Included in both packages * Tentative MORE IN ORMu%TIO LATER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA Special Meeting July 12, 1972 1. Roll Call 2. White Lake Dispensing System 3. Adjourn OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION - BID TABULATION SHEET - Tables and Chairs White Lake and Springfield 6/22/72 CONTRACTOR AMOUNT OF BID REMARKS j Steel Equipment Company 404 stacking chairs (Astro) 23.50 each $ 9,494.00 100 tables (Astro) 55.00 each 5,500.00 i Expoy legs to match chairs legs 3.00 pair 300.00 s $ 15.294.00 ! Oliver Supply 404 Stacking chairs s (Astro) 35.35 each 14,483.40 I 100 tables (Astro) 71.75 each 7,175.00 Epoxy legs to match chairs legs 3.00 Hair 300.00 $ 21,958 40 i k The above quanities would provide seating for W',ite Lake - 232 prinQ_ielri. L68 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION — BID TABULATION SHEET — Cooking and Servin Dishes Addison, Springfield and White Lake AMOUNT OF CONTRACTOR BID REMARKS Silverware, Serving dishes, The Miesel Company *$ 14,260.43 Plate covers and racks A 4,919.34 Cookinc, Utensils TOTAL 19,179.77 9 F.D. Stella Products $ 6,003.75 Cooking Utensils j { Goldstar $ 5,138.41 Cooking Utensils s ry � �I h Items match serving dishes at Addison Conference Center, i therefore, can then he used at any park.