HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1973.12.28 - 39570n>F• e PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION oakland county service center R. Eric Reickel Director December 26, 1973 • 2800 watkins lake road Pontiac, michigan 48054 To the Members of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: TIME ............................ 9:30 a.m. Friday, December 28, 1973 PLACE ........................... Parks & Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Pontiac, Michigan PURPOSE ......................... Regular Meeting The meeting is called in accordance with authorization of Frances P. Clark, Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cordi ley`,;/ R. Eric Reickel Director RER:cen • 338-6196 Frances Clark Chairperson Richard R. Wilcox Vice -Chairman Henry A, Schiffer Secretary s Emil Jawors George Kuhn William L. Mainland Roger H. Marz Ted McCullough, Jr. William M. Richards F. Frank Richardson Addison - Oaks • Groveland - Oaks • Independence - Oaks, • Springfield - Oaks • Waterford - Oaks • White Lake - Oaks OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION December 28, 1973 AGENDA 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes of December 14, 1973 4. Approval of Payments - Voucher 12-1 through 12-130. 5. Statement of Operations for November, 1973. 6. Training Institutes - Park Personnel. 7. Cash Register Purchase - Springfield, Groveland, and Addison. 8. Commission Matches. 9. Proposed Public Recreation Funds. 10. Unfinished Business. 11. New Business. 12. Adjourn. NOTE: Next scheduled meeting January 11, 1974. VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DECEMBER 1973 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 12-1 B G Tile Buildincr Maintenance - Addison 7.00 - -ina Maintenance - i n 4.106.82 12-3 DrivisbjirrT Taimber CompanyBuilding Maintenance - S rin f dE ld 16.60 12-4 Springfield Building Maintenance - 7 QQ Addison 12-5 7immermanla of Lalse Q2zionBuilding and Ecruipment Maint. 2.69 Addison and White Lake 12-6 The Miesel Company NQn-FQgd and Food SIM32lies 3,741.50 12-7 i Administration 12-8 r is motional Expense 25.85 12-9 _ The Quonset -Bijildincr MnintenancQr Michigan Rental Service Ecui2ment Rental - S rin field 33.00 quipment, Building, Grounds 12-11 Maintenance - White Lake 66.17 12-12 ni n Qij CopDany of California Fuel Oil - White Lake 100.38 12-13 1 and Office Su Office Su lies - Administration 17.35 White Lake 12-14 f Mart Golf Merchandise for Resale 68.21 Groveland 12-15 A - Company Building Im rovements - 384.00 Springfield, Waterford, 12-16Addison, Back Nine 12-17 _ Curtis WKightConstruction Co. Contract payment - Springfield g Groveland, Springfield, White L . 12-18 12-19 12-20 Writs.-r ard Dual L Supply Fuel Oil Springfield 487-79 12-2 Springfield, Waterford 12-22 _ 7.5. 2(1 Addison, Springfield, Wh. Lk. s -23 12-24 12-26 Waterford, - 37.26 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 12-2Z Jackson EgUipment Rental EgLaipment Rental - Addison 12.10 12-22 Hgmillon's of Holly Grounds and Equipment Maint. Groveland 85.94 12-22 Allied Provision Food for Resale - Addison 553.29 _ Flint Journal Subscri tion - Springfield' 10.75 _ MAAU 1974 Dues - Administration 40.00 12-32 Ellis Arndt & Truesdell Inc. First Phase Desi n - Inde enden e 5,040.00 12-33 Clawson Tank Company Eg1ji2ment - White Lake 235.60 12-34 Dar 1 Leonard Refund of Deposit - Waterford 50.00 12-35 L. E Marlowe and Sons Rubbish Removal - White Lake 60.00 ® 2-36 Banner Linen Service Laundry Expense - Addison 18.22 - Detroit Edison Com]2any Springfield, Electricit - White Lake 1,265.17 12-38 Pontiac Tobacco & Candy Comt)anv Kitchen E i ment - S rin field 18.57 - -Turfcrrass. Inc. Grounds Maint - White Lake 172.80 12-40 Richway PumR & Motor Building Maintenance - White Lk 65.00 12-41 Oakland County D.F.O. Grounds Maint. - Groveland 181.01 12-42 Clarkston Disposal Rubbish Removal - S rin field 85.00 12-43 Madeline Fulton Refund of Deposit - White Lake 25.00 12-44 Standard 0il Division Fuel Oil - Groveland 25.52 12_4 Certified Laboratories Equipment Maintenance - S rin field 403.00 _ Economics Laboratory, Inc. Non -Food Supplies - Addison 116.34 19-47 R. Eric Reickel Travel and Conference - Admin. 