HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1972.03.01 - 39555oakland county service center Frances Clark Chairman Donald W. Nick Vice -Chairman Henry A. Schiffer Secretary • Clarence A. Durbin Emil Jawors William L. Mainland Paul W. McGovern Carl W. O'Brien William M. Richards E. Frank Richardson Gerard C. Lacey Assistant Director • Pauline McCormick Adm. Assistant • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 338-6196 February 24, 1972 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME...............9:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 1, 1972 PLACE..............Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 PURPOSE ............ Special Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authori- zation of Frances Clark, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordially, Frances P. Clark Acting Director OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA March 1, 1972 1. Call meeting to order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes of February 18, 1972 4. Report from Building Committee White Lake Property 5. Approval to proceed with interior finish at Springfield and White Lake -Oaks. 6. Adams Woods appraisal 7. New Business 8. Old Business The following letters are being presented for your information and possible discussion at the next meeting. White Lake -Oaks and Springfield -Oaks Golf rate structure for 1971 and recommended rate structure for 1972 are for your review and action. Oalrland Schools 2100 Pontiac Lake Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48054 Phone 313- 338-101 1 21 December 1971 Mr. William Richards Chairman, Oakland County Commissioners 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Dear Mr. Richards: I am sure that I am not the first to suggest the following but I would like to never the less add my support to what must be a growing movement since the death of Mr. Kenneth VanNatta. Since he was a resident of the Davisburg Area and since the 4-H Youth Center is being constructed near Davisburg and since Mr. VanNatta worked unselfishly to promote the development of such recreational areas for the youth of our area, I would suggest that a fitting memorial might be the plan to name either the building presently under construction or the total park in his honor. Thank you for the consideration of this suggestion. Sincerely yourez , �. Donald A. Place DAP/rl January 21, 1972 Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission 2806 Watkins Lake Rd. Pontiac, Mich. Ladies and Gentlemen: I am writing this most unusual letter to you to express my concern as an interested citizen of Oakland County.in the operation of your Parks and Recreation system. I say it is an unusual letter because I am writing it not for myself, any organization, any political party or any governmental unit. I am writing only as a firm believer in the principles upon which your Commission was brought into existence by your first, and to date, only Director. There is no doubt in my mind that none of you knew your Director as I did. I have been his layman's sounding board since long before your Commission was formed and he felt quite free to express his thoughts and expound his theories to me and to get my reaction, as a layman, to his ideas. In view of this unique connection, I feel competent to express my opinions to you in the hope that it will be of some value to you in making your decisions. First of all, let me remind you that as Commissioners of the Parks and Rec- reation you are most fortunate. You are not bound by any allegiance to any political party, any governmental unit, any organization or any committments by any pressures brought to bear upon you. The two successful millage votes by the people you have enjoyed were not brought into reality by any political party, any governmental unit, or any one organization, but rather voters, like myself, who believed in the principles set forth in your stated policies at both elections. Let me explain to you what your policies meant to me, and probably to the thousands of voters who approved millage for Parks and Recreation. I believe it was apparent to many of these voters that Oakland County was being engulfed in land development and little, if any, areas were being left as "open spaces". It was this development that deeply concerned your first Director and moved him into creating an Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission with help only from people who shared the same concern. The basic principles, as expounded to me by your first Director, have never changed. At one time he thought the original 1/4 mill for five years could put your system on a self-supporting basis. Economic changes, which basically increased the cost of acquisition of land, made him change his mind regarding priorities as to development and land acquisition: His shrews°judgment told him to concentrate on acquisition rather than development when the proper purchases could be made. His record of accomplishment along these lines leaves no doubt about the correctness of his judgment. Your first Director hesitated to ask the voters for another five year levy because he thought he might be betraying those people who gave him such whole- hearted support in the first election. He confided to me that, in his opinion, you had made all the purchases of land necessary for a self-supporting park system and the next five years would be dedicated to the development of this land for use by the people at a moderate cost that would render all operations self-supporting. - 2 - I am sure I need not tell you that you are probably one of the most successful units of government in the United States. You have a National Award that confirms your position in this regard. It is not only rare, but almost unheard of, that a Commission such as yours shows a liquidating value of almost three times the amount of taxpayers money that has been invested. This is the foundation upon which you have to build. Ybur problems will be many and varied. Your operations will have to be built, improved, and maintained by strong leadership. You will have to select a new Director with extreme care and caution and place in him the same confidence and authority you granted your first Director. The Commission and your new Director must be dedicated to the proposition of developing what land you now own into servicable and self-supporting uses of the people who voted you into being. The people