HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1972.05.12 - 39558oakland county service center Frances Clark Chairman Donald W. Nick Vice -Chairman Henry A. Schiffer Secretary • Clarence A. Durbin Emil Jawors William L. Mainland Paul W. McGovern Carl W. O'Brien William M. Richards E. Frank Richardson • Gerard C. Lacey Assistant Director • Pauline McCormick Adm. Assistant • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan 338-6196 May 5, 1972 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME ............ 9:30 a.m. Friday, May 12, 1972 PLACE ........... Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 PURPOSE ......... Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authori- zation of Donald Nick, Acting Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordially, R. Eric Reickel Director oakland county service center Frances Clark Chairman Donald W. Nick Vice -Chairman Henry A. Schiffer Secretary 0 Clarence A. Durbin Emil Jawors William L. Mainland Paul W. McGovern Carl W. O'Brien William M. Richards E. Frank Richardson 0 Gerard C. Lacey Assistant Director 0 Pauline McCormick Adm. Assistant 0 -'ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2800 watkins lake road May 5, 1972 pontiac, michigan 338-6196 To the Members of the BUILDING COMMITTEE Oakland County, Michigan Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the BUILDING COMMITTEE as follows: TIME..............3:00 p.m. Thursday, May 11, 1972 PLACE.............Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48054 PURPOSE ........... Open Bids Food Service The meeting is called in accordance with authori- zation of Donald Nick, Acting Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordially, R. Eric Reickel Director OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA May 12, 1972 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes of April 28, 1972 4. Approval of Payments - April Voucher 4-47 through May Voucher 5-18. 5. Statements of Operation - March 1972 6. Adams Woods report - Mr. Joseph Barakat 7. Award Bids - Food Service 8. Resolution - Authorizing up to 3 agents to purchase liquor. 9. Old Business a) Property - White Lake, Report from Building Committee b) Adoption of revised proposed By -Laws c) Recommendation - Giant Slide 10. New Business 11. Adjourn VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECRE______. April, 1972 VOUCHER -NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-47 Lance Carrothers Springfield, White Lake ',olf Course Merchandise 2,200, 4-48 Sundry - Commission Administration Per Diem and Mileage 4-49 P. J. Mason Construction Springfield "� Contract Pavment 16-154.1 4-50 Sundry EXtra help at Waterford 30.00 4-51 Oakland'County Laundry Charges for March- All Pgrks 4-52 Michigan Recreation and Park 1972 Direct 0 4-53 Oakland County Stationery Stork Administrative, Waterford Charges for March 36.45 4-54 Oakland County Parks & Rec. PettyCash - Administrative 4-55 Michigan Bell Accounting Department Phone Bill - Wa e _ 4-56 Michigan Bell nroveland, Administrative Phone Bill -- Davtsburg. 241.68 4-57 Wilcox and Laird Springfield, nroveland Professional Services 8 4-58 American Research Springfield, Addison Grounds Expense White Lake 1.748.30 4-59 Beach Fuel and Supply Fuel - Springfield - i 4-60 Oakland County Reproductions 'Pictures for Springfield 4-10 4-61 Purves Excavating Grounds Ex pense 4-62 Detroit Edison Company White Lake Utility B 1 •- 4-63 Rudv's Market Food Sery c 4-64 Frito-Lay Food Servict 4-65 Oakland County Parks and Rer,. Cratuitie 4-66 Linda Tavlor Deposit refund 4-67 King Brothers Addison - White Lake Equipment Maintenance , 2 -45 4-68 Bushmans Disposal Disposal '•-69 Consumers Power Iltility Bill - Addison- _50,n0 4-70 Camera Mart Color Prints - Addison 3.2-4- �4-71 Planning Commission ISidwell. Com osites - Addfsgu VOUCHER REGISTEP OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 4-73 Haggerty Lumber White Lake Cluhhouse Improvements White Lake I-_,uinrent Maintenance 169.32 4-74 Van's Auto Supply 3.76 52.00 k 4-75 Alva L. Spencer 'Ion de for Road - White Lk. 4-76 Oakland County Parks & Rec. Petty cash fund - White Lake 30 57 4-77 ichigan Coffee Service Food Service - Springfield 51.60 4-78 Consumers Power Utility Bill - 1-,roveland 3 63 4-79 L.