25.98 12-48 C. E. Anderson Com]2any Grounds Maintenance - S rin fld. 127.80 ® _ Davisburg Hardware Grounds, Building Maint. Sml. Vs. Springfield 175.74 12-50 Coca Cola Bottling CompanV Springfield, Groveland, Food for Resale - Addison 82.50 12-51 Sears. Roebuck and CoMpany Small tools and Equipment, apLingfield 463,37 Aggregates, Inc. Grounds Maintenance - Groveland 79.17 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DECEMBER 1973 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT Uniforms Uniform Expense - Addison 37.74 Springfield, Addison, Extra Hel White Lake 1 622.76 and Beverage Administration, Addison Food Service Contracts 1 249.00 Electrical Construction Lighting Contract Payment - Sprincrfield 9,344.16 Pavroll Administration and All Parks Payroll 14 325.44 12-58 Michigan Bell T le hone Co. Springfield, Groveland, Wh. Lk. Telephone Service - Addison 526.84 Company, Springfield, -Electricity - Waterford Addisoa 525.61 l?-6Q Consumers r Company Natural Gas - Addison 764.81 B ildin Ex - Groveland 54.43 -�- s i 1 tric Co. Building and Grounds maint. Groveland 184.09 r Service Building Maint - Addison Wh. Lk. 98.92 12-64 Richargjsgn Farm Dairy Food for Resale - White Lake 235.86 Inc. EgjLAiment Repair - Addison 20.33 for, Inc.' Equipment Repair - Groveland 45.72 i m nt Fund Administration, Springfield, Ada. EZjiment Rental - White Lake 137.50 n- o i - Addison 140.45 Qomnany Building Expense - Small Tools Groveland Springfield 696.02 Equipment Exnseite Lake 45.95 EqUipment Maint - White Lake 3.90 Addison 1.75 I?-7A �-Tnms- jiiirp Tn(-- of nrikland CQ. 'Food for Resale - White Lake 16.53 m t - S]2Kingfield 52.45 i o 525.00 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DECEMBER 1973 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT 1 -79 The Larson CompanyGrounds Maint - Springfield 29.40 - Food for Resale - Addison 215.87 12-81 on Hardware E iiPment Maint - Addison 11.60 12-82 McKay's Hurdugra Building Maint - Groveland' 1.89 12-83 County 5tationery Stock Stationer Stock - Administration 12-8 Administration and All Parks Egluipment Maint - Transportation 1,909.97 2-85 i a Professional Services - Adm. 1,000.00 12-86 QxfQrd CoOneratime Eley!qtor Co. grounds Maint - Addison 8.85 12-8z Genpsee Welding Inc. allildingMaint - Addison 18.15 2-88 Dapendable Septic Tank Cleaners Maint - Addison 160.00 12-89 Cruise Q11t Ing, -Building EMaipment Repair - Addison 223.08 12-90 BeaL, Supply Fuel Oil - S rin field 163.29 12-91 Robert Coffey.. ian PettyCash Fund - Springfield 84.92 �Qgmmisgion M etiri Meeting of November 30, 1973 Per Diem and Mileage - Admin. 375.87 HQrduarg Small Tools - Groveland 49.37 12-94 Lakeside Eire Service Eire xtin ishers - Administration 79.00 Orion Greenhouses Non -Food Su lies - Addison 15.00 i m nt Rental - Rodeo - 512ri bbi h Removal -Waterford 25.00 Springfield, Addison, WhiteLake 488,93- Springfield, Addison Springfield - 6- 12-104 VOUCHER REGISTER OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DECEMBER 1973 VOUCHER NUMBER VENDOR PURPOSE AMOUNT -105 Walter Hagen Golf E i ment White La}i Golf Merchandise for Resale 255.04 Office Supplies - Springfield 32.50 Sundry Milea e Milea a Reimixursements - Admin. 18.72 Michi an Carbonic CoMpanV E21i2ment Maint. - White Lake 60.10 12-109 Oakland County D.P.W. Building MAint - Springfield 218.70 David-L. Wiemer Publication - Administration 3.50 S an on Associates Contract payment - Waterford 2,540.94 12-112 National Golf Foundation Subscri tion - Administration 30.00 A. B. Dick CompanyCoMpany Office Supplies - Administration 14.80 1.2-114 Interstate Alarm Systems Building Maint - Administration 6.35 19-11 Union Oil Co. of California Fuel Oil - White Lake 104.59 12-116 Frito Lay, Inc. Food for Resale - Springfield 35.91 Continental Coffee CoMRany Food for Resale - Addison 184.19 Western Union Telegraph Co. Tele ra h Expense - White Lake 3.95 12.119 Banner Linen Service Laundiv Expense - White