who voted for this millage in the last two elections do not want something for nothing. What we want is an opportunity to pay a moderate fee and have a place to go within the County where, in moderate security, we can enjoy camping, golfing, outings, swimming, and all forms of summer and winter outdoor recreation. This is what I voted for and I feel quite certain that is what the vast majority of your supporters voted for in the two elections. In a one-man, one -vote democracy we, as voters, seem to be inclined to organize political and, eventually, vote ourselves out of financial existence. This could happen to the Parks and Recreation system of Oakland County if you fail to place priorities on developing a self-perpetuating, self-supporting system of operation. This can only be accomplished by your own determination to disregard all pressures and petitions to expand your land holdings before you get your system standing on its own with no further need for additional tax money other than that already voted. The job you have is not an easy one and you may have to make some decisions that will not be popular with your friends or constituents. You will have to use sound, common sense reasoning in making these decisions, keeping in mind at all times your ultimate goal of a self-supporting system of recreational facilities for Oakland County. If you can do this, you will be among the first to create a service for your people which will be able to operate without being a continuing burden on the tax roll. My sincere thanks for the time you have taken to read this letter. I hope it has not been too long, but I did want you to know there is still strong support from people who want nothing in return except that you stick by the original con- ception of a system of parks available to the people and supported by those who use them. Your first Director believed it could be done and so did thousands of voters who approved the Parks and Recreation millage the first and second times. Very sincerely yours, i Payments to WILCOX AND LAIRD 1971 ADMINISTRATION Voucher Number - 12-98 $ 658.54 12-151 31�0.00 $ 968.54 GROVELAND Voucher Number - 4-78 104.80 - 5-64 236.25 12=98 232.65 2,293.80 12-151 445.00 3,312.50 SPRINGFIELD Voucher Number - 4-78 104.81 7-6 11.91 8-75 70.00 12-98 1,231,50 12-151 22.68 19440.9.0 WATERFORD Voucher Number - 4-78 104.81 104,81 WHITE LAKE Voucher Number - 4-78 104,81 8-75 181.90 12=98 110.00 396.71 ADDISON Voucher Number - 4-78 174.81 5-64 40.00 7-6 60.00 8-75 75,00 12-98 152,50 1,016.86 12-151 110.00 1,629.17 INDEPENDENCE Voucher Number - 4-78 104.81 5-64 912.80 7-6 38.50 8-75 285.04 12-98 100.00 111441.15 Total 9293,38 February 16, 1972 COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE Thursday, February 24, 1972 7:30 p.m, Brighton High School - Choir Room AGENDA: I. Business session A. Introduction of new staff B. Brief status reports on ;proposed Island Lake and Mill Creek Impoundments, and proposed Southeast Michigan Interceptor C. New business: Dredged spoil containment facility proposed by Corps of Engineers at Point Mouillee II. Informational session Report on the Inland Lakes Study: Jerome K. Fulton ESTABLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL RIVER MANAGEMENT ACT (1964) OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN TO PROMOTE Aun rnnonitiATc cTiinlrr ANn P1ANs QFr.APnINC-. WATER RESOURCES AND TO KEEP THE TOTAL WATERSHED PUBLIC INFORMED. NORTHWEST PARK` Pa RECREATION ASSCCTATION February 17 ,, 1972 ` O.- The Directom of Reerp-ation FROM: Jon J o Kipke Board Members Get —Together Crmmittee 300 East Nine Mile Road 4 Ierndale, Michigan 48220 SUBJECT: ADVANCE N(T1'ICE BOARD MEMBERS GET-TOGETHER lbe Northwest Parks and Recr-etion Association ATanual Board Members Get—T.4ether will be held cart Thursday evening, April /�27,''y7��//19 29 at Waterfard Oaks, Onkland County, starting at '7:00 PM n Take a r awnt o Jot clown on your calendar -- April 27, 19729 7.00 PH„ B^affct and drinks included! $5.00 per person. Be surr t:) notify the mremberrq of your Board now'. Bring your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. RECOMMENDED RATE STRUU�JRE FOR WHITE -LAKE OAKS Membership and Daily fee rates for the 1972 season as follows: MEMBERSHIP Single $ 175.00 Husband & Wife (or *Principal) 210.00 *Principal: includes one other family member, plus $25.00 for each child, 18 years of age and under, living at home and unmarried. Senior Citizens - Half price for weekdays only. $37.50 extra for weekends and holidays. This does not include club storage. Membership includes: Reserved starting times, lockers assigned to male members, showers, and club storage is available at $10.00 additional per session. DAILY FEE RATES COUNTY RESIDENTS 9 Holes 18 Holes Weekdays ............................... Sat., Sun., Holidays ................... Club Rental ............................ Pull Caddy Carts ....................... Locker & Shower Fees ................... $2.25 $3.50 3.00 4.50 1.00 1.50 .50 1.00 1.00 per day NON -COUNTY RESIDENTS 9 Holes 18 Holes $3.50 $5.00 4.50 6.00 1.00 1.50 .50 1.00 1.00 per day Leagues ................................ 2.00 per member 2.00 per member Senior Citizens ........................ 50 percent of above rates - weekdays only E4COMNENAED RATE STRUCTURE FOR SPRINGFIELD-OAKS Membership and Daily fee rates for the 1972 season as follows: MEMBERSHIP (County Resident) Non -Count Single ................................$ 100.00 $ 125.00 Husband & Wife (or *Principal) ........ $ 135.00 $ 165.00 *Principal includes one other family member. Plus $25.00 for each child, 18 $ 30.00 years of age and under, living at home and unmarried. Senior Citizens - Half price for week days only. $37.50 extra for weekends and holidays. This does not include club storage. DAILY FEE RATES Weekdays ............................... Sat., Sun., Holidays ................... Club Rental ............................ Pull Caddy Carts ....................... Power Carts ............................ (Based on present rental agreement) COUNTY RESIDENTS 9 Holes 18 Holes $2.00 $3.00 2.25 3.75 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 4.50 7.50 Plus tax NON -COUNTY RESIDENTS 9 Holes 18 Holes $2.50 $3.75 2.75 4.25 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 4.50 7.50 Plus tax Leagues ................................ 1.75 per member 2.25 per member Senior Citizens ........................ 50 percent of above rates - weekdays only