&S. Supply Janitor Supplies 86.11 4-80 Pontiac Fruit house Food Service - Addison 31.81 4-81 Culligan [dater Salt - White Lake 35.57 l4-82 Robert Price Roofing White Lake Building Maintenance 150.00 .-83 Sundry - Commission Administrative Per Diem and Mileage 405.30 4-84 William Wyant Addison Contract Pavment (chef) 505,00 4-85 Sundry Istra help at Addison 208.25 4-86 Oakland County Parks & Rec. Petty cash fund - White Lake 100 00 s 4-87 Oakland Countv Parks and Rec. Petty cash fund - Springfield i 100.00 4-88 Miesel Company Waterford Food Service - Janitor Supply 233 8 4-89 North Electric Supply Addison - White Lake Building Improvement 362 36 4-90 Caroly Wright Extra help at Waterford '0 00 4-91 Pontiac Business 'tachines Typewriter repair - Springfield 24.50 4-92 Pav Roll All Parks Pay period endin April 14 7,659,31 4-93 Clarkston 'disposal Disposal Service - Springfield 45.00 4-94 Oakland County Parks and Rec. Petty cash fund - Springfield 27,82 `-95 T. M. Frisch Deposit refund - Waterford 20.00 4-96 Rudy's Market Food Service - Waterford 650.0U 4-97 Harold Paper Company Food Service - Waterford 185,29 4-98 Oakland County Parks and Rec. -ratuities Fund - Addison 160.76 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT _ 4-99 Betty Lewis [,Posit refund - Addison SO 0 4-100 Oakland Countv Parks &_Rec. Petty cash fund - Addison 19 .29 '_ AdminiIstrati e 4-101 Ward S. Newman Cwltodial Services - 140.00_ 4-102 Great Lakes Pipe :{uipment '[aintenance 13.42 `,dministrative, Springfield 4-103 Oakland County ,arage Charges for March Waterford 414.72 White Lake 4-104 Pioneer Hardware Equipment Maintenance 19.23 4-105 Petro lane Pontiac Gas uuel Service - Springfield 170.00 4-106 -Mic?iigan Coffee Service Coffee for Springfield 34.95 4-107 King Cigar Food Supply - Springfield 15.58 4-108 Hahn Chrysler Fquipment Repair - Groveland 10.30 Addison 4-109 'immorman's of Lake Orion 'fai.ntenance of Building 35.57 White .a e 4-110 Michigan Bell Phone hill - Waterford 62.18 Waterford 4-111 Pontiac Class 3uilding Maintenance 4.32 ater ord 4-112 Automatic Stoker Building Maintenance 51,18 4-113 Koepplinger's Bakery Food Service - Addison 11.45j White Lake 4-114 B & ', Tile Clubhouse Im rovement White Lake 4-115 National Cash Register Fq uipment Maintenance 40.jo White Lake 4-116 ".A. Thompson & Sons iluilding Maintenance 5.84 4-117 Oakland Count; Parks Petty Cash Fund - Wiii to La?.e 9, 33 4-118 9akland Countv Parks :ratuities Fund - Addison 162.15 4-119 :�'i ll, ile:vlett & Luckenbarlit Contract Payment - Springfield 939.08 4-190 Imnerial Propane (,as Service - Springfield 6.71 White Lake_ 4-121 Consuniers Power Utility Bill - Waterford 594.66 4-122 Harold Paper 'r'ood Service - Waterford 58.41 4-123 Yvonne Barnes, RF!fund of Deposit - Addi,;on i0,.O0 4-124 Indianwood Automotive ! iqui..pment `4aintenance 4.39 VOUCHER REGISTER nuVY-umn ronm�v Pxnnn umn n ~~~~~~~ .~~~'^ ^^^.-~ ^'-_ ---.------ wnnrwnv '------ 4-125 Oakland County Parks 1'a7,h 'Putid - Addison Sundry Commission --l);'r Oiem, a,)d 'fileage 54. 24 4-128 440, 20 TOTAL 48,109.95 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION Mav, 1972 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR i PURPOSE AMOUNT 5-1 Oakland County Parks i'gratuities Fund - Addison I Oakland County Parks iF,,t tv '.ash - Addison 384.83 5-2 32.03 456.50 5-3 Artie Printing --� Rolf Winter Photography Allromotional Springfield, Addison, Wit"lite Lk Office Supplies - Administrative --- Springfield Expense 5-4 35.00 5-5 Detroit Edison Utilit.17 Bill - ^rovelane 42.60 5-6 Rudy's 'farket Food Service - Waterford L82.00 5-7 Purves Excavating Service Payment - Grov'eland 50.00 5-8 Ellis and Ford '[fg. Equipment Repair 130.76 5-9 Oakland Gill Supply Equipment Repair 6.00 5-10 L. E. i(arlowe Disposal Service - WhLte Lk. -25.00 5-11 Hodges Supply :rounds Expense 2.60 5-12 Oakland County Parks Gratuities - Addison 200.00 5-13 Oakland County Equipment Fund Administrative Charges for April 57.50 5-14 Oakland County Parks Petty Cash - Administrative 31.92 5-15 PauL Young '.rounds Expense - Springfield 8.60 5-16 Michigan Coffee Service Coffee for Springfield 59.04 5-17 King Cigar Concession - Springfield 23.914 5-18 Gudith Hardware ':rounds Expense - Groveland 105.12 TOTAL 11ti33.49 i ADAMS 1100DS `4ATURAL AREA COUNCIL, INC. Dedicated to the preservvat&on of Adams Joods NeVYSIeL-ter, -lay, 1972 President- Elizabeth B. Benjamen Vice -President- Elmer Plaxton Secretary Anita 'ic: ibbon Treasurer- Andrea Neberle 900 E. Long Lake Rd. 0,1001nfield hills, 'tichigan 4801 Editor Elizabeth B.Benjamen B General ''io tinst- `,lecines.':Pv, 'lay 3, 1rs. Anita`�tclibbon 's home, 900 P. Lor'ag Lake Rd. 7:00 Subject; Country Fair. ADA71i Fd0ODS-^-- Neith Kleckner, President Adams Woods Advisory Council lluring the past few :,ieeks, the Nature Conservancy has attemnted to obtain from ''r. Paul Robnrtsoa a 90 day option on the entire Adams Floods tract. Vie financial nacka7e was oresented to 1r. Robertso4, and was a very attractive one, and the option terms would i�1 no way restrict his development activities. The purpose of seekiigg th-- )0 days was to enter into final commi.tm�ents with several governmental agencies ren^rding purchase of the property. ,.tr. Robertson has refused the Conservancy's offer, but has stated a cash price at which he c;,ould e. willing; to s211 the property, provided tile nurchaser is Oakland County gitli the Federal assistance that is available to the County for such projects, the net cost to the County can be brought to �xithin reasonable bounds. The time has co,ieq there&ro, forOakland County to take affirmative action. �Iithin the nest monn a specific proposal :,ill be brought to the Oakland County Parks and itecreation Commission in this regard. Your demonstration to the Commission of the oublic interest in the Adams 'vloods will be needed once again.Should you have an writing; the Commission, the address is Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 280,3 ,.datkias L.Tce "d. Pontiac, 't'icfiiran 48053 COU174TRY FAIL- If you mould like to work on the Country Fair, or have any aood ideas, please come to our '-lay 'leetin.5-r, or call 'Ars. Anita ^IcKibbon 646-55" Please post the Country Fair, enclosed in this mailing. -f.4-4-+4-+++ ! 1 6 1 1 1 f 1-1 1-ff-{ -+ +4 €- 444-�F-++++-H•- +++441 1 1 l H SCIIOLARSHIP- The Adams 1.1loods T'atural Area Council, Inc. is sponsoring a scholarship in Environmental Education at Oakland University and Seven Ponds Mature Center from. June 26'th- July 21, to .7n area teacher. Applicants will receive further information by writing to 'Ir. Elmer Plaxton, A�J_;AC, 900 E. Long Late )'d. Bloomfield dills, 'iich,48013 The a,.lard ,.Pill be announced at the Country Fair. i f-+-I ++-+-P--4-i---}--h-I-.... +-;-+-1-- 4 I+ 1 d-l-i--h...4-++++t ++ SLIDE Si1014- was presented for two creeks at Abercrotibie Fitch, in Somerset '!all. Look in other area malls for this presentation by Vance � }Hanna. �) � � � ���� � �, ` ' l 1� y 1 +444 T-T -7 _ ,-TT 44-t- +++++44+4-i4+++ + ++++ '1++++ + 1. 1 , , i 1 , 1 1 1 A'.J.AC,Inc. expresses great appreciation to the many generous contributions AGENDA ITEM #8 Resolution to authorize up to 3 persons to purchase liquor In order to have authorization to purchase liquor for White Lake -Oaks, a resolution is necessary from the Commission to act as purchaser(s) on its behalf. Such purchaser(s) must present properly documented authorization in duplicate such as a certified copy of the Park Commission resolution when he presents his Identification Card and Purchase Card to the State Store. Any time a designate changes, a new resolution must be submitted. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Revised Proposed Bylaws OFFICERS of the Commission shall be: Chairman - Chairman shall chair all meetings of Commission when present except for the election of the office of Chairman itself, and shall pre- pare the agenda for all regular meetings. Vice Chairman - Vice Chairman shall chair meetings in absence of Chairman. Secretary - Secretary shall keep in good detail all minutes of regular meetings or shall delegate authority to do so to a qualified shorthand stenographer. COMMITTEE MEETINGS shall be appointed by the Chairman and shall meet under the same conditions and rules as does the Commission. Any one (1) or more members of the Commission appointed by the Chairman may constitute a committee. A QUORUM: In accordance with Public Act 261 of the year 1965, as amended, six (6) members of the Commission present and voting shall constitute a quorum. ON QUESTIONS OF SUBSTANCE, passage shall require a sub- stantial majority of those present and voting, not merely a simple majority. A full ten (10) members being present and voting, seven (7) members voting in league, shall constitute a substantial majority. Nine (9) members being present and voting, six (6) members voting in league shall constitute a substantial majority. In the instance of eight (8) members, or any lesser number of members, being present and voting, five (5) members voting in league shall constitute a substantial majority. All questions of substance shall be taken by a call of the roll. A QUESTION OF SUBSTANCE shall be determined by the chair in all instances not covered by these rules. Automatic questions of substance shall be: Purchase of lands by the Commission; approval of contracts; a challenge and overriding of a decision of the chair; to limit debate to one hour; filling of Director and Deputy Directors positions by the Commission in case of vacancies; discharging of Director or Deputy Directors; expenditures other than budgeted items of one -thousand dollars ($1,000) or more; approval of the yearly budget; and waiving of any of the bylaws or rules adopted. A MEMBER OF THE STAFF of the Commission may address the Commission at the request of the Chairman or any two (2) members, unless a substantial majority of the members present and voting shall object. STAFF MEMBERS may attend seminars and educational conferences and similar functions upon approval of the Commission. COMMISSIONERS may attend seminars and educational conferences and similar functions upon approval of the Commission. �2- COMMISSIONERS shall tour the parks at least once a year and make a personal check of the buildings and grounds. THE COMMISSION MAY NOT stand in recess over -night or until the next day. ALL MEMBERS shall be notified of meetings in writing forty-eight (48) hours in advance of said meetings. ONE HOUR LIMITATION OF DEBATE: A one hour limit may be called for on any item on the agenda or any item properly before the Commission. When the question of limiting time of debate ton one (1) hour has carried by a substantial majority the Chairman shall divide the time equally between the members present and voting. Members may yield their allotted time to another member. A MEMBER shall be recognized by the chair before addressing the Commission. THE AGENDA ITEMS not considered at a regular meeting shall automatically be carried over to the next meeting and will be considered within one month of their first appearance on the agenda. THE DIRECTOR shall bear responsibility for the pre- paration of the budget and shall submit such a budget to the Commission at the beginning of each fiscal year (beginning January 1st) for their approval. -3- NO EXPENDITURES above one —thousand dollars ($1,000) may be approved by the Director unless it be previously approved in the budget, without a substantial majority of the Commission's approval. Submitted By: Carl W. O'Brien Commission Member E. Frank Richardson Commission Member Robert Allen Civil Counsel �4-- oakland county service center Frances Clark Chairman Donald W. Nick Vice -Chairman Henry A. Schiffer Secretary • Clarence A. Durbin Emil Jawors William L. Mainland Paul W. McGovern Carl W. O'Brien William M. Richards E. Frank Richardson Gerard C. Lacey Assistant Director Pauline McCormick Adm. Assistant • 2800 watkins lake road pontiac, michigan April 28, 1972 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland,Covnty, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: R E M I N D E R Luncheon at Addison -Oaks, Wednesday, May 3, 1972 at 12:30 p.m. for Commission members and staff. • 338-6196