Lake 110.93 L. S. Supermarkets Food for Resale - Addison 43,57— Vallev Farm Foods Inc. Food for Resale - Addison 825.81 Heath International Inc. EqUipment Maint - Addison 57.7 Arctco Distributors Snowmobiles - Addison 1,931.88 12-124 Detroit City Ice Division Non -Food Su lies - Addison 40.00 5 StaIg of Michigan Subscri tionRenewal - Administration 12-126 OaklandQakland County D.P.W. E i ment.Maint-Administration 183.88 2Z OaklgndColinty D F.0 Grounds Maint - Independence 512.28 ®9-1 12-12 Belmont Pgckincr Company Food for Resale - White Lake 246.31 r al Estate A raisal Springfield, Professional Service - Addison 1,905.00 Office Su lies - Administration 50.00 Item #6 TRAINING INSTITUTES Permission is requested to send the following personnel to the Institutes listed below: Arnold Johnston - Superintendent of Parks Parks and Recreation Maintenance Mgt. School (Phase II) Wheeling, West Virginia; January 27 - February 1 Estimated Cost..............................$250.00 Jon Kipke - Deputy Director Parks & Recreation Law Enforcement Institute East Lansing; February 24 - March 1 Estimated Cost..............................$300.00 Golf Course Staff (6) Michigan Turf Grass Conference East Lansing; January 14 - 16 Estimated Cost..............................$145.00 All the above Institutes deal with subjects and areas that affect the operations of this Commission on a daily basis. Training in these areas are important in order to be aware and progressive in our field. Item #7 CASH REGISTERS We have been working with a representative from National Cash Register in an effort to improve fiscal control in various Commission parks. The areas that we are concerned about are Springfield -Oaks Golf Pro Shop, Groveland-Oaks and Addison -Oaks admissions. There has been no way to break out each separate function taking place in these areas with the type of equipment that has been made available. It is recommended that the following NCR machines be purchased: Springfield Pro Shop (1) NCR 24-301-CCD-TC-SW...................$1,540. Groveland Entrance (1) NCR 24-321 Preset ......................$1,570. Addison Entrance (1) NCR 24-321 Preset ......................$1,570. $4,680. We have worked with Central Purchasing on these machines. It is recommended that there is no advantage to bidding due to the G. A. S. rating (Governmental Accounting Services). Item #8 COMMISSION MATCHES At the meeting of August 24, 1973 the Commission requested additional information on the cost of matches which the Commission first purchased in 1970. The following prices were obtained should the Commission de- cide to reorder. Present Match Cover 160,000 books 64 cases 32 cases (Filigree) @ $ 67.18 $ 4,299.52 @ $ 72.93 $ 2,333.76 Regular Board Plastic Coat (Same design as one we have) 64 cases @ $ 58.93 $ 3,771.52 32 cases @ $ 64.62 $ 2,067.84 Aristocrat (Square) 64 cases @ $ 48.45 $ 3,180.80 32 cases @ $ 51.45 $ 1,646.40 Cost of these can be paid over a two year period. Item #9 PROPOSED PUBLIC RECREATION FUND The Michigan Recreation and Park Association is moving forward with a new legislative package to fulfill the needs identified by the impact on local government from the 1969 State Recreation Bond Program. MRPA is asking all persons concerned about the future of recreation funding to contact Governor Milliken, State Legis- lators and DNR Director, A. Gene Gazlay, about our specific needs for both the long range and short range future of Parks and Recreation in Oakland County. We need to be heard from as budget makers claim that "they never hear from anyone regarding recreation". I have enclosed a sample of a Bill that we should ask our State Legislators to introduce as well as another fact sheet. This is very important and should be discussed at our meeting to great length. MICHIGAN RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION TML OFFICES, SUITE 11 6425.S. PENNSYLVANIA LANSING, MICHIGAN 48910 November 28, 1973 To: MRPA Executives From: John F. Greenslit Subject: PUBLIC RECREATION FUND Action Request Each local recreation and/or park executive should ask Michigan State Legislators to introduce the following Bill: AN ACT to establish under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources a public recreation fund for grants-in-aid to local units of government for public recreation purposes to be known as the Recreation Fund and to make annual appropriations to this fund. THE PUBLIC RECREATION FUND is created in the state treasury and shall exist until 1999. There shall be paid into the fund all monies approp- riated by the state to the Department for this program, together with any other monies from other sources which may be made available for such purposes. MONIES from this fund shall be allocated to local units of government to be used to initiate recreation facilities to satisfy deficiencies in local recreation services. Strategy Introduction of the Bill will allow for public hearings to be held to determine the details of the program. It is the intent of MRPA to have the Bill drawn in as simple form as possible to allow the maxium flexibility in drawing up guidelines for fund allocation, grant procedures , project priorities, approval of projects, rules and implementation of the Act. Suggestions It would be recommended that NEW program be in affect for at least 25 years,. Studies show that nearly $180 Million is needed just to meet 9tThgneeds, without considering new ones. This figure however is not realistic within current State budget contraints, but $10-$20 Million annually -co - u - ld be attainable. Revenue -haring has seen a reduction of over 40 per cent of available federal dollars, so this is NOT an alternative to meeting Michigan's needs. The Act could be funded via the State General Fund or other new revenues as identified by the Legislature and/or Budget experts. continued,,,,,,,,,,,,, THE MICHIGAN RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION IS AN AFFILIATE MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION. 11/28/73 2. PUBLIC RECREATION FUND Postive Positions 1. Governor Milliken identified the need to delivery of recreation services in the urban areas in his 1973 policy statement document. 2. Urban recreation via an extended Grant -in -Aid program will supplement DNR proposals for urban fisheries and put -and -take hunting recreation proposals. 3.. An "outside" study of recreation needs was requested by Governor Milliken, completed by MRPA, and identified the great need for continued State of Michigan financial grants -in -aids. 4. The Department of Natural Resources has identified urban recreation as their top priority via budget requests in 1973 and again in 1974. 5. The overwhelming documentation of the great need is further complimented by the affects of the ENERGY CRISIS, which will severely limit travel and place great demands for recreation within reasonable driving distances of everyone. 6. It is projected that in excess of 166 new governmental agencies have been created as a direct result of the $100 Million Recreation Bond program of 1969. 7. There has never been greater public pressures being applied to the Department of Natural Resources to be responsive to "Programs for the People", with emphasis on the human resource being the most important natural resource.in Michigan. 8. MRPA is never been in a greater position to advocate, promote, guide, and virtually determine the destiny of public recreation for the next quarter of a century. The challenge is great but within reach. Summary Michigan can not afford NOT to support this program. The ultimate result of failure of continuing support would be a disaster that would take centuries to overcome. The social pressures and economic influences caused by the failure to act positively would real a blow from which we may never recover. Will you personally help make it a success? Can we count on your participation? OPERATION ALERT needs your involvement today! Call your MRPA office if you have questions, 517-393-9470. THE MICHIGAN RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION IS AN AFFILIATE MